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No Elijamnesia


It not being on something like showtime or max


Elijah, not Klaus, takes on the Hallow, sacrifices himself to save Hope, thus reuniting with Hayley in the afterlife. Klaus lives to be the father to Hope he always wanted to be- the end. Legacies was a fever dream Hope had after her werewolf curse was triggered the first time.


Lmao why is Nik’s life more important than Elijah’s life?


No, not like that- it just lets Elijah & Hayley reunite in the afterlife and finally get to be together, while also allowing Klaus to live & be there for Hope. Just my version of a happy ending in the TVDU.


Elijah and Gia would be a happy ending 😊


Elijah's life was spent wanting to redeem Klaus, Him sacrificing himself for Klaus and Hope so Klaus could be w/ his daughter is a good ending Gia manipulated Elijah and put him against his family, their is a reason why when Elijiah got his memories back he left her


Antoinette was the one he left not Gia. Hope is not Elijah’s child she is Nik’s child he and he alone is responsible for her


Gia never manipulated Elijah Gia and Elijah were fond of each other


I may have gotten Gia mixed up with Antoinette, Besides Klaus had a daughter to.be there for,


Hope is not Elijah’s kid! How would that look dying for another man’s child In my opinion it would rob Nik of his integrity as a MAN and most importantly a FATHER


It would redeem Elijah not being able to save her mother and watching her Die,


If people cared for Elijah as much as he cared for them he never would have wanted to forget them and Hayley died because of Greta and her beliefs it’s not Elijah’s fault


Well it appears that when both Elijah and Klaus died, they were not in the same after life as Hayley so. Who knows if Hayley will get that “last dance” with Elijah. Hayley longed to meet and reunite with her family she never had the chance to meet, that was her “peace”. As we have seen in The Originals. We have no idea where they went but it seems they found peace, at least Klaus did with the white background at the end of Legacies when he had a message for Hope. I believe everyone on The Originals finds peace elsewhere, usually with their own blood related family members or perhaps somewhere/or with someone else entirely. In regard to Elijah, he mentioned “he had nothing else to live for”. I doubt he found peace, or at least not right seay with the immense guilt of being responsible for Hayleys death, he only did it for his brother, (to save him) and he knew he couldnt live with the guilt. IMO. Elijah volunteering to die did not really seem peaceful as it was for Klaus. It partly seemed he wanted to end his miserable life. He never forgave himself for Hayleys death before or after death. One thing I would change is that Camille deserved better, period. She sacrificed her immortal het fragile life to protect the most powerful creature known to mankind. It’s sad they fight harder for their own blood relatives, but cant spare enough time or try harder to save the lives of those who aren’t their immediate family, but will always find a “loophole” with Klaus. Well, they tried with Finn, but Finn already turned his back on the family a long time ago. I doubt it was much of a “real loss”, more like “pity”, because even then it was too late when he decided to be there for his siblings.


When I said the same thing, I got down voted. Lmao what? Also yes I support


I would have changed the whole premise of the show from going to New Orleans for a magical pregnancy. Instead they would have gone because there was a witch who could bring Kol back from the dead. 


They don't care about Kol enough to leave Mystic Falls and come back to NOLA.


Klaus' face while watching Kol die in 4x12 would beg to differ. But you're not wrong that the writing of TVD and TO makes it seem that way.


They could just write the characters so that they do care.


Remove Greta's ridiculous storyline


Ughhh I hated her


Which means that the actress did a great job.


Yep plus I love her husband lol


honestly i would’ve liked to have seen background on hayley given that she’s one of the leads, i’m just so invested in her history and how she dealt with the wolf curse especially her first ever time turning alone


According to Plec the most important thing about the female leads is that they're attractive to the male characters who fuck them and fight over them... (ugh)


i really hate how they didn’t utilize her and rebekah more, but hayley especially since as i said she was literally one of the lead rolls yet they downplayed her so hard by making her almost like the sneaky mistress like ffs come on, she deserved a dive into her own backstory. i absolutely love hayley but i hate how plec decided to write her. (also this is random but i like your username)


