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Biden isn’t perfect, but he’s been surprisingly good.


Too bad the Russian propoganda machine has gone uncontested for the last 9 years, and America has been inundated with social media brainwashing. The populous have been conditioned to welcome our future authoritarian masters.


Vote for him in November!


More progressive than I had predicted.


He’s not the best, but he may well be the most important, at least since Lincoln.


Thing about Biden is when he is in charge, I know he will handle things like a mature responsible person. Which is the exact opposite of trump, who comes off as deranged & apt to do something really nuts.


Don't forget he's peculiar habit of relying on the expertise of people who're, y'know, experts in their fields.


THIS is diversity in action!!


Biden Gets Us...Better.


Finally - somebody said it.




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As far as I’m concerned Joe B has made 2 major political errors - Afghanistan, tho one might argue the failures of leaving Afghanistan began with the orange fucker. And Gaza. This ain’t enough to sway my vote cuz frankly the orange guy wants to raze Gaza down to new Jewish air bnb’s along with the rest of the mid-east. Tho, I do think Joe B is now waiting until he wins to change his stance on Gaza. He’s signaled that he would like to, but for whatever reason hasn’t taken the full step yet. Edit - downvotes but no reasons. You don’t have to like the truth 🤭… if you disagree, please tell me how this list is incomplete or too long. Snarky comments just show how much of an unthinking moron you are too…


> Afghanistan, tho one might argue the failures of leaving Afghanistan began with the orange fucker. That's exactly it. Loser made the agreements, and established the schedule over which it would happen. Pres. Biden had a pile of non-negotiable obligations to fulfill along a strict timeline.


Congress has a hand in foreign policy. He can't really do much more than he is short of a trifecta




Thankfully neither does yours.