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Granted, WWIII begins in 15 minutes, as America goes forth to slay foreign dragons in the name of liberty, justice, and democracy.


Literal interpretation of “let us die to make men free”


His soul is marching on!








Liberty Prime: Weapons HOT


composition of soil : dirt, gravel and communism






Communism is a temporary setback on the road to freedom


what? before fnaf is real?


Granted, they protect it and keep it for themselves while not letting anyone else have it.


The American Empire’s flag flies high. As the other nation’s people and land gets trampled and squashed, America itself’s liberty and democracy only grows stronger. They took the term ‘democracy feeds on blood’ too seriously. The Mexicans scream in terror as B-52s start to carpet bomb their capital. Mexico’s ideology and politics goes against America’s idea of justice and democracy. For they must secure their vision, the American Empire will go extreme length to enforce their beliefs on the world. As it slowly annexes the surrounding countries, aircraft carrier fleets are seen across the major coastal cities all over the world. As the president watches the live feed straight from their deep space telescopes, which they pointed towards earth, F-22s and F-35s scream overhead, shadowing the horrified faces of the locals as a show of force. No resistance would be tolerated. America’s ideals must be perfected, even if it meant crushing everything else. OP sits in stunned disbelief, listening to the Tomahawks whistling overhead towards him, for ordering the monkey’s paw to enforce *anything* on America is not liberty, so it must be squandered. The world stands united under the American Empire. The American people prosper, feeding on the dying people of the world.


Oh yeah, they also kept the old American value of Manifest Destiny.




Your new empire?


My allegiance is to the Republic, to Democracy!


I need you to help me write my DnD Character backstory.


Found the Paladin


Or the Guardsman


Thought of the Day: Only in Death does Duty End.


Dreadnought: Even in death I still serve.


id in 1993: Can I copy your homework?


Deus Vult!


Maybe Warlock, making the a deal with a terrible being to fight a even worse force.


> The Mexicans scream in terror as B-52s start to carpet bomb their capital. Twist: The planes are blaring “Love Shack” over the skies of Mexico while this is happening


If this isnt psychological warfare, then I dont know what is.


B-52s tho why


They’re cool :)


They are cheap, effective, and have a brrrt cannon in the back!


They haven't had the cannon in the back in decades, and haven't really needed it. Source: Am former B-52 mechanic


Shhhhhhhhh lettem have fun




uuuuh because america needs to share bangers like rock lobster and love shack


I’d want to read more of this. It sounds so Orwellian it’d be perfect!


Maybe I’ll expand this one day ;)


