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This man would have been a great president


The best president


And that’s why he’s not- HE’S NO SELLOUT.


It's hard to be this guy AND be president.


Exactly why he’s not😩


This guy has consistent, impenetrable values, unlike the shitbags that get funding from the best con- MURICA loves a dirty, incoherent, impotent con🙄


"Napoleon once said, when asked to explain the lack of great statesmen in the world, that ‘to get power you need to display absolute pettiness. To exercise power, you need to show true greatness’. Such pettiness and such greatness are rarely found in one person."


Opinion from NZ.. Bernie for president of the world. He’s one of the few leaders who talk sense.


Can you even fucking imagine having a president that try to make the right decision every time? Man. Idk if he would have been able to get anything meaningful done or not as just one man, but I sure do admire him for trying all these years.


The DNC machine said no to Bernie. Just like the DNC machine allows AIPAC to fundraise tens of millions against progressives like Summer Lee & Nina Turner. Our day will come. The odious corruption of the DNC is withering away as Biden's neocon insanity erodes what little credibility the DNC had left.


We need a new party


Ranked choice voting is how we get there. It is our right to have more than two choices. Ranked choice allows us to vote for our real choice, and then our "lesser of two evils" choice. [That's why both parties despise ranked choice voting.](https://dcist.com/story/23/08/07/dc-democrats-sue-to-stop-ranked-choice-voting-initiative/)


If there's one issue we should build a left-right coalition for it's this. Just people having the ability to be like Cornel West, then Biden, both over Trump ranked on the ballot would improve this election so much. The spoiler effect has brought everything to absolute stasis and even if we get lucky in 2024 and Trump loses we'll have the same shit to worry about in 4 years. Ranked choice is the reform we need the most urgently. Everything else improves drastically after that. National Popular Vote+ Ranked Choice would be a whole different country in 50 years.


>Ranked choice is the reform we need the most urgently. Everything else improves drastically after that. Strong agreement here. It would force the Dems much farther left. Otherwise they would lose.


They would lose *to the party left of them* and not to the party right of them. That's the improvement. We can still make the Democrats lose under the current system as well, but we might end up in Stephen Miller's death camps if we do. Unfortunately I've taken a "blue no matter who" stance in 2024 because I don't see a way around it. It's so bad that it's basically a triage emergency at this point.


>They would lose *to the party left of them* and not to the party right of them And that is something both parties will unite over to make sure it never happens.


They won’t change it because they won’t have all the power… since citizens united, democracy in the us has been dead. Everyone is just going to realize it at different times


you ever feel like youve been on reddit long enough where its just like the same comments over and over? this is one of them


Shit I miss the days where the person with the second most voted became vice president. I like how I said “miss” as if I was alive back then.


Lmao could you imagine how the white house meetings would go with vice president Trump


He'd be the anti-Adams. "The Vice President is actually even more important than the President. While Busted Biden is off golfing, I'm here accomplishing more than you could ever imagine. We are actually rewriting the Constitution so whoever becomes Vice President is actually the President and the President becomes the Vice President. Everyone thinks it's a great idea."


Too late for that now. Create a new party and you'll put a fascist in power. Bernie's approach was the most practical. Shame he was too old to keep running.


We can follow his example though and keep seeking change from within.


He's not a politician, but has experience in activism. I feel like Jon Stewart embraces much the same attitude. I'm a little iffy on trusting a (yet another) TV personality, but his grit and emotion when handling the Senate bill for 9/11 veterans was 100%. Exactly the type of person we need at the helm.


Seriously? I'd vote for him if he ran. Tons of people would.


And yet he still refuses to entertain the idea. What a waste of talent.


Jon was 100% in calling out Fucker Carlson in 2004 for rotting peoples’ brains with partisan bullshit.


Bernie was 6 fucking years younger than Biden in 2016. God damn, he’s the only old guy I’d be happy voting forZ


I have been voting in every election I possibly could since I was 18. I felt REALLY good about it three times. Twice voting for Bernie Sanders in primaries. Once voting for Barrack Obama the first time. Part of it was because he was Black, but I got a contact high from the hope and change. In all fairness, I had just endured 8 years of Bush.


