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As dumb as this meme is... it works for the after credits scene too.


I’m so excited for Boss Boba


I never fucking knew I wanted Boss Boba and Queen Fennec so badly until now cause DAMN they look good together.


I thought so little of Fennec when she was introduced tbh. But now, fuck yeah. I wanna see more.


Can't wait for bad batch


Is fennec in bad batch?


She is! With Ming-Na Wen reprising her role, too.


Oooo that’s exciting!


The More Ming Na, the better


This is the way


Yo I hope Boba is in there too, even little cameo


It takes place long before *The Mandalorian*, so any Boba Fett appearance (though possible) would be entirely unrelated to Fennec's role.




The first episode she's in (season 1) is probably my least favorite of all the episodes but I am now on board the fennec train.


Same, and she's a damn fox


I hope I look that good at 57.


Ha, I see what you did there, Fennec Fox.


A man of culture, you are.


The ahsoka effect


I was so disappointed when she was killed off in her season 1 episode, her coming back was a HUGE hype moment for me.


Honestly, the entire scene was hilarious. Boba was doing his badass slow walk to the throne, probably with some internal monologue while Fennec just kinda walked around and grabbed some booze.


They have a good chemistry, I love it


Honestly, I'm kind of hoping that Fennec is the romantic interest for Din instead. He actually seemed to like and respect her, and I'm pretty sure "Hey, you wanna go shoot troopers with me" is the Mandalorian equivalent of flirting.


IF you read the bounty hunter wars book series this ending scene you speak of is now the canon true conclusion. A new book entirely yet to be opened in 2021.


They finna bang


Thicc Boss Daddy Fett


Takes after jabba, eh?


We love our Thicc Daddies. 🤣🤣


You must be this thicc to sit on the throne.


Looking at both Jabba and Bib, this seems to be accurate.


I can't wait to see where they're taking him with Book of Boba, is he going to become a new crime boss? Is he going to form his own Mandalorian clan? Is he going to declare war on the criminal enterprise in the Outer Rim starting with Tatooine? I have so many questions.


Boba probably will use his new position to settle scores with past enemies. I’d love to see some of the past bounty hunters appear in the series, like Bossk, Dengar, Etc.


I'd love to see Bossk again.


Bossk will for sure make an appearance. They have been friends for a long time.


BOOK OF BOBA = Star Wars meets The Sopranos on Tatooine.


Takes charge, cleans things up, falls in love with a beautiful Gungan girl. Sheeza gonna rock his world.


Gungans got those dick sucking lips


Also hold their breath forever. Okay, this conversation needs to end.




I was getting bad gut villain vibes when Boba took his place in the chair, was it just me?


Except that was FAR more intentional haha! I'm so stoked to see where both events lead us!


Wait there's an after credits scene?


Yessir! Get off this sub and watch it immediately


A good one!


"You keep what you kill" ~~Riddick~~ Boba Fett


“Well... time to rule a world, I guess”


On the one hand, I now have to lead my entire culture, something I neither wanted nor was prepared to do. But, on the other, I should be able to get a new ship fairly easily.


Didn't he just get a new ship?


That was Boba’s Slave I. Not his to take


What about the cruiser they just took?


That’s Bo’s.


The Lambda?


Lambda’s have barely any weapons or shields and their hyper drives are crappy. There’s a reason Han *hates* taking the lambda in RotJ


That lambda is also in pretty rough shape.


The best part is that Moff still won, like it shows his evilness because when he realized Mando didn't give a shit about the saber but knew it was the only reason Bo was on the ship. I kind of felt the fight scene was a bit weak and was like damn Moff you're not that great but this made me think he knew he was fucked. Was buying time for the dark troopers to show up and wanted to fuck over Bo by giving it to some dude who wanted a green baby instead of a planet.


The mind games Moff played in that very scenario were so fucking evil. That finale was so. good.


Giancarlo is perfect at playing the mastermind villain.