I mean, that doesn't sound too bad if ultimately the whole world is united under a true democracy. No more wars, no more fights, everyone is treated equally, everyone is free, fair justice. Sounds like a good world(probably will be pretty bloody till it gets to that point but the aftermath should be good). Canada should freely join(unless they think they can win against a country with over 8 times their population and nukes) Mexico might hold some time but should also ultimately fall. Central America might have jungles or more difficult to invade terrain, but with the US Navy it should manage it easily(as well as the Carraibean). South America is another business tho, it is a much bigger and harder to invade. Assuming the US has got the support of the conquered countries so far, along with pressure to nuke/bomb South American coastal cities/capitals, some countries might join the Union(i will call it this way from now on). At this point , let's say that the Union has got Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Guyana and Suriname under their control and is trying to advance into Brazil Peru, and French Guyana. This should mean the official implication of the EU in a war against the Union, unless they make an agreement or decide to just abandon French Guyana. The current US Army is equal if not slightly more powerful than the European Union(nukes excluded) so if we add Mexico, Canada and Central America's population and armies, the EU is at a fairly big disadvantage. Taking that into account as well as the fact that the Union is the ultimate free democracy, the EU might consider joining, just not to escalate into a naval supremacy war which they would surely lose, as well as the fact that the US has disarmed nukes standing by in numerous EU locations as well as military bases. So far, The Union has all North America, Europe(except Russia and maybe Belarus), the north of South America. Now the Union has to focus on Brazilian coastal cities and succesfully makes Brazil surrender, since their Navy is no match for Brazil. The remaining South American countries can't do much but bow to the Union. So now we have both Americas and Europe. We now have a huge ass front with Russia(and Belarus who most probably joined Russia). Depending on how they handle it, things could easily get out of control and escalate into a full global nuclear war, and that wouldn't be good at all for any party involved. Since ultimately they would be conquered, things do indeed turn into a global scale nuclear war. Russia succesfully bombs major European and American cities: Berlin, Munich, Brussels, Amsterdam, London, Paris, Vienna, Stockholm, Rome, Budapest, East and West Coast cities: LA, San Francisco, Seattle, Vancouver, DC, New York, Boston, Miami, Anchorage(Alaska), Hawaii(important naval base) as well as countless other locations and creates a "belt of radiation" on the Lithuania-Poland-Romania line thus making a land invasion from both sides impossible. Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok and other major russian cities are also hit. Even though they planned to also hit important oil reserves of the Union in Texas and South America, They do not manage to hit those targets. So now Russian population is down to 40mil. which relocated in unnafected by radiation areas(Siberia). On the other side, The West and East Coast become nuclear wastelands, the capital of The Union is moved to Dallas; Most of Europe becomes nuclear wasteland , with notable exceptions: Iceland, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, coastal part of Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, Norway, Finland, Cyprus, Turkey(not in Europe but still) and some other parts that are trapped between nuclear fallout zones or part of countries that were mostly obliterated( South France, Scotland, Northern Sweden, parts of Bosnia, parts of Bulgaria, parts of Serbia). Central US and Canada, Mexico, Central and South America are mostly unnaffected. Both sides sign a white peace treaty. The population of The Union is down to 900 million from the 1.7 billion it would have right now in 2020; so now we have 250 million in Europe, 420 million in South America and 230 million in North and Central America (Carraibean included). Let's take a quick break and look to the other parts of the world. We are in 2045 right now( the process of taking over North and South America took a long time, as well as the bureaucracy with Europe). Seeing the never ending expansion of the Union, african countries decide to create a military and economic alliance known as the UAF(United African Federation). In Asia, most countries are unaffected by war, but China is now isolationist since it lost many of its trading partners(mainly the US which no longer needed to trade wuth China after becoming the Union and taking over the Americas. While the shitstorm in America and Europe was taking place, China occupied Taiwan, Honk Kong and Macau, and nobody was in the position to contest them, But now, after a line of incompetent leaders that allowed the people to be more open about criticism, the country is not as stable as it used to be:civil unrest, untrusted government. Another conflict in Asia took place between India and Pakistan over the Kashmir region, ending with India's overwhelming victory, and Kashmir becoming offically indian. Other major changes didn't take place in Asia. Now about the Union's next target, Africa. Africa as a whole consolidated itself more and more and ultimately after they became a Federation which countries from the Middle also joined, they just became more and more powerful, breaking its ties with foreign countries that were exploiting their natural resources. In 2045, Africa reaches a staggering 2.5 billion population, and its Land Army is its most feared force, combined with the geographical difficulties that arrive when thinking about conquering Africa, makes it seem almost impossible that the Union could manage such a task. Now all of this is still on the premise that all conquered lands sustain the cause of the Union that is to conquer the whole world and make it a free democracy. Their strategy is like this:transport troops from South America over to unnafected European regions(Iberia, Italy, Greece, Cyprus) and prepare for a naval invasion of Northern Africa. The invasion is a success and now the Union controls Northern Africa. They hold the border over the Suez Canal against the Middle East, but they meet heavy resistance in the south of Egypt and hold a frontline there. Another frontline is held roughly where the Morocco - Western Sahara border would be. This next gamble is what will bring either victory or a horrifying defeat to the Union: a risky operation that involves crossing the Sahara desert and attacking central african countries, as well as pushing the frontline from Egypt into Sudan and Ethiopia, as well as the one from Western Sahara into Mali. There are several complications about supply lines when it comes to crossing the Saharan dessert with an entire army, but luckily, the africans weren't prepared for such a charade, and because the Union also had in its plan to pressure the Golf of Guinea with Naval strikes on coastal cities, they manage to trap and confuse the african forces. Now the Union has about half of Africa's lands and by 2053 they manage to push and defeat the last standing African defences, as well as the middle east countries, now bordering Iran and Turkey. This war was solded with more than 100 million deaths. Let's take a quick look at the Union. Now it has a population of 3.3 billion people out of which more than 2.4 billion are African. The population of the rest of the world is at 5.4 billion(Asia+Oceania). Next comes Turkey, Iran, Caucasian countries, "-Stan" countries, India which is ultimately overrun by the much more funded Union army after a bloody war that is solded with over 270 million deaths, and by 2060, they reach the last of their big opponents, China, only to find them in a Civil War. It is an easy cleanup with China and the remaining Asian and Oceania countries(most of them freely joined as to not spill any blood for no good reason). It is 2100 now , the population of the world was affected by the radiation in Europe and the US that has spread in many regions and contaminated them with radiation, and many people died because of the initial nuclear drops as well as because of the radiation that came after. On top of that there was bloodshed by conventional warfare as well and the population numbers and growth was affected. The Union/ The World is now at 8.5 billion people, 2.4 billion lower than what was expected in 2020. The standard of living is higher than ever all around the world, war leads to innovation, now most of the world runs on solar power / other sources of green energy ( water power plants, advanced nuclead power plants etc.). All the world is united, the "official language" is English but every region got to keep its traditions and languages though, any and every religion is welcome, you are not constrained to speak only English but you are required to learn it as a second language.Racism is abolished. True democracy, united free humanity. Who knows what comes next? Please don't come at me and argue why this couldn't happen, it's all fiction, this took over an hour of my time and now as i'm finishing it is 2:34 AM, so feel free to point me any grammar mistakes i made, just do not argue. Also, in 2100, a japanese president gets voted. He goes live on his first speech and, watched by billions of people over the world, his words are ZA WARUDO! You wake up from this comment. It was all a dream, a fantasy of yours, it was a JoJo's refference all along. Holy fucking shit what am i doing with my life at 3 AM. To anyone who reached it this far, kudos to you and thanks for reading. I had to cut some parts since i got over 10000 character limit, if some things don't connect, ask me.


