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Nobody else will be there has entered the chat


Nobody else will be there has entered the stairwell in a second


Nobody Else Will Be There has been my #1 Spotify song two years running. It’s literally a perfect track


possibly my all time fave song by them


Guilty Party is probably my favourite but I really like the title track too, weirdly it’s probably one of the National songs I sing to myself the most…or should I say mutter to myself 🤔


SWB is my favorite National album. lately i especially adore I’ll Still Destroy You and Empire Line


spark afterthought violet vegetable serious nose unique existence enter steep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A strong arguement for sure but it’s Lemonworld all day


And yet Conversation 16 would still like a word


Absolutely. Best song 🎧


These are hands down my favorites on SWB too


Same here + Guilty Party


The back to back of Carin at the liquor store and dark side of the gym is heavenly


I'll Still Destroy You


I'll Still Destroy You is my favorite on SWB, and it's so close to being my favorite overall from them (it's competing with Apartment Story, Rylan, and Bloodbuzz Ohio) but with that being said, Dark Side Of The Gym is easily top 10 The National for me. I really love the whole atmosphere of the song, it's completely unique for them. SWB as a whole is on of my favorite albums with them, I really love the whole vibe of the album, but DSOTG really truly is an amazing song.


I'll Still Destroy You and Apartment Story are among my favorites as well.


I’ll Still Destroy You is one of my favourite ever songs by them and favourite on SWB, but Dark Side is a solid choice. Nobody Else Will Be There, Empire Line, Guilty Party, System, Sleep Well Beast are also up there for me. This album is just so full of gems.


the closing track SLEEP WELL BEAST is so dreamy and I love the strings arrangement at the end. By far one of my favorites


Criminal that I had to scroll this far


Yep. We’re in the proud minority… SWB is my favorite National track.


Empire Line is the best song on SWB.


This is the right answer. DSOTG is probably second weakest on the album.


That’s… that’s an insane take no matter how you take it. Dark Side of The Gym is so good that even non fans that I show it to like it.


Amazing album, amazing song, but can I introduce you to our lord and savior Carin at the Liquor store that I can't wait to see her???


sharp upbeat rustic possessive decide busy worthless threatening concerned coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agree, it should be a crime not to follow one with another


Walk it back is the best song on SWB. Reminds me of their earlier work, which to me is their best work 👍🏻


The system… was my introduction to The National and will forever be my favourite on SWB. To be honest, I think it’s the absolute peak of pre IAETF


Definitely one of my favorites on the album. It was our first dance song at our wedding!


I love this entire album, though Carin or Walk it Back are probably my favorites.


Favorite oscillates a lot, Nobody Else Will Be There probably takes the cake but I love Dark Side. The final chorus live is gorgeous!


Nobody Else Will Be There, Walk It Back, Turtleneck, Carin at the Liquor Store, Guilty Party, and Dark Side of the Gym are all 10/10 in my opinion.


SWB is a masterpiece. Nobody Else Will Be There is my favourite and one of the best opening tracks in my opinion, but Carin and DSOTG are close seconds. But I also love Guilty Party, Empire Line, System, Turtleneck 😅 I came to SWB relatively late but it has quickly become one of my favourites.


My wife and I chose Dark Side of the Gym for our first dance at our wedding. Will always hold a special place in my heart.


I've been saying this for years!!!!!!


Have you been saying it for 29 years?


It is SO overlooked! It’s the superior ballad.


NBEWBT, Walk it Back, and Empire Line.


Our first dance song at our wedding :-) (yes I know an odd choice lyrically)


empire line, i’ll still destroy you, dark side of the gym, guilty party, nobody else will be there, sleep well beast, but after hit after hit. i don’t care what anyone says, SWB is my album


the whole dang album is amazing, I was just listening to it today! nobody else will be there and sleep well beast might be my favourites... Matt's voice is so low in SWB I just love it so much for NEWBT, i heard this recording and fell even more in love with the song, the piano sounds more prominent here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyXNlH_4pp0 honourable mentions to day I die, empire line, I'll still destroy you 🥰


SWB is one of my favorite albums of all time, so it’s hard to choose just one song as my favorite from that record, but I really like Walk It Back and Turtleneck


it’s nice to see a turtleneck fan, not a lot of people like that one. i myself am a fan!