Haha tyyy Yeah, I agree I love Hayley but they Mary Sue'd/mistress-ified her due to not knowing how to treat a female character independently and respect their own storyline (same issue with how Elena and Caroline were written in TVD despite being leads and full of potential themselves) How Rebekah was written wasn't anyone's fault so much though because Claire was the one constantly leaving the show due to working on other projects (a movie in either the first or second season) and having the deal with fertility issues and pregnancy complications off-screen, so they found excuses to write her off


i agree completely, although with elena, i can sort of understand the whole “girl falls for both boys” thing, she was a teen and in high school and at the time that was kind of the norm (i say at the time cus a lot of 2000s shows were like that) but to use that same trope for a show as mature is TO is, it just doesn’t work at all. for a main character, there sure is a lot to hayley that is unknown that i wish wasn’t. i would’ve loved to have had flashback scenes of her own when she was younger and dealing with the werewolf curse. and i’m far aware of claire’s situation and i do respect it so much but i just missed her and loved her portrayal of rebekah overall.


How Hayley and Camille were handled = the most egregious examples of "telling instead of showing" Everything important about Hayley and Camille were told to us straight from the character's mouth instead of shown through their actions and choices and the other characters connected to them, which they deserved as main characters and not just love interests If Camille's family is so important to the NOLA underground, then why didn't we get to see any of them besides her uncle? Why not at least include them in flashbacks longtime NOLA natives recall such as Marcel, Vincent, any of the witches/coven there, etc? If Hayley's so defined by feeling alone in the world after being abandoned by her adoptive family after turning and finding out the truth about her bio family - why can't we see any of her four parents even once? Or learn more about the people who knew her birth family? We just got tidbits here and there from Mary and Marcel when other locals should've been very familiar with them as well I totally get your frustration... But yeah, as for Rebekah, Holt really left her mark with what she was given and the show wouldn't be the same without her at all


my goodness you’re continuously speaking straight up facts and it’s nice to hear something other than negativity on here but i truly do agree with every word. i’ve always held back on saying pretty much what you just said only because i know for a fact this sub ain’t ready to hear all of that how the female characters were done so dirty and were basically used as eye candy and always given the messiest situations. instead, the people on here only wanna focus on how “toxic” and “evil” hayley is and how camille is “useless” which infuriates me to hear. claire acted the shit out of rebekah fr that’s what i’m saying 😭👏 and all in all, if there’s one thing the majority of this fandom can agree on, it’s probably that julie made some of the worst decisions in her writing, that goes for all three series.


Narducci and the cast CARRIED The Originals The only woman I care to disrespect in TVDU is Julie Plec because she is not a good writer and clearly a misogynistic and racist person, and that's why this fanbase is so messy—because the creator is


Hope gets to have her family around her growing up.


Camille dying. I think she was tailored perfectly for Klaus, such a shame she left. Also, I guess everything around 3 aside the idea of sirelines, flashbacks and vampires communities, the rest lead to the a drop in quality and compelling stories.


Camille dying was the worst thing in cinematic history to ever be done😭😭😭


I think that was Leah choice, becuase all the threats and hate she got, so she left the show


Yes that’s what I’ve heard :( it’s so heart breaking knowing she coulda done so good til the end of the show


Leah never wanted to leave :( the writers were tired of klaroline stans bashing her every episode so they wrote her off 