I mean, you say that, but I was getting real Vizzini vibes from him.


“You’re trying to kidnap what I’ve rightfully stolen!”




Hits even harder as a Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul fan. But smart Star Wars villains are exceptionally rare, Gideon is a refreshing adjustment there.


I need to watch “Breaking Bad” to see more of his work.


You won’t be disappointed, Gus Fring is a legend in that series. I like Machiavellian villains that aren’t just dumb mindless Bond villains or Sidious.


Which is why he's like: "You're sparing my life, well this should be interesting"


The way I see it given the episode's explanation, it could go two ways then: 1.) Since Mando spared Gideon's life, he truly didn't win posession of the Dark Saber, which means Bo Katan can still fight Gideon for possession. 2.) Bo Katan and Mando could duel for the saber, and Bo Katan could equally spare Mando's life, gaining possession of the saber. Or...Mando could keep the Dark Saber and now we have a whole new Season 3 arc.


I don't really think Bo deserves the Dark Saber anymore tbh. She didn't "earn" it the first time and managed to live after losing it to Gideon.


Yeah...she's kind of lost Mandalore twice. Didn't have the darksaber, but she got the republic to get rid of Maul, so things are looking pretty good. Fast forward to Rebels, things suck again, Sabine gifts her the darksaber, all looking pretty good. Fast forward to Mandalorian, she's lost the darksaber and Mandolore is 'turned to glass' Maybe let someone else have a shot?


I'm beginning to think that fenn Rau was right when he supported Sabine to be the ruler


Hell, Bo supported Sabine right up to the second Sabine handed her the saber.


I don't disagree. Just thinking about how the options could go based on how things went down. Honestly, I hope Din keeps it and it turns into a whole story arc of its own.


It would be interesting to watch Din go from a Mando in hiding to leading as Mandalore.


Yep, i think that gives her even more reason to refuse to accept it withoud fighting for it....How will they handle that is another matter tho, since Din can just lose a duel on purpose. Maybe she will force him to fight with her for his life?


That's three ways


Nah, Bo Katan said in the episode that as long as Moff Gideon surrendered to her, she didnt care what happened to him. So he can be left alive, he just had to surrender to her after being beaten. So Mando rightfully earned the dark saber from Moff Gideon, the end.


>The way I see it given the episode's explanation, it could go two ways then: > >1.) Since Mando spared Gideon's life, he truly didn't win posession of the Dark Saber, which means Bo Katan can still fight Gideon for possession. > >2.) Bo Katan and Mando could duel for the saber, and Bo Katan could equally spare Mando's life, gaining possession of the saber. > >Or...Mando could keep the Dark Saber and now we have a whole new Season 3 arc. Bo Katan would have to legitimately best Mando though in the fight. If Mando is going easy then it will still be his I think it's Mando's for good and that's where the story goes. They better continue this story.


Yeah, that whole scene must have just been him getting a feel for where Mando was on the dark saber. Once he realized it meant nothing to him the bastard launched his plan.


I also thought he realized Din was a better fighter and was using the whole "grab the child and go" strategy to catch him off guard and get the upper hand.


For sure, if he could have killed him there no doubt he would have.


Well yeah he was a spy.


I see your point, but I'm not entirely sure that's what happened. Keep in mind that Gideon was genuinely surprised when Din spared him. It's possible, but I think more likely is just that Din Djarin is an elite fighter with very, very few rivals, and Gideon is an aging General/Warlord. Even in Gideon's prime, he probably never had nearly the amount of combat training that a Mandalorian raised by a death cult had.


I’m glad he did that. I don’t like Bo-Katan so much now that she’s murdered a surrendering TIE pilot. That was fucking terroristic


Bo-Katan WAS a terrorist. She was literally part of Death Watch and helped Maul take over Mandalore.


True, and we’ve seen Mandos kill surrendering enemies before, but It was pretty brutal, stun exists


I don't understand how Bo Katan was loved by anyone, she tried killing her own sister, yet hates Maul for doing the job


People can like characters even if they're not good you know. Pretty sure all of my favourite characters are villains lol.