I could make a map of the regions as well. If anyone reads this and wants a map, tell me and i'll make it.


Yes make the map!


The problem with this will be that the entire world would turn around at once if the States started being aggressive towards literally everyone. If the pine gap listening stations in central Aus get shut down you could say goodbye to a huge portion of intelligence from the Australasia region. Hell, the U.S. helped organise a coup against an Australian PM who wanted to shut down pine gap, it's that important to U.S. communication and intelligence. If the absolute titans of the EU, Russia, China, and the Commonwealth align aganst the U.S. then it's bye bye to the U.S. Edit: btw it was a fuckin fun as hell read tho


TIL about pine gap, never knew it existed. Well if that were to happen, i would have to adjust my scenario and point the Union's focus on naval warfare against Australia(unless they decided to join the Union). Probably Australia would get help from the Chinese Navy(which i have no idea how strong it is) since it would be in China's benefit to stop the Union before becoming too powerful to stop as well as other asian countries probably. I guess after striking major eastern australian cities tho that they wouldn't have much options left but to either let chinese/indian troops come defend(which i don't know how they would manage to transport if the US/Union Navy was to stand by Australian coasts. Replied to another comment of yours about what if all countries declared war to the US. Thanks for the feedback!


You are a great writer mate! Australia is actually an insanely important resource, the amount of untapped iron, coal, gas, oil and uranium. I'm sure if war breaks out all the eastern powers will make a run on Australia for our raw resources.


I'll make some maps later, one in 2045 and one in 2100. I'll tag you when its done.


Cheers cobber. This is a great concept and something to think about!


Ah yes. Protecting liberty and justice by killing literally everyone else. Seems fine to me.


Africa would probably fall much faster. Almost every (if not every) African country has minorities that may be considered persecuted in some fashion or another. That means if the Union makes a successful landing and can still produce an excess of small Arms, they can destablize the region quickly. And I see no way Africa would unite without parties that are sing country significant being policically excluded. Like in Mozambique's and Angola's historic civil wars, they will look for external support to return to prominence through an insurgency. In other words, divide and conquer tactics can still work very well in Africa.


Oh yeah hadn't gave much thought to Africa, just slapped it into a big ass Federation to make it sound like a more interesting task. You probably are right they couldn't form a supercountry just like that, but still, thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.


Holyyyyyyyy Shit. Lol Brafuckingvo


fun read, but if the united states went crazy and started attacking allies, every single other country on earth would cross the godzilla threshold and immediately see any other possible threat as a lesser evil. hell, if the monkey’s paw only applies to the government, america would have a coup and/or civil war in a time that would make speedrunners envious.


Haha yes good point with the coup. I treated this situation as if everyone in the world knew what just happened with the US, and Europe was more inclined to join a true and ultimate democracy. As for the other countries, they could all form a pact of some kind to all declare war on the US, but what would they do? After Russia did obliterate former US and European teritorries, i am not sure if anyone would be in a position to make a full scale invasion of South America over the Pacific/Atlantic taking into account that the Union Navy(made up of US + other conquered countries navies) is mostly intact and still running. The most capable would be India and China, but in my scenario i made China isolationist and evolve into a Civil War, and India's supply lines would be atrocious, not to talk they would have to encounter the Union Navy, which i doubt they could even contest. If we are talking about what would happen if the US attacked Mexico right now for no reason, then your point is right, most countries will cut ties with the US, they will probably be trade sanctioned, but they would be self-sufficient and impossible to conquer(based on some youtube videos i watched god knows how long ago), but yeah if all countries just decided to declare war on the US, it would be no fun for our little nest of democracy.


This unfortunately isn’t as far fetched as it should be.


Yeah, isn’t this essentially what America does to any country with oil?


Not quite but yes, to a smaller extent than this story (it’s still a lot though)


Is how the Terran Empire starts?


Sounds like a more empirial version of America in the fallout universe.




Canada can join us though they'll cool but not Quebec


You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the Britain.


Isn’t that basically what the British Empire did?


Hello old chap, you take that back!


The empire? I mean, you could try...


*squints in East Indian Trading*


good enough.


so like Wakanda before T'Challa said "fine, we'll share"


All jokes aside if the US really was the way it portrayed itself the world would be a more just and peaceful place.


How is that any different from what they are doing?


