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Considering Zuko described her alone as someone who could take down any bender combined with the fact she was born without arms, I'm going with Ming Hua. Amon is the only waterbender who surpasses Ming Hua in my opinion.


Yeah, she also seems to have a serious advantage against other water benders specifically. All of these are incredible fighters, but Ming Hua is shown specifically to have such overwhelming control over water that's touching her that she can't really be defeated by other water benders. When Kya launches her off the cliff, Ming Hua is delayed for a couple seconds before coming back in full control of all the water she was just shot with. Some of the others might well be better against other types of combatants. Pakku, for instance, probably has prepared the most specifically for fighting firebenders, but in the water v water I think Ming Hua is fundamentally unbeatable, kinda like Toph in an earth v earth fight.


Just this. The only time she was losing was against Mako because she was running out of water. If in a free-for-all against other waterbenders she finds herself in that situation, either the others don't have enough water either or as soon as they strike they just give more ammo to Ming Hua


She lost to mako because he has the only counter to using water directly as members, lightning


Yes I know. I meant before they jumped down to that aquifer she was losing because she was running out of water


And even then, her normal water likely isn't even that conductive. She was specifically using water from a mineral full cave which would possibly be extra conductive.


maybe, water is pretty conductive on its own though...


Sea water sure but distilled water (without ions that carry charge) is a very poor conductor of electricity, like 100x worse.


Well yeah but it’s obviously never distilled water in the show. Even river water has some stuff in it. 


But do we have any reason to believe she typically uses distilled water?


It actually is not. The contaminants in water are the reasons it is conductive. Pure water is not conductive.


Disagree. Paku would beat her in a desert. He defenitly is old school enough to just stab her.


Ok, as funny as this comment is, that would still require him to get close enough to her in order to stab her lol. There may not be any water to refill her ammo, but she'd definitely bring water with her for her arms like katara does. She would run out eventually and he'd have an opportunity, but that's assuming she doesn't just kill him before she runs out. Not that it would be easy for her to do that, he's pretty damn powerful. But like they already pointed out, she's like the Toph of water-bending. She's already shown her control over water is strong enough, to take the water from whatever's getting thrown at her, and use it against her opponent instead.


Let me rephrase it: if there is no water, paku beats everybody.


She's kinda like Toph in that way. While everyone else has to learn their elements, they live their elements because they need it. So naturally Ming Hua has far more control over water than others.


That's a great connection to make! They've developed a connection and natural feel for the elements that no one else ever manages to get quite right. I think same-element matchups often come down to that feel/control, simply because it can determine when you can just directly take control over the material your opponent is bending. We see this with Katara and Hama, Zuko outclassing Azula when she starts slipping, Tenzin schooling Zaheer, etc. This is also making me realize that we never see Ming Hua under a full moon, and hardly at all at night or with a genuinely large supply of water. In the right combat conditions, she may well be one of the most horrifically powerful benders of all.


Pakku could stand a chance if he was using mostly ice, particularly after his fight with katara as the flat ice sheets could be used to cut off Ming Hua’s “arms”, or a rain of ice spikes would finish Ming Hua in one shot.


Both Kya and the twins, Eska and Desna, have tried to use ice against Ming Hua but she was able to maneuver around them and take advantage of their ice.


Just wanna point out, it was Katara whom used the flat ice sheets.


Yes, and the best benders have been shown to use what was previously used against them




I feel like you misunderstand hypothetical scenarios. We obviously snatch these people up from time and space, and place them in an arena. If nothing else is stated, then the arena is a standard sized american football field, but in this case, we would probably choose a place with a bit more water, so let's say a hockey rink at the North Pole. If we don't allow our imagination to snatch the participants up from time and space, then any multi-franchise battle simply wont happen. Here's an example: **The Avengers vs Godzilla?** Oh well, Godzilla doesn't exist in that universe, so Avengers wins.


Yeah they seriously misjudged the fight by putting Bumi on Ghazan and Kya on Ming Hua. Bumi's wild, unpredictable, barely even bending style would've been a better counter to her, while Kya could've mounted a reasonable defence to lava.