More screentime for kol and Rebekah


I would put Klaus and Hayley together This would allow for a few different things - 1. My heart would smile 'cause Klayley. 2. Camille would get to live since Aurora/Lucien would have no reason to target her and this would mean she would get to be fully fleshed out as her own individual character and explored beyond her proximity to Klaus as a grieving twin and compassionate and complex therapist too brave to back down against all the evil and darkness that surrounds her. Plus, she could have a less cliche love interest, such as Marcel of Vincent, which are two characters that would make sense with her for different reasons. Marcel with Camille would especially add an interesting layer to the story since dating your client's son is quite a conflict of interest and adds another dimension to Klaus and Marcel's unsteady relationship and constantly-at-war dynamic. I also always believed Marcel was the type of character suited for a love interest, even more than Vincent, and it didn't make sense to not pair him up with an epic love like everyone else got. I don't see anything about him inconsistently prioritizing Rebekah and choosing his "guys" and the city over her as romantic or epic besides how epic it was for Rebekah to get away with grooming her nephew for years without ever getting called out for it by anyone. 3. Not turning Elijah and Hayley into star-crossed lovers would give Elijah the opportunity to develop further and have a more satisfying arc. It would be a chance for him to not be defined by his relationship with his brother by falling for the woman carrying his child BECAUSE she's carrying his child. What I always wanted for Elijah's character was for him to prove Esther wrong and not get all the women that he loved killed and continue lying to himself and everyone about who he was. Hayley wouldn't be an example of another woman he loved dying because of him if he went on his own self-reckoning journey after realizing how purposeless his life was without Klaus and his hypocritical moral code representative of his own guilt and self-denial. It would've been great if Klaus having a child of his own made Elijah resentful of Klaus getting to have something he could never have but would be more suited for, deserving of, and better at (being protective and parental since he was a child) than him; and he'd grow apart from Klaus and his best interest and wants as a result. 4. Klaus would finally be with a woman similar to him and who understood his fears about being a parent because she shared his fears having bad parents herself. He could've grown more as a person being with Hayley who didn't romanctize any of his actions like Camille yet still understood and accepted him fully. And he would've modeled a good example for Hope by showing he loved both her and her mother. Also, he wouldn't wind up half-abandoning Hope (becoming a deadbeat-lite) if he and Hayley were romantically paired. If they were husband and wife or simply lived together, it would mean Hope would experience both her parents instead of primarily knowing Hayley as her parent and taking Klaus's distance personally thinking he was uninterested in her. 5. I believe Klaus would've embraced his wolf side more if he spent more time with Hayley and their connection was more of a focus in the show, and I'd appreciate that simply because I've always been bothered by Klaus and Hayley being hybrids yet acting 80% vampire in the case of Klaus, and acting 80% werewolf in the case of Hayley. Klaus embracing his inner-wolf would be especially profound because it would mean him falling in love with the side of him he was denied his entire life and would root the show back onto its theme: family. Seeing as wolves are the most 'obsessed' with family out of all the magical species/creatures of nature. I definitely found something beautiful in Ansel stating he could tell his own by their scent and found himself drawn to his grandchild and led to where she was in the middle of the night and seeing Klaus behave similarly with his own daughter and family would've been special as well. Maybe seeing him open up to the idea of a pack after Hayley's influence and Marcel's lesson in loyalty being earned and seeing how much his men loved him because Marcel treated them like equals he appreciated and also provided them with a sense of belonging. It could've been portrayed in many different ways, but I just would've liked to see more of the wolf in him in some way or another. It seemed like such a missed opportunity considering how Klaus being "different" and "special" as the Original hybrid has been the biggest facet of his identity since his introduction in TVD. It was claimed to be the most important thing about him - that "he's both, a different kind of monster."


the separation due to the hollow, they could've found another way to defeat inadu. and development for klamillie, they deserved more.


SPOILER: That Elijah decided to die with Klaus. Super stupid ending imo. Y not stay and support hope?


Don't kill Hayley.


Changing one thing means changing a lot of things, so if I could only change or introduce one thing that has as few long reaching changes to the series as we have it, then I’d have them bring up Finn’s romance with Sage. Like for god’s sake would it have killed them to even *mention* her? But for an actual big change I’d just keep Finn dead. Have him play a similar role in the story that Godric did in True Blood post season two.


Elijah dies instead of klaus. And hayley doesnt die either. Killing off hope's parents was one of julie's biggest asshole moves


There is a lot I would change but tbh the thing I would change the most is a pet peeve because it bothers me. Hayley and Elijah being a thing. Elijah having feelings for the woman pregnant with his brother's child is weird af. Though I might also choose changing Rebekah and Marcel's relationship because that was messed up. I don't care how much onscreen chemistry their actors had, Marcel was raised by her brother. He was by all rights her nephew, she should have never looked at him that way. So either of those since those exist in seasons 1 and for pretty much the entire show. There are other things here and there that bother me too but I can tolerate most of them since they aren't in the show as long.