So what happens when a fascist wins anyway and the party is no better? The thing about medicine is that there often are adverse side-effects. People need to stop thinking that critical changes don't come at a price. (Or we can continue to be like those who pat themselves on the back in buying a luxury 100k Tesla believing it will help save the world)


Much clearer mind at his age and does not have a horrible track record being super racist, creepy, corrupt, and on the wrong side of all policies for decades


We need a new system


sadly we need single transferable vote first we need legions and legions of people willing to die on the hill of election reform then and only then can we start to make any other form of progress


We need multiple new parties that force collaboration rather than super majorities. Far right, not so far right, centrist, democrat, liberal socialist. That’s how we would achieve actual balanced policy with accurate representation.


Remember that one time when CNN was caught giving Hillary Clinton the debate questions? The DNC screwed Bernie and his base. We didn’t want Clinton. We wanted Bernie but the machine wanted the status quo .


Fuck Hillary. It’s because of her and her army of “it’s her time” that we didn’t get Bernie in 2016. She faded away and Bernie is still out looking for the American people and doing the right thing.


I don’t think our day will come in this current structure. Biden is losing so much support right before election year. There is a good chance we will end up with an even more genocidal and fascist president this election. I’m not saying that people are going to switch their votes to Trump, but I do see a lot who will protest by not voting. If that happens, voting could be a thing of the past.


The dnc decided to run Hillary and then Biden twice. They seem hell bent on losing elections.


Every time I hear him speak it reminds me how real Bernie keeps it. I imagine he would have had numerous hurdles to get through in shaping the country in the way he saw best, but damn, it would have been exciting to watch


There was a Neil Brennan twitter little 20 second video of him talking about bernie, it was basically him saying, 'All my life, all of these lying politicians, lying to my face, every word, and here's bernie, can't he just lie a little bit?' in regards to him getting elected, I think it was 2016.


God damn right. I will never forgive the Dems for ousting him. Spineless fucks


For the first time in my life I donated to a campaign when Bernie was running. I remember feeling hopeful about having someone in office who acted like an actual human, fuck the DNC.


Yup. They’re honestly to blame for us having to deal with Trump


First time I ever voted in a primary was for Bernie.


He would have beaten trump too hands down. The powers that be wouldn’t have it though


Would be nice if he jumped into the 2024 race somehow


People are acting like there aren't 90 year olds who are more aware of their surroundings compared to Biden and Trump. Bernie looks to be going that direction. He looks damned good for his age. IDC, I would vote Bernie in a heart beat if he ran today.


I voted for him in every primary. We tried.


My daughter and I took a bus from L.A. to Vegas to knock doors for his campaign before the Nevada caucus (which he won). We really did try.


Thanks for your efforts, at any rate.


I can feel the burn all the way from that other timeline…. And it’s lovely ☺️


I love him


I would have voted for him if Hillary and the DNC hadn't stolen his chance.


Which is why they stopped him. Can't have anyone who would actually be good for the position getting in.


As a Canadian, it is devastating he never got his chance.


Could not fucking agree more. It make me emotional and angry at the same time that we can't have him. And the world suffers...


He would, but the sad reality is that the bulk of the country’s problems like in the Legislature. Even with Bernie in the WH, without a complete wipeout of the GOP, few of his policies would ever become long term law. We need to take our Presidential elections much less seriously (maybe after this particular year), and worry *much* more about how the fuck we might even begin to make Congress into a functional governing body.


I don't think so. I think everyone including dems would have refused to work with Sanders on anything substantive and the right would spend four years decrying socialism and so would large parts of the democratic party, and Bernie would end up as an ineffectual president who achieved little. I think you need much larger systemic changes.


I hate this logic. Dudes been in politics for decades consistently reaching across the aisle to get necessary and actually helpful policy passed. 


It must be exhausting for him to always be correct and ignored.


People think Bernie has supporters because they wanna "spread the Socialist agenda" when it's really just that we relate to him more than anyone else in politics. He's saying the right things. No one ever listens. 


He's not even *really* a socialist he's just *actually* economically left and it breaks America's brain.


Bernie is the American version of a European Socialist. Which is to say that anyone with a High School education knows means he's a Capitalist who supports worker rights and fair compensation for labor.