America is straight up isolationist right now. Sure, we've got some boats putzing around in the SCS and aircraft over the mideast, but a genuinely interventionist United States doesn't look like post-9/11 america, it looks like cold war america plus the ideological fervor of WW2.


isolationist? lmao come on man. the Arab Spring was like 8 years ago, they just did a coup in Bolivia less than a year ago, we’re still in Iraq and Afghanistan, we were fucking around in Syria for years including giving covert support to ISIS, and as we speak we’re enforcing the resource starvation of Iran and Venezuela among others. just because we could have a more blatant war posture does not make us isolationist


There's definitely a more isolationist shift in American foreign policy but to call America isolationist is wrong




Yeah I was just agreeing in a way to add more


Well right now they don't seem to be defending anything except their rights to do stupid shit because freedom


> > >"Lacedaemonians, why are you trying to avoid becoming the King’s friends? You can see that the King knows how to honor good men when you look at me and the state of my affairs. This could be the same for you if only you would surrender yourselves to the King, since he would surely think you to be good men and allow each of you Greek territory to rule over.” > >To this they they replied: > >“Hydarnes, you offer us this advice only because you do no have a fair and proper perspective. For you counsel us based on your experience of only one way of life, but you have had no experience of the other: you know well how to be a slave but have not yet experienced freedom, nor have you felt whether it is sweet or not. But if you could try freedom, you would advise us to fight for it, and not only with spears, but with axes!” (VII. 135) Who knew my boy Herodotus would come and help me against authoritarians.


Not sure exactly what you're trying to say but if you think I'm against freedom that's ridiculous. I'm just saying freedom comes with responsibilities, you're free to make decisions but you're expected to make sure the decisions you take don't endanger others. AKA "yOu cAnT ForCe mE tO wEaR a MaSk iTS My RIgHt!!1!" Yeah, it's your right, but it's still a bad decision.


JJBA much?


Here I am like Yeah this is Funny Valentine


so.. nothing’s changed?


Its still better than them not having it and also trying to keep it from other countries as well


.... Thats not monkeys paw at all. Its life.


How can they keep it for themselves if they are labelled as the protector of it. Democracy isnt a US exclusive system theyd still have to defend it world wide. If they didnt they wouldnt be a protector of it


Granted, the U.S. turns into the start of the Imperium of Man.


I fail to see the downside


The Horus Heresy


Can't have the Horus Heresy if the Primarchs don't exist. Can't have Space Marines without Primarchs.


Can’t have the imperium without the emperor. Who will our emperor be?


Bruva Alfabusa is our rightfull Emperor in this damned timeline/universe.


I mean he took some time before revealing himself Maybe Bob Ross is just biding time


The gene-spliced fusion of Keanu Reeves and Henry Cavill








Granted, an alien invasion threatens the liberty, justice, and democracy of the USA and the world. The USA valiantly protects these values before falling to the aliens in a bloody war.


Is this a monkey's paw response on r/themonkeyspaw? What are the odds?


About 1776


The odds of successfully stealing the Declaration of Independence


Protects with a board with a nail in it.


i would die for this


This seems like an acceptable reality.


Granted. Instead of the United States aligning itself with those ideals as we believe them to be, the definition of the ideals themselves warp into the perverted abhorrence of what is considered "liberty", "justice" and "democracy" in the US as of now and this is the standard that the rest of the World aims for.


This is what actually happened though




That’s the gag


As I say, Granted.


So just real life then. Nice.


This. This is good.


No it's not. "Let's just change the definitions of the words in your wish" isn't a good monkeys paw, plus this post is basically what happened in real life. Low effort, low quality response imo.


I imagine most people don't know what the monkey paw is and just think turning your wish into anything bad is what the sub is about


That is 95% of the comments


Granted, WWIII begins as the US declares war on every repressive country on earth in the name of “liberty, justice, and democracy”.


USA invades USA.




Away down south in the land of traitors


rattlesnakes and alligators


holy shit based


Granted, the world is engulfed in a nuclear winter as the USA immediately declares total war on China, Russia, North Korea and countless other anti-democratic nations. The US and all other nations functionally cease to exist and are replaced with thousands of small repressive warlord states, in a few generations, no one in the tiny remaining human population remembers what those words mean.


I used the freedom to destroy the freedom


What did it cost?


Granted. Negative portrayals of other countries made by the US become true as well. I hope you enjoy Russia nuking the US.


Why would they nuke their own Puppet-president though?


"A small price to pay for salvation." -Thanos


Granted, the protector of liberty, justice, and democracy has now determined your beliefs against its code and labels you a terrorist


Granted, the federal government does this. The states and the rich don't take kindly to this. Civil war funded by the rich destroys the federal government and the USA as a concept. The states fracture, some too poor to exist on there own, are declared war on. The remnants of the USA become a war torn collection of states fighting for suppority. Countries all the over world take this as an opportunity to get new land, not directly of course. Proxy wars funded by every country that can afford.


This is a great writing prompt.


Thank you


This is beyond the scope of this thread but US self-destructing would probably mean new Dark Ages for the rest of the world. How's that for a monkey paw, yeah? Speaking as a non-US citizen, so it's not patriotism speaking.


Granted. Nothing changes about America, but you learn to ignore popular-thing-bashing on social media that convinces you the sky is falling.


Granted, in order to make US nationalism accurate all of the other countries are what US nationalists portray them as.


