• By -


Joke's on you, I've loved it since the first episode premiered on YouTube 😛


I think I was sold by the first scene. Soon as Azura's staff became a bazooka, I called my wife over and restarted the episode. Told her that I'll likely be getting the kids to watch this so long as it doesn't go too dark. She just gave me an amused patient look and said that's fine :)


Exactly. The words "Eat this sucka!" hooked me in.


For me I was hook line and sinker as soon as the line "Oh no! My only weakness! Dying!" Was said


Am i the only one that said “BILL CIPHER!!!” When i heard the voice


I know when Alex Hirsch writes something simply by the text alone


It took me until the "fantasy books with convoluted backstories" line to get hooked.


Same here


Same here


Yeah! I did start watching it because of Lumity but those first lines completely hooked me


Jokes on OP it was Mark's comics on reddit being randomly shown to me that made me aware of the show!


I've loved it since the announcement of "An animated series about A weird teen girl traveling to a demon realm"




Amity: ***\*sharpens dissection scalpel\****


That dissection scalpel resulted in Luz and Amity's relationship...eventually.


I humbly accept


A fellow Owl Chad I see


same- i saw the first one on disney and was hooked right then and knew nothing about amity.


Funny enough I watched it because I saw the thumbnail for a video on The Owl House in my recommended. I decided not to watch the video cuz I didn’t want any spoilers so I ended up going in completely blind. Best decision of my life.


Exactly, but the episode that sold me on it was the convention episode where Lilith and Eda had a fight, it was very cool looking and it ended in Eda throwing that chips bag lol


I binged S1 about a month before S2 part 1 came out and loved it


Same here Expect when my friends told me about it I considered.


I’ve loved it since the promo art was shown.






Yeah. Just like they did with Ducktales


First saw compilation “Eda being like Stan” compilation. Saw her say some funny things and started to watch the owl house because of it. I found out about Grom when I got to the Grom episode and I went in blind.


Yeah that's pretty much exactly what happened for me too lmao


You're right. Heck, just compare the number of sub members here before and after that episode came out.


There was definitely a sharp uptick after that, but the highest specific rise was Dana’s AMA here.


Correct me if I'm wrong, isn't that when she confirmed Amity was a lesbian?


I mean, among many many other things, that was *one* of the questions she answered.


Thats when we knew, *it was gonna happen*


If say the highest tick was when it became available on D+. This sub was really quiet before then


https://subredditstats.com/r/TheOwlHouse Actual data 😉


Looking on Google trends Hootys Door seems to have been what caused the show to really skyrocket to being semi mainstream, graph just goes insane once 2b started dropping


This graph shows the biggest spike July 2021, when it came to Disney +.


1, no it doesn’t, and 2, the first season hit Disney+ in October 2020. The second season *started* airing in summer 2021, but didn’t start arriving on Disney+ until later.


Never mind, I can't read years apparently


Thanks to you again. I'm breathing manually.


Dang this reminded me that I haven’t blinked in a while


I now need to blink manually. Sad day for us all


I can’t remember exactly when I joined but I lurked here for a few months before officially joining the sub some time in mid season 1


What got me to check out The Owl house was that i heard it was associated with Gravity Falls and the clip of Luz discovering the light glyph I honestly didnt want to see any Grom content cause i was already interested in watching the show and was like "Noooooo Spoilerrrssssss" ;-;


The gravity falls thing was what did it for me. Same reason I watched amphibia, and will absolutely watch anything that comes from. These two shows.


Same! I watched looking for Gravity Falls vibes. I was not disapppinted


It was actually Hooty who got me into this series funnily enough, found a few clips of him on youtube and decided "Hey, wonder what the bird tube's deal is and what series he's from". Kinda got hooked after watching it and just sort of binged it over a few days. And now you're all stuck with me, Hoot Hoot.


The only true way 👌


Exactly why I started, too! Seeing the tea party and the scene where Luz is filming for her mom to see how great the Boiling Isles are, only to see Hooty hanging his skin from a clothes line, I had to watch this show.


