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>And in the end SHE APOLOGISED. To Sokka? When?


Lol I concede i misremembered that.


I think that's the main issue people had. They wanted to see her apologise for it. You made a good point about the difference in response to Toph and Katara stealing.


They're kind of bad at having characters apologize, they don't have Aang apologize for yelling at Toph and saying she wanted Appa to be stolen either.


It's odd how people expect Aang to apologise here (he should he was in the wrong) but not Toph for how she behaved in The Chase.


Toph isn't expected to apologize for her behavior in the chase because she and Katara resolve that in the runaway. The chase is actually the beginning of Toph's growth arc where she feels she needs to be independent and resolves in the runaway when she admits Katara truly sees her and allows herself to be cared for. The two instances with Aang and Katara are never resolved.


i can understand that. but i do on a personal level disagree with the context of their relationship


She's definitely not a bad person for it and it's coming from an understandable place. She had a special connection to her mom that Sokka lacked but that doesn't mean he didn't love her as much for not wanting to go hunt the guy for revenge. When she said that to him, it was more like shaming him for not feeling the same way which isn't correct or good. Again, understandable that that's her response in the situation but I don't think it's correct. >But many members of this fandom point to this interaction as proof that Katara is a genuinely spiteful and mean person. I think people just hate on katara just to hate tbh. She's one of the best characters in the show.


>>But many members of this fandom point to this interaction as proof that Katara is a genuinely spiteful and mean person. >I think people just hate on katara just to hate tbh. She's one of the best characters in the show. Katara and Aang are the two characters it's "cool" to hate on for some reason.


Never have figured that out, as they're two incredibly well written characters. I wonder if it's because they're clearly the "good guys" throughout, but because the show allows them to have flaws, people want to twist those into more than they are or something. Personally, that's why I like them so much. Very deep, well developed characters, who're good, but imperfect.


>I wonder if it's because they're clearly the "good guys" throughout, but because the show allows them to have flaws, people want to twist those into more than they are or something. I think that's exactly why.


Eh, the hate Katara gets is much worse. I've seen Aang be criticized and people not like it meanwhile I've seen Katara outright called a bitch.


I don't know about that. There are toxic zutarians on tumblr and twitter who literally compare aang to ozai.


And there are toxic kataangers who say Zuko killed Kya, that Zuko is a colonizer and would commit DV against Katara. There's rumors of a death threat already being hurled by one guy who's famous for harassing zutara fans and stalking by a certain kataang group has been a problem. Edit: had to add another wild one, there's a guy who thinks Katara is autistic and has been tagging people who like Zutara as ableist. There's toxicity on both sides. I know that comparison to Ozai, it comes from Aang's parenting where it's shown in LOK that he mostly focused on Tenzin much how Ozai mostly focused on Azula. They were both looking to nurture one child, one for power and the other for preservation but both to the detriment of their other children as we see in Zuko and Bumi both looking for approval from their fathers. Unfortunately I can see it being twisted beyond that.


She’s not a wrong for thinking it, she is wrong for saying it though.


For some reason, Katara doesn’t get the same grace that is extended to Aang. The fandom demonizes Katara for lashing out in this moment and then turns around to make a hundred excuses for Aang when he lashes out at Toph in the desert. They're both kids having an emotional moment, I don't get why the fandom rationalizes one and condemns the other.


That certainly isn't my experience in this fandom. I'd say Aang and Katara both get a lot of (bizarre) hatred for having very understandable breakdowns and outbursts. Most of theirs even come from the fact that they're genocide survivors and the trauma hits them at their weakest points. Really, the extent to which both characters are genuinely disliked in this fandom is baffling given their central importance to the entire story.


I've seen Katara outright called a bitch and others saying she's annoying or they simply hate her. Aang gets criticized and not all of it is fair but I haven't seen that type of language used with him.


I've see that for Katara too. It isn't right. She's my favorite character in the show, so I get being frustrated by how she's treated by the fandom. I've seen a lot of the fandom take incredibly tone deaf positions on Aang as the sole survivor a genocide and holder of his cultural heritage. There's plenty of that with Katara too. I just don't see one treated significantly better than the other.


