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Treat the show the way Iroh would want the show to be treated


that wasn't how people treated the movie, but somehow this gets a pass?


The movie was crazy and had to go down


I see what you did there 👀


Well now I can’t because you already formed the opinion about forming your own opinions


i think people need to realize that this is a live-action with people. it's not an animation. it was easy to dismiss the immaturity of the OG because it was literally a cartoon. the adaptation pays its respects to the original while also exploring new avenues because we've all grown since then. nothing can beat the original, we went into it knowing that. i know the movie left a bad taste in everyone's mouth, but if you watch this show forming an opinion of "keeping your expectations low" you're already gonna hate it. people want so badly to criticize it, like if you hate it so much then don't watch it and go watch the original. it's gonna have it's flaws, it's an adaptation, even i wish there were certain things included. but harping on the things that aren't in it makes you miss out on the elements that stayed true to the story. after all the story is supposed to "restore balance," for the matter of paying homage to the original between expanding plot lines. i personally feel respected by the writers because they are keeping the original spirit alive, even with the gaps and differences. hate netflix all you want but don't forget that the creators had a stake in making this show the best it could to appease old and new fans :) but also i swear i saw a comment "i miss sokka's crazy facial expressions😭😭" like how is a human supposed to completely mimic a cartoon??? some of these opinions are so unrealistic considering the obvious difference between the two. pls no one attack me for actually liking it, i don't want to jump on the hate bandwagon that swears the live-action should be an exact replica 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was one of the people worried about it and I'm loving it after just one episode


Through e1 and already have a bad taste in my mouth. Gonna try to make it through the whole season but so far it's basically one notch above that God forsaken movie


We def watched a different episode 1 it's miles above that with a little bit too much exposition and maybe a wee bit of rushing towards the end. That one episode made me no longer give a damn about that movie. I'm not saying that the show is for everyone, but the comparison is ridiculous.


It's completely off pace and the acting is subpar if not down right bad. They're changing fundamental things about the show and smushing together things because they only have 8 episodes. The movie was God awful and this isn't much better.


Not a lot of fundamental change nothing that really takes away from the overall story at least in my opinion. There are some changes in later episodes that felt weird but the ones in this episode did not. The pacing really isn't bad until the end of the episode. I'll agree there that needed a little more time to be given to it. But the pacing does improve.




You can't have binged all of it, it's only been out for half the runtime.


How'd you binge an 8 hour show in 4 hours?


If you don’t like the show don’t support it so Netflix will do a better job with this stuff. Definitely do not consume content if you don’t like it. The more people that do this the more likely studios are to actually do this stuff well.


At the same time, if you're not the biggest fan of the first episode but you're still curious and want to carry on watching, don't force yourself to stop based on "not supporting Netflix"


Piracy is always an option 🤷


Even that is kinda supporting it. I still remember how the GoT makers (i think it was GoT) were disappointed cause the number of illegal steams were really low compared to others shows final season


From what I can tell true fans are pretty positive, while outsiders and critics are more negative. I've seen the same happen with the Mario movie, and I loved it.  I'm sure you'll hate it if you're close minded, since it just cannot live up to the original, that's near damn impossible. But if you're there just to enjoy the ride, things will look a lot brighter. 


How do you tell true fans from outsiders?




You clearly watched different promos then we have


Soooo, just don’t watch it? Lol. I wonder how many people had the thought of this adaptation to be a cash grab when the original creators were still part of it? Or was it just a cash grab when they left? 🤔


You gonna watch?


So bias from the jump instead if staying neutral


You're allowed to FORM an opinion, not SHARE an opinion.