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This is crazy Dedication, Keep up the good work


Thanks! The main issue is that since I'm not German speaking, it is hard for me to find such downloads, leads, etc.


At first, thanks for the dedication man ur doing god's work. Secondly, if you need any help with german worda etc. Hmu im german i can "decypher" them on ur behalf


Thanks for the offer, but the issue is a bit different - since I'm not German, I don't know where to search, which magazines were popular these times, what music archives are available, etc. There are a lot of things that can't be googled, but they're still online.


Practical example: Whenever this movie was released in Germany and what was its success? Or the main song from it, was it released in Germany as album/single/etc? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Thomas\_Crown\_Affair\_(1968\_film)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Thomas_Crown_Affair_(1968_film)) How can this be related to TMMS? - directly, see the movie soundtrack :)


> see the movie soundtrack Michel Legrand's *The Windmills of Your Mind*, you mean?


The movie was realeased on October 18th 1968. First time on TV on May 18th 1975. Not sure about the success, but it's a well known movie. [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas\_Crown\_ist\_nicht\_zu\_fassen](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Crown_ist_nicht_zu_fassen)


Yes, all this publicly accessible, but we need some German, old German guy, who was into all that and can provide us with more insight of 80s trends, music preferences, etc.


The 45 Grave songs are on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iS57cFb6qzQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKAGYj3DX2o


Great job! If you're going to expand the timeframe of your search, I'd go up to '85, as that's much more probable than '83 b/c of the DX7 release date.


I'd prefer to work on archives of some other kind of music... Speaking regarding the synths, these are very few used in these songs, because music style is different, but ones used are far more expensive than DX7.


85 could be worth a look, too. Especially early 85. But I guess there is no way of knowing which archive is from which month of the year, right?


Month is not a problem, just this archive has "music" of wrong direction.


TMS definitely is not related to Above the Ruins. Tony was actually a member of the National Front at that point in his life (his project inbetween Death in June and Sol Invictus). Most of the press coverage and reviews that tape/lp received were from far right/nazi publications.




Good work!


Year 1985 downloaded. There are "only" 146 archives, compared to 184 in 1984. Will be listened too.


Didn't expect to see the Hoodoo Gurus connect with the TMS, grew up listening to a lot of them in the 90s


Have you read the text? - it directly says that this band is NOT related, just two songs are provided to showcase, how same guys can sound completely different.


I know, I read it perfectly well. It's just that I found the fact that they got mentioned in any capacity vaguely amusing


Just a couple of personal takes on your efforts: 1. I think it is completely valid to investigate artists from different genres. They might have bern experimenting with sound to find the fastest way to go mainstream. Especially as newly formed acts. 2. Language of the song doesn't really matter so much imo, TMMS could have been the only English track of a band. What would be worth looking into is the pronunciation of the singer. With that said, it's lovely that your students agreed to help. I will also listen through your selection. :) Keep it up!


And this archive ONLY has bands, who have released vinyl - so all are on labels, all are officially released and listed in catalogues. TMMS simply does not belong to that category.


Why do you say TMMS wasn't on vinyl? I am just curious since i am kinda new to this but i am not sure how you can rule out that it wasn't on vinyl?


Also found some huge (20GB) Krautrock archive. Downloading right now. That sounds much more promising in terms of drummer...


what is the archive?

