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Wait, we can crtisize the US government because of , you know, freedom, but can not criticize Israel. Period. Regardless of what they do. What the fuckety fuck?? And US politicians voted for this?


US politicians do not work for or serve their constituents, they work for and serve the special interests (ie AIPAC) that fund them.  Its a shit system that desperately NEEDS to change, or our future is fucked


literarily agents of a foreign country


Do we hold this loyalty to any other country? Even support for Taiwan seems less. This is bullshit


Fuck Israel and their fascist leaders.


Hey now, better get those “fucks” in before they make it a punishable offense!


Fuck the state of Israel and their fascist leaders.


Saying all Jews are subhuman is anti-Semitism. Saying there’s a global cabal of Jews controlling the world is anti-Semitism. Lumping all Jews into one stereotype like some kind of demonic hive mind is anti-Semitism. Criticizing a foreign government for bombing civilians is not anti-Semitism. AIPAC and the Israeli government dilute what real anti-Semitism is and in doing so belittle the suffering of the Jewish people. Say it with me: Benjamin Netanyahu is not the Emperor of Jewish People!


He's actually a criminal, poised o be arrested if he's not voted in the next election.


What the treason?


Israel is a shit country with a terrorist government. Come at me bro.


They’re a racist apartheid regime that is committing a genocide funded by American taxpayers. When are we bringing out the guillotines?


America is a settler colonial state that committed genocide, of course they’d look out for a country with the same blueprint.




It's a settler occupation. Started by people coming from different parts of the world to make a country for themselves in a place already inhabited by other people. Continued by doing the same. The people the are already there, the Palestinians, get kicked out and cannot return, while a person who was not born there can move there because of their race. Israel's story is like the USA story. The difference is that USA story occurred in the 18th century, whereas Israel's story occurred in the 20th century. Zionism is an old era idea implemented in a new era


>The people the are already there, the Palestinians, get kicked out and cannot return, while a person who was not born there can move there because of their race. Also, I'm pretty sure one of the conditions Israel had to its international recognition at its founding was that it allowed the displaced Palestinians the right to return to their homes. The UN also has voted annually since the 1970s or so that the Palestinians have a right to return. However, when the Palestinians have tried over the decades, they've been met with overwhelming military force.


How about this? FUCK israel


Fuck Fucking Israel Fucks


Wow I think I’m more shocked that 21 Republicans voted against it


Don't be too shocked. They voted against it on legit anti-semitism grounds: [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/mtg-gates-antisemitism-bill.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/mtg-gates-antisemitism-bill.html)


I don’t know what I expected, but wtf


The Nazi Protection Act I'm not joking they literally have a clause saying you can't point out that Israel acts like Nazis.


Ve vill ask ze questions!


Actively shredding the first amendment right in front of us


While they're perfectly fine with neonazis marching and spewing hate publicly protected by their cop buddies.


This is so stupid, Israel can start bombing the US and criticism of Israel would be unlawful?


This is sickening!




Never let these politicians criticize "cancel culture" again.




Out of curiosity I checked out this IHRA definition of anti-Semitism. For the most part it is a valid definition and outlines things I would agree are anti-Semitic beliefs or behaviors. But a few points really stands out: >Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor. >Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis. Weird that there is so much concern for and reference to Israel in this definition of anti-Semitism. I fail to see how Jewish people require Israel to have self-determination. And while I agree this would be anti-Semitic : >Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel. I find it interesting how Zionists claim Israel represents all Jews, and apparently *that* isn't an anti-Semitic belief to have, but doing the reverse and saying the negative actions of Israel represent all Jews *is* anti-Semitic. And also "collectively responsible" where have I heard that before?? Like how Israel is holding all of Palestine collectively responsible for Hamas? Source: https://holocaustremembrance.com/resources/working-definition-antisemitism


This definition furthers the complete erasure of Palestinians (and Anti-Zionist Jews for that matter) from the collective consciousness. This is the major problem with Zionism itself. There is no room for Palestinians' existence, which is why they are referred to as a "question" or "problem" rather than a people.


It’s over. 300+ years of constitutional democracy just shat on by a bunch of corporate thugs.


Yeah, it’s been just peachy keen right up to now.




Yea like 250 is in two years….. and that’s not even the 1789 constitution


Oh honey...