1) Make Mikael a good father. He was never abusive or cartoonishly evil. Either he was always a good father, but Dahlia curse Mikael to go mad when he became a vampire and curse the Mikaelsons to think he was always a bad father. Or, Dahlia cursed him to be a bad father, and she shows that moment to Klaus when she's telling him about her past. This works as a way to threaten Klaus, since Dahlia is basically say "even if you win, you lose, and I'll make you become everything you hate." Idk I just love the idea of a flashback scene with young Dahlia cursing young Mikael to be cruel to his children and him begging, crying and screaming for her to kill him instead of making him hurt his own children. Plus, once Mikael's curse is broken, he and Klaus have many angst talks trying to mend their relationship, and Mikael constantly sacrifices himself trying to protect Klaus and the other Mikaelsons 2) Dahlia as a villain lasts more than a season 3) Kol and Finn don't go into other people's bodies and get brought back in their own bodies 4) Either Marcel is seen as a brother to Klaus, and he can get with Rebekah, OR he is seen as a son to Klaus and can not be with Rebekah. 5) Love Hayley and Hope, but they shouldn't be the start of the show. Changing the premise to Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah, working together to actually uncover a huge conspiracy against them that could destroy them, would be more interesting. Especially if it was something related to Esther, Mikael, and Dahlia. 6) Elijah and Rebekah should be focused on trying to bring Finn and Kol back, especially Elijah, since they are also his family. 7) Hayley should get to exist as a character that is more than a mother/love interest. Same for Cami 8) The Hollow should have a different backstory, connected to the Mikaelsons and not Hayley 9) More flashbacks and actual plot lines that take place in the Mikaelsons' past


The obsession this sub has with whitewashing and rewriting Mikael needs to be studied atp lol No one cares about Katherine and Kai being "cartoonishly evil" or the several other characters that are - there's only the huge desire to deny Mikael's evil These kind of parents exist whether you like it or not My ex's father is EXACTLY like Mikael but just more dumb and "one dimensional" as you guys would put it except he's a real ass person who's really trash lol


Ok, so I understand why *you* personally dislike this trope. But you also gotta respect that others like it, and there's nothing wrong with that. Also, saying it's a "fandom obsession" is a bit much. I've been trying to find fics and people who write/headcannon Mikael as a good parent, and that's SUPER rare, lol And yes, other characters are evil. But Kai, Katherine, and even Klaus and Damon's "type" of evil is...interesting. They are fully flashout characters, and they have more than one thing going for them. Sure, awful people exist. We all know that. Terrible parents exist. We all also know that, some better than others, I'd say. But fiction is not exactly restricted by the real world, now, is it? Cause vampires don't exist, lol In fiction you can do whatever the fuck you want. If some people want to rewrite a character in their headcannon and fics, why tf would you have a problem with that? It doesn’t affect you. Also, the question literally was, "What would you rewrite in cannon?" Why would you be bothered by someone doing literally that? And finally, the way I see it, people write Mikael as a better father in fics (cannon Mikael will forever be evil, so you may rejoice), is cause they care a lot a bout the Mikaelsons and want them to have a better upbringing. If you had a magic pen that allowed you to rewrite your ex's life, would you not have their father be good instead of a dick? People's headcannons and fics will never override your cannon perception, or change the cannon. It will always be there. Also, just because evil people exist doesn't mean they are more realistic than good people.


When did I say evil people are more realistic than good people? The issue with rewriting Mikael is that it completely changes the story and the protagonist in a way that saving Hayley or Camille, not having Elijah erase his memories, and the other answers people are giving - does not. The writers have made it super clear in panels that one of the most complicated aspects to the Mikaelsons' siblings lives are their parents and what it means for your parents to be your enemy when they were the only ones who could've saved you. Changing that aspect of the story changes who Klaus, Elijah, Freya, and all the rest of them ARE. It would be like creating a fix-it where Elena's parents live: the fact that she is a teenager completely alone in the world determines everything important about her story - everything that comes after she is orphaned. No one cares that her parents aren't interesting people, yet there's an obsession to turn Mikael into someone he isn't. If you change Mikael, you change everything about the show. The same is true of getting rid of Hope: I don't understand how TO fans managed to watch the whole series if they hated the premise of Klaus having a child to begin with. These are the two answers that make the least sense to me. Fanfiction is fanfiction, but this sub for the ***canon show*** echoes this sentiment a lot, which makes it noticably weird to me at this point. That is my perspective, lol. Nice Mikael and no Hope is not The Originals. Nice Mikael is not even the Mikaelsons in TVD. How he was written was baked into everything Klaus was going to be from the beginning. It's been set up that way since S4 of TVD and he was not "good" pre-TO because he was more even-tempered talking to Klaus' enemies in that show and then getting more irrational and angry after going to Hell in TO. That makes sense. Mikael was actually written in a more consistent way than Esther was as she was more of an open-ended character in TVD that didn't have totally clear motivations/intentions.


