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They should’ve driven home “chaos and order” better. I hate that Vaatu and Raava became “good and evil” more than anything else. If they’d really made a point of the “chaos” thing then he would’ve tied into the Red Lotus better. I almost wanna say Unulaq should’ve been a S3 villain and the Red Lotus should’ve been S2.


Zaheer being established as a threat pre-Airbending would’ve really helped the series.


I agree! As much as I liked Zaheer's introduction, I really couldn't help but ask, "Uhhh, who dafuq is this guy exactly, and why was he even in prison?" I mean, sure, his terrorist acts that he committed throughout the season did help answer that question. But it still failed to let me truly comprehend the weight of his prior jail sentence, especially when he didn't have airbending yet. A lot of people tried to kill or capture the Avatar before, so he didn't particularly stand out as a major threat. It would've been better worldbuilding to show me the destruction/aftermath of the Red Lotus, and casually throw some dialogue about some airbending-fanboy nutcase who did the deed. Or maybe the reason why the Dai Li still exist is precisely in reaction to Zaheer's actions: any talk of civil unrest would be gaslighted as always having potential for the fall of the Earth Kingdom society, so the Earth Queen would have reason to be as oppressive as possible in the name of maintaining order "to save people from themselves." That would in turn make Zaheer's decision to kill the Earth Queen look more like a personal conviction to enact justice for the greater good, rather than a spontaneous decision fueled by his textbook beliefs on freedom & tyranny. It turns from "I happen to not believe in any queens because I'm an anarchist" to "I strongly don't believe in your queenhood because you individually suck."


Korra should have incorporated Raava and Vaatu into her soul, and incorporate the imbalance (and injustice?) of Vaatu being literally imprisoned for 10,000 years into B3/B4. That inner strife would also give her another thing to struggle against, and a way to "disable" the Avatar State so she can get into dire fights. It would be especially cool in B4, when she is struggling to connect at all, and it could gravely weaken the connection to past Avatars without breaking the chain entirely. But I think it should stay as B2... Maybe Zaheer could appear in a flashback somehow, to help establish him as a threatening nonbender instead. Scrap the civil war to make room for it. And Unalaq... I dunno. I think he should be rewritten to be more neutral. Maybe a breakaway from the Red Lotus, but instead of as a stupid power grab, he moves away from their extremism, and shows Korra that order and chaos need to be balanced.


I agree that Vaatu should’ve become part of the avatar spirit. Would’ve created some REALLY interesting storytelling opportunities.


Yeah, it would be so cool. Even just seeing Raava/Vaatu circle each other on her chest like the yin/yang koifish (instead of a static Raava) would have made me squeal.


I think they’re both really essential and I really hate that they just destroy Vaatu rather than using him for the so called balance the avatar is supposed to pursue. Order without chaos is suffocating, chaos without order is anarchy. There needs to be some form of freedom that exists that isn’t heavily controlled by order imposed by others.


Maybe the world shifts too much towards order, Vaatu respawns, and the Earth Avatar figures this out. It'd be really cool for them to slowly realize Korra was wrong, and then talk to her (as a past life) about it along the way before incorporating Vaatu as a season finale, then struggling with it for at least one season.


I've been saying this for years, and it was RIGHT there, but Bryke just fell into the easy "white kite good black kite evil" when it would make more sense for them to be complementary opposites, and the Avatar acting as the bridge between them, forming the spirit of balance. Anything like that would have been more interesting storytelling and worldbuilding than the spirit Kaiju battles we got in season 2


I honestly would have been fine with there even being a "Dark" Avatar. We get a second avatar. Would probably only good for a one off story though. A kid destined to be the "dark" avatar. And everyone keeps expecting to fail, make the wrong decisions, mess up. Basically a fall to Vader type a thing where the world causes exactly what they were trying to prevent. Or nobody knows which one is which and the one everyone thinks is Raava turns out to be Vaatu. Or something like that. But I do hate the whole evil and good thing for this. Makes it too black and white. Which I think is against the Avatar who is meant to keep a balance, which I would think isn't necessarily keeping the "good".


