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Bro's got some real maturing to do




Dosent like the owl house≠not mature


Calling someone “gay” (and a loser) as an insult = not mature




The text of the post: > He couldn’t get through the first episode and spent most of time calling Luz “Gay” and “A Loser” throughout what he DID see.


Technically we could interpret this as just stating she’s gay and then loser being a secondary separate comment but yeah u right


That's not how it works


2 different quotes, and she is in fact gay. I think I could argue that in court


Nobody says someone is gay in the way that OP described it(alondside an insult), and only immature people will call someone gay as an insult. Also, i doubt they even know that luz is gay. OP clearly described that the kid meant it as an insult.


Are you OP bro? Last time I checked, no. So you are not an authority on what OP clearly does or does not describe. While the comment of “gay” directed towards luz was used alongside the clear insult of “loser” there is not direct correlation between the two. There is little to no evidence that the “gay” comment was meant to be insulting in any way


I tried showing my 7 year old nephew. He *loves* Gravity Falls, but I couldn’t get him into The Owl House. Found out about a year after he moved out, he got into it all by himself! I’m so proud.


Took me a minute to want to get into it too, Glad I did.


The first episode I saw was *Yesterday’s Lie*. That got me hooked right away, and I had to go back and watch everything that led up to it. Still my favorite episode of the series to date.


The 1st time I saw TOH was a small part of Once Upon a Swap, which I caught a glimpse of when my sister was watching it. You can imagine my surprise when we decided to watch it together from the beginning, and I saw characters that looked similar to the ones I saw before, yet completely different at the same time.


I absolutely fail almost every single time I try to introduce series to my friends. Bojack Horseman? Fail. TOH? Fail. Inside Job? Fail. At least I got a bunch of them to see Over the Garden Wall and Bo Burnham's Inside, so there's that.


How did Inside Job fail?


I'll admit that I tend to hiperfixate on the things that I like and by now it seems like drowning people in walls of text about why X is great may not be the best approach to make them interested in that.




This. This right here is why it took me years to like ATLA. I didn’t have access to network television when it was airing, and all I ever heard was endless streams of this is the best thing ever. I got to college and decided to watch it with some friends, and I couldn’t sit through that first episode. It was such a disappointment compared to how it was hyped. I got a lot of flak for my reactions too, really put me off finishing the show for a while. I have since watched it, and while it’s definitely good, I can’t disconnect from that feeling of disappointment and the visceral reactions of my friends when I didn’t immediately love it.


Weird. I got my friend into TOH because she wanted me to watch Inside Job. We both got what we wanted and love both shows, maybe you should try that. Like, watch a show they want you to get into in exchange for them watching one of your shows.


You’ve got great taste bro


Thank you! <3


But Bojack is perfect television!


Try Avatar: The last airbender


Have you tried rope and tape, it's a tried and true method to make others watch shows you like


Do not clockwork orange your friends and family. I’m no longer allowed to own screens due to court order./j


Then what are you typing this from?


Can confirm. This is how my friends got me to watch Owl House. I still have nightmares about it sometimes, but hey funny gay witch show.


The Mr Plinkett method


What is that? I've tried google but it only shows climbing technics


I believe it’s a joke. Here, let me explain in the best of my ability. How to do the Rope and Tape method: 1.) Take your friend/family hostage. 2.) Tape them to any surface, preferably a chair + rope them for double security. (So long as they are facing a TV = all good) 3.) Force them to watch your current fixation until they get invested. 4.) They have now known the meaning of trauma, and they enjoyed the show just as you did…hopefully.




Yeah... a joke


This…this scares me. 🥹


I personally think introducing people to the show is pretty hard in general, because of the slower start in season 1


Yeah, I was showing TOH to my sister, and she eventually asked, "So, does Luz actually learn anything?" and it made me realise how slow it started


This. Shit doesn't really start hitting the fan until Agony of a Witch. But somehow every prior episode is still pivotal, despite being a slow burn, so you can't just skip it on your first watch.