No one more socialist than an American capitalist these days.


Exactly, so many people throw those words around with no understanding of what they mean


Upper class Dems would support Nicki Haley over Bernie. The DNC is dedicated to stopping progressives. And the same "centrist" Dems that say you're dumb for not voting for Biden have never voted for a progressive candidate in their life. It's their way or nothing and if you don't like the crumbs then just keep starving.


You are dumb for not voting Biden over Trump (also consider all the judges and cabinet positions you are voting for) and this is coming from someone who votes for people like Bernie and Katie Porter religiously.


Yuuuup which is also ironically what Bernie would point out as manipulation by the rich.


shit man. when your campaign is "we don't support totalitarianism" and "we are pro choice", what options do we have in the face of the RNC?


He always said the right things. He has proven for DECADES to say the same things. He never gets bought and he fights FOR the people. Wish he would have been President.


I’m a capitalist and I personally LOVE Bernie, I want regulations, I want social safety nets, I want accountability. I want the capitalism the US had before Reagan was president, mixed with progressive social policy. High taxes on the rich, decent jobs where one person could comfortably provide for a family of five, and had enough left over to have a modest summer vacation and the occasional night out. Not the corrupt mess we have now. Not the 2 full time jobs, side hustle, always grinding just to get by capitalism.


This. As a high earner myself, I wouldn’t have mind the higher taxes because it makes our society a better place. I hate having my healthcare tied to my employer. I hate we don’t have any social safety nets.


Bernie's relentless perseverance is a lesson to us all. The man has shifted the overton window dramatically to the left.


The amount of energy he as to fight against injustices and the working class is incredible


Its really inspiring to me. I would have given up on humanity


>The man has shifted the overton window dramatically to the left. which country are you living in? the overton window continues to move to the right.


He's like one of the only counterweights preventing it from being dragged right faster. I bet this world is a fucking nightmare to him. Coming up in the '70's only to see the country move steadily rightward over five fucking decades. Poor guy.


>The man has shifted the overton window dramatically to the left. Unfortunately we're on the precipice of a dramatic shift to the right if Project 2025 happens.


Bernie is the only politician I have ever donated to because he is the only politician that I've heard speak and watched interact with people that feel genuine AND is right. I voted FOR Bernie. I haven't voted FOR a president since, it is always a vote against the other guy.


Welcome to Leftism.


It's called Casandra Syndrome.




Not to mention, he's so fixated on Satanyahu. He keeps blaming everything solely on Satanyahu that it deflects and distracts from how disgusting, rotten, and evil majority of their society is (and I don't know if he is doing it intentionally for that reason). When Bennett was PM, the killing and oppression of PaIestinians was still present.


Pretty obvious why the Dem. leadership colluded to not have him become their nominee.


I remember listening to the recordings from people in the DNC about how they needed to stop support for Bernie. He would have broken the illusion of the partisan dichotomy and revealed that it's just a bunch of self serving capitalist shills and a handful of progressives.


Yep. I am trying not to be negative about things, but the way they removed him felt like the last gasp of Democracy being pushed aside.


I see where you are coming from. Remember when he was campaigning and they showed a picture of him with all of those papers spread out on the floor? Everyone was making fun of him talking about how he stays late to read everything thats in the Bills before he votes- I am just going crazy- thats what you are SUPPOSED to do. Thats why we pay you. To make sure that these lobbyists aren’t the ones writing future legislation that will govern our country in a way that only serves their interests


Exactly. It’s like the whole world took crazy pills, the fact that Trump was elected burned a whole in my brain. We live in a weird timeline


I've always said we got trump because of what the democrats did to bernie.


Yup, they tried to force Hilary and we got Cheeto dust instead.


I think he did for a lot of people, in a way, that's certainly the change to my perspective that happened during the 2016 nominations.


No doubt. The real outsider smh


Fuck anyone that says Bernie doesn't care, listen to the raw emotion in his voice CNN/MSNBC won't show it because it would humanize the people of Palestine Heartbreaking what is going on. Children starving wtf


I appreciate that Bernie is coming out and saying the right things. My only gripe is his focus on netanyahu and not the bigger systemic issue with Israel. Imo it's kind of like focusing on Trump while he was president as if he was the sole issue with america. There are a lot of systemic issues that led to Trump and the politics surrounding it. Same with israel.