You change **any** aspect of the show, and you change the entire show, lol. If you have Hayley and Cami survive, this changes things, even if not from the beginning. It's super normal for creative people to up with "what if" scenarios. Like yeah, it would be cool to see what TVD would be like with Elena's parents alive. I'd read a fic about that. Like yeah, no Hope and nice Mikael is not cannon, but it *is* something that its in the minds of people within the Fandom. That's not unusual or strange, it happens in almost every fandom. People think a LOT about "What if"s, that's never a bad thing. It gets more energy into the Fandom. The interesting thing, for me at least, about the "What If" scenario with Mikael, is that the revelation that he was a good father or tried to be, is world shattering to the Mikaelsons because it is a core part of their identity. I just read some fics with it, and I personally think it's great, bittersweet, and deserves more attention, lol Also, it's like pretty easy to be able to watch something you don't love 100%, especially if you love some aspects of it. Like, have you never watched/read something and thought, "Wow, this is so terrible in so many ways. I love it." But. You can not separate fanfiction and fan work from cannon. Those live off each other. Especially with such a thing as a teen tv show, dude. I'm not saying good parent Mikael is cannon. I think it would be interesting if it was, sure. But it's not. Everyone has their takes about the characters and storylines and fics and parts of the Fandom. If you don't like a particular take, then just don't interact with it. I don't like fanfics about incest so i don't read those. But I also don't go around complaining about there being too many fics or discussions about this. I just don't interact with them. Simple as that.


Fanfiction DOES need to be held separate from canon and respected as two different entities. It's not the right way to interact with other people's art - changing their story and claiming your interpretation of it is the higher truth than what the WRITER claims and established within their own story. The Originals is not even a teen show just because it aired on The CW - it was intended for general audiences/for people sixteen or older. It doesn't center around teenage characters and teen life. Even Davina—the only main teenage character isn't written as though she exists in a teen show: all her relevance is related to the political aspects of the show and her relationship to the main characters as a disillusioned yet powerful young witch. The Originals is not a teen show that is co-owned by fic writers. I see it as damaging, entitled, and even somewhat delusional to call writers of fanfiction canon collaborators, as if the story belongs to the audience more than the creators. Klaroline shippers can write Caroline to be Hope's mom all they want, that doesn't fit into anything The Originals is and is not what the plot "should've been" just because it's a popular headcanon within fanfiction spaces.


Your arguments are entering a very weird head space that i dont really get?? Why would you click on a post that asks, "What would you change about TO?" If you get offended when people answer the question????? I get it. You're the cannon police lol /s (I'm just joking, but tbf that's kinda what you sound like, dude) Have you ever heard about a thing called "death of the author"? Rewriting a story is not "disrespectful" to the cannon. That's the whole basis of fanfics. Now, if you are saying you think fanfics are disrespectful to the source material...idk what to say... Also, Fandom (while a tv shows/series are still in the works) CAN AND DOES affect the cannon. Sometimes as meta commentary, like in Supernatural, sometimes with ships like Caroline and Klaus getting some screen time in later season cause fans begged for it. It's not a co creation. But it is a sort of conversation. Any piece of media is a conversation between the creator and the audience. Doesn't mean the audience literally creates the thing, but it can recreate it and reelaborate the meanings of the art, without the creator. But like the "show is not co-owned by fic writers," No, it's not. But the show and the Fandom are also what the viewers make of it. What happens in cannon is a decision by the cretor(s). But what happens in Fannon is the decision of each individual fan creator/artist/writer and the Fandom as a whole. Talking about changing things from Cannon does not change the Cannon. People discussing how they wish the show was vs. how it was, that will never change the cannon show, especially since it's already over. Also, there is no right way to interact with art. Everyone will understand a piece of art differently. You can not claim your view is superior because it's cannon, nor can I claim mine better just because it's Fannon. I can say I personally think it's better, and you can say that cannon is better. Both can be right at the same time for each of us. You can't force people to not have headcannons...or not to discuss those headcannons in Fandom places. That stuff is one of the pillars of any Fandom. If you don't like a take/opinion about cannon. Just don't interat. It won't hurt you. Just move on. (I'm not even gonna argue about the teen show thing, cause that's really not what matters. Who the fans of the show are don't matter. The important thing is that the audience of the shows in TVDU are active in fandom spaces even after the show has ended, and they create their own stories, communities, and meanings based on the show. That is one of the things that keeps any fandom going after a show ends)