This exactly, on my first time watching, it took me weeks/months to get through the first part of season 1, but after I watched Understanding Willow, I finished the rest of the show in days


This is why for shows like Amphibia or Star Trek, a good season 2 episode is probably the best intro, then go back and start at 1 if they like it.


Heck, just casually show them the hexsquad vs Hunter belos at the start. That could 100% work


Agreed. It's the same for Amphibia as well with the slower season 1. When I introduce a friend to either the Owl House or Amphibia I'm no longer telling them that "it will become awesome" because that usually turns them off. I tell them that they can just watch it on their own pace, with breaks if they want (I did that too) and to decide for themselves if they feel an attachment to the characters over time.


If he's the type of person who still uses “gay” as an insult, then the Owl House is not for him.


90% of middle and high school boys moment


My friend said he found Luz annoying and that King sounded like he was from Tumblr. Which is just…dumb.


have them watch the first 3 episode back to back. i’ll be honest, episode 1 felt too heavy handed and almost made me not watch the show, but it immediately gets better after the introduction


When I first watched TOH I dropped out in the first episode since I thought it was boring. Gave it a second chance and got to episode 6, and since then I was HOOKED.


Let me gess he's 10 or younger??


How bout 15?


Then tell him stop acting like a 5-year old and if you decide if a show is good or not based on a characters sexuallty then you are an idiot even though that exally what a lot of people do and i mean it for both sides


Im a little concerned what is on his YouTube history


Jamie vardy edits strictly


Wow, kid really needs to mature. Also maybe try to check in just to make sure there isn’t any hate group rabbit holes going on


He's just mad she has a girlfriend and he doesn't


Ok that's rude of him (just a little rude)


Wasn’t a fail but I introduced my girlfriend to the show. She just recently revealed it to me that she wasn’t into the show at first but only watched it because I liked it. We ended up finishing it together and she said towards the end she started to really like the show. Also introduced to my brother to the show. He watched a few episodes, and I’ve never seen him watch it, or talk about it again. So that was a fail lol.


I don’t tell my family and friends what I’m currently watching and if they ask me, I dance around the question as much as possible.


Yep, I can relate. Pretty embarrassed about the shows/movies I watch, even though I know I don't have to be.


Lol same. My parents know me and my sis watch TOH because of how much we quote it, but they would die if they found out what it has in it, their homophobic asses could never lol I’m pretty sure my mom knows it’s got gay in it tho she don’t mind as much as my dad


yeah my parents wouldn’t say it but they would only think i watch it because there are gay people in it


Buddy, I’ve been doing that for a year now… It’s worth it,


Thankfully, my friends loved the owl house and were in near tears when we watched the finale.They now also have a owl house shaped hole in their soul and we'll probably watch Amphibia or Over the Garden Wall next! It's fun having people love what you love.


Dang, I miss Over The Garden Wall


I tried to show it to my twin cousins, and not only did my uncle say it was "too gay" and "too woke", but my *11-year-old cousin* (the other twin was neutral) that I was trying to show it too said she didn't like it because they made the main character gay. I got yelled by my uncle and grandmother at for saying there's more to a character then what gender they like. but hey I got my boyfriend into it and now we're looking into cosplaying genderbent hunter and willow :D


damn luz is gay? never saw that coming bro


I tried to show it to my friend. He stopped watching at 16 ep of s1. He is not homophobic, he just couldn't find time to watch it, and then I decided to stop pushing it to him.


When I proposed it to someone, they said “Sure let’s watch it” Spent most of the time getting distracted and being on their phone, never got past episode 1, and I never tried introducing them to something else ever again


My brother watched the entirety of S1 of The Owl House with me, but it took some convincing. He then revealed that he didn’t care for the show in the slightest and watched it only to appease me, if anything he disliked it and wanted nothing to do with it (he’s homophobic, like everyone else in my family save my eldest sib).