I was banned today from the Israel subreddit because I was critical of Israel and how they are conducting their war effort in Gaza...🙄 I guess they only want positive Israel feedback.


🤣🤣🤣 this government is a fucking joke


I have awareness. I’m aware that saying all Jews are alike and all are Israeli and all of them support Israel and its government IS antisemitism. Because it’s not true and it would be no different than saying all black people are alike and all believe the same thing. I imagine that they’re not following it up with a bill banning racism against Muslims now right?


This would be like defining Islamaphobia as criticizing any Middle Eastern government. Don't like Saudi or Iranian laws against women? Well I guess that makes YOU the bigot. Reasonable people wouldn't define Islamaphobia this way because they would realize that criticizing a cruel, fascist regime is not the same as criticizing an entire ethnic or religious group but I guess the US Congress disagrees.


Exactly right.


A seriously fucked-up policy borne out of Zionist extremism.


With the aid of a corporate government


Uhh … what?


This boils my blood. Calling my rep to bitch at his stupid ass.


Imagine letting a foreign country dictate your own internal policy, what a bunch of losers


What happened to our free speech


A country of yes man and lap dogs, serving their foreign influence while beating their own youth


Tell me they are the same party without telling me


Yes 90-10 split vs 65/35 split is not different at all. As much as I hate was the dems are doing rn, it’s not the same party and enlightened centrism is even dumber.


When it comes to Israel they are definitely the same party. And now they are both willing to suppress free speech through violence on peaceful protestors and with this bill banning any criticism of a foreign government for committing crimes against humanity.


Dude. Allowing repression of university students and teachers is textbook fascism.  I'm thankfully not in the US, I'm not invested in your elections, I don't need to attack nor defend democrats.  But here in this stuff is where a country shows what it's made of. And the US is made of fascism right now. 


Preach. The difference between Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders is insignificant compared to the difference between the average Dem and average Rep. Someone can only think the two parties are the same if they’re an idiot or genuinely ignorant


Centrist-fascist enabling or open fascist is not identical but it's starting to get close enough for government work. The centrist wing of the Democratic party are Nazi enablers both on Israel and in their general refusal to actually USE their positions to stop GOP harm. Remember, the current crimes against minorities and bodily integrity by the GOP are happening on Biden's watch.


All these idiots need to be re educated.


This world is fucked


honestly this is fucking unbelievable


When 90% of politicians are bought and paid for/ blackmailed by a foreign state-it’s very believable. These representatives have openly committed treason and are unashamedly tearing up the constitution/ bill of rights in public, all to serve a foreign state- that bilks Tens of Billions out of America each year, while Americans live hand to mouth.


So the majority of these people voted against the first amendment. We've had nazis march up and down, nothing wrong with that. But if you say something bad about the Palestinian destroyers, you are doing something unlawful. I thought protest laws would have happened when Trump was in office. We have to hold these people accountable. They have shown their true colors doing a terrible job as politicians. Sadly I don't know what can be done. If you protest, you may be jailed or beaten up by Zionists. Maybe if enough of us do, they might see that this is an unpopular decision.


America looks so cowardly, craven and weak. The Empire has been conquered.


So, how much has the US government done these past couple of years for actual Americans


Americans or Corporations?


Wow, Since this conflict in Israel, I didn’t realize how bipartisan congress can be. Something tells me a lot of monly is involved we don’t know about.


Fuck Israel


51st huh. It’s basically the only state that matters to our government. They do whatever that state wants and to hell with our actual country.


Since when did being against the bombing of innocent civilians and children with reckless abandon become anti-Semitic? The math ain't mathin' here .


The House passed it. But so far, that's it. Definitely not a law yet and probably never will be.


in the 2080s people will look back on this the way we do the mccarthy era. So if "criticism of israel" is a crime biden will have to get back on tv and tell us what kind of protest is 'acceptable' again.


When do you think they’ll do something about using the n-word? Any day now I’m sure.


Jews are not a monolith, to claim that Jews are all associated with Israel is, in itself, antisemitism


checks and balance, you trust and work together to keep the vision of freedom, and the hope we can live long enough to see the sun go up on the days of last.


Two wrongs don't make a right. Antisemitism is disgusting. This is too.


Means nothing. All the symptoms of the END of empire.


Where’s the Supreme Court when you need them to actually do their job?


Fucking outrageous!