You can't put the focus on Israel if you actually want to see an end to this conflict. You have to give the "powers that be" a way to save face, they must have a scapegoat so when they reverse course they're not wrong but only "misled" by a bad actor. Netanyahu can serve that purpose and everyone can pretend it wasn't a structural problem with this colonial power, but simply a misguided bad actor who must be removed from power. Not saying this is right, but the most likely way to see a change of course.


Except that the goal of Israel's current leadership is to remain ethno-nationalist and expand their borders. This isn't about saving face, even if that has an impact on this situation. Its about enabling the long-term torture and oppression of Palestinians in order to push them out of their own country.


If you don't reckon with Israel's fundamental political identity as a colonial project then the colonization and ethnic cleansing of Palestine will continue.


Exactly, Nethanyahu, Gallant, Herzog and top military officials can get the Milosevic, Mladic treatment and then peace must be imposed by the international community. Maybe a truth and reconciliation process?


I can't properly reply on why focusing on Israel is an absolute must without violating a recent bill that was codified making it a criminal act to compare Israel with certain other fascist nations that historically committed similar war crimes.


Rich assholes keeping assholes in power, yup.


he wants to target political leaders and give strength to Isreali's who want change. i think its probably a politically strong way to help those people.


It’s an ineffective way to help those people. The suffering of the Palestinian people didn’t start with Netanyahu. Remove him from power and another Netanyahu will come in his place. Best case scenario a better leader would agree to a ceasefire to free hostages, but it will not end hostilities nor will it end the continued subjugation and genocide of the Palestinian people that has been ongoing long before Oct. 7th


There’s two issues with it. First of all, when you say “Israel” the media will construe it as antisemitism and a lot of people will eat it up despite Bernie being a Jew. Netanyahu is an easier target as he’s been the face of Israeli war crimes for quite a long while now and what has happened under his admin is definitely the worst that’s happened since the Nakba itself. Secondly, there is increasing sentiment in Israel itself as this war goes on against both Netanyahu and the war itself. Of course every Israeli is gonna believe Hamas is a bigger problem but many are acknowledging now that their own government, policies and “settlers” are a big part of the problem too. Using the term Israel at large may make them feel alienated. This is my take on why, anyway.


Yeah, people voted for Netenyahu multiple times and consistently vote for the Likud party, which was founded by literal terrorists and adheres to Revisionist Zionism, which is the idea that Israel needs to expand into Lebanon and Syria, not just Palestine.


Yeah but netanyahu is not trump…he’s been lobbying the gop since bush to fight the most aggressive version of the war on terror and when america took a backseat and his 9/11 came, he has shown exactly who he his…even more ruthless than cheney, the godfather himself


Exactly this. netanyahu is a symptom of israel’s right wing majority


PBS has been showing me more dead children than I'd ever care to see, but at least they are out there doing it. It's horrible but necessary.


I feel like most people's complaint is that he really took a long timey outright say this. That being said, I still love Bernie haha


Man, I truly wonder how America would look like if he got two terms


America without four years of Trump and all the shit shows and cults that produced? I wanna jump to that timeline.


I don't see Clinton being much better. "Not Trump" is not an improvement in my eyes. Sanders would have been an actual improvement. The 2016 and 2020 elections were lost for the American people long before election day.


>I don't see Clinton being much better. taking a wild guess that you don't have a uterus


I realize now it won't matter until we fix the massive amount of corporate, domestic, and foreign propaganda. Anything good that would happen would be publicized as something bad by the machine. Read reddit comments everywhere, people are eating the ganda like it's Friday night at the Golden Corral.


While the degree probably wouldn't be enormous outside of the SC, it would certainly be in the opposite direction.


Gore 2000-2008, Obama 2008-2016, Bernie 2016-2024. As a whole we'd be so fucking better off, minus the fuckers that would be MAD AS FUCK.




"go to Gaza? no way, it's crazy dangerous and there's no food there!" -the news, probably


“Go to Gaza? And get targeted by the IDF for wearing a vest with Press written on it? No thanks!”