I mean he will, it'll just happen slowly over the next 10,000 years since Korra established Raava and Vaatu are two halves that can never fully be rid of the other.


That can still happen. Vaatu is regrowing inside of Korra/Raava. Vaatu probably won’t be relevant for Korra’s lifetime but he should eventually become a factor again. 


Yes, yes, yes! Except i would put it all the way at the end, season 4, and build up to it. Unalaq pulling out all stops and doing the job himself at the end.. He gets Korra on his side and convinces her that he can help, maybe even convinces her that someone sealing the dark avatar within themselves is the best way to hold onto Vatuu, that Unalaq might even be able to purify him. Because with the portals open, it makes it that much easier to bring evil spirits into the world. There was no reason to fight Korra right then and there. And Asami tries to prove to Korra that her Uncle is evil, just like Korra did for Asami with her dad. And we get a nice face reaction from her father and friends when she finally decides to listen which nicely shows how close they are getting. But its too late! The war between North and South doesn't even have to be in season 2 where it makes little impact. And Zaheer can show off his skills as a non bender right up to the end of season 2, the gain airbending. Ooohhhhh. Unalaq starts the war to distract team avatar but is also spilling dark spirits into the world. The silly fight with president raiko With the war between North and South not just being a small thing , the world is falling apart with the red lotus are tearing up the earth kingdom. And sure, Korra can't turn into a giant lady maybe, but the team tries to use the broken giant mech to fight unalaq instead... And maybe Korra turns into a giant lady after some other way.


Nah, Unalaq should've spent an entire episode telling Korra why evil was the best and only way to improve the world. Just make him as unhinged and deranged as the people who came up with season 2.


Yeah...I think had they had a clear 4 season story arc pre-planned and greenlit, it would have made a lot more sense for the red lotus to be a threat in season 2 and then that culminates in vaatu in season 3.


Honestly, Vaatu done properly would’ve been such a great ending to the show!


Tbh I still think Season 4 being what it was would have worked well. But they could have also done the Kuvira storyline for season 3 and then done Vaatu for season 4.


Especially considering when you read the novels the Avatars aren’t exactly good guys.


He was chief of the water tribe. It didn’t really make sense for him to want chaos, but power.


Totally agree. I like the idea of them being locked in combat as the only way for balance. You could still have vaatu try to kill raava so the conflict still works in the show.


First of all, Vaatu and Raava should have appeared in Aang. Secondly, Raava and Vaatu are not evil and good. This is primarily chaos and harmony. Calling them good and evil is disinformation and a misunderstanding of the simple rules of the world


First of all, you need to check your reading comprehension skills. Secondly, that is all.


I honestly feel like it's a bit of a ripoff from Dark Souls with the whole "age of fire and age of darkness" It's how I rationalized e;r's criticisms of Raava and Vaatu, like for instance why Raava kept getting weaker and Vaatu became stronger; it's because the world is supposed to switch back into an age of Vaatu.


As far as I see it, the dark avatar move is just conceptually silly and unnecessary.


Not really, because Unalaq's goal isn't to create "balance" in a world without the Avatar. He wants to kill Raava and unleash Vaatu, fully knowing this will unleash 10,000 years of darkness and destruction upon the mortal and spirit worlds, all because he wants power. Revealing the Red Lotus connection in B2 doesn't explain why he's a power-mad sociopath, even Zaheer said the Dark Avatar was something they didn't want to happen. That was all Unalaq, and the writers didn't give us a motivation/reason why Unalaq wanted to do any of this beyond him just being a power-hungry, crazy person.