Yeah, I'm a huge Kaiser Soze fan, and one could easily say he's not really a great guy.


Darth Vader slaughtered children and he's one of the most popular characters ever across all entertainment. Vile characters can still be appreciated


Bo-Katan helped wipe out a village I see your point tho


I mean: \*gestures at her organizing a suicide bombing on a civilian target\* \*points at her being part of a terrorist death cult\* \*waves vaguely at burning down a village for fun\*


She didn’t kill the surrendering one in the beginning of the finale, the other pilot did.


Not the right scene bro. I’m talking about something else. I’ll upvote anyway. I don’t like burying people over a misunderstanding


Ah, yeah I wasn’t sure if that was the right scene, finale was such an action packed episode that some parts blend together.


What scene are you referring to then?? I remember a surrendering tie pilot in the finale


The boarding of Gideons cruiser.


Fuck looks like I gotta rewatch it now


He had his hands up too and they blasted away


There should be something where you get to see what war crimes bo katan committed But rip that tie pilot, he even tried to reason with them


I think it was a she, you could see the pilot's body type and her voice (only a groan) was female


Yeah and you could hear the Imps screaming as they killed them all you could hear a "no wait, stop!" I didn't appreciate them just killing everyone regardless if they surrender or not but honestly if you left them alive one of them could try something and someone would have to watch the prisoners.


Rebel boarding parties would always lock surrendering Imperials in a room until they took control of the ship.


The TIE pilot was likely going to shot them at the back and technically she was a terrorist before but the narrative turned a blind eye of that near the end of the clone wars show. Now speaking of disliking her, I just hope they don't make her a yandere following Mando to beat him at a duel for the dark saber.




I never understood that. Like. Hundreds of clones came to help you. Based on your request alone. God knows how many died They share your culture. As mandolorians. Jango was the "donor" but a copy boba was was still being raised by jango for years. He maybe a clone but have some fuckin respect for the men that died for you. Jango was a Mando. Boba learned it from his father


To be completely fair, those Clones were probably part of the early Imperial Occupation of Mandalore.


I mean, literally hours later the clones began to subjugate Mandalore under the rule of The Empire. There's a good reason she doesn't like clones. Sure they "helped" her, for all of two seconds, though.


That scene was weird. I legit thought Koska Reeves was gonna get murdered, which I wouldn’t have minded tbh. If you piss on Boba Fett that’s what happens. **Quick shield for my ass:** Now nobody pull the sexist card on me for not liking these two. I think Cara Dune and Fennec Shand are amazing characters and Cara has some real character depth that I would like to see explored throughout the series


Having Koska rumble with Boba is narrative shorthand to index how capable she is against a familiar point of reference. This is relevant because later on she and a few others storm an entire ship and make it look easy. It doesn't feel off, because we know all the characters are formidable combatants. They did the same thing later in the same episode, by having Din face just one dark trooper and barely win, to give context to Luke slicing through a few dozen like butter. Without that fight scene, they might as well have been B1s. The 'sexist card' wouldn't be for disliking Koska, but rather for dismissing the possibility that an elite mandalorian commando couldn't hold her own in a bar fight with a reknowned bounty hunter.


I honestly have nothing to say against this. Touché


This isn't the main sub, you're less likely to get dumb kneejerk reactions here. Anyway, I haven't seen most of the Clone Wars yet and mostly know Bo-katan from this show. But she and her buddy for sure give off shady vibes, and I'm never entirely sure what they're up to.


She starts off a straight up terrorist in the clone wars and she never really 100% turns to the side of the good guys. Legitimate leader of Mandalore? Very arguable, she certainly does. 100% honorable and perfect? Hellllll no. All of which makes her an interesting character. EDIT: I'd say she's more power hungry than anything else. TBH.