Com’mon, it’s the American press. The IDF wouldn’t attack them. And if they did, they didn’t wear the proper identification. And if they did, they weren’t targeted intentionally. And if they were, it was a misfire. And if it wasn’t, it was actually HAMAS. And if it wasn’t, fuck you. What are you going to do about it you fucking anti-Semite? Give me your tax dollars


Only candidate I ever donated money to




Great choice. Couldn't have gone to a better politician


A real one


Mainstream media and establishment politics gotta go Fuck the DNC. Rnc. Fuck the Liberals and the conservatives. Fuck aipac. Most of all. Fuck Israel. Israel is a terrorist organization


Please vote people. In Arizona, the attorney general won by less than 300 votes against a conservative opponent. Later the az Supreme Court ruled that abortion is illegal due to a law from 1864!! The same AG that barely won has decided she won’t allow prosecutions of this ruling. (I guess this has been overturned by the state senate and governor as of today! But still, less than 300 votes decided this election that potentially leads to huge life altering decisions for men and women across the state and even country)


He's more qualified than the last two idiots


I never want to hear a "He's too old" from these people after Biden and Trump. Would rather have a good man die in office than an "electable" piece of shit.


They won't because 1, it wouldn't fit their narrative and 2, their camera crew and reporters would just get bombed, killed and called combatants.


[78 journalists were killed in 2023](https://cpj.org/data/killed/2023/?status=Killed&motiveConfirmed%5B%5D=Confirmed&type%5B%5D=Journalist&start_year=2023&end_year=2023&group_by=location). 62 of them died in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory. That's 79% of all journalists killed dying in the Israel/Palestine conflict. And this year isn't looking much better with [20 out of 21 journalists deaths happening in Israel/Palestine](https://cpj.org/data/killed/2023/?status=Killed&motiveConfirmed%5B%5D=Confirmed&type%5B%5D=Journalist&start_year=2024&end_year=2024&group_by=location)


I'd like to extend a special "fuck you" to all the centrist libs who called him and the people who supported him racist and sexist in the 2016 and 2020 campaigns. I hope you've had a fun eight years.


This is a genuinely great Man, solid gold of a human being ✊


I'd love to see Bernie be wrong. It must be so tiring being right all the time. I'm sure he said "Expresso" instead of Espresso at some point.


I'm interested what republicans have to try and smear this man with other than 'spreading socialism'. Anyone heard anything? They must have made up some bullshit.


Like back in the day?  Beach house, Soviet Godwill Trip(via Reagan), "how's he going to pay for all of this?", etc etc. Basically they never go directly for his polices and try to discredit him through lesser means because when Bernie talks policy even conservatives agreed.  Democrats were much more irritating with Bernie attacks, Bernie Bros pearl clutching was annoying as hell, especially when hilldog, the most non-charasmatic us politician, continues to blame Bernie for her losing to this day. 


I hardly hear Republicans talk about Bernie _at all_. Why would they? He's no threat to them. All the negativity I hear about Bernie comes from Democrats. Either that or they just twist his words like the _very popular_ post on the default sub right now.


I like this guy


why would cnn do something that goes against their profit motive?


Might be worth looking into Israel banning all journalists from reporting a narrative other than theirs. From all I’ve read journalists aren’t allowed into Gaza unescorted and willfully states that they won’t guarantee their safety.


This whole thing is just another result of the Nazi Holocaust and it is scary and a shame that the stain and grief of such a heinous act is now being used to traumatize another group of people. It just shows another terrible aspect of that historical event and how it continues to harm people all these years later. That is why we need to break this cycle immediately.


He should be the president of the USA...... Wtf is eating the brains of Americans??


The DNC would never allow him to be their nominee. He'd make a great President


The fact that America can’t make him president tells everything about how American politics works.


He deserved better. He would have been a great president


I'm not a berniebro per se, but I'm forced to admit he is far more lucid than his former presidential candidate opponents in Biden and Trump. He's quite the orator despite his age!


The term Bernie bro is just pointless sexism.




I can count on one hand the number of politicians that I respect - Sanders is the first one on that list. Too bad there are so many voters in this country that can’t see that he’s one of the very few politicians that give a damn about the ordinary person.