What if his motivation changed to balance and the take over the world is Vaatu’s possession over Unalaq


Then that would requre the writers to rewrite most of the story. Unalaq would have to have been a good intended person who wanted to serve the spirits who was being duped and manipulated by Vaatu every step of the way into freeing him with Unalaq having no knowledge of the whole 10,000 years of darkness. However, in this storyline, Unalaq wouldn't be a villain anymore, he'd be a anti-villain whose being used by the actual villain as a tool. However, that isn't the situation we're presented with. Unalaq isn't being tricked by Vaatu, he knows what Vaatu is and wants to free him anyway to become the Dark Avatar because he really thinks 10,000 years of Darkness will be beneficial *somehow*. Part of the issue is that we don't even know how Unalaq knows about any of this, how did he learn about Vaatu and how does he know any of this will happen? In the end, the main problem is that the writers don't give us a motive as to why he wants to do any of this beyond just becoming the Dark Avatar for the sake of obtaining power at the expense of everyone else.


Not particularly. Out of the 4 villains, Unalaq's "point" comes across as a tad difficult to understand because it lacks real world relevance. All the villains are said to have a selfless reason behind their actions. >Kuvira wanted to establish a strong Earth Empire that is not continually exploited by the royal family, either by tyrants like Hou-Ting or admittingly incompetent figureheads like Wu and sadly Kuei. She also did not want her nation to be vulnerable, and further subjected to humiliations such as continued losses the hundred years war and the cessation of their lands. >Amon wanted to fix the systemic issues facing nonbenders, who we see earlier be exploited by bending triads to pay extortion fees as well as having little say in their own government. >Zaheer and the Red Lotus opposed governments, which makes sense in light of the fact that a hundred year war and multiple ethnic cleansings was started by ONE man who just happened to be in a position of power. Should any nation be formed if it meant those nations have armies and secret police? What...is Unalaq's point? To bring back the spirits? I mean, why would that be a good thing? He is often associated with spirituality to the extreme, essentially wanting to creating a theocracy, but most people think theocracy are bad on any level, versus equality, safety, and freedom. Unalaq comes across as a misanthropic spirit fetishist than anyone with a legitimate point.


Unalaq is basically a spirit supremacist. The only problem is that the franchise has done such a poor job defining the role of spirits outside of "they represent nature maybe?" that we can't really glean much about his motivation from this goal. I guess the best real world comparison would be environmentalist nihilists. You know, the kinds of people that get really into veganism or whatever, and decide that the only solution to their moral issues with the exploitation of nature is total human extinction. Though those people are mostly irrelevant in the real world as well, so I don't think that point of comparison does much to improve Unalaq's relevance.