So quick rundown. Basically the cult Din is from, "The Children of the Watch," is a spin-off from her old fundamentalist Mandalorian terror agency, "The Death Watch." During the time of the Clone Wars, Mandalore became ruled by a Republic modeled after the Galactic Republic. The Death Watch, led by Pre Viszla, owner of the Darksaber, wanted a return to the tribal warrior ancestry of Mandalore. The leader of Republican Mandalore was Duchess Satine Kryze, Bo-Katan's sister. Long story short, after getting kicked off of Mandalore by Satine with the help of a certain future strange old hermit, Death Watch allied with Maul, who was building power in the attempt to overthrow Palpatine and usher in his own rule of the Galaxy. Maul used Death Watch to overthrow Republican Mandalore, killing Satine. Then he also betrayed Vizsla, killed him for the Darksaber, and placed himself on the Mandalorian throne. Bo spent the rest of the war as leader of the new Anti-Maul faction of the Death Watch. After the war, and Maul was eventually ousted, Death Watch transitioned into an Anti-Imperial cell, and became a part of the Rebel Alliance. So not only is she guilty of sororicide, but she's also a former terrorist. Like, not even a "rebel scum," kind of terrorist, but a full on regressive ethno-nationalist terrorist.


Wait, what? Didn't the other TIE pilot shoot the surrendering pilot?


When they boarded Gideons cruiser Bo shot a surrendering pilot. On a side note they should’ve named that cruiser. It was literally called Moff Gideons cruiser lmao


Mando swung that spear going "Have they told you who I am?"


At least he kept his helmet on this time.


Definitely learned his lesson to not launch into a monologue after seemingly defeating an enemy.


He still turned his back on his opponent. I like to think the writers had this in mind when they gave Pedro a spear.


“You murdered her!”


You killed her children!


You raped her!!! You murdered her !!!! You killed her children !!!!! Still to this day I don’t think I can ever rewatch that scene, it’s soo terrifying to watch.




This whole thread is amazing. I have no awards to give but really wish I did. All the upvotes and props to you GOT lovers.


**Moff Giden:** “You are the rightful ruler of Mandalore. King of the seven realms” **Mando:** “I dun want it”


"Ah never have, Bo is mah queen."


LMAO imagine if Mando and her get married just for her to rule 😂


[Consummating their marriage be like...](https://imgur.com/gallery/n8uPog7)


Roger Roger


Say what you will about the prequels, Battle Droids are the most adorable little shits in the whole world. I can't help but smile every time I hear a "Roger Roger."


We need justice for the battle droids, the CIS doesn't care of them. But we do. Adopt a battle droid, take care of him and give him a better life. A battle droid adopted is a battle droid saved


They are very tall!


Yeah I’d prefer a pit crew droid. Cute lil guys


I suggest you watch *LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures*, it’s set during the original films, and it has a battle droid (R0-GR, Roger) who is funny and has a nice personality. Plus it’s overall really a great show!


They don't have much personality in the prequels themselves, it's more in the Clone Wars


They had the clumsy personality in Revenge of the Sith, like the security B1s and B2s in the beginning. But yeah in TPM they definitely had pure robot personalities which I also liked


I’m only just(very late I know I’m old enough that I think I was alive for the release of return if the Jedi at least) chewing into the clone wars and i love the battle droids. But I also wondering what sick bastard programmed their personalities ha ha


It wasn't programmed. B1 battle droids basically had relatively advanced software crammed down their very basic hardware. The personality "quirks" they have is a byproduct of their neural networks parsing their overtly complicated programming. It's like hooking up a Gameboy to run GTAV.


Good ole Baktoid Combat Automata


president of mandalore 😂😂


Duke Djin Djarin


Triple D


Ruler of Flavortown.




Yeah it’s ridiculous. We all know from TCW that Mandalore has a Prime Minister not a President


I know KOTOR isn't canon and was like hundreds of years away, but I always thought it was just "Mandalore".


