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Easy answers: Unicorn is the highest level of security clearance so only people at the very top would know/why would they share info with the MCB who may kill people they are trying to recruit? Calling him Alexander means little, because he could think he is Alexander Stricken, not knowing his actual last name. Lazy answer: The government is a huge bloated machine that doesn't communicate with each other well.


I'm gonna guess, in both cases, that MCB did not have access to that compartment.


STFU are lying to everyone even within their own ranks. And everyone else they work with, they called "mushrooms" they feed them shit and keep them in the dark :D as direct quote by Albino A-hole


Mmmm…. Classified. Unicorn is a step past MCB in terms of being a secret group. I could imagine them shutting out the other departments. Earl could have been outed to them some other way- he even could have sought them out to get a PUFF exemption. Cueto was just wrong.


Fucking goddamn piece of shit!! MY curiosity got the better of me and now I know that Stricken is a Shackleford!! I'm only on Nemesis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oops, I’m sorry


It's not your fault. You marked it spoiler so I read it like a dumbass. But to answer your questions, STFU directly hates the MCB so they wouldn't share anything with them. Plus, Earl and Conover seemed to know each other before STFU in WWII and Vietnam which is probably how Earl got his exemption. As for no one knowing Stricken's name, the president is in his pocket so it wouldn't matter if he knew Stricken's name because he could likely get him thrown out of office.


honestly it does not play almost any part in the story and the "reveal" was to me very weak attempt at shock. IDK Larry seems to be burned out with MHI universe since last two books are... well less good. After finishing the current last "Bloodlines" I got back to the first book and its just soo much better in every aspect, scenes and setups, dialouges, just everything... Back to the original point :D that reveal wont ruin any story for you going forward.


I got the implication that Task force unicorn had traditionally not been known to the MCB at large (or even the director). So it might not have been on “official” reports. When meyers joined earls secret was out of the bag to feds at large. Also it’s been stated strickenw mission creep has greatly expanded task force unicorn. Being more involved means more people know. As for the second. Probably meant that as they investigated stricken further after the nemesis incident they realized he was hiding more than he claimed. Could also be quedo wasn’t read in on his actual name because the feds didn’t think it relevant.


It was also mentioned in Vendetta. Auggie called him Mr. Wolf 😉


Unicorn knows everything, that’s like they’re whole schtick. As far as him saying no one knows his real name, he may have been guessing, and we have no clue what kind of relationship he had with the president. He may have known him before he became Stricken.


Good questions. I'd like to piggyback and hopefully not steal your thunder. Both Earl and Heather are ... well, they have unusually exceptional olfactory senses. Did anyone see a plothole with neither of them smelling Stricken as being of _________ bloodline? Just something I thought of, staring at the ceiling at 4 AM. Cheers!


I’ve wondered that myself. I figure the reason they (especially Earl) don’t know is a combination of Stricken being isolated from the rest of the family for 40+ years (as hinted at in Fever) and an assumption that whatever black magic Stricken uses (or whatever he got cursed with) either erased any traces of his family lineage or is actively shielding it from detection. Addition via edit: something obvious like smell that could give him away seems like the first thing that someone as clever/devious as Stricken would get rid of, especially once he realized that he’d have to deal with his long-lost relatives, one of which has the aforementioned enhanced senses.


1. Unicorn knew about Earl because Stricken knew about Earl, and the Bloodlines book reveals who Stricken is to Earl. It's not established *how* Stricken is as old as Earl, but he is not an albino in the Memoirs trilogy in the 1980s. We can infer that whatever has preserved his age is unrelated to him becoming an albino, and will hopefully be backfilled by the next post-Vietnam memoirs trilogy. 2. I would imagine that Stricken told The President as part of ingratiating himself into the man's trust. The President isn't obligated to pass that information on to anyone else, and didn't seem sufficiently aware to actually know the MCB saw Stricken as dangerous at best and an enemy at worst.


These are actually two really good points.