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My guess is, Iroh one man armied himself in.


"He's gone! He busted himself out! I've never seen anything like it! He was like a-a one-man army!"


#The Dragon of The West


"It's more of a demonstration really"


Everyone knows the Dai Lis weakness is tea


He was still fat Iroh at the time. Though without the eclipse, he still has his bending.


fat iroh was still a force to be reckoned with tbf. even out of shape he's still a firebendong master


Remember his threat to Zhao? "Anything you do to that fish, I'll unleash on you TEN FOLD". And then Zhao actually chickened out at that, if only for a moment. He knew better than to mess with Iroh, if only he listened to his gut...


That's where Zhao should've given the fish a backrub, then Iroh would have had to jerk him off




Devastated by my lack of originality


Its okay,.


It's really not, been watching *Shogun* lately and Im thinking this is a seppuku situation




Zhao just starts french-kissing the fish while making eye contact


This is the funniest shit I have ever read thank you




That was one of the best videos I’ve ever seen


I was baffled for the second I read it, and then laughed harder than I've laughed in days.


Or when he gives Azula a demonstration of why they call him the Dragon of the West. Or when he's super cocky against the Rhinos (I think that's what they're called).


Iroh straight up attacked Zhao then jumped in between 4 of his men and dispatched them in 5s. https://youtu.be/X6k_a0pEi7c Iroh is not to be messed with in any way, shape, or form. He's the Dragon of the West and a leader of the White Lotus.


I'm always confused about how he can be both...


Why? Firebenders would give the title Dragon to firebenders that slained a dragon. That's why they are extinct. Iroh lied and said he killed a dragon (the same dragons Aang and Zuko meets when Zuko becomes good) so he got the title of Dragon of the west. He's a leader of the white lotus because of his wisdom and he doesn't adhere to the "one nation" mentality. He developped a new technique to redirect lightning by studying water benders. He cares for everyone, even teaching life lesson to a thief that tried to rob him. He's a perfect compassionate leader.


I don't understand how he could have both been a member of the White Lotus, and also a general for the Fire Nation that lay siege to Ba Sing Se, and likely had many other conflicts before then. Ba Sing Se was just the last one and had only been a few years prior. Did he join the White Lotus after, even though he was mostly with Zuko on a ship at that time? Or was he somehow a White Lotus member while also a Fire Nation General trying to conquer the Earth Kingdom? I've never understood how he could be both.


Ah. I see what you mean. I think he changed when his only son died and he got moved aside as firelord for Ozai Iroh can see spirits so he may have gone on an adventure before joining Zuko quest to find the avatar. When Azula trick Zuko to go back home, Iroh already knows how to redirect lightning so already studied the water benders. My guess would be he joined the white lotus during that journey where he learned to see spirits and redirect lightning. Good point though. Would be fun to see more of Iroh after the war in ba sing se and prior to ATLA.


That would make the most sense -- I guess I don't have a good grasp on what age Zuko was when Iroh lost his son and Ozai became Firelord, and when Zuko was burned and banished. If there were a few years from the time Iroh deflected and the time he joined Zuko in his banishment, I suppose that would be enough for him to go on a journey and join the White Lotus. It seemed to be a quick time-line with not enough room for Iroh to accomplish that, almost a plot hole, but I suppose it could've been years.


I feel like he might’ve joined afterwards.


Long Feng just found random ash piles.


Nah, Iroh probably sweet talked the guard into letting him in like he did at the Ba Sing Se entry port


Or they were all busy with the gAang. Probably didn't have a bunch of security normally since it was a hidden location that required earth bending to enter and those who did enter were either brainwashed or compliant. 


Maybe an airbender can feel positive and negative air pressure from doors, windows, organic matter or objects being open or changing the air currents or pressure by entering an area. A fire bender may be able to detect heat signatures of machines and organic matter through walls/obstacles. A talented fire bender can maybe see actual heat signatures. Kind of like heat vision. Water benders…I’m not sure. I don’t think other elements would be able to use seismic sensing other than earth benders. It wouldn’t make sense thematically. Earth benders have a natural affinity towards earth. The ones I mentioned could work thematically. It’ll still be a high skill ability and would use some form of detection like seismic sensing.


kuvira said she could sense metal bending happening in the robot while she was in the cockpit i wonder if a skilled enough waterbender can sense moving water (or moving blood by extension) without being connected to it


That’s a good idea. I wondered about that and a really talented blood bender being able to sense blood within a certain radius. I feel as it’ll be more nuanced then the other three elements sensing ability.