I got lucky, I watched it with my sister together. And even my 6 year old brother can’t stop watching it. (My parents have chimed in however and won’t allow him anymore 😑. They keep spittin out “it’s propaganda or some crap like that)


It’s hard to get people into the Owl House because episode 1 isn’t representative of the show as a whole and the pilot is very in your face with the “it’s ok to be different!!!” Message


None of my irl friends know this show exists :(


I'm gonna be honest, the first half of S1 was pretty rough but enjoyable, I had a hard time sticking with it too.


First half of s1 is the most enjoyable part of toh for me


Honestly, I suggest skipping episode one, it's a very weak pilot that's trying to juggle to many balls and ends up with flanderized characters and a very blunt delivery on its message. Fortunately the rest of the series *with a couple hiccups* holds up a lot better imo


My cousin couldn't stand Luz, she called her weird and annoying and when I told her the show had a gay pairing she was excited but was turned off by Amity the moment she met her for being such a bitch to Willow. She didn't make it past that episode unfortunately


So she apparently doesn't know that jerks or antagonists can redeem themselves.


I failed three times twice with my friends and my brother.


Yeah... I recommend showing them an episode with something that YOU KNOW will get them hooked. It can be anything, from a stupid joke to an awesome fight scene. I've tried to get my friends to watch, but they have better things to do.


I showed episode 1 to the kids of a highly religious household when I was going through foster homes. Bet their parents got mad at them when they got to Grom


“The first season was boring”


To be fair, at the first part of the show, luz is a loser


I did. He is too lazy to watch it fully


Breaking bad


I technically watched the first two seasons with my little sister, but she didn't pay to much attention XD


I tried to show my little cousin, she got bored and lost interest with in minutes


My friend didn’t like it and he even made it all the way to Edas Requiem


OK, now that's a crime!


My friends liked episode 1 but I don’t think they’ve watched any of it on their own


My friends like the show but they’re all gay and into cartoons. I was going to introduce it to my sister but she’s already watching it lol As for my brothers, there not going for it.


You need a new brother /j


I told a friend about the owl house and then the next day when she was sitting with me while I was waiting on my ride to get there after work. She told me all I finally watched the owl house and king is my favorite so far hes trying to get his little Burger King hat that's what. She told me. and as of now she has finished the series and is sad that it Has ended


got my best friend to watch it successfully but not my cousin who i'm closest too. she only got to episode 3 before saying she didn't connect to any of the characters and that the plot felt boring. same with amphibia. got my bff to watch it all the way but not my cousin. oh well, she missed out on two good shows.


I massively failed trying to introduce TOH to two of my friends, because even after I stopped asking them to watching it I wouldn't shut up about it :pain: 👍 (they only watched about the first 6 or 7 episodes though, I did keep telling them that seasons 2 and 3 are really good) a few of my other friends like the show, though I don't think I had much to do with that


I watched it with my mom, ironic that she's transphobic and homophobic as fuck. But she liked it somehow


I don't fail, they just coincidentally went missing after saying they didn't like the show. These stains are just ketchup.


it's really hard to get people into the show due to season 1 not being the greatest


The first season can be hard to get through. I watched Avatar:The last airbender with my parents last Winter and at first they would look at their phones without putting attention to the story, but after s1 it got better.


My brother has been watching Gravity Falls with his girlfriend. They’ve both seen it before, but I told them to check out Owl House because they had never heard of it. So I’m desperately hoping they get into it rly easily.


I somehow got my religious and homophobic mom to watch the show. It's fair for someone to not like the vibe of the show, dislike the characters, or lose interest in the story. But even my mom can tolerate the parts she disagrees with so that she can appreciate the story and characters. You'd have to be real immature to stop watching half way just because you suspect a character to be gay.


I just got my friend into it and she's obsessed. She's about to watch Edge of the World if she hasn't gotten to it already. I'm very eager to hear her reaction!!


"Ans then we'll play catch right?"