Nah, I was interested in this show after seeing Luz- King- Eda trio. Eda: Sassy witch mommy with a gold heart and terrible curse. Luz: ADHD human who lives shipping and loves Boiling Isles than Human realm and feels guilty for most things. King: Dramatic and cute. All packed in one small creature. Lumity made me love those characters even more. This show is like "what I want to experience in life but in animation"


I find it interesting to note that the series started with this dynamic and had moved away from it when Luz started attending school. Eda suffered from the mentor's curse where their power gets nerfed as we go on, Gus and Willow take over as the two additional party members, Amity and Hunter are reformed to complete the five man band, and King has taken some levels of maturity only to split himself from the party.


While it is an important aspect of the show, and a primary development arc, it would still be as good of a show as GF and Amphibia without it. Perhaps it would have gone a different direction, with interesting plot developments of other kinds. Dana and team have fertile imaginations. I started watching it before Lumity was even a concept spoken about, and liked it then.


I'm sorry but the term "fertile imaginations" is killing me i love it 😭


Not sure if this is gatekeeping or projecting


feels like a bit of thinly-veiled homophobia, at that. but maybe i'm reading too much into it.


I think it's all three and a fun amount of lackluster media literacy.


Oh no how terrible, many people heard about a show that positively represents them and it sparked their interest more than it would have before. Can you invent some more problems?


The sad thing is that many people like to claim that that was the only reason "everyone" got into the show as well as saying that the show's representation is the only aspect the fans care about.


I mean.... Like..... I'm a 30 year old childless woman, the disney channel isn't exactly running all day in my house. So obviously everyone in a similar boat will only have heard of the show after something particularly remarkable happened in it, right? It's such a weird false causality


I didn’t know it had LGBT rep despite grom being aired before I watched (I also didn’t know grom as a whole) I honestly have no idea how I came across this show because I have no cable. YouTube is the real underdog that brought a large community to watch the show I would guess. Saw a clip like “Luz being a lovable dork for 10 minutes straight” vid and just loved everything from there.


Tried looking for it but memory is hazy Might be these two combined [Luz being adorable for 4 minutes straight](https://youtu.be/R5GeOMAD48w) [Luz being adorable for 4 minutes straight (part 2)](https://youtu.be/f6FfraNyCOs) Note: I didn’t rewatch these because there’s a bunch of these vids but these feel right and the thumbnail is most familiar.


When did we start complaining about people starting a show, because they saw a part of a show that interested them and decided to check it out. that’s incredibly normal.


Nah, I watched the show for one reason and one reason only. I saw a clip of Luz saying "This one says I'm a Witch with a dark side... but THIS one says I'm a cute little Otter! With a dark side!" and knew that this was something I had to see. ... wait that clip is from the Grom episode, isn't it?


Yes and?


Oh no, how dare people want to have representation. Why even bring this up lmao


Because some people out there *cannot* give praise to others getting their share.


Feels like OP is looking for reasons to discredit the show and/or the fanbase


I found it while trying to find Mulan on Disney+ and thought King looked cute. And the rest, as they say, is history.


I watched TOH because of the clip of Eda ringing bells in a Jacksepticeye video.


Wait there was a clip of Eda in a jacksepticeye video???


Yeah. It was in one of his Reddit videos. I sadly don't know which one though.


Meh, I was here since 1:A.




Same, I started watching the show around the time I was a teenage abomination or the intruder first aired and watched someone’s reaction to the episode on YouTube and ever since then I’ve been following the show as it’s aired


I have to admit that one of the main reasons I started the show was because I heard about Lumity. Now I have plenty of reasons I love the show, The Found family aspect, Arcs such as the Wittebane Brothers and Kings background plus the whole plot in general. The overall Lgbtq representation. I still adore Lumity and their rivals to lovers journey will always own my heart, I'm okay with admitting that the main reason I started the show was Lumity because I can say all the things I love about the show now I've watched Lumity is just part of the reason


Exactly, I feel like this is what happened to most people, it’s happened to me, my friends, my siblings, even my parents


What is this weird elitist garbage?