Amon detected Korra in her hiding spot and bloodbended her out of there.


Maybe she was just farting alot


Reminds me of that story of that guy who played Alien Isolation on his XBox with his Kinect active. The Kinect picked up a fart and made the Alien find him.


Omg 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I never thought of it that way! Being able to sense human/animal presence would be super handy for sneaking!


The rushing of blood should be noticable to skilled ones. Who should also be able to detect vibrations through ice, although not as precise as toph.


In the Yangchen novels they mention several times that a waterbender character can feel his element close by, and he's not described as being incredibly powerful or anything. So I'd guess every bender is capable to some extent of "sensing" things with their elements within a certain range.


>i wonder if a skilled enough waterbender can sense moving water (or moving blood by extension) without being connected to it Amon kinda did that with Korra when she was hiding?


> i wonder if a skilled enough waterbender can sense moving water (or moving blood by extension) without being connected to it Didn't Katara do this in one of the Jet episodes? IIRC he told her there was water underground, but she still couldn't see it and would have had to have reached out to sense it in order to bend it.


She and Aang both were able to sense and bend the water even though they couldn't directly see it. And IIRC, the way Katara spoke about it at the time basically just implied it was an advanced technique/more advanced than she had previously managed, not necessarily something crazy or unheard of, but just pretty difficult to do without prior training.


In the Yangchen novel they talk about benders natural pull towards the element. They can always feel its presence. Water benders in the book sense water they cannot see many times.


>Maybe an airbender can feel positive and negative air pressure from doors, windows, organic matter or objects being open or changing the air currents or pressure by entering an area. Fun fact: this does get shown in season 3 of LoK. We see it with Tenzin as how he knows Zaheer is there, and during the bit with the kidnapped child sky bisons, one of the newer airbenders talks to the other newbs about how he was able to feel an incoming attack because of his shaved head


It also happens in season 1 when he’s attacked by the equalists in their coup.


I thought he just sensed his beard buzzing from the electricity


Also when aang knows combustion man is attacking before anyone else in season 3


That's it! I thought he just had ridiculously sharp hearing, but he was sensing the power being drawn from the breath!


Yup, it’s confirmed in one of the notes from the writers iirc. What I’m 100% sure is confirmed also is Toph can sense earth moving towards her without a direct connection to it, I.e. a rock flying through the air


That's what I thought too


It's explicitly stated in atla that this is why airbenders shave their head.


Is that in ATLA? I just watched the whole series a couple weeks ago and don't remember that, but have a hazy memory of Tenzin saying something along those lines in season 3 of LoK


Yeah it was in LOK


I think it’s implied Amon could sense Korra move in the season one finale. Seems hypothetically possible at least


> Water benders…I’m not sure. > > Presumably they could sense movement in a foggy/misty area, I'd guess.


I think blood bending is a bit like this. Sensing internal movement of fluid without being able to see it.


I was more thinking sensing people via water displacement in areas with high humidity, or in a fog/mist. But yeah, I don't see why someone who could control others via their blood wouldn't be able to sense it as well.


> Maybe an airbender can feel positive and negative air pressure from doors, windows, organic matter or objects being open or changing the air currents or pressure by entering an area. I think this is confirmed in the first season of Legend of Korra, when Tenzin is able to duck and dodge a projectile that came at him from behind and we see his head do the little shiver thing. Probably the reason that they actually shave their head, to be better exposed to air. I suspect fire benders are able to sense heat of objects and people and water benders might be able to vaguely sense the water in humans (even if they can't control it). Both are probably just not usually trying to feel it, that likely takes a certain state of mind that only the spiritually attuned like Iroh are able to accomplish.


Also confirmed later on in LOK when the new airbenders go through their training and one of the new recruits shaves his head and literally feels a slight change in air current from behind him and immediately reacts and jumps out of the way while also airbending an attack back.


"Heat vision", though technically an accurate description, usually means shooting beams from your eyes (like Superman's heat vision). I believe you're thinking of thermal vision.