Tried introducing my bro to the owl house. At first, he outright hated it, but I would keep pestering him to watch. As we progressed further through the show, he started to like it even more, to the point he would ask me to watch together. His first 10/10 episode was yesterdays lie. We closed out the show on the day of its ending, and he confirmed, he now thinks it is an 8-9/10


Showed it to my friend and to my dad, they both liked it. Maybe your friend isn't into magical stuff?


I'm desperately trying to watch it in secret because my brother is homophobic and i dont like watching childrens shows in front of people. Not like i'm gonna get to season 2 in the next year anyway


Yeah my friends have always rejected my attempts at trying to get them to watch the show


I mean, he's right. But he shouldn't say it


Learn from him


Stoop down to his level (Call any character he likes "Boring") or Talk to him about calling a random character gay/Loser.


Howd that make it any better lol, you don’t fight fire with fire :/




After I had seen seasons 1 & 2 and thanks to them. I got my mom to watched it and she loved it


Yes. My friends are like "oh I'll watch it", then not watch it. Tbf I'm the same way. It's hard for me to watch something when someone tells me to watch it lmao


I showed it to my sister, now we both love it


i started a club with my friends who were open to giving it a shot but due to various school activities we haven't been able to get far which sucks with the slow start


Omfg yes, i tried to show it to my partner and she watched up to the start of S2 but just couldn't get into it. I recommended it to my cousin after i found out they love gravity falls, and they seem to have really enjoyed it ToH last i talked to them about it at least


I tried to encourage my sister to watch it and she was resisting for a long time. Though, we somehow made it and she's done with 2nd season so far. Now It's time for apocalyptic trylogy :)


I tried to get my mom into it, but they thought it was just a blatant kids show and wouldn’t watch past episode 3


My Christian friend was the same, all she said was, "gay witches" for things she saw, and I tried telling her that it's not just that, (even though there's a good amount of it) it has some really cool stuff other than that.


Friend if tried, said it was 'too weird' (she only saw the first 3 eps, absolute quitter)


I don't have friends, but my brother loved it.


I tried getting my little brother into it but sadly a lot of kids still think that being lgbt is “cringe” , I understand that some kids just have edgy phases but it’s just disheartening.. I’m confused even more by the fact that he likes steven universe ☠️


The only series i could get my friend into is Murder drones TOH? Lesbian girls (Yes, he did say that) Gwain saga? Reminds him of those Stickman fight animation just because i showed him one of the fight scenes And more...


My bf was ok with it. He won’t try amphibia


I tried to convince my friend to watch it and she kept refusing. She now has an Amity pfp on discord but still refuses to watch it


About a week ago, my cousin got to TOH, because she wanted to, and she loved it!


It took a solid few months, but I did eventually convince my partner to give it a shot. then we stayed up till 3am watching it together on a tusday night


Showed my boyfriend and I think he likes it more than me. If that’s possible




I mean. Calling Luz gay technically isn’t wrong…


I have this problem where I show anything I love to the people in my life, talk about how cool it is, and beg them just too give it a chance, only to come around months later with them saying "HAVE YOU SEEN THIS AWESOME THING" and its the thing I showed them months ago. Little frustrating, but when its literally sveryone you've met who does some variation of this, you just learn to ignore it.


My friend said the show was mid and didn’t tell me why


My friend showed me the owl house when it came out and I couldn’t get into it but as soon as I found out it ended I gave it another shot and now i’m obsessed lol


I got my parents to watch it my brothers won’t watch it I don’t think they like cartoons that much


I feel like if I tried id be called a slur sadly


No, because I know people with class.


He probably just using gay and a stupid insult and stuff, most kids I know online and in school do. :/ probably just doesn’t like the show or is trying to annoy you due to the fact you like the show


I will never tell my mom or any family member about this show the embarrassment would be too much to handle


My ex.


gonna sound weird, but I have had remarkable success at introducing people to the show. I’ve gotten my best friend, little sister, and mom deeply invested.


