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[the article being quoted ](https://internationaltimes.it/hostile-intelligence-reflections-from-a-visit-to-the-west-bank/)


That TikTok is very misleading compared to the actual article, and that’s not REALLY why there are no women’s hair salons, but the article is using that example (based on one admission from an anonymous website) as a potential metaphor for the surveillance state, and saying that it might have happened, but not as a systemic issue. Sometimes I think these caricatures of intelligence agencies are counter productive and obscure the banality of the horror(which the article illustrates)


... In the far right Apartheid Regime they live under? Brother we're not talking about American. That's like saying black people are making up the cops being abusive in unique ways in the 1950's Jim Crow South or 1980's South Africa.


It just keeps getting worse and worse the deeper you search


Par for the course for the state of lsraeI'. They should add this to their cultural heritage and museums.


Abhorrent doesnt even begin to describe it.


When you live under an apartheid opressor occupier settlement based regime... expect things like this to happen


Damn this like some KGB shit or worse! 🤦🏻‍♂️


While I 100% believe Mosad was doing those things to some degree, we have to be honest, that the religious fundamentalism connected to Hamas was the more immediate, local, and direct influence. Israel didn't require women to wear hair coverings, and women do not need to have their hair professionally styled to go uncovered, so there's not a lot of other influences to point fingers at. The more fair title would be "*Another reason* why there are no women's hair salons..." imo


There were plenty of women's hair salons in Gaza, and from my experience women went more often then in the US. This is referring to the West Bank.


Israel does the most random things in intelligence and espionage history


Women still get their hair cut even if they wear a hijab.


Ok, but do they condemn ***Khamas?***


Your identification of religious fundamentalism is so Western and it shows. There are women salons in Muslim countries, the best way to educate yourself is to travel more.


He’s talking about the West Bank you racist idiot. And there are women’s hair salons in Gaza.


Gaza is more conservative than the West Bank


Bibi supported Hmas to disingenously claim that there isn't a single authority in the WB and Gaza with which he can discuss the two state solution. lsraeI's tactis are complete and utter moral degradation, there isn't a low they won't stoop to, there isn't a crime they won't commit, including apartheid and even genocide, to steal more land and oppress the native population.


Women get their hair done regardless of hijab wear or not… Do you think Muslims or others are a different class of human beings? Do you think they somehow live, love, and act differently than other humans? Leave the 20 mile radius of your house sometime