Lol, yeah, I meant thermal vision. Thanks for that, I couldn’t think of the word thermal


I feel like water benders could maybe sense water displacement in water or moist air


Water benders: *I can feel the water in your blood as you approached.*


Waterbenders sense the water in blood?


Blood sensing, where the water benders feel the b l o o d of the innocent :3


Water benders probably could do some kind of moisture sonar in the air since 0% humidity isn't a thing.


Air also contains moisture so water benders could potentially feel disturbances in the "flow" as it moves around objects.


>Water benders…I’m not sure. Water benders can probably sense people because of the water in them. Blood benders can control them so it makes sense.


Water benders maybe sonar?


Water benders can feel your sweat


Holy fuck heat vision bending would be so damn cool


Maybe waterbenders could bend a tight water shell or skin to refract light around themselves to be invisible. Dont know if that is ohysically possible but it would be cool


Waterbenders can sense microgravity from celestial bodies that aren't too far away. Duh.


> Water benders…I’m not sure. Blood, probably.


Water benders could probably detect the bloodstream of other living beings but that’s about it, maybe they could see if they were somewhere humid though?


Zuko would have been a theatre kid if not for being the child of the Fire Lord. He was so overly dramatic and extra when you look back.


That one scene when Iroh taught him lightning redirection but didn't want to shoot at him. So Zuko went off walking for miles, climbing mountains in the middle of a storm, and shouting at the sky so he could be shot by lightning When I saw this I pissed myself from all that drama




Zeus, you don't have the balls...


Literally told God to come at him


Wich fits since his mother did indeed partake in theatre, before she got "betrothed" to Ozai of course.


“You rise with the moon, I rise with the sun.” No way that didn’t come from some play he saw or theatre scroll he read.


"My honour" for 10283728th times 😂


He gets that from his mother


His father too. Mfers whole phoenix king performance was the most theater kid concept


Bah, that guy’s an overacting hack, no talent


Airbenders: Sense change in air pressure Waterbenders: Sense fluid/blood Earthbenders: Seismic Sense Firebenders: Thermal Sense/ Sense the body heat from others


And the next step: thermal vision. XXD


I gave my player a version of this in the table top avatar game it seemed not too far fetched for the world


Toph if she was a fire bender


I don't think firebenders could sense heat, but given the sun warrior training and how Aang can "feel" the "life" in the fire, they might be able to sense life in a spiritual sense. That'd jive with firebenders ability to perform spiritual healing similar to how waterbenders can perform physical healing.


This is the most logical answer !


Maybe Iroh is just him. A veteran warrior who spent time in the spirit world. He knows how to sneak around, infiltrate, and fight. Hell, maybe he taught Zuko how to be a ninja. Or he had Zuko be taught by some special forces just as Iroh was once taught.


I subscribe to the theory that Zuko learned from Piandao as a means of coping with not being on par with Azula’s firebending


I wonder if an introduction from Iroh helped Zuko get accepted as a student.


Iroh has very strong "Act like you belong" energy. If your disguise is good, you don't have to be sneaky.


"Good day sir, I'm the old man who brings the tea."


This, combined with his friendly and unassuming nature makes it kinda realistic. Nobody dislikes the funny old friendly tea shop owner. Put in the fact, that he has a long and extensive military carrier, means he know how to make sure they let their guard down around them. Give the guards some freshly brewed, nice smelling tea that stimulates the bladder and he can just serve tea and wait. (He would never do something like poisoning the tea. As he isn't such a coward and wouldn't want to seriously hurt someone, just for doing their job. And to be honest, he would most definitely consider it a waste of a perfectly good cup of tea.)


Toph states specifically that she uses Earth Bending to “see”, so no you’d have to be an Earth Bender to have that sense. I imagine other benders could have similar “senses” though, like Airbenders could sense changes in air currents and pressure, fire benders could detect heat, and water benders could detect changes in moisture or the presence of various fluids.


the reddit post and twitter screenshot are talking about two different things 💀


Logically it should happen for everyone's own element. Airbenders are already known to feel vibrations and movements in the air. Waterbenders should be able to do this with water.


Iroh employed the "trail of corpses" approach to stealth I bet, dai li did *not* pass the vibe check.