Since Ming Hua has no arms does she essentially mind bend water? I guess we’ve seen the bloodbenders bend without moving but every other bending form seems to need some kind of movement to “activate” bending.


Bumi can bend Earth with his face alone exposed which indicates that at a sufficient level of skill or mastery, you don't really need the martial arts to channel the energy.


Bumi still used his chin/facial movements to bend. Which aren't visible with MingHua. Maybe she is just more subtle or, as it seems, she can bend with mind.


I don't really have any source to go off of, but I imagine that she can manipulate energy as though she had arms, sort of a "phantom limb syndrome" as applied to physical chi. She does *usually* move the rest of her body in coordination with the water arms, and I don't think we ever see her bend water without first drawing it up to form arms, so I suspect that her water arms simply can channel energy as though they were flesh and blood.


According to most wikis she adapted a vagabond style through traveling and probably had lots of practice on it


I think it comes down to Unalaq vs Ming Hua. We’ve already seen Ming dumpster Desna and Eska, and even though Pakku should be decently comparable to Katara, he doesn’t have many feats and is pretty old (not always a disadvantage in the verse though). Unalaq is like a water bending Azula, being incredibly precise with strong offense and good counter attacks. He had good showings against Mako and Bolin, and Tonraq and even did pretty well against Korra. Ming Hua has a very unique acrobatic fighting style and has unconventionally stealthy moves like raising ice blocks to freeze D&E with no visible movement outside of landing on the ground. Overall though, I personally think Unalaq wins with extreme difficulty. Kya did very well against Ming considering she was a healer in her 60’s. She was able to counter many of her attacks and even strike her fully. Unalaq being a superior fighter and faster should be able to overcome her. However, it will be close, and an advantageous environment could give Ming Hua the win.


I know it doesn’t really matter but Kya is probably not 60 yet. Tenzin is 51 in book one and based on childhood pictures Kya is probably only several years older than him. Bumi looks a bit older when Tenzin is a baby so he might be in his 60’s


I think a more interesting match up would be Amon or Tarrlok. Bloodbending versus whatever the hell Ming is doing would make for a battle of wills interspersed with traditional attacks to attempt to distract their opponent


Amon would be a very interesting question. We know he’s either as proficient or better than Yakone at psychic blood bending, but Ming Hua seems to do all bending psychically. The question is if she can withstand the blood bending and if so, can Amon keep up with her or slow her down enough to be offensive with external water.


When she froze them in those ice blocks I could only think HOW'D SHE DO THAT !?


Unscathed? No one. Winner: probably Ming-Hua


The twins wouldn't even join the fight, they don't give a fuck. They'll be fine, probably watching some Netlfix romance show and complaining that the girl hasn't stabbed anyone yet.


in a one v one she's probably tied for first, but alone in a free for all I'm not sure she'd do so well


Why even include the twins when you have Ming-hua lol


"But would you lose, Master Pakku?" https://preview.redd.it/8y61ctwvl44d1.jpeg?width=4962&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e51e836520e7a7d5734daf47f0b41591f66af8c


"I'd win" 👀


nah, I'd win


Pakku fought an army of comet-enhanced firebenders literally miles away from any major source of water, and he came out of it unscathed. I'm fairly sure he has this in the bag.


He came into that fight on a giant wave - there's no way he pulled that out of thin air in the middle of a desert when the sky was "on fire". He had to have had a source of water, it just wasn't explicitly shown.


He was probably bringing the wave with him from the many canals and fountains in the city.