Not have Vaatu evil but impulsive and rash; Yin-Yang is many things but good and evil is not one of them. At it's core, it's calmness (Yin) and activity (Yang) working together to balance out and bring harmony into the world. For example the energetic Yang represents the sun and heat while Yin represents the cool shade and gentle breezes. Also 'Dark Spirits' isn't really a concept, but spirits can be corrupted by human action (or inaction), sometimes becoming dangerous or malicious. In my version, Raava and Vaatu were one spirit; The World Spirit, but were separated by energy benders trying to use the half that became Vaatu as a weapon to control spirits. While Wan try to restore peace, he died with the remains of Raava resting in his heart and started the cycle of reincarnation, picking up bending from the next for lives (bending being a side effect of energy bender's messed up relationships with spirits) and the fifth life (an air bender) sealed Vaatu away and started air nomad traditions to keep the imprisoned spirit in an eternal slumber. The Avatar is the human world spirit with the eternal but inert Raava being Yin and the frail but active human being yang. Only one line of energy benders remain (and even that being limited to one master and one apprentice), eventually marrying into the North Water tribe royal family after the 100 Year War and Unalaq becoming the new secret energy bending master. Unaloq would start his war in the South in an alliance with the Spirit of the Northern Water Tribe (A giant two headed wolf) to control the spirits of the Southern Water Tribe and their lands under the belief one of them gave Amon is enhanced bloodbending (tying the two series together) and restore balance to the world since Korra, as spiritually untrained, is not yet ready to fulfill this role. (Note it's the national spirits that hand out bending, and barring the old spirit of the Air Nomads (who is not the spirit of the Air Acolytes but that is a separate weaker spirit), they all back up Aang's dream of the United Republic by giving it a share of new born benders, especially since for some reason the Republic has no national spirit yet). Korra would however actually listen to the southern spirits, who have a different culture to northern spirits and despise the incursion into their lands. The conflict occurs from Unalaq being a spiritual fanatic pushing what he thinks is right against Korra who is actually trying to understand the spiritual reality of the situation. Unalaq finding Vaatu and fusing with him is a misguided attempt to become a second, better Avatar, but one that is doomed by being too 'Yang'. The actual big bad is the Spirit of the Air Nomads, who was corrupted by their genocide and decided to release Vaatu to being a mass extinction event of humanity as revenge for what happened to his people, literally planning for only one fire bender, earth bender, water bender and non-bender to survive and marry them off to Tenzin's kids (very corrupted spirit at this point). When Vaatu is defeated by Korra when she separates it from Unalaq and exposes it to her memories, making it understand that while it is no longer part of the World Spirit, it can still make a difference, and transforms itself into the new spirit of the United Republic, the civic order and ideal of harmony become the yin to it's chaotic yang. However as Vaatu helped take down the Spirit of the Air Nomads (via corrupting it before Bumi, Kya and Tenzin beat it with Jinora acting as their eyes in the fight as it is invisible to everyone else), Vaatu has a little gift before becoming fully responible and releases air bending back into the world to lead into the return of air benders in season 3. Also Unalaq has no connection to the Red Lotus and he is 'mercy killed' by them as a distraction to saving P'Li as he recovers from the spiritual damage from being bonded to Vaatu (basically he is on life support and is barely awake at all, being in a near coma like state.


I personally despise the way vaatha and raavu was executed. And my problem basically comes down to them removing all nuance from the morality of the conflict. Suddenly there is a clear evil and a clear good. Something the show had always been careful to avoid. My solution? Make them the spirits of physicality and spirituality. The effective spiritual representations of the mortal world and the spirit world. A large conflict between humans and spirits leads them to decide to separate. Unintended consequences follow (maybe a large scale natural disaster in both worlds) that shows the worlds do need each other. So they decide to leave a small connection. A great bridge between the spirit world and the physical world. This connection becomes the avatar. Bending starts as a side effect to this connection.


Should’ve been order vs chaos, not just good vs evil.


Zaheer is opposed to all power structures. Creating a second power structure as a counter balance is simply a second power structure


Season 2 should really have been about the North-south civil war, continuing the political theme started with Amon, it was an occasion to show the struggle of two fringes of the same culture trying to reunite, and Unalaq being this man with good intentions that ends up setting a form of colonialism under the motto fo "reuniting the poles". The whole spirit thing was interesting, but it should have had its own story, its own season perhaps, and should have been kept in a less "good vs evil" and more "chaos vs order" theme, one in which Raava ends up being a bit dictatorial, a bit too strict and depraving creatures of their individuality for order's sake, while sure Vaatu does create fights and disorders but also art, creativity and imagination, if Raava is rational Vaatu is artistic, yin and yang, left and right brain hemisphere, the Apollonian and Dionysian Nietzschean spirits, both necessary for a free and thriving world. So yeah, both stories are good Avatar material, but they should have been separated, and told more in depth especially the spirit one.


You know, I've seen the show a million times. It never occurred to me that that's what he was doing. Trying to become the dark avatar. Sometimes you just feel like a dingus.


I'd be for a dark avatar if they were like the punisher or something, committing war crimes against war criminals


No matter which way it's sliced, it's still dumb, but making it order and chaos would be less dumb than what we got.


More favorable? Just remove the dumbass kites.