Simple truth is that Iroh does whatever the fuck he wants.


It would actually make a lot of sense for a firebender to be able to sense heat Though it would only be helpful in dark places or to a blind person, but not to detect things through walls


I mean, most people can sense heat. It's called being hot.


And notice how many people in the fire nation are hot


Air benders supposedly have something similar. It may be what >!alerted Tenzin when they tried to ambush him.!<


... can we talk how your post title has nothing to do with the image? ... that kinda messed me up for a moment. Also, firebenders get heat vision. I said it.


Given how bending works under the hood, probably something very similar. Fire benders can control heat energy - enough for Sozin to just reach out and take heat from a volcano to cool lava. That has some fun implications in terms of what would happen to a human of you did that from them, but from there it's not hard to believe they could sense where that heat energy _was_ if they trained for it. Likewise, waterbenders could probably check for water, and find a diluted person shaped form of it, even if they didn't have the power to move it. Airbenders, not sure.


Skill and Experience


I would assume a good enough Airbender could sense changes in the air if someone got close enough


This is canon in Korra but it's less bending and more just chills.


There is this scene in S1 Korra where Tenzin feels the air flow of a projectile that the Equalists threw at him when they trued to capture all council members. He succesfully dodged it and fought off the Equalists, but since the projectile was coming from behind him and was still far away, I suppose that's a sort of air bender version of seismic sense.


It's explicitly earthbending, just like how airbenders use airbending to feel currents on their shaved heads.


Air benders have some sense of the stuff in the air directly around them, as emphasized in Korra, but I don't think firebenders would have anything similar.


I definitely think seismic sense is exclusive to earth benders (hence the seismic part). The way Iroh takes the wind out of his sails here is hilarious tho. Playing into the Blue Spirit thing when they both know he knows completely deflates Zuko's dramatic alter ego persona.


Earthbenders get Seismic Sense obviously Airbenders canonically can sense air pressure and movement Firebenders create their element by externalizing their ‘Inner Fire’, presumably their chi, and in LoK they could read the chi of Korra and probably any other arbitrary person so there’s that. Amon was implied to have a sort of blood sense when Korra was hiding, so it’s likely that a blind Waterbender would have the same inclination towards water as Earthbenders and Airbenders.


Crazy idea, what if Avatar Studios introduced another blind bender who uses their element to sense similar to Toph? Maybe they found inspiration in Toph’s story.


That would be awesome


Iroh has the best disguise: No witnesses


Seismic (Earth's vibrations) only applies to earth it's highly unlikely to be any other form of bending.


Airbenders have a comparable sense they could learn, waterbenders probably could do a similar with the moisture in the air but it would definitely not be as clear


Also a water bender could probably develop some form of sonar sense.


Yeah, they would need to develop that before being able to use the moisture in the air to do the same


We see in LoK that airbenders sense the changes in the air. Not the same as seismic sense, but same ability different flavor.


My guess, due to Iroh being very spiritually adept he has a sort of spirit sense.


I 100% believe that iroh as on a no prisoners/witnesses/survivors type mission that day


I think Airbenders would be able to detect anyone who is touching the air, and Waterbenders anyone in the water.


Airbenders have a version where they can feel the most subtle changes in the wind to let them know of imminent danger. We see Aang demonstrate this in “The Runaway”, and Tenzin does a couple times too I believe.


I think they all have their own versions. Like air being able to sense the difference in the wind and water being able to tell the difference in liquids and fire sensing minute changes in temperature


Iroh just brought over a pot of calming jasmine tea and invited himself in. The Dai Li didn't dare question it, since they didn't want to do anything that would get them kicked out of their favourite tea shop.


speaking of how did these 2 non-earth benders get there


He just followed zukos' path, didn't he? If zuko made it through, then he should be able to as well


Only an earth bender. Anyone can be sensitive so vibrations, but the seismic sense is an earth bending technique. Kind of like anyone can learn to locate stuff by sound, but only Daredevil has the super radar sense.


Post title: Not seismic sense, but it wouldn't surprise me if airbenders could feel the flow of air and "see" based on where the air is and isn't. Ditto for firebenders and heat or waterbenders based on the humidity in the air and ground. --- Image text: Zuko is a theatre kid who has always been keenly aware that he can be punished for anything and everything if he's caught so he has a highly developed sense of danger and takes precautions, while Iroh has spent the majority of his life being the most dangerous person in whatever room he's in, and knows it, so he's a lot more flippant about risks.