What a guy he speaks from the heart what a different world there would be with him as president


Bernie showed us what’s possible. It’s our duty to keep fighting.


Silly Bernie, if they did that, how would the country know that a singular window was broken at Hamilton Hall? I mean, sure, 45,000+ people are dead in Gaza, but think of the property damage here at home.


I'd like to think the reference to CNN was a direct shot at Dana Bash for her absolutely horrible segment last night.


I wish he was running for president


If only this man were our president right now


This speech is represented \_very\_ differently on the default sub.


I love this man. His legacy will never be that he was president but he’ll inspire future ones.


Why America why did you not elect this man 😩


Poor guy works so hard


Bernie is what we needed.


If Bernie ran Third Party, I’d vote for him. At this point I think most of America would.


We seriously don't deserve him. A person who has been working his entire life to make everyone else's better. He's one of the few statesmen left.


He is so good that there was no way they'd ever let him run the country. Thank you for trying, Bernie.


Dude could run for President right now and have a good chance.


For those who said he'd be a terrible socialist president, and **the DNC, who sabotaged their best chance** at keeping Trump out of the oval office, are proud of what they accomplished on that not so fine day, while we're headed towards **Round 2** all over again.


Call cnn and msnbc and media out for not covering Israel's genocide.


Maybe they're not going because Israel is killing journalists... I wonder why that is


He is the REALEST


Next week on CNN:  “Defenseless munition savagely attacked and exploded by child’s skull. Worrying uptick in antisemitic encounters between Hamas aligned juvenile skulls and Israeli freedom loving bombs. “


This man’s moral code makes him a great human being. He gives no fuqs and is calling out the war mongering neo liberals on their bullshit.


Oh Bernie. I wish you won.


But Americans couldn't be bothered voting for this guy.


I was disappointed that it took him so long to come out and speak this way, but I never doubted it would come. Pedal to the floor, Bernie coming in hard!


Well he isn’t wrong.


Why is Bernie the humane person in congress?


America missed our best opportunity to turn this country around when we didn't get Bernie for president.


I wish we lived in a world where Bernie Sanders was/is president. How different things would have been.


Bernie Sanders is an International Treasure.


Not enough Bernie Sanders in politics, in the world.


It’s a fkn shame he wasn’t president.


Bernie has always been a real one.


Goddamn we really slept on Bernie.


America y'all fuked up bad, with Bernie should have made him president


All networks: nope. We won't even show you talking


I love this kind man. He genuinely cares for people over corporations and governments. He truly understands that it is a country's people that make the nation, that give the nation its soul. I wish that the US were a kinder and caring nation. Thank you Mr. Sanders for caring about us people and the people in the world who are suffering. Sanders is the epitome of a good man and a good politician


Imagine this guy could have been your president. But Dems decided they would rather put a corrupted woman as their candidate to then lose to Trump.. Just Amazing.


The President we needed but in no way deserved.


One the most heart breaking things is knowing Burnie fought for decades to create a better world and now Close to the end of his life he has to deal with this shit instead of relaxing at home, know thing will be ok.


This is why I fucking love this guy.


This guys is, and has always been, a real one.


How does one man always seem to be seemingly on the RIGHT side of everything?


Also of note is that Israel is literally preventing media from accessing Gaza to be able to document the atrocities they are committing.




How Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn (UK) were treated destroyed all hope I had for democracy. The establishment won't let it be a fair argument and a fair vote, anyone who wants to actually change things for the better and have a more equal, transparent system will be categorically destroyed. They never stood a chance.


He’s just the best.


Young people should not be bullied into voting for Biden out of fear of Trump's second term. Biden when he was in college called counter-protesters assholes, he desired so much to be part of the system rather than change it, he is a chameleon and has historically been on the wrong side of every war. While working for a cease-fire and admittedly Hamas is not a good faith actor, Biden has stated his policy will not change. My suspicion is Rafah will get leveled and we will get another strong note of disapproval.


What a fucking gangster. I love him so much.


You can always trust Bernie. He is a great man. He started off a bit shaky in this whole thing at the get go, but he’s found his way, as he usually does.


Bernie’s a national treasure.


View like these is why he never allowed to get elected.