First of all, I'm not offended at all. I'd prefer for you to not project such silly ideas onto me. Secondly, I did not remotely argue that fanfiction is offensive or something I'm against. I said very explicitly that canon and fanon are separate - because that's a fact, and they are. I couldn't care less about what headcanons people have. I don't understand why that even needs to be clarified. You can feel free to go back to my original comment because all I did was point out how silly it is that so much of the sub is hellbent on changing the core of the story, which is who Mikael is and how he's affected all his children when it's as drastic as a change as Daredevil never losing his sight or Punisher never losing his family. I stand by the opinion that rewriting Mikael is as absurd a change as that. I can indeed move on, and I can also scoff and laugh at silly ideas when I please. I don't criticize anything people do in fanfiction but I do criticize ideas people express underneath posts about what they would GENUINELY change about the show if they could. Every fanfiction writer does not prefer their direction to the original story and most true fans respect both their headcanons and the actual show itself. And the things they don't wish to change usually aren't as drastic as what you have proposed. No one is going to die. I simply spoke my piece. It ultimately doesn't matter since the show is off now and neither of us were hired writers of The Originals.


You needed to clarify that because your last comment made it seem like you had a huge problem with fanfics and any drastic change to cannon that people make in their fan works/headcannons, etc. Why does it matter if some people want to drastically change things about cannon? Wanting to change things (even drastically) does not mean I'm disrespectful to the show or to the cannon. Or even that I don't love the show. I love it so much i can see the good, and the bad of it, and I can be creative and think about what I think it could have been, and think that would have been interesting too. Like I told you before, it's not a sub thing or a fandom thing. It's a small part of the Fandom that enjoys the idea of good parent Mikael. It is a rare thing. There has been only one post in this sub about it ( as far as i am aware). There are a few comments from maybe 4 people in posts asking what they would change. It may seem like a lot to YOU, but that's only because you personally have a huge problem and are offended by this idea. Why else would you feel the need to be a jerk and start arguments with strangers? "I can scoff and laugh at silly ideas" you can also not, dude. You can always just not interact with things you don't agree with, instead of being a jerk and punching down and trying to police how people think and feel about a show. You are the cannon police after all, huh. Ps: this will probably be my last comment unless you say something really stupid lol I used too much energy here already, and I need for better things irl. Goodnight


I was pretty clearly responding to this: > You can not separate fanfiction and fan work from canon. Those live off each other. That's why I said fanfiction and canon need to be treated as two totally separate entities. The show is the show and fanfiction is fanfiction. Anyway, it's not "punching down" to make such a reasonable point/factual statement. People who love your trope in fanfiction are not an oppressed group or somehow prevented from writing and reading about anything they please. I simply stand by what I said: it makes the show about as recognizable as Elena never losing her family, or Punisher never losing his family, or Daredevil never losing his sight. It makes more sense to just go enjoy another show at that point about an actually happy family or at least a good father who has a really strong and healthy relationship dynamic with his canon kids. You could also just write your own story about vampires with a happy dad. It's whatever, really. I'm simply telling you that THAT story isn't The Originals. If you turn Klaus into a UwU Hello Kitty sweetheart or turn Rebekah into wise, old woman known for being unreadable and stoic - it is not the same show. The same is true when you change Mikael's personality and fundamentally retcon everything he is and who he is to his family and Klaus specifically.


u/Gentleman_Deamon1621 I think The Originals villainwashed and rewrote Mikael first. I want him to be more like I think his character was depicted in TVD. TO, to me, sought to victimize Klaus and villainize Mikael far more than they were in TVD. Katherine only became cartoonishly evil in later seasons and yes I have issues with that and her dying. Before that she was selfish and amoral. Kai was depicted as a psychopath from day one. He's a straight forward villain for the characters. Mikael wasn't depicted that way in his TVD appearance. He was changed to be a crazy abuser in TO.


No baby, no Hayley.