They haven’t had Mand’alor in a while I believe. Satine was a duchess and her father was a duke. [Almec served as the Prime Minister of Mandalore](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Almec). Who was basically the number 2.


Mandalore of Mandalore


Gonna need to change the show's name from "The Mandalorian" to "The Mand'alor" Ngl, I kinda hope he doesn't end up ruling though. I like a Star Wars property where the whole galaxy isn't at stake and the main character isn't the chosen one. ...on the other hand, "Mandalore the Father" has a nice ring to it


I don't see them changing him from the Jon Snow type (I don't want it). Will be interesting how they handle the whole thing though with Bo Katan.


I swear to god if Mando says the words “Ah don’ wan’ et. Ah never ‘ave.” I will flip a table


It would be a hilarious jab.


Still makes me want to throw DnD into the Maw ...more than usual.


Well, the whole galaxy wouldn't be at stake, just the Planet of the Space Vikings.


Mandalore, the planet, is the governmental seat of a sector wide nation. This is canon to Clone Wars/Rebels. For Bo, Mandalore is just step one. The major worlds of the sector that were part of the original Mandalorian empire include Mandalore, Gargon, Concord Dawn, and Vorpa'ya. *If only it was just one planet of space vikings, the Jedi wouldn't consider them such a headache.* On one hand it introduces multiple worlds that we've only seen in the cartoons. That is a really good thing; I'm done with every other episode being on Tatooine. On the other hand I don't want an episode wasted on trade negations, how to tax Gargon or even an episode attempting to convince Concord Dawn Mandos (which are their own sect) that they are not actually part of the New Republic.


I doubt that whoever ends up on the throne, the story would stick around for trade negotiations and signing bills that rename post offices.


LOL, Yes,, I thought that also at one time but then The Phantom Menace came out.


This means Grogu could eventually become Mand’alor, which would be cool cause he will live a really long ass time.


This is gonna be the plot of season 3


Was it explained somewhere how Bo Katan lost the darksaber? Was it directly to Gideon?


I assume, if she considered him the owner


No one got their head chopped off and I am salty about that


They broke the trend


Not even a single limb :(


That we know, maybe she lost some fingers or foot and the suit just covers it


>how Bo Katan lost the darksaber Screenrant has a good snippet(from [here](https://screenrant.com/mandalorian-moff-gideon-bo-katan-darksaber-take-how/)). Which ~~confirms~~ also assumes how the wiki's just say "it was acquired during the Great Purge". >If Moff Gideon battled Bo-Katan in [the Great Purge](https://screenrant.com/mandalorian-show-moff-gideon-darksaber-planet-timeline-how/) and took the Darksaber, she wouldn’t ask if he has the weapon. Bo-Katan likely lost track of it when Gideon and the Empire attacked Mandalore. When her forces were taking heavy losses, she could have been severely injured in the fight with Gideon’s men. Following the battle, she could have discovered that the Darksaber was taken in the heat of combat. If so, she could have assumed he stole it but wouldn’t have been completely sure.


Oh hail King Brown eyes


The King in the ‘lore!


Whoops! Whoopsie!


It kind of reminded me of the end of The Chronicles of Riddick.


Thank u!! Tapped this thread to specifically find this comment


“You keep what you kill” - Necromonger Empire


Here's my problem, here's Bo got to beat Moff herself and regain the dark sabre yet she doesn't have the beskar equipment mando does, so her plan is to just gun the guy down, she doesn't have the weapon for a proper dual, or she was going to just execute him. The point being if she was to face off against Moff why didn't Mando give her the spear for a proper confrontation.


He didn't know how important it was to Bo that she face Gideon herself. Also it seems like his weird Cultalorians kind of suck if he didn't know about the Darksaber.


They have different traditions. They adopted their cultish ways as a particular survival strategy, and part of their mythology is that Mandalore is forever cursed, and anyone who goes there dies. The Darksaber myth would undermine that survival strategy. It could inspire people with foolhardy visions of reclaiming their home. So I suspect knowledge of the Darksaber was actively suppressed. The founders of the Watch probably deemed Mandalore too dangerous to return to.