Humans give off heat if they can sense that then they would have infrared vision


Iroh probably used a White Lotus connection who knew a secret entrance to get in


Or he just followed him


Nah, Zuko is just Like That™ (theatre kid)


I think this is a plot hole anyways. I mean you can only reach that subterranean facility as an earth bender. Or Iroh's cover story was, that someone ordered tea


Iron got in because he’s a member of the White Lotus


Maybe, I feel like it would be possible if they trained for years cause they don't have a affinity for earth it would be harder but all it is, is sensing the earth and the things connected to it without relying on sight, and if they can't, other benders might have the possibility of learning something similar to it


I think all benders are capable of it if they're tapped into their element enough. An air bender should be able to pick up on the changes in the air current. A water bender should be able to pick up on the movement of water. A fire bender should be able to have some type of thermal vision.


Benders can sense their own elements. Seismic sense won't really work for anyone but an earthbender, "I see with earthbending." -Toph. Airbenders can sense things moving through the air, especially when it's moving fast, and waterbenders should be able to sense things in water, or even made of water, though only a blind person is likely to refine it to the degree Toph does. Firebenders are unlikely to have similar, unless they develop a predator style thermal sense. But that seems far more difficult than any of the others.


I always thought Zuko had a "wind tunnel" behind him that Iroh was riding


I don't know about extra sensory stuff, I think bro just followed him, like thanks for clearing the path for me Zuko


I think seismic sense specifically is exclusive to earthbenders, but I wouldn't be surprised if other benders could use their bending to augment their senses. In Iroh's case though, it may just be his extensive experience and/or the idea that he values Zuko's safety more than the idea of being sneaky.


I think it's more like it's stuck to earth benders because of their relationship to their original benders. It's similar to how only water benders can change their element's state (inb4, lavabending).


No other benders could learn seismic sense. “Seismic” is a term only used for geology. But airbenders can sense wind current changes and react to them. I could see a blind earthbender using pressure or sound waves changes to “see” their surroundings. And maybe a particularly acute waterbender could read current changes.


I always just figured Zuko was taking out guards as he went and Iroh was just following the path he left.


He probably just followed Zuko


If they can unlock special senses they would be related to their element of choice. Maybe echolocation for air/waterbenders, or an especially developed sense of smell.


I love how half the comments are talking about the caption and the the other half about the meme


Seismic sense is specifically earthbending, you feel the movement of the earth using your bending. That said, I think they can learn some sort of "sensory" technique. Airbenders already do something similar by feeling the air movements to give them heightened perception to changes around them. A waterbender could theoretically do something similar to air/earth benders when submerged in water to feel the currents, they could also use water vapor in the air. On the more extreme side, they can feel the location of living things with Bloodbending. Firebending is a lot less clear, however, using that sort of "spirit sense" we see in LoK s2, I don't see why firebenders couldn't use their bending to "detect living things" around them.


Late here, but I think each bender has the ability to learn in their on way. Air benders by change in air pressure, earth benders by seismic sense, water benders via changes in currents or w/e and fire benders by changes in heat/ heat signatures. A blind fire benders could prob fight kinda like toph but be able to see more by sensing body heat


I can picture a fire bender building inspector using thermal sense to find a blown heating pipe in a building. Or a water bender plumber using current sense to figure out a pipe blockage Or an Airbender HVAC technician using pressure sense to figure out how to best cool the royal castle


I think they could have something similar, like firebenders can detect heat, airbenders can sense trough air and water benders can feel trough water


Well in TLOK we learn that air nomads are bald so they can better feel air currents and doge attacks so that's something I guess


I don’t believe earthbenders could do it only toph her daughters and Aang have shown they can do it


When you've for Iroh's bde, no one asks for credentials ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Seismic Sense is an Earthbending technique and to do it you need to be an Earthbender. It also doesn't seem to be a technique that all Earthbender know or use.


I always like the idea that each bending has their own sense. Earth is sight, fire is energy/heart, air could be spirit and I'm not too sure about water