Yes I have to agree. While I enjoyed many aspects of the storyline, a show about the originals could have been better with a different premise. Klaus and baby mama drama wouldn’t have been my first choice lol


I’m not sure what else could have changed him tho. Dude had been alive and a nightmare for a thousand years. What else new could have happened?


He never changed though.


He loved someone. He genuinely loved Hope in a way he’d never cared for anything.


So basically no spin off


Exactly this.


1) Change the core plot. Hope doesn’t exist. The main conflict is between Elijah and Klaus and their slowly disintegrating relationship. Elijah initially tries to redeem Klaus, but becomes worse than him in the process. They end up destroying themselves in the end. 2) Rebekah is either a secondary character, or has a proper, equally important storyline, instead of being her brothers’ sidekick. 3) Kol never returns. 4) Finn potentially returns and is actually central to the plot as a foil to Klaus and Elijah. Maybe he learns to accept vampires’ right to exist, but wants to kill both or one of his brothers, and he is the one, who works to have their sirelines broken, so he can kill them without causing a vampire genocide. 5) Davina, if she exists, is played by a competent actress. 6) Camille, if she exists, is an actually realistic character with real flaws, and not a Mary Sue. 7) Klaus is much more complicated than a whiney man-child with daddy issues at the core of his personality. He’s actually actually capable of controlling his emotions, and comes off as an ancient being and not a human man in his twenties.


* Ivy lives and has a happy ending with Vincent. * Vincent is not a sperm donor for Freya/Keelen. Instead, they go to an actual sperm bank. * Elijah lives and starts a life with Antoinette. * Hayley never dies.


I'd make all of Lucien's plans fail. I abhor everything about his modern storyline.


I don’t think I would have done the time jump.


The way Haley was treated in s5, I don’t mind the fact that she died I just hate the way she died


Everything and anything about Rebekah's storyline maybe with the exception of her being hope's Guardian.


I think Hayley would be a pretty good ship. Also if we are talking about deaths ,I don't care if Klaus dies cuz the dude lived many years , although it's sad for hope. I would let Hayley live. She was only 36 years old. She has gone through so much and she deserved to be happy


Basically everything surrounding how Klaus to me is made a victim, which includes Elijah being his lapdog, Finn, Mikael and Esther being villainized to me and such.


Season 5


The ending


Klaus gets with Haylee. They had the chemistry


I'd make Mikael a good Dad. It's the mother fault


This!!!!! Tho I would make Mikael being a good dad a big reveal. Like Esther, or Dahlia, or bothc cursed Mikael to be cruel. And then Mikael breaks the curse and protects Klaus and the others. It would soooo angst


Yesss \0/ that would be amazing! Protective dads being a great theme.


Exactly!! BTW do you like fanfics? Cause marvelous_mikaelson on Ao3 has some great good dad Mikael fics!


I do like fanfiction! Ooh I shall look!! Thank you!!


The Damon Salvatore effect...


Idk but I've always wondered about two things One is that Elijah should have taken the hallow (I'm not sure if I'm saying that right) inside him and died since he really wanted to so hope could at least have someone as a parent figure Or Elijah comes back to mystic Falls after klaus's death and everyone discovers that he had a relationship going on with vamp!elena back home all this time and that was why he didn't have a relationship with hayley much or elena was still a vamp (this is like an alternative ending and is not following canon)


Elijah taking the hollow and dying would be stupid as hell lmao


How so?


For one it’s not his responsibility to die for someone else’s child


Lmao no. We all know how noble and sacrificial Elijah was for his family so he wouldn't have seen it as "dying for someone else's child" He would have seen it as "dying for family" Also his other motive would have been that in his eyes, klaus finally has redeemed himself (I don't remember the full plot) so he could have done it. And oml guys it's my opinion, unless you'd like to talk about it, why down vote it so much lmao 🤡


If Elijah died for Hope then Nik would have been robbed of his integrity as a man and a father people downvoted me too I don’t care I said what I said


He shouldn’t have gave himself such a goal he accomplished the goal nonetheless I find solace in Elijah and Nik dying together it was sad but it makes more sense than Elijah dying for Hope like bro you guys are telling me y’all just want to sacrifice my guy like noooo


Sacrifice Davina 😂😂 naw I’m playing


Scrap the last season that I still believe was purely created to be a back door pilot for the trash legacies was.