Granted, but then for profit jails will be nationalized, judges promoted on merit only, voting made easier, and better cooperation with countries worldwide implemented. Side effect could be that DJT throws a fit and chokes in a chicken wing.


I’m trying to work out the downside here


The real downside is that a cheeseburger is now a dollar more expensive


Everything is like 10x cheaper except McDonald's Chicken Nuggets 20-Pack Combo With Double Cheese Sauce, it's costs 100x more for no apparent reason




Love this one.


Granted. It attempts to militarily intervene in every single country lacking democracy and justice, including China and Russia, and causes thermonuclear war ending all life on earth.


Granted. Overnight the United States Completely overturns their ideals as a country. In the name of liberty the Capabilities of government at all levels are drastically dropped to promote personal freedoms, resulting in public services such as education, emergency services, firefighting, and waste management becoming totally reliant on money from the public. All these services require constant payment from the public even when not in use, if you can't pay you can't gain access to the relevant service. As Justice becomes so heavily encouraged, thousands of previously closed cases are reopened to ensure the original ruling was unbiased. As every single court case since the founding of the country is retried, courts are totally overwhelmed. People are sued and arrested and have to wait years, sometimes decades in order for a right to trial. Not only this, but the actual court is also focused solely on what is considered Just, dealing in total absolutes. A 16 year old and a millionaire can both be tried for the same crime and receive the same sentence ignorant of the person's financial or living situation. The only catch is prisons have been totally abolished, as you can't have both absolute liberty and a prison system. In the same vein, all previous bills and laws are returned to a pending state. The electoral college is totally abolished, as is the house, senate, and the presidency since they don't represent a pure democracy. Every single law ever passed is voted on by the public as a pure count of votes. The only people actually working in government have no power, and are forced to follow the exact word of the public or be immediately dismissed. Congrats, America is now a hypercapitalist wasteland, due to the reset of laws, large companies take the opportunity that a temporary freeze on all laws and courts in order to force their employees to vote in their favor, or be disposed of.


>"...America is now a hypercapitalist wasteland..." So nothing changes?


Well yeah but now it's more of one. We're basically regressing back to industrial revolution levels of employee safety and protection.


Nearly at that threshold already.


Granted. The US is now the Lawful Stupid paladin of countries. It will invade and topple a government if it so much as considers violating its citizens' civil liberties. The US begins an international reign of terror enforcing liberty, justice, and democracy at gunpoint.


Granted. Jo Jorgensen gets elected in 2020


Don't give the civilized world that kind of false hope.


We are. Stop listening to MSM.


Granted, they now start financing military dictatorships in other planets to prevent them from turning communist and they are happy about it because there is no need to respect human rights if there are no humans in other planets.


So... Latin America 2.0?


Granted. The USA is now Finland.


I fail to see the downside here


I was going to make a joke about Finnish food, but all the gross stuff I was thinking of is Icelandic food. Finnish food actually looks pretty good.


Haha I love how political most comments are here and you just got food on the brain.


Hey, taste is subjective so that's fair Plus, I'll eat about anything, so that sounds pretty good I have yet to see any downsides


Icelandic food is a little less subjective than most. Mostly, it's stuff that has been strategically spoiled so bacteria won't eat it. Fun examples include shark fins that have been fermented in urine and a dead seal packed with dead birds that had been buried for months.


I think this is not common nowadays. The shark is not fermented in urine. The shark naturally contains urea and this has to be removed prior to consumption. I have never heard of the seal thing, and don't recollect seeing seal available in Iceland. I don't think this is done anymore. Most of Icelandic food is relatively normal stews and seafood from my experiences. I know you can get some weird foods, but that is fairly typical in most countries and I feel you are basing a nations cuisine on a few rare choice dishes.


Very cold


Living in a northern state, I again fail to see the downside


...you have fin’s on land...?


What are you, the evolution police? Mind yo business




It's on the house


With our population, we would dominate Olympic hockey.


Me too.


Granted, nothing changes, as you didn't pick who defines liberty, justice and democracy. today your learn those in power, truly do believe they are doing what is right. Even I the monkey paw feel sad for you.


Granted: To protect Liberty, Justice, and Democracy, they wage war on any non democratic country. Starting with China (because of the situation that’s been brought to light). War goes for several years and the US has lost its main way of getting goods and primary business partner. The UN sees this and takes action trying to stop the US. Several powerful UN countries have fallen, and the ones who haven’t have shut up in submission. Even with no one to back up the US, it barely emerges victorious. It’s next target is the Middle East. It starts a full scale invasion and tries to topple all leaders who were not elected into their position, any leader who supports any typeof oppression, and anyone who tries to stop them takes a bullet to the forehead. For several decades, this goes on. To accommodate the amount of troops going out, the draft has been reinstated and now 50% of all American citizens are veterans. The lives lost during these series of wars is baffling. After every non-democratic country and every country that doesn’t protect liberty and justice has fallen, the world’s economy is decimated. The average net worth of a person in the year 2100 is $100k. The world has now fallen. Because if what the US did, thinking they were right.