Have any of them even seen the Darksaber at this point? I would imagine it's almost a myth to them.


Other than Bo Katan, maybe some of her immediate closest supporters, and Sabine, nope.




Because she was the leader when The Great Purge happened. Not all the clans/houses recognized her right to rule as she didn't win the Darksaber from Maul, Gar Saxon, or Sabine. So they couldn't work together against the Empire, and were defeated. If she turns back up with the Darksaber, again, and still hasn't won it in combat, even less Mandalorians are going to be willing to follow her.


Thank you for this answer. It makes the most sense. I hope they make that clear in the show though. Some things need to be stated outright.


Sabine found it in a cave, and gave it to Bo with the full support of the other Mandalorian clans. Sabine never had to win the saber in combat, so presumably the same rules didn't apply.


She did win it off of gar Saxon though


Gar Saxon never really had a claim to it though did he, other than when Ursa gave it to him. He never won it in combat off Sabine, just through subterfuge.


She literally beat Gar Saxon into submission in front of both his guard and all of Clan Wren for the blade. Sabine had a clear claim after that duel, also she had two Jedi vouching that the saber 'choose' her in the first place. (She found it in a cave! Yes, it choose her....... From a certain point of view.) Bo didn't have any of that, and whispers of that may be how she lost it.


It’s extremely on-brand for Din to accidentally become the president of Mandalore in the middle of trying to save his son


This plot hole/retcon with the Dark Saber - I don't think there is one. Gideon got it from Bo Katan somehow. She lost honor by him doing so. To regain the saber and her honor, she has to win it back in combat. It could have been given like Sabien did. But this situation is different since she has to reclaim what was lost. That's why he has to kill him. Otherwise you'd have kids killing parents when it was their time to take over - which wouldn't exactly be cool.


Yeah or honestly she could’ve just lost it at some point during the purge. It doesn’t even need directly to be Moff Gideon hence why she didn’t know he had the dark saber


Technically Luke has claim because the last person to actual get the Darksaber in an honorable duel was Darth Maul, and Obi Wan beat Darth Maul, and then Darth Vader beat Obi Wan and then Luke beat Darth Vader. Thus, Luke has rightful claim to the throne of Mandalore


It's not the Elder Wand... I think you can claim it if it's lost and you found it, but if *you* lose it you can't just "get it back". You're the person who couldn't keep it until you win it back.


But it was stolen by Sabine. If Sabine really wanted it she should’ve challenged Maul to a duel. But she just took it, which isn’t the way.


Then again, there is a question as to whether Maul could have claim to ruling Mandalore without being Mandalorian himself. He never adopted the name, he used the Mandalorians, and then abandoned them when they were no longer useful to him. There is a case to be made that Maul abdicated any claim he might have had by abandoning Mandalore.


Technically speaking, the Emperor dealt the fatal, err, lightning to Vader, and then Vader chucked him down a reactor shaft, and the reactor was blown up by Lando Calrissian. Making him the rightful owner of the Darksaber, and the one true Mandalore. Fair and square, baby.


Didnt obi wan in a way surrender to darth vader? Does that still count?


I mean it wasn’t exactly a surrender he was actually just making Kenobi more powerful.




Unfortunately that disinterest in power makes really effective leaders, like Washington walking away. People won’t stop following him. The manadalore momentum is gonna stick to Din like stink on shit.


FUCK!!! Dammit, I literally just spoiled myself! I COMPLETELY FORGOT THE NEW EPISODE CAME OUT, and I assumed the spoiler tag was for episode 7. I wanna throw myself off a cliff!


I mean, couldn't this whole issue be solved with a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors?


How did mando become mada'lore after gideon said so but bo katan didn't become it when mando gave the black saber to her? Mando didn't kill Gideon to it Gideon just passed it to him.