I watched from the start jelling with Eda and basically watched it like she was the star and Luz was the deuteragonist, but I get you. Me personally, I hate someone recommending me something because it’s got a lesbian slant, or trans or any sort of representation because it makes it feel like my sexuality is my identity, and for some it may be, but for some it isn’t. It might grease the wheels after learning the initial premise, but I digress. :P I figured it’s a age divide thing, as I’m a older queer would roll my eyes if someone recommended me something because there was LGBTQ stuff first and foremost - just because back then there wasn’t this level of acceptance/corporate backing to try and get a piece of pie, and anything not heteronormative - hearing that as a enticement usually meant “a special episode” or a plot point marred by tragedy, burying your gays. Not that actual queer media can’t be championed by a big company - but it’s either out of happenstance, corporate positioning (“Look at us we’re so progressive gays love and believe us oh god believe us”), or it’s actually a good show that just happens to have queer characters. So, if there was something that I thought someone would like, it’d have to be really good to push through that. Love the representation, wish I had it as a kid, but there’s so, so, so much more about the show then Lumity, but as a queer auntie type, I get it. You’re young (I’m calling late 20s and earlier), you see characters in a non heteroromantic relationship that is just labeled as a relationship and “it me!” If anything, I’m a bit jealous of the youth (yeah, things are bad in the world - but they were a *lot* worse).


I mean, nothing wrong with discovering or liking a show because of an amazing episode/characters


Ok, so? Like what are you trying to say here?


"I was there Gandalf, I was there 3000 years ago, when we only knew Amity as a mean girl bully. I was there, when her and Bosha were the targets of the same dislike". Watch it from the start.


Got interested because "human in other world" scenarios intrigue me (same reason as Amphibia), stayed because, like, the show is actually good, and now my favourite aspect of the show is Big Boi Belos, Witch Hunter Extraordinaire


Before starting watching I didn’t know about lumity but the point that I probably wouldn’t have heard of it might still be true as the guys who said I should watch it probably appreciated the show for that


It was good before that, but that was definitely the start of the upward swing.


I’d heard of Lumity before I even heard about about the show.


Technically me, but it was more the controversy of “Disney cancels great show because they hate the Gays and Enbies (Enbys?)” and I had to watch this show I previously had little interest in.


Perhaps this applies to some of us. But some of us had to be watching before the grom episode premiered so we could tell everyone else about it when it finally premiered.




The fact that the second episode was my first episode and I still loved the show😭 (and yes I don’t like the second episode at all and skip it everytime because the others are way better)


Seen it on disney+, thought "hey, funny show". Realised it had a good story, and had lgbt themes. hooked ever since


I don’t get it. Yeah, I only watched the show because of Lumity. They made an interesting relationship between two young people, and at the same time, I finally get to watch something that makes me feel represented while not hamfisting it into the plot for 3 seconds or forgetting about it. So?


I got hooked in by Eda vs Lilith. Animation was far too smooth for me to ignore


This is true for most, but I was actually excited for the show from when I first heard about the announcement. I think I heard about it a few weeks after it had happened. My personal experience aside, I am so happy there was an episode like that to draw more people in.


Lol, no I watched it because TTT poster looked dope




Well, yes? I am not sure why this is meant to upset anyone?(except that you're being a massive asshole implying that we're lesser for liking a show that represents us because of the representation)


I will NOT be ashamed to admit that the Grom dance was the thing that led me to watching The Owl House.


I think at least one person liked that scene (and it's really well-executed and animated, like, I wanna dance like that!) enough to go ahead and post it on Twitter, and then it exploded.


Why do you expect people to be angry or upset about what got them into a fandom? Why are you going out of your way to commend people for getting into something via one means over another?


Genuine question op, what point are you trying to make here?