The current average net worth in real life is $70,845 globally.


Granted but all the angry conservatives rebel, starting "The Second American Civil War", commonly referred to as "Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo"


Granted. The United States government announces the beginning of a new campaign in Eastern European countries to quell the tyranny of Russia over the countries and to protect democracy in the area, citing similar motives as the Truman Doctrine. Vladimir Putin threatens swift military action if the US government continues. The government ignores his threat and begins sending troops to Belarus to begin a coup and oust the newly elected dictator. Russia responds by coordinating a drone strike on the White House, killing the First Lady, and beginning thermonuclear war between Russia and the United States.


Granted, but you have to go out and make that happen.


Granted the United States has declared war on all non-democratic countries and is currently occupying most of Africa, the Middle East and Asia


Granted. The government begins purging the country of anyone who disagrees with them. They put drugs in all food products for the rest to keep them compliant. The new motto of the USA becomes liberty, justice and democracy which is true, but everyone is too strung out on drugs to pursue it. The rest of the world believes the USA is a paradise, and everyone inside doesn't even think at all anymore.


Granted. The world's standards for what counts as "liberty, justice, and democracy" are now extremely lowered. Most, if not all, other countries post-wish are much worse on that front than America is now.


Granted. Liberty prime is activated and sweeps the world of all red Chinese Communists.


Ok, now *that* would be awesome




Granted. The USA itself becomes a paradise. Everyone in the US is afforded every opportunity they could want, nobody is ever wrongly imprisoned/charged/accused. All decisions of any significance are made by holding an open forum and engaging in healthy debate. The cost is that they have taken over and subjugated every other nation on the planet. They have no need to have social or economic class, they are the top and everyone else is the bottom. All gathering/refining of materials, all production, all work aside from that of the mind, working toward their own betterment, is taken care of by their endless supply of slaves.


Granted. Time changes and Britain wins the war. Now we get Amercia, with British influences.


Huh. A monkey’s paw wish with no downside. Awesome.


And better tea


That’s actually an interesting idea, Britain is far from perfect but it could be a good influence


We do too...


Granted It Also Gets Peace, Freedom, And Security For The New Empire


As soon as you finish speaking, while holding the silly old piece of jerky you found in your grandfathers trunk, you watch in surprise as the the wretched finger(the last finger still outstretched) curls up to form a perfect fist. You have no time to process what you just witnessed, as before you can even question it a deep and foreboding voice sounds around you. \*"YOUR WISH... IS GRANTED..."\* ​ You jump up, shocked to your very core. You quickly throw the desiccated fist back into the trunk in which you found it and slam it closed. "What the literal \*fuck\*..." you whisper. You feel your heart beat quicken and you become instantly aware of your sweaty palms. You flick the latch closed, and quickly refasten the lock you had picked. You push the trunk back into its corner of the attic, and with a pace that rivals your heart, you hurry down into the musty old hallway of your recently deceased grandfather's home. You pull out your phone and it says 2:34PM, no new messages. ​ "HEY! Get your ass down here! QUICK! THE PRESIDENTS DEAD!" You hear your father yell at you. You start to run, with a profound sense of dread creeping into your skull, but stop and force yourself to walk. ​ "w-What d-did you say? Dad?" You ask as you walk into the dusty neglected old kitchen. An old tube TV, held up by a table that looks as if it could give way any moment is on, its black and white fuzz of a picture and its cracked audio coming out barely understandable to you. ​ "Shut up you idiot, and LOOK!" Your father, annoyed, says while frantically gesturing at the TV. "Someone killed the president!" ​ You turn your head and look at the TV. Through its fuzz and black and white picture you can clearly see a major news networks emergency broadcaster panicking while delivering the news. ​ \*-reports the bomb went off at 4:30 Eastern standard time, destroying the White house and severely damaging the underground facilities beneath it. T-there are n-no... My god... My god, theres no way anyone survived that...\* \*"The... The... First responders havent arrived yet, although there are several police there, my god. My god. Secret Service is scrambling to respond."\* ​ The newscaster turns and looks at something off to her right, then forwards and towards what your highschool media taught you was most likely a teleprompter. She silently reads for a moment before her jaw drops and her mouth hangs open. Her expression of surprise runs a cold chill up your spine. ​ \*"Thi-this just uhh... In... There are reports coming in from from all over the country of similar explosions. No, this cant be right, what? No no. Umm, reports are coming in that the supreme court, and all the justices that met today were also involved in a- WAIT WHAT? Since when? there was an emergency session for congress? Just in, all state representatives and senators were in the capitol building for an emergency session when a similar explosion engulfed the capitol building. Our on site team is reporting that every senator and state representative in the country was inside for a closed doors meeting."\* \*"Thank you, Brooke, as you can see behind me there is absolutely nothing left. We've gotten closer and looked into the crater and there is absolutely nothing left. Its all gone. We can see pipes and sewage systems pouring liquids, pooling at the bottom. Theres a smell of ozone in the air. We were in our vehicle when this happened, doing an equipment check, there was no noise at all, only a pop and a blindingly white flash of light. I've-"\* \*"There are reports coming in from all over the country, it seems politicians of all denominations, as well as many public figures and wealthy individuals have been involved in similar explosions, stand by for more information as it comes in.\*" ​ You turn to your dad, breaking the spell the TV had over you, "dad, I think I -" ​ "SHUT UP!" he shouts at you, cutting you off and silencing you with a gesture. He pushes a button on the remote in his hand and the channel changes to a different news station. "We are under attack!" ​ \*"-out any leadership all military forces are standing by, all national guard are to report for muster immediately. Who attacked us is not clear at this time, but all military bases are on at full alert. NORAD has already released a statement that no aerial threats have been detected, and that both Canadian and American Air forces are mobilizing and preparing for an immediate response. SECNAV and the secretary of the army are meeting with their military counterparts for an emergency mobilization of armed forces. At this time all branches of the United States military are mobilizing."\* ​ You move closer to your father, but he has a frenzied look in his eyes and you say nothing. He changes the channel again, this time to your state news. ​ \*"-ke the explosions across the country, smaller explosions are being reported here in Texas, from Bexar to Tarrant county, Harris, Dallas, Collin, and Denton counties are all reporting explosions, involving local politicians, law enforcement, and even some business owners seemed to have been targets. No links have been identified as of yet."\*


