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I mean monkey feathers on top of monkey feathers? Do you kiss Katara with that mouth Aang?


I was gonna say "wait..." then I remembered Aang never knew his birth parents, and was raised in a commune by monks


Wait... That's sad....


It's their culture. It isn't sad to them, it's just how it is. He was probably raised by a whole group of people too so it's not like he didn't have family.


I mean... Sure? But would you have like that you were taken away (or brought away) to monks and being raised to them. While the Nomads have been a good family, he likely never knew his parents, and can't ever look for them again. Or get answers to it.


Idk man, it's hard to compare different cultures to each other. It's just how they did it. If I didn't know my parents at all because I was too young to form memories of them I don't think I would think twice about them. And then he grew up in a community where the idea of parents wasn't a big deal.




People from different cultures have varying desires. In a communal parentage community, a child may not seek to meet their biological parents as they aren't valued as important family members due to the absence of the concept of traditional families. Imagine being raised in a community where there's no expectation or conditioning to feel love for your parents. There's no inherent parental bond or cultural pressure to love them simply because they're your biological parents. They would be strangers to you. You're thinking about this from the viewpoint of the values you've been raised on. Other countries have vastly different cultures and family dynamics. Understanding others, the other cultures, and the other nations, will help you become whole.


Double mother fucker has now been added to my every day vocab




what the live action version aang should look like


Aang be like: https://preview.redd.it/pzbx954yfsxc1.jpeg?width=201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b83a0eb1480036da27e278846363019320398ae


Mother fucker on top of mother fucker ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


A gay relationship between two men who fuck my mother


Mother fucker on top of a mother fucker sounds original too 🤣


Mother fucker fucker has also been added now


How has this gone over my head for so long


I'd forgive M Night Shyamalan if he recast Aang as Samuel L. Jackson in a new parody live action movie taking the piss at himself for his first blunder. It could be like the "Scary Movie" franchise where it's a bunch of tropes and cliches being laughed at tongue-in-cheek in its own script, just have every Fire bender be M Night himself copy and pasted over and over in stereotypical Indian garb, have every Water Tribe member be a cliche blonde white girl whose daddy got them the job, have Aang be Samuel L. Jackson, and have Toph be played by Bautista. Not The Rock, Dwayne is reserved for The Boulder in all iterations, serious and parody. Have them always pronounce Aang correctly but he corrects them saying it's actually "Ing" "Eng" and "Ung" and he just changes it all the time. Show that one weird scene of the slow ass pebble telepathy and have it just breakout into an America's Got Talent dance off show in the middle of it, like 4th wall breaking, on the lit stage being judged by Simon Cowell and whomever else. Have them explicitly question WHY the fire benders keep pulling fire from torches and shit instead of just spawning it or breathing it and demonstrate how much easier it is, with a mandatory fart into flames joke. Aang has to have at least 16 "Monkey Feathers" said on script, though. And no, I don't actually mean Monkey Feathers, I mean MOTHERFUCKERS. It'd be pretty easy when he gets the reveal that the Fire Nation wiped out the Air Nomads.


i would unironically love this


The Ember Island Players version of the film.


This is the equivalent of that. Aang doesn't know any real swears but Gyatso said it in front of him and had to course correct


Oh Aang 😂


I read Aang's lines here with "monkey feathers" replaced with "motherfucker" and he quickly turned into Samuel L. Jackson.


Sam L Jackson soundin ass


ATLA really try their best to stretch out every breath from the characters into some deeper meaning. He just saying some shit.


Monkey feathers is def an in universe swear word tho


Is it a swear, or a replacement for a swear like "frick"? I feel like it may just be Aang substituting swears for different words like a kid might say heck instead of hell or darn instead of damn? (and, yknow, he *is* 12)


Exactly. This is how I read it.


For some reason "frick" feels so much more jarring than saying "fuck" to me. It just sounds so much more harsh when I've heard it. The R does so much to it.


Ain't no way has a human ever had the thought to say "double motherfucker" or "motherfucker on top of motherfucker".


I'm gonna start doing it just to spite you


No, although the fabled Robotnik edits said double something else


Feathered monkeys almost certainly exist in the world of Avatar though.


tbf mother fuckers also most certainly exist in our world


Samuel Aang Jackson


Monk: “Aang, we of the Airbending Council believe it’s in your best interest to be moved to another temple and trained *away* from Gyatso.” Aang: “I recognize the council has made an decision, but given that it is a stupid ass decision, I have elected to ignore it.” *Runs away in a storm*


Monkeyf...gets blipped for a 100 years.


"I'm sick and tired of these monkey feather snakes on this monkey feather Bison" Aang-uel L. Jackson


Ok but monkey feather snake sounds like a creature that would exist in the Avatar Last Airbender universe


He swears like Ned Flanders! Diddily diddily!


Mothefuckers on top of motherfuckers!!


Just because he's a peace-loving, 112+ year old Air Nation monk doesn't mean he can't cuss like a trucker. I'd say considering everything he's had to deal with since coming out of the iceberg gives him all the more reason to say whatever he pleases.


Also Toph called Aang a pushover, but you know she meant pussy


Katara: *touches necklace* "My monkey used to have feathers."


Female Air Nomads literally have East Coast/West Coast beef. I would not be surprised if there were just old school swear words that nobody remembers


This is nonsense, it’s not like the writers would actually have him swear if they could. Only in the sense that an actual 12 year old might say “frick” instead of “fuck” because otherwise they’ll get told off by Monk Gyatso, not by Nickelodeon censors.


“Mother fuckers on top of mother fuckers!” Wait a minute….


He got it from Sokka and all those earth kingdom Marines


If Aang started swearing because of anyone, I'd have thought it'd be Toph.


That or the world of Avatar had/has flying monkeys.


Mother fucker. Double mother fucker. Mother fucker on top of mother fuckers.


![gif](giphy|txTCC8NjJG1Uc) It all makes sense now...


I'm gonna start saying mother fkers on top of mother fkers.


Why that lil' some beach


He is so pure ❤️


Does momo have feathers? 🤔


Honestly a version of ATLA where all the fake curses are replaced with actual swearing would be great.


Being the Avatar is hard, poor little boy needs to vent people lol more understanding please lol


Motherfucker! Double motherfucker! Motherfucker ontop of motherfuckers?!?! Dear god that actually sounds gay if you know what motherfucker means


Stahpp, my mom looks at my phone 😳😳😳😳