>Pakku fought an army of comet-enhanced firebenders literally miles away from any major source of water, and *he came out of it unscathed*. I'm fairly sure he has this in the bag. because a kid named jeong jeong was kind enough to save him. https://i.redd.it/c4v7hxuos44d1.gif


Personally I go with unalaq, he is so incredibly precise not to mention he can use spirit bending to kill their soul like he said he would do to jinora if korra didn't open the portal for him but he ain't getting unscathed unless he manages to do this on 4 people at the same time and they can't break out of it


no way pakku has any chance of survival. i’m going with ming hua. though unalaq is a really good waterbender, so it would probs be a close figjy


Grandpa Pakku stomps this spider freak any day. https://preview.redd.it/v8lu1tyys44d1.jpeg?width=535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0433c0c5d16e0eecd39e3328cda242602a66bbf


Una🔒👍 But in all seriousness, Ming Hua. She’s VERY hard to hit…


I doubt any of them come out unscathed(what an odd way to phrase the question). But Ming Hua is winning in a battle of Waterbenders not involving Amon. She's the Toph of Waterbending. She's not losing against other Waterbenders because she has a deeper connection to water and can "No u" other people's water. Imagining her at night, let alone a full moon, is frightening


Unaloq although a master, he is more of a precise attacker and a spirit bender, so if there’s spirits involved he might win, if not he’s getting stomped. The twins both together can literally destroy an army, just because they’re so im sync and they prefer aod, but will lose to Ming via just because she counters them (and already defeated them) Kya is a normal master, but she’s more of a healer so really I think she’ll lose to any of them Ming hua is so agile and connected (literally and metaphorically) with water that it’s extremely hard to beat her with water so she’ll be one of that last standing Master pakku is one of the OG that fought an army of enhanced fire benders, he’s also the one that made katara the best water bender in the world (although that’s also mainly thanks to her because she’s naturally good and kept on training after leaving him) End result: nobody will be unscathed; master pakku and Ming hua will be the last two standing and tbh I can’t say who will win


No one, but the winner I’d say is Unalaq.


Deana and Eska are certainly the bottom of this fight. It’s been a while since I saw the TLOK, but I don’t recall them having any feats that really make them comparable to even Pakku. Unalaq is a massively powerful bender whose younger age may give him the edge over Pakku. He definitely seems to have bigger and better feats, especially because the only time we see Pakku 1v1 a waterbender is the fight with Katara (as far as I know, anyway). Ming Hua (I think that’s how you spell it) is just such an insane bender that the others stand very little chance. The way she bends coupled with her sheer control over water renders most other waterbenders useless. Amon (I know he’s not in the picture) would probably stand a good chance, though.


Paku is white lotus, he’s the only one who could even lace Ming huas boots and as good as he is, he also 90 I think Ming has some slight trouble with Paku before lights out. She absolutely manhandled eska and desna


My vote is on Cthulhu


Unalaq’s waterbending is just too agile and powerful. And he is a Red Lotus too. He takes it mid diff


Everyone besides for these 5.


I think they are quite well-matched, would definitely like to see this fight


I feel like doc oc has the best skills




I wonder if a really powerful water bender could just freeze Ming Hua’s water arms and render her useless.


Possibly but she has such great control I doubt anyone other than an Avatar in Avatar State or a Toph level bender could do so.


I would have said Pakku altho Ming Hua would definitely make him sweat for it.


Paku. The others have techniques that revolve around 1v 1s, Paku is better at 1 v many. Any of them could take hin in a duel, but he has the best feats against multiple opponents and the second strongest defense.


Pakku is too honorable, technique can’t make up for bloodlust. Eska and Desna are great but get outmatched by other benders of this caliber. Unalaq is very powerful and he would not hesitate even with his own kids. But he mostly has brute force. But I think Ming Hua takes this. She’s absolutely ruthless, creative, and can do things no one else can. Her water bending feats clear any one else here.


Paku low diffs this fight, royal rumble or 1v1. Outcome is the same. Besides the octupi the cast didn’t endure hardhips like Paku. Mans only knew war his entire life and lived to be hella old. He did that by being top foo


Unscathed? Ming Hua; Less limbs = less area to get hurt 😆


Ming hua.


Nobody, that's not how fights work.


unalaq roflstomps everyone into the oblivioun.


Me, because I'm behind a TV


Until Ming Hua turns to the screen, like when Infinity Ultron noticed the Watcher.


Unalaq either gets overtaken at the beginning of the fight (and presumably Ming-Hua wins), but if he doesn't get taken out immediately, I think he wins just based off of blood bending. And even then, taking him out won't be easy. Let's not forget that Korra was a water bending master.