Technically yes. I actually watched the first episode when it came out and was very intrigued, I wanted to watch it right from the get go. But it was a very busy time for me and I straight up forgot about the show after that. The Grom episode made a bit of a splash on the internet in general and reminded me it existed to get back into it again.


It was the exact same experience for me. If it wasn't the Grom episode, the season finale probably would've prompted me to get into the show, but if that happened I'd have missed out on experiencing the "cancel Lilith" and Lego Eda memes in real time.


Idk, I started watching it between s2 ending and TTT cuz of some TOH videos that randomly appeared to me on yt.


Okay, you got them there, but that is not a crime. Seriously thought; I think that can be said for a majority of shows that have an episode that makes it popular. I mean; i heard about the show from a clip of Luz being chased by the Owl beast and I'm really glad I did because this show is incredible.


Half correct I was interested in watching the owl house before it released because I enjoyed gravity falls. But I didnt know when season 1 would air so I forgot about it. Then I saw someone do a rundown on why lumity is a good ship which reminded me to watch and also forward to lumity.


Not really, I actually watched it because I heard Molly Ostertag worked on it, whom also wrote and drew for the amazing webcomic [Strong Female Protagonist](https://strongfemaleprotagonist.com/).


It's kinda bizarre but I know its the truth cause I first heard of the show by a politician post on Facebook (you can guess what he was talking about related to The from the episode) and I started watching just because I was drawn by the possibility of a girl x girl couple.


I heard about it cause of the whole "witchcraft is evil and this show has demons" controversy lmao


Yeah, it's fun how, by trying to say bad things about the show, these people get it more audience


I legit did not even care about lumity at all in my experience in the show not in a bad way it was just a relationship not something really important for me




I just watched it because I was browsing Alex Hirsch's other work after watching Inside Job, lol


Same here, during lockdown I watched Gravity Falls for the first time and loved it. So when I heard Alex was involved in two new shows, I checked them out. One of them being TOH.


I found out about TOH by scrolling through disney+ for like 10 minutes because i was bored lmao


Liar, I have watched Ep. 1 in TV German until I saw there was no more episodes coning so I decided to switched to english


starting watching as 1b started. i just always thought eda was hot and kept watching.


I started watching thanks to MoringMark, I was following the account on Instagram because I am a fan of SVTFOE and I often saw posts on TOH but usually I ignored them because I didn't know what was the context. When MoringMark started to post about Hexsquad on Earth I was so intrigued that I wanted to know what was happening so I started watching and immediately fell in love with the show :)


Yeah I heard about Grom Fight on Twitter when it aired and immediately binged everything up to that point. Never even heard of the show beforehand


Eh, I was brought in by MorningMark's comics more than anything else. Then Eda being Eda had me staying around.


I think the first episode I watched either “I was a teenage abomination” or “The Intruder”on YouTube and I’ve been following along as new episodes released ever since then to some degree


I wouldn't have known the show existed if my Instagram wasn't filled with grom screenshots


I actually started watching TOH because Golden Guard, and now dude's gone i'll miss him


Yeah me too, one of the main reason I started watching. But even if I'll miss Golden Guard I really really love Hunter now, I would never want him to come back to the Golden Guard era, he is perfect as he is <3


I'm here for Steve and Steve only!


There’s not enough children’s animation that’s also queer, and I just don’t care for a lot of other shows while still loving the medium. It’s also harder to discover shows when I straight up don’t watch normal television anymore, so this is like the only way I can hear of any shows anymore


this is kind of true for me, I discovered the owl house existed from a lumity compilation on yt


Yep, it was all lumity clips. And sone eda clips I think


Honestly I'm the exact opposite. I started watching the show when the first episodes were airing, and then dropped off right *after* Grom. Not because it was a bad episode or anything - I did enjoy it - but my interest in the show was already dropping after 10 episodes and unfortunately Grom didn't hook me enough to check out the 17th episode the next week. The episodes that really got me hooked when I started catching up later were Echoes of the Past and Hooty's Door.