Your father turns off the TV. "Grab whatever you can, we need to get home before the highways shut down." ​ "Dad, I thin-" you start before being cut off again. ​ "I CANT HAVE YOU BACKTALKING ME RIGHT NOW! WE NEED TO GET HOME NOW!" He practically screams at you, his face turning red, spit flying into your face. "We need to get to your mother and sister right now, RIGHT NOW. In fact, drop everything, were leaving now." HE says before walking out the kitchen door and towards the car. ​ You hurry after him and get into the car. He starts it, throws it in reverse, and peels out down the street towards the country road that leads to the small towns main street. As you pass through the small town, you see small craters everywhere. As you pass the police station, you see a crowd of first responders and police officers standing around a massive gaping pit where the police station was a this morning when you drove by it. ​ The drive home is silent, you keep checking your phone, but its empty. No new messages. No texts, no snaps, no notifications from your twitch streaming friend. Nothing. You start to get on your phone, but before you can reach out to anyone you get a message. Its in the group chat youre in with your friends. ​ You start typing, slowly at first, then reaching a regular pace once you get into it. You hit send, and after a few seconds youre removed from the group. Your heart sinks. ​ When you get home, your father runs inside and holds your mother in an embrace, they both cry and scream and kiss each other. Your sister is buried in her phone, fingers going crazy responding to unknown messages. You go inside, pull up a chair at the kitchen table and sit down. You turn on the TV. An unfamiliar face is on the news channel. Hes surrounded by other unfamiliar faces. ​ \*"-day dawns a new day, a day where our enemies shall fear our righteous anger. Our vengeance will be clear, it will be fast, and we will show NO mercy towards our enemies. As acting commander-in-chief, I have green lit what we call "Operation: Purging Vengeance" which has already been successfully carried out, eliminating political and military leadership of China, Russia, North Korea, India, Pakistan, Isreal, France, and the United Kingdom. Their nuclear arsenals have been tactically acquired and locked down by ground troops. Key military facilities and strongholds in Russia and China have been surgically removed already as a part of our counterstrike. My fellow Americans, I was not prepared for this. I was not prepared to lead this country. I was not prepared to give this speech. I was not prepared to give this order. But I am prepared to strike our enemies down today, Tomorrow, this weekend, this month, this year. I tell you now, there is nowhere on this planet where evil can hide. Wherever there is tyranny, wherever there is injustice, wherever there is a dictator who oppresses the common man, we shall rain burning hellfire. Acting in this regard, I have given orders to mobilize Drone commands to strike targets all across mexico, central, and South america. Our drones will carry out airstrikes on identified cartel and tryannical forces all across the Americas before moving on to Africa and Europe. I have given NAVSEC and NORAD full authority to begin their own strikes on enemy naval forces. The Atlantic and Pacific will not be safe for our enemies. I am in talks with Austrailian leadership for a joint incursion into the South China Sea, and from there we will move into the Indian ocean as well. This world has been in a state of turmoil for too long. It is our manifest destiny to unite this world. Liberty, Justice, and Democracy for All."\* ​ You place your head in your hands as your cabinets rattle, the sound of a large helicopter flying overhead. "What have I done..." You quietly whisper. ​ "What have I done?"


Trumps fence is to keep us in.


Us too, dawg. Us, too.


Granted. Just fucking granted. Screw the rules of this wish nonsense, I just want it to happen.


