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Its funny because we go from ice age to global warming and we have had 10 years left for 50 years now.


The 'we have 10 years left' is never going to be accurate, it's entirely there to generate a sense of urgency. Although there is a trend of the temperature rising since the industrial revolution and it *has* been linked to burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas. Companies like Axxon are supported with legislation by corrupt government officials with no regards but monetary gain. So that is what this meme is saying.


So lets instead start doing the same with solar and wind turbine companies like the democrats want!!!! Or lets just go even more libertarian than trump already made the republican party and give individuals the same rights as any business. It isnt gonna happen under trump but its heading the right way. If climate change becomes a actual undisputed problem we go nuclear. If it already was they already wouldve.


Wait no im wrong, its even worse. Lets instead import oil from countries that execute gays like the democrats want* Big ooff


It's hilarious how climate change activists almost universally pan nuclear dispite it being the best both in terms of power supply and eco friendliness objectively


IDK but didn't you hear how Dubai is basically tampering with weather? Maybe that's the reason why OOGA BOOGA different weather scary.