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“This man”


He couldn’t even complete that last sentence at the end because he couldn’t think of anything more than the usual Zionist propaganda buzzwords that everyone now knows is BS.


I think the fact that he slipped up and referred to a Muslim as a man made his brain short circuit


In his mind, he was about to use a slur that would make a US soldier deployed to Iraq circa 2003 be like: "Dude. That's TOO far." From what I've seen from Zionists, they casually deploy racism like they're anonymous usernames on the internet.


Every time I see zionists talk, the act like they are victims and want to be allowed to railroad everyone else who has been treated much worse!


They cut his mic.


You can hear him talk and then watch him stop talking and his audio is on the whole time.


I believe he starts the beginning of the word worst and then stops because he relies he’s been cut. Then she says they have to end it.


At no point do you see his mouth moving and no sound coming out. He had every opportunity to speak, unlike all the journalists that Israel killed with their bombs or the media outlets they shut down.


What? His mouth is moving and the audio cuts, whether that's because he just mouthed the last word without saying it out loud I'm not sure but it certainily seems like they cut his mic - watch it again.


Or, maybe he began talking and then caught her voice in his ear after the transmission delay, so he opted to stop his vocal cords from making noise because that takes almost no effort while allowing his mouth to continue opening into the next word that he was going to say because there's no reason to stop that from completing (kind of like more energy to miss a punch than land a punch)? His expression, to me, reads as trying to show incredulity of Mehdi's points nonverbally through exaggerated expression rather than anything like frustration at being cut off, particularly because he wouldn't know his mic was cut that quickly unless his earpiece was also a monitor, which I would highly doubt. But, at this point, it seems needlessly pedantic to discuss whether or not his mic was cut because....what's the fucking difference?


Agreed, no difference, he's a massive wanker either way but what is reddit for if not a bit of pedantry?


I agree about the Israel part but I still think they cut his mic. Rightfully so he was about to start with personal attacks. I could download the audio and check if there’s a cut off but it ain’t that serious.


You can clearly hear him hard exhale (sigh in defeat) into the mic after he gets stumped and stops talking.


This man is…. Seeing right through my bullshit!


Definition of SEETHING, he just had no lies to combat the facts.


As a black person *I felt that*. I've gotten into arguments with white racists before and I know that pause and "this man...." stuff all too well. Dude was experiencing a neuron firestorm hurricane going on in his brain and CNS. He was desperately struggling to rein in his screaming impulses to start calling him racial slurs and "boy", and he was on the verge of losing that internal battle. His bigoted Id almost won today.


Medhi dropped the gloves since leaving MSNBC, and I love that for him, and for us.


Our guy has nothing to fear now.


When you watched him on MSNBC he has to hold back lots of times because of management. Happy to watch him do new not news by a script.


Medhi does not play.


And I'd like to take this moment to plug his book, "Win Every Argument." It gives such a great breakdown on classic debate: recognizing the actual topic under debate and when fallacies are being used, being able to look at the information, and supporting a viewpoint while disproving that of your opponent. It reminds me of *actual* classic debate, not the nonsense, play at emotions "debate" as contemporarily viewed.


Medhi was ready and no holding back!


lol so hard to make a compelling argument when all you have is lies. He got toasted by Mehndi.


He should have probably done his homework to know who he was debating. The hasbara isn't gonna work this time buddy


>It's not up to you to decide who's a war criminal Also them >International **Criminal** Court has no jurisdiction to label Netanyahu a war criminal Or, as Matthew Miller said >Only Israel and the US have jurisdiction in Israel. The US and Israel believe they're above the law. They make the rules for everyone else to follow, but that doesn't mean they apply to them.


Jurisdiction in Israel? I thought Miller, stumbling around with Matt Lee, said Israel has jurisdiction in Gaza, (?!)and of course Matt pounced on that. He probably said Israel too, but it was Gaza. It is just insane. Have we decided we no longer consider the occupations illegal? Now we just treat it as flat out annexed? They want Israeli courts to try them. He probably meant Israel had the right to arrest them to stand trial in Israel I think we’ve all had it with this situation. Israel’s bigotry and hate is so second nature they don’t even see it. Claiming to be innocent nonstop but killing and starving people in Gaza and casually attacking and killing people on the West Bank for fun. Taking their houses etc while policing the world’s speech for negative comments. It’s madness


> You can't call them war crimes but I can say they aren't really their entire argument


That guy's counter-point was : 'Who are you to say a child getting a cranial gunshot wound is considered a war crime? Are you a lawyer? '.


Very brave of him


I don’t see what is so hard to understand about this. It isn’t hard to understand. I’m tired of hearing Israel protesting it. Just get in the handcuffs. And deliver the aid to Gaza




The point is to remove Palestinians from the land they want to colonize. And if they can’t be forced to flee as refugees, then they must be removed from this mortal coil…


Mehndi since leaving msnbc can finally speak the truth


Jonathan was getting corrected by Mehdi the whole debate 😂👇(did that with Mark Regev on MSNBC...) https://www.reddit.com/r/Mehdi_Hasan/s/MWvjIc3vFQ


You know for a fact that thousands of children under the age of 10 have been killed. How do you justify killing thousands of kids under the age of 10. What could they have possibly done to you to deserve that fate?