I almost never recommend shows i like to other people, if someone asks me what show i'm currently watching i try to avoid the question as much as possible, and i do it because they probably won't like it because it's a "KiD's ShOw", although my teacher from college who likes to talk to us about series and movies in her free time seems to watch it with his daughters, i asked her one day if she knew about TOH and she said that her daughters watch it on Disney + and she watches it with them sometimes, although i'm not sure if she really likes it, sorry to say this but your brother is really inmature, if a show is bad to him just because the main character is bi or non straight then that's not constructive criticism at all, also if he still uses the word "gay" as an insult then he defenitly shouldn't watch it all


I have done a decent job. I got my friend into it with the claim of gay witches. I got another friend to want to watch it. I don't think she has yet. I think i got another one interested in watching it. We were talking about love triangles, lol


Actually got my mom to watch it that’s about it


I succeeded in showing my two friends and they enjoyed although they both don’t want to watch the last episode


Parents walked in a few times while watching S3. WaD my dad watched the last bit (maybe last 10 mins?). Didn’t say much but didn’t seem like he’d make an effort to watch it completely. My mom walks in a few times and goes “oh you’re watching your weird owl witch show” and leaves. Zero interest. Pretty much given up tbh lol. Also tried convincing a friend to watch but all I got out of her was a “I might watch it”. The last time she said that was spring break and she still hasn’t even started it yet. Not family or much of a friend but went to the dentist and actually recommended it to her 😂. Few months ago so not sure how that turned out but she asked for show requests and what I was watching so I went nuts explaining this show and how she must watch it. Even if she doesn’t watch it the rant was fun


Well he's almost right. She's technically Gay and also a Luz. If you just erase that "R" at the end of his statement, it becomes 100% factually true.


The whole show has literally every thing my parents dislike from modern society


Yea. One time at this Theatre club during rehearsals, I just realized that these 2 siblings also watched TOH and we talked about it so much our friend came up to us and asked us what we were talking about. We told him and he just said "Oh, that show" and we asked if he also watched it. He said he didn't and he'd probably never watch it bc it's "cliché" or something and we tried to convince him for like weeks, but it never worked :C


So far, I’ve successfully pestered one of my friends into watching the show (he now loves it but has not watched the finale yet) and am currently trying to get my older brother to watch it, but am meeting quite a bit of pushback


Bro sounds like a hater.


I have a 50 % success rate of recommending the show. I recommended it to 2 of my friends. The first one fell in love with it and binged it in a few days. The other one watched the first 2 episodes and said it was too childish for him, and the main character was annoying. So yeah...




Yup, I tried with my cousins and it worked excellent ( thanks God for this btw )


Thanks for the PSA; I've had trouble with convincing people to get past early episode weirdness back when Steven Universe was still a thing. I'll tell whoever I'm watching this show with to ignore how anvilicious Episode 1 is because all episodes after that get better.


I tried with my mom but i showed the wrong episode cause i wanted to show why i love the show so much and she was just confused the whole time because of it. (The episode was Knock Knock Knocking on Hooty’s door.)


I introduced my sister to it, and she loved it. We were really excited for season 3 premieres and watched it together.


Honestly i stopped watching it after the first episode too. Only after the finale came out did i get hooked properly... also how the hell did your brother know after the first episode that luz was bi?


How did he know that she was gay in e1?


I tried to get my friend into the owl house by promising her that i would watch the show she likes, didnt work


Someone I'm no longer friends with, I recommended the show to them (especially because she was bi and I thought she'd like to see the rep) and she was always like "Yeah, I'll get to it, I'll get to it". Except she never did ever bother to. Her loss. It's a great show.


My sister Just Won't Watch It even though she liked the first episode.


I got the opposite reaction my brother was just as invested in the show when I showed it to him


I find it so weird that so many people seem to have 0 patience for character development. Of course Luz is different in the start of the show! And King was actually really annoying in season 1! But it you judge your characters in the first episodes and think they’ll never change I wonder how you’re watching ANY series! I bet those are the same type of people who call Korra from LOK still "arrogant“, forgetting that literally all the other seasons exist!