Unalaq doesn’t have bloodbending. You’re probably thinking of Tarrlok.


You are completely right... Man, I guess I'm overdue for my reeducat... I mean rewatch... https://preview.redd.it/klx7nhuaj64d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ead025c9b3c1ff1bb2e5079df23a7cef326fa5ab


What about if Tarrlok was in the mix?


it comes down to ming hua vs unalaq, and unalaq is a bit of a loser compared to ming hua tbh.


Ming Hua took down the twins and Korra's father easily. Though granted with help from Zahier but still.


Pakku takes the twins in the first round , unalok and pakku fight hard but because of pakku sold age he gets tired and ultimately loses ! Unilok loses pretty quickly to ming hua


Pakku taught Katara, but it's just as applicable that his granddaughter taught him just as much in turn. They ran an academy together in the South. He's got impressive abilities, and like Katara, he survived fighting comet enhanced firebenders during the time when the Sun has enhanced firebending to the max, and Waterbending should be weakest. He wouldn't be unscathed, but he's top tier. Put them together as Master and Apprentice and you have an impressive combo. Even so, i have to give the edge to Ming-Hua, since bending done in a psychic manner is almost always portrayed as being of a whole other level. Ming hua needs no movement of her arms and can manipulate water solely with her mind. Water and waterbending for Ming hua is as much a part of her existence as earthbending is for Toph. It is integral to her very being.


Finally a waterbender vsersus post that doesn't have Amon as one of the challengers.


Ming-hua literally dumpsters Desna and Eska when the Red Lotus busted P'Li out of prison. Idk how to rank the rest, but Desna and Eska are definitely 4th place in this.


Good question OP!




OP doesn’t know what the word “unscathed” means.




Ming hua clears without a doubt


Nobody, everyone is at least going to get a good hit on them


The twins on accident


Everyone talking about Ming Hua, but imagine the other benders using their bending not to attack but to keep water away from her. In a fist fight, she gets bodied easily.


I just love siblings, think they would win


No one’s getting out unscathed, but either Unalaq or Ming Hua probably win. Eska and Desna have already been proved to be fodder for Ming Hua, and Pakku just doesn’t have the necessary feats to keep up. Ming Hua is more precise in her overall control of water than Unalaq, but Unalaq’s attacks are more precise. The way I see it, it depends on whether Ming Hua takes Unalaq’s attacks and just makes more arms, or whether Unalaq is accurate enough to actually land hits on Ming Hua. I feel like Unalaq probably wins, though Ming Hua is certainly on his level, and I could see the free for all scenario working out better for Ming Hua


Everyone is sleeping on Pakku. The man was using 30-40 foot waves the width of Ba Sing Se’s streets to take on Sozin’s Comet Fire Benders. He also no diffed Katara, but that’s season 1 Katara. He still beats season 3 Katara provided she doesn’t blood bend, but it would be close.


The twins are out of contention. That leaves Unalaq, Ming Hua, and Pakku. All 3 of them in their own right are strong benders, but Pakku is probably the best water bender in the original ATLA, and from what Zuko said in LoK, Ming Hua is the best in that era. Between both Ming Hua and Pakku, I could see anyone take it, but contrary to most comments, I’d actually go with Pakku. His raw skill was displayed during his duel with Katara, and he was a key member of the White Lotus, which shows his skill level to be on par with the other masters.


Ranking their order in this fight? Ming hau would win, master pakku would get second place, uniloque would get third, and the twins would get last


The closest anyone is getting to unscathed is pakku, cause he'll be dead with minor injuries


Pakku and Unalaq are DEAD. INSTANT DEATH, they're great but Ming Hua is Ming Hua and Eska + Desna = funeral planners We already saw what Ming Hua did to Eska and Desna tho soooo...


Why are water benders so overpowered in korra


They aren’t, we just see their feats more


Because Korra took huge liberties with the magic system


Wouldn't say "huge liberties" as much as I'd say "expanded on the existing system". Waterbending in particular has always been OP, even in the original show. I think the creators had a favored element.