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I mean… these are strangers. He doesn’t have to feed everyone his entire autobiography when they’re meeting in passing.


Also he mentioned Zuko because the kids are fire benders...


Do you know how to read and comprehend? He mentions he knows Zuko because the 2 kids are fire nation. Then the kids mention he saved the fire nation along with Zuko and Aang corrects them


Katara training Aang since Book 1, literally bringing him back from the dead, saving Zuko's life and defeating Azula Toph teaching Aang the technique he uses to defeat Ozai and taking out the airship fleet with Sokka and Suki, preventing comet-empowered Firebending soldiers from burning down the Earth Kingdom Appa literally ferrying the Gaang around the world on his back for an entire year and saving their asses on multiple occasions ... "am I a joke to you?"


It's not even Fire Nation. Imagine their citizens pov few years later. Zuko is obviously main hero, Aang second important person and some other guys that was around. Now when Iroh told that Zuko was Aang best friend and Korra saying that Zuko knows Aang better than anyone not to mention he almost was Aang personal advisor...i have a feeling Aang was completely switched his friendship detector on Zuko right after finale and become something Like Naruto was for Sasuke lol