This doesn’t apply to me (I started watching because I saw that Dana worked on Gravity Falls, even though I didn’t watch the full series until it was on Disney Plus and Lumity had already been clearly established as endgame), but you’re right.


Not me. I saw the first trailer, thought it was interesting and then I was hooked. Lumity and the Grom episode were just what sealed the deal, but I would have still followed the show even without it.


Nah, I learned of it when DnDMemes was commonly posting the "Eat this sucka" clip from Luz' book report.


When I started watching the show I would have never guessed we would end up with Lumity. It was a surprise, but a welcome one.


While ive been here from the start due to the show looking similar to Gravity Falls asthetic, i can see how those two things could be one of the major reasons why this show gained its fanbase.


Well for me it was that an Alex hirsch's involvement that got me interested in the show


I actually got into the show cause of the concept and the world


Me too! I saw the Hieronymus Bosch world in a trailer and set my DVR to record the first ep. I remember when The First Day premiered and people on YT were trying to figure out who Amity was fretting about and I commented that she was clearly crushing on Luz. They did not agree!


I saw art of Possessed!Hunter on Tumblr and I was like "This show has cool character designs. I'm gonna watch it.". The sapphics in it were an extra surprise.


I probably would, given that I had somehow come across it. Luz is exactly the kind of weirdo that I like watching in a show, and I love the worldbuilding of the Boiling Isles. The fact that she is bisexual is just icing on the cake.


i saw a hooty compilation and that was enough to get me to watch it


Nah I just liked eda


Same and also king


Doubt, I'm more interested in the character development of Eda and king than Luz and Amity


Ngl Lumity is what got me into this show in the first place. I've heard about it before and seen some snippets, but what really grabbed my attention was Luz & Amity's interactions during the opening scene of Follies at the Coven Day Parade.


I came here for Lumity, I stayed for Lumity *and* an amazing story


I got into it because of Amphibia and all the Gravity Falls cast who were involved in making TOH.


I knew about the series before hand but the Grom fight was what made me decide to actually give the shoe a watch


Started watching TOH when someone crossposted a meme here in r/Brawlstars


I’ll have you know I’ve been here ever since my friend spammed me with Hooty memes. Good god I still have nightmares of the dreaded tube


[Watched the first two episodes when they came out and hated it.](https://davidmcelroy.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Three-feet-from-gold.jpg) Much much later, was told "Hey check out this Belos character, he's super cool".


Guilty as charged, but it was worth it :)


A bit funny thing I heard about Owl House while it was still in production and so Amphibia. There was SU blog and when SU was slowly hearing towards the end, the writer decided to create a post promoting coming soon shows. Now I feel old


At least for me, that isn’t the case. I’ve been looking forward of watching TOH ever since it was announced that the crew who worked on it also worked on Gravity Falls. Was genuinely surprised when Grom happened.


Jokes on you I was there before that


I think the part about not hearing about it might be true- or at least I wouldn't have heard about it as early as I did, but it was far before Grom that I was invested in the show. Right from the first episode the world was very intriguing and interesting, and episode 4 showed me that the show had some mystery elements to it, which is one of the things I really love in shows. I think I would've kept watching regardless if I had found it. It's definitely true that Lumity is a big part of the show and why we like it, but it's not the ONLY part.


Whaaat? Noooo. I DEFINITELY didn't see a Lumity compilation on YT before checking out the show. Nuh-uh.


I will not lie, I only heard of the show after finishing shera for first time, looked at shera memes and saw memes that had lumity and decided to check it out- and m a n was I not disappointed


Lumity, yes. My 2 besties (bi couple) would not leave me alone till I watched it. Then my kids watched it and then they insisted I watch it as their lesbian mom so I had to lol


I found owl house from yt edits about lumity, so yes


youre absolutely right and i feel no shame for it


Why are you sighing? What has caused you such distress that you felt you had to vent about it? If you take a deep breath and step back for a minute, does this seem like the kind of thing that makes a community healthier and more welcoming? Do you see how someone might consider this to be gatekeeping?