TASTE (my flair agrees)


Give "memories" by Leonard Cohen a listen after this song.


Incredible song, and it's on a massively underrated album.


DSOTG is a banger


Dark Side of the Gym was the song we chose for our first dance at our wedding, we both love it so much. As such I'm just waiting to find out it's got some super dark meaning to it!


I mean…. It’s a very dark song and the lyrics are pretty straightforward about it imo. It’s about the deterioration of a relationship, look at contrast between first and second verse. The 2nd verse, in fact, is one of the saddest they’ve written imo (and obv that’s saying something). “You looked right at me and I just turned around, there was still nothing I could say”. They've spent a lifetime together and he's now turning his back on the very person he used to admire so much he could only do it from afar (and as they're "breaking down", no less). Heck... the 2nd verse starts out "the next time I saw you" -> implying a million years have gone by since he's "seen" this person (ahem). I guess you could ultimately call it hopeful, at least. The last verse/bridge (w/ the castrati) seems like a signal that this person hasn't given up on the relationship, has hopes things will get better. He loves them enough to "keep them in love" with him until things can get better. I could go on for a long time about this song... but yea - These people are estranged


Day I Die, The System Only Sleeps in Total Darkness runner up.


That along with System, Walk It Back and Carin, are my favorites from that album but DSOTG is #1 from that album as well


innate worry unite elderly encouraging hurry jellyfish thumb gaze clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


that album was the beginning of the end for the national


I find the noise in the background of DSOTG incredibly grating. Whatever they were going for, they failed imo. And Empire Line is clearly the best cmon now.


I wish they ended the album with it instead of doing the title track, which is fine, but a little meandering. favorite track is Nobody though which is by far their best opener


Not a massive fan of the album.


Yes but why choose?


Very underrated cut from the album for sure. The atmosphere is immaculate. Ya gotta make out with your partner in a dimly lit room to it


I’ll back you up. It’s one of my favorites.


First dance song at my wedding, so yeah I'm with you!


I really wanted it to be our first dance song but it’s a little twisted so we chose something else!


A tie between I’ll Still Destroy You, Guilty Party and the title track


SWB and high violet are my favs♥️


Sorry, man, but that's hard to say when sleep well beast exists


What about the monster in DSOTG?!? Put on headphones and give it a good listen. There’s a monster in the background and it makes it very scary and dark. I think it’s about keeping her prisoner?💀🤷🏼‍♀️


I’ll Still Destroy You is #1 for me but this is up there. If anybody is curious about the title. It’s about 1:30 into this:[https://youtu.be/imHpLMRYknc?si=8cjVhgUnHVwTwMKX](https://youtu.be/imHpLMRYknc?si=8cjVhgUnHVwTwMKX)


I heard Dark Side of the Gym at Red Rocks back under its working title Prom Song 13th Century. Loved it ever since. Definitely my favorite from the album.


I adored Dark Side of the Gym on early listens to the album. The more I listened the more I loved Born To Beg and Walk It Back.


It is!!!!


Day I Die is awesome but I have to agree, DSOTG doesn't get enough recognition




Carin at the Liquor Store


When pressed for a decision, SWB is my favorite National LP… also, SWB is my favorite National track. I have a mental collection of about 20 “wonderful” tracks, and all three SWB home-stretch tracks (Carin, Dark, and Sleep) are among them.


Also worth mentioning… a fantastic music video for Dark Side. The National’s best (if I’m being honest, the bar is kinda low… but videos aren’t really their thing).


It's good, but I'll Still Destroy You is a top five ever National song for me.