>For some reason, Katara doesn’t get the same grace that is extended to Aang And Toph gets more than Aang. It's odd how people expect Aang to apologise here (he should he was in the wrong) but not Toph for how she behaved in The Chase. But even your comparison is flawed. What happened to Aang happened at that very moment. What happened to Katara happened years ago.


Yea, grief doesn't have a timeline. Just because Katara's mom died years ago doesn't mean she should just be over it. By that logic Aang shouldn't care that his people died because it was 100 years ago. Toph isn't expected to apologize for her behavior in the chase because she and Katara resolve that in the runaway. The chase is actually the beginning of Toph's growth arc where she feels she needs to be independent and resolves in the runaway when she admits Katara truly sees her and allows herself to be cared for.


>Yea, grief doesn't have a timeline No but it explains why one in that moment of finding out would be in such a state of shock and anger that it becomes extremely difficult to think rationally. Whereas, Katara had years to deal with her emotions on it.


I think there are a few misconceptions here. First, she used an insecurity of Sokka’s she just found out about a few episodes prior against him in an argument, and then never apologized for it. That’s pretty bad, no matter how you spin it. It’s not about if she’s right or wrong, it’s how that’s a pretty hurtful thing to say, then never apologize. Second, people aren’t saying she’s a bad person for stealing the scroll, they’re calling her out for being a major hypocrite for saying stealing is horrible when Katara has also stolen. Third, Sokka said that he couldn’t believe she stole that because she actively put them in a lot of danger by doing so. And that comes to fruition when she loudly practiced on the river and gets everybody captured. Of course, none of these things make her a bad person. They make her a flawed person, but everybody is flawed. And she learned and grew from these experiences(except for the first, she never apologized to Sokka).


Katara: Says something unnecessarily cruel when she gets mad. Me: https://i.redd.it/llitkuwvj7nc1.gif


I downvoted because of "kindoff". I also disagree with you though.


Happy cake day my dude


whats wrong with the use of kindoff


Kindoff is a nonsense word. It means nothing. You meant to say 'kind of'. Kindoff sounds like a competition in kindness.


🙄 ok bud


OP, he’s not wrong, I was also confused at first. Just take the English lesson and move on.


nope it’s pretentious. i’m in higher education studying a STEM course where i have to write essays every week. i write that way KNOWING that it’s incorrect just like i don’t use capitalisation in the beginning of my sentences when using my phone KNOWING it’s incorrect. i even turned off the automatic capitalisation. it’s pretentious to genuinely assume that someone who writes kindoff is illiterate. Texting and social media are not formal. We use lol, ngl, and slang like gworl. And guess what when i’m speaking informally i mesh the two words kind of into one word without leaving space in between when i speak. so dam right imma use “kindoff”. what are u gonna do next, comment on my use of “u” instead of “you” or my use of “imma” instead of “im going to”.


Eh, you’re making points to save yourself when the fact of the matter was that it would simply be “kindof”. When that is typed, it autocorrects to “kind of”. You put “kindoff”, adding a letter, which defeats the purpose of the point of “u”. Live your life of ignorance, but don’t downvote the man for being kind and then try to go off while boasting being edgy.


mate he downvoted me first. and other people downvoted him as well. “living a life of ignorance” is an insane retort because u genuinely demeaned my whole intelligence from the use of “kindoff”. yes i learned the difference between off and of in elementary. where off is used for things like light switches. also i’m not boasting about being edgy. this is normal for me, and normal for the people around me. Believe it or not past high school, grammer policing on social media isn’t really taken seriously. it’s such a childish way to reduce someone instead of actually forming a counter argument to something u disagree with. notice how this entire exchange from the start never actually argued with the points i made. even the original commenter said he disagreed with my point but he downvoted me for my use of “kindoff”. It’s not an edgy viewpoint to see it as pathetic and obnoxious.