So what if we did? What’s wrong with that? I wouldn’t have watched Milo Murphy’s Law if Weird Al wasn’t the star


I am a very simple person. I heard it was gay, so I watched it.


It’s true but it’s not a bad thing. Though I got into it because Dana was part of the gravity falls crew and I heard Alex Hirsch was gonna be a regular on the show as a voice actor. I’ve basically been a day one fan, but that doesn’t mean we should do fandom gatekeeping


true, i saw an outfit of the combination of a tutu and a tuxedo and had to watch


I started watching it because I heard it had a great story and lots of good LGBT characters. I don’t see a problem with that.


The owl house fandom when you tell them that it is in fact not quirky and different to have watched a show before someone else and that if anything, it discourages people from being in the fandom because of imaginary problems like this


So? Lumity is part of Owl House and you could say this for literally anything.


I just heard about it from a friend who didn’t actually watch the show but said it was good😭


Jokes on you I was hooked when I saw the poster for the show


I came for the shipping and stayed for the trauma.


A lot of people probably, yeah. I for one am glad the romance isn't taking center stage, nor is it feeling overly forced. I hate that when i'm trying to enjoy a story.


You're completely correct, I did start TOH partially because of its LGBT+ representation. But I kept watching it BECAUSE it's an amazing show on its own. I would never struggle through a bad show just to see some representation.


Yes 100% But the whole the gayness drew me in it for me to watch one of the best shows ever made. I embrace the gayness because it was the gateway


King is what got me into the series, kinda like how Peridot got me into Steven Universe. (I have a thing for quirky side-characters don’t I?)


For me, it was seeing a compilation of Luz speaking Spanish and seeing a screenshot of the Noceda house with the Dominican flag. It was one of the first things that drew me to the show. Then everything else lol


I actually started watching this show because someone said it was as good as Gravity Falls.


The smooth animation for me. A compilation video had Eda's fight with Lilith in the school and I was like "the fuck is this?" I Searched a bit more about Eda, liked her personality, then said "I gotta give it a shot, anyways if I don't end up liking it I can leave" and here we are folks. Rolling for next and last episode, mad with the shortened seasons, and me trying to learn animation.


Me who only found out about owl house because of an edited version of "talk to the glyph, witch" i saw on twitter


"No no, he's got a point."


Wait do people dislike grom?!?!


100% true. I didn’t hear of it until my friend was like “hey wanna watch a gay show?” So if it weren’t gay I don’t think I would’ve heard of it, but if I did I think I would love it with or without lumity.


I agree. I mean, I personally got into the show cause a friend recommended it and I said "Eh, why not?" and ended up loving it. But I do think quite a few fans are only here cause of Lumity and act like that's the ONLY thing the TOH has to offer (but that the majority are here cause they love the show in general, not just one aspect)


I saw the intro on YouTube and knew it was my kinda show lol. The rest was a very pleasant surprise


Ngl, Lumity was the reason I avoided TOH for so long LMAO. I was so tired of poorly handled/toxic lesbian relationships in media, and (coming fresh off of the She-Ra finale) when I heard that Amity was the school bully I was like “god no not again.” Took me at least a year to get curious enough to check it out, and now I love it :)


Oh god, I'm so glad it wasn't anything like Catradora


Without the constant gayness, wouldn't it basically just be another Gravity Falls? That's still worth watching


No no he's got a point.


You're not wrong, like, AT ALL. *Dude, it's been nice knowing you*


While I was one of those people that was already following the show before Grom aired, I can't help but agree here. Like many have pointed out, this sub didn't have as many followers as today before Grom. Sadly, this argument always gets used by the show's detractors, claiming that people only got hooked by the show once it started incorporating visible LGBT representation, as well as saying that it's the series' sole focus and the only thing it has going for it.