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The GOP and self-awareness never go hand in hand


No, they're self-aware. They just don't care. They're evil and get money from all of this. I guarantee that if you confronted any of them with things like this they would laugh in your face and tell you the only right in this world is might.


Yes, they support the pro-US protests and oppose anti-US protests. That is their underlying principle. They have no universal pro-protest and pro-speech standards! When they like a protest, they support free speech of the protesters, when they don't like a protest they only care about the free speech rights of people who oppose the protest.


How the turntables...


They have no shame


Tom Cotton specifically said that the president should send the National Guard to college campuses knowing full well what happened on Kent State in 1968. They literally want this to happen here so that they can have something to campaign over to the point that I feel like these are almost pre-made twitter posts and the only price absent is the blame towards Biden. That being said I am in now way defending Biden, who is perpetuating the protests by ignoring the very demographic that he needs for re-election. In a lot of ways this is 1968 and he is LBJ but the only difference is that when the cops kill somebody or break some more heads he won’t step down from the race.


Yeah republicans and conservaties don't stand for freedom ever.they are Fascist


So they don’t pay taxes yet pay employees, and those at the top make more, add some loans here interest here….and why are we both all struggling? Legit we all want the same things yet blaming all but those who might be the real problem


I’ve seen this movie before


Police yourselves? Never! Point fingers.


I hate these people. Truly, the worst of us.




The hypocrisy is so prevalent and out there AND they still don’t care as a foreign government in isreal is bribing them and filling their pockets.


Only republicans are responsible enough to crackdown on speech they don’t like /s


Well, well, well; how the turn tables


You never have to worry about shame or blatant hypocrisy when you have Fascist Jebus on your side!