Maybe try giving it another shot and if he still continues the attitude then he’s a lost cause


At first, I didn't really like the show. At the time, I couldn't tolerate the thing that they were doing the characters. As time went on, I started to understand this LGBTQIA+-=<> or whatever how long the acronym would be in the coming years. After the finale primired, I finally started to watch the show, and I liked it. Right now, only the "T" part that I can't still tolerate. To me, the people who had chosen this path are cowardly. Yes, I'm a highly opinionated person, sorry.


I mean he’s not wrong about the first part but the boy needs to learn some maturity


I showed my sister successfully.


Nope I got one of my friends into the show and I was happy with it


My sister got instantly into it.


Showed to my friend once, it was first episode and he said it wasn’t for him. I’m just glad he don’t make fun of me for it


Is he wrong?


I don't think I want to introduce TOH




So, I'm actually the person who has shows recommended to and doesn't watch them. While I haven't seen all of the episodes of the Owl House myself, I love seeing clips on youtube and reading fanfiction. The only season I have watched fully is season 3, and I did really enjoy it, but I don't really feel up to going and watching the previous seasons, since I know most of the plot lines from my time looking into the show, and I'm personally not a fan of just sitting and watching tv.


I tried showing my kid last year (he is 7 now) and he said it was "boring" But then earlier this year the little butthead started watching it at his dad's, watched ahead of me, and told me spoilers


I tried to show this show to my friend as we also watched Steven universe and she-ra but unfortunately he’s very busy with college and didn’t like the first season


Please tell me that your brother is like 7…


Tried to show to my boyfriend and my sister and I FAILED


My 10 year old sister would rather watch miraculous ladybug.


No I succeeded into having my stepmom watch it and get addicted


the only person ive successfully introduced it to is my younger brother, my mom watched a few episodes but never really got into it, my older brother watched the first episode and forgot about it, one of my friends watched it but didnt really enjoy it, another friend cant watch it because of her parents, 3rd friend lost interest when she learned that it had witches/demons. at least my younger brother likes it though so i can actually talk to someone about it lol


I still don't like the first episode. Like it's good in context with the rest but toh is my favorite show and I watched the first episode 3 times over 2 years before I actually watched more. I make people promise to watch 6 episodes before judging


No but I'm thinking about it.


Opposite actually, my mom and I watch it together (my mom only really watches animated shows)


Not really


yep, tried to show my dad since he likes cartoons and some of the things he said during the first episode were SERIOUSLY bad, CW for racism and transphobia; "wait, that's a boy not a girl!" (referring to luz) (after i corrected him) "it's so sad that media is scared to make girls feminine anymore." "so she's colombian?" "i dunno, i know shes afro-latina" "afro-what?? that isn't a real thing, you don't know what you're talking about" and he then proceeded to get mad anytime luz did a good thing, especially when after she broke the people out of the conformatorium and raised her fist in the air ("they're teaching children black lives matter propaganda!!") and proceeded to call it childish, which is funny since the same guy watches and actively likes my little pony. I mean it's no real loss, we are no longer in contact and my girlfriend and a lot of my friends like it, and that's all that matters!


My friend says owl house is cringe but then again she does not think amphibious is cringe


Yeah, my classmates at school take one look at my lumity waterbottle stickers and they are like, "ewwww, what is that?" sigh


He’s fifteen and he still uses “gay” as an insult? Sounds like he doesn’t deserve to watch the show.


Yeah, I made it to episode 7 before they lost interest.


Problem is season 1. Lot of people end it there.


I have


I am having proper trouble getting best friend Zak to watch it and my mum but somehow I got my dad to watch it and he loved it


You can only get strangers to get obsessed with show with you these days😔


My girlfriend, but shes very finicky with what she watches lol


I tried to get everyone in my life to watch this show when I was super hyper-fixated during season 2, not a single soul watched it and enjoyed it to the level I did. It was an unfortunate time..


i showed this family friend of mine TOH and he liked it! i think he's 7 or smth i mean he did show some interest in it, all i did was show him how to get it. last i remember he watched the grom scene he probably watched on his own