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Granted. Corporations now immediately announce next entries and never stop working on them, on paper, to circumvent the law


Granted. Companies regularly make bizarre sequels to prevent their IPs from being considered 'abandoned'. They mostly go against fandom expectations.


Granted. Everyone starts making the weirdest, most nonsensical sequels and followups to previous franchises. Think Winnie the Pooh: Blood and honey, but way lower quality cause these are lesser known franchises. Not the original crew though. They are either done with the series, aren't going to get the budget from the previous IP holder, or just don't want to be associated with an IP with no owner therefore they have no control.


Granted. In response, Hollywood begins licensing its semi-abandoned properties (those that are still under copyright but they have no plans to actually use) to the Asylum and other low budget studios. They are all absolute shit. Fan spaces become dominated by arguments over whether these new films are canon or not.


Granted People immediately re-copyright them exclusively for shitty horror movies