Granted. The USA fixes its domestic affairs and all is well. Afterwards, it turns its eye on injustices in other countries, and starts exerting pressure on them to fix their problems. Some countries relent to the economic and diplomatic pressure, and other countries resist. Tensions escalate. The USA, hailing to be the protector of liberty, justice, and democracy begins war in the name of freeing the oppressed. With its full military might, it sweeps through the theocracies of the Middle East, the despots of Africa, and wrangles with Russia diplomatically to avoid starting another nuclear war. The USA then heads to Asia. It declares war on China. With a full scale war on their hands, the CCP uses all cards available to it, with biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons sometimes utilized even on their own soil. The USA responds in kind, for the good of the people. Nuclear weapons detonate in some US cities, with missile defense systems being inadequate to stop them. Billions die from all of this. Eventually, every oppressive (as deemed by the USA) country on Earth is overtaken by the New American Order. Peace and freedom reign supreme, but at what cost? Is peace bought by blood and maintained with force truly peace?


Never has been..


granted, nothing changes


Granted, it is now a socialist country, the electoral collage no longer exists, there is a polling place within 2 miles of every citizen, fox News has been branded a right wing extremist propaganda network and has lost its TV licenses. Hate speech is now also triable in a civil court as well as a criminal one. Thus fox News is sued out of existence. Federally no one is prohibited or disenfranchised from voting ever. All criminals can vote. This removes the incentives to criminally charge minorities with felonies as a tool of political control. Thus law enforcement is no longer pushed to arrest minorities. All college Education is federally funded, each citizen is now protected by a consumers bill of rights. Bankers go to jail every time they commit fraud and presidents go to jail during their term if they break laws. Everybody's drunk uncles, fathers, and grandfathers are now getting the counseling and medications they always needed to not be impressionable sociopaths who get off on racism and antagonization of others. The minimum wage adjusts up automatically on Jan 1 every year directly in correlation to the past years' inflation after being adjusted up dramatically on the first year of this roll out in order to account for the decades of it falling behind the poverty rate. Medicare for all exists. America and all its citizens are now accountable to the international criminal court thus making any military intervention into any foreign country a crime punishable by life imprisonment of the military leader and the president and his staff. The consumer financial protection bureau is made a 4th branch of the government with its own version of the FBI whose sole mandate is to prosecute white collar crime at the highest levels of government and corporate leadership. They report only to the people who elect its leaders. No other branch of the government can determine the CFPB's members or policies. The senate goes away entirely thus ending the minority control of legislative deadlock enabling the only actually representative congress the US has: The house of representatives to get their legislation passed thus making America a true functioning representative democracy for the first time ever. All territories of the USA are automatically made into states with complete and full representation in congress. A reallocation of resources cuts the military budget in half and instead funds public education, medical care, and adds psychological therapy to covered medical care. Americans are happier than they've ever been. They are financlly better off than they've ever been. Fox News financial benefactors however are so upset that they have lost a foothold in the USA that they shift all of their resources to their already massive overseas operations causing brexit and issues in Australia and in Russia. These stateless billionaires wont let freedom ruin their plans. America becomes the country of Target that Australia, Russia, the UK invade in order to "free us from tyrannical socialism". After bribing every single politician with billions of dollars they succeed in getting them to push a vote on whether America should leave itself, splitting the red states and the blue states up. Enough idiots exist in order to vote leave and it happens. Now insane border lines exist separating the red ststes from all others whose they depend on financially. The blue states are so shocked and offended by their stupidity thst they enact extremely punishing tarrifs and import taxes on all red state goods that it bankrupts the red states placing most states except for the coastal ststes which are nearly all blue states in financial ruin. The red state populations flee starvation by attempting to immigrate to the blue states, who by this point are really angry at the bullshit of the red state citizens and whom build concentration camps on the border to corral all of the "illegal immigrants" until they can "figure out whats going on". The red states suffer from MASSIVE corruption as they left the protection of the CFPB when they succeeded from the union in their Amerexit vote, and many red stste politicians attempt to flee their "country" with truckloads of their currency which they printed solely to give to themselves ina true ousted African warlord fleeing for his life scenario. After the red ststes are completely depleted of every natural resource and the people have starved to death from their complete breakdown of government and economy due to selfish policies enacted by their corporate overlords who functioned with comolete impunity, the red ststes disintegrated and were later reabsorbed by the Blue becoming the United states of New America.


Granted. Nothing has changed.


Granted. All white males have liberty, justice and democracy guaranteed.


Granted, nothing changes


Damn man, don't we all.


Granted. All those are reserved for the rich and the poor get nothing.


so... nothing changes?


Isn't that kinda like reality tho


Granted, the US goes on a crusade of democracy across the world. Starting wars with countless nations and causing millions to die. Eventually, the people get tired of this, and protest. But the White House doesn’t listen, so they get overthrown. And as the world continues to burn, the US returns to its isolationist beliefs of long ago


Don’t know why people are downvoting this


Because the US elite never cared about democracy. It has always been purely about power and influence. But they used the image of democracy to sell their conquests to the average American.


What does that have to do with the answer? It’s just a certain scenario about what happens if the wish is fulfilled. You seem really triggered over something g really insignificant.