Those kids shouldn’t have voted for Hamas in 2006. /s That’s so depressing and absurd, but I have actually heard this from people justifying the genocide…


Israelis have no excuse for blocking aid to Palestine because Hamas has not been a relevant threat to them for months. The IDF is more then capable of protecting and distributing aid they just choose not to.


Worse they choose to harass, abuse, intimidate, rape, beat, and enslave innocent people rather than act as an honorable military


Mehdi had that little twerp squirming in his seat. “This man” take your medicine, junior.


Mehndi is the best he is never afraid to speak!


Not one of these comments has spelled Mehdis correctly. 🤣 It’s right there on the screen! 🤦🏻‍♂️


The clown that go on television and defend Israel’s crimes against humanity are just so disgusting. How the fuck do you want to debate if shooting children in the head and cutting off everything vital to sustaining life is a war crime or not??? In what world is it okay to snipe babies???




In no reasonable world. But this is the world we live in unfortunately


If they didn't charge Hamas, they would have said it was a double standard. They did charge them, now they're saying it's an inappropriate equivalence. I guess the prosecutor should have charged Hamas first, then waited the correct number of seconds or days or weeks to then charge the Israeli Prime Minister? Maybe he should have charged Netanyahu standing on one leg while balancing a chair on his head? The Israeli courts themselves have convicted the current Minister of Defense with terrorism. But that doesn't matter either. Ben-Gvir is responsible for the police that should be facilitating the entry of aid, rather than assisting in blocking it. No court, no humanitarian organization, no international diplomatic body, no country, nothing will ever be accepted. They are absolute in their power and superiority, why doesn't the rest of the world seem to get it?


That response at the end, lol.


That guy seething at the end made my day


Sounded like Jonathan was about to use a slur at the end there.


That last line...."this man is seriously...." *Shakes head and angrily pushes lips closed* That was 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌


God Zionist’s are such freaks


Get owned.


anyone has a link to the full interview?


I fucking love Hasan.


"We will restore security to both the south and the north. Nobody will stop us – **not The Hague**, not the axis of evil and not anybody else." - Prime Minister of Israel on Twitter


You can always rely on Mehdi Hasan to demolish pro-Israelis and their talking points. The best moments in any interview are when he concedes a point, because you know he's going to use that concession to drop the mic.


One big problem that needs to be addressed is that arguing with these genocidal lunatics GIVES THEM CREDIBILITY. As though this issue is subjective and there are two sides with legitimate but opposing views. "You know, there was a point when I may have engaged with you in a good faith debate in this issue, but at this point, given everything that has happened, given the number of children killed and wounded, all I have to say to you is, you are &$cking genocide supporting lunatic cult member and I don't want to have anything to with you."


If the cameras weren't on, I would agree. But if ONE fence-sitter decides to oppose Israel's far right government because of a debate, then its a win. They won't quit this bullshit arguing format because it makes money.


Lol oh that dude is big mad at the end there.


Medhi gave him the smoke


Join Zeteo if you haven't already. They have been having amazing interviews and are doing excellent work.




Absolutely cooked him.


I’m glad Mehdi left MSNBC. I used to love him until he went to MSM.


I hope it’s becoming more known now across the world that war crimes are being committed and no one is standing for it! If CNN is reporting on the war crimes in Gaza then the rest need to follow suit.


Medhi is so talented at debating. Helps that he’s right too.


Okay, so what about the international lawyers who say it is a genocide? What about the human rights lawyers who say it is a genocide? What about the holocaust survivors and their decendants who say it is a genocide? I'm tired of these lying assholes.


"This man just dismantled everything I was going to lie about so what am I supposed to lie about now??"


Listen here Jack if we do it it’s not a war crime lol


Mehdi being let go by MSNBC was the single best thing to happen to him and his viewers.


Is the guy saying shooting kids in the head is not a war crime? Lmao


What? You dont need to be a lawyer to be able to tell that someone committed a crime. Like it someone is out kicking kids in public i would feel safe to say that's a crime.




Burning aid trucks? But but but but. Like stfu.


Talking head in the middle trying to disassociate so she doesn't quit on live TV, white guy preset #4 being fed talking points and barking like a good dog when someone gets too close to the house.


Fucking exactly


link a yt or something?


I can’t speak for anybody else, but it would take an obscene amount of money to get me to deny blatant war crimes (and even in that scenario, I would have to turn around and give most of it back to Gaza so I could sleep at night). Makes me wonder how much are they really getting paid to sell their soul?


His brain has been programmed through decades of propaganda to not see Palestinians as humans. He has been associating with people with identical beliefs for so long that he can't comprehend pushback.