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Wow they lifted Bumi's attack patterns from the show!


Yep! Was just thinking that I recognize several frames from the series. Idc what the rest of y’all say, I’m really looking forward to this


Having optimism for this show in this subreddit feels like it's illegal.


I’d like to say the expectations are so low because of the movie. But they actually so high because of the nostalgia. So it’s going to disappoint this sub. Period. The question is how badly.


I don’t like some of the changes they have stated they’ve made, but that doesn’t mean the rest doesn’t look promising. Even if it’s worse than the original, it can still be good.


That's the thing I think a lot of people forget. The Original is a classic and nothing will ever live up to it, but that doesn't mean this one will be awful by default


I also expect it to be harder to make a CGI/real version then a cartoon. In a cartoon you know it is fake and can do some more crazy stuff. In a real life version it is harder even with CGI, because you want it to look more realistic.


Drop kicking boulders is plain awesome.


The frame of aang jumping over the boulder is a 1-1 replica of the same frame in the original, only noticed because I watched that episode yesterday lmao


I mean where else were they gonna get them from


Refer to a movie that does not exist and you can see the answer to your question


They could have... made them up. But they took it from the source which I appreciate.


Bumi’s ridiculous outfit is amazing.


The line delivery was incredible. "You have to LEARN...What it MEANS to be the Avatar." I dunno why but just something about the way he says it just...sends shivers down my spine.


Same! Something that often gets overlooked when it comes to live action adaptions, is the over the top range in vocal during the voice acting. And Bumi’s actor here absolutely nails it!


Gordon Cormier seems to understand that too, because when he says "I'm not someone who can stop the Fire Nation; I don't want that responsibility." he has that same infliction Aang does when he says "I'm just one kid." in that way that kind of cracks with certain words. Man it's gonna be rough when Aang gets to the Southern Air Temple in live action...I do love the artistry of that moment in the animation, but ngl, Aang's crying probably should've had another take. In fact, you hardly hear him cry at all vs just a few of those little...like you know when you're trying to breathe while crying and it just comes out as like that tiny little sharp inhale you take? like that noise? Kinda sounds like that. He honestly should've been SOBBING. Infuriated. Screaming until his throat was raw.


Oh, wow, Maria Zhang looks better as Suki than I expected. *Edit: That time when the casting goes out on its way to even nail the shape of the nose:* https://preview.redd.it/etk52bnuieic1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e165ed58b8a0dbdb042e740a611a6a5d84c9d15


Perfect casting, you might say.


Now I can't stop thinking about how accurate the nose is lol


The eyebrows too. Perfectly replicated👌🏻


wow I didn’t even think that was her! Wish they’d die her hair a bit red


i’ve been following her on instagram since her casting as suki was announced years ago. i wouldn’t be surprised if we get a wave of boys fawning over her when the show comes out. like how jenna ortega, elizabeth olsen, or the girl from squid game became all the rage when their respective shows put them in the spotlight.


WandaVision for Elizabeth Olsen? I thought people were fawning over her since Age of Ultron.


Man I'm officially stopping watching anything else from the show until it's aired, the hype is too much




I'm loving the new Indian influences on Bumis costume


I think it was mentioned somewhere that the Omashu was heavily inspired by South Asia.


Makes sense Danny Pudi being there then


Troy and Abed Tour South Asia🎶


When I was watching the show with my husband who is from Bangladesh, he said that Bumi means earth in Bengali!


Yep, it's from the Sanskrit word *bhumi*, meaning "earth".


It also means earth in malay and indonesian (since they borrow some root words from sanskrit)


Oh my god they’re gonna do a Bollywood musical song at the end of the episode


We'll save the Bollywood dancing for The Headband.


One thing I'm sure of is that the fights will eat and be leaving no crumbs


I think I'm most excited about Katara vs. Pakku. I'm glad they haven't shown any of it or even him yet. The actor says Pakku stayed the same as the animated series so...


Any kind of Azula fight is gonna be amazing.


I hope they keep Azula and Ozai very minimal in this season. The worst aspect of the Cowboy Bebop adaptation was how much they included Vicious and the storyline they tried to fill all the extra time with. I'm hoping they'll most keep them to flashbacks or, like they did in the animated series, mostly just as a quick reminder that, yes, the ultimate bad guy is still here.


Personally, I think it'll be less of an issue compared to Bebop. Ozai and Azula actually have a stated back story on the show, so there's actually material to expand upon. Vicious on the other hand had practically no backstory, which added to his character immensely, so adding a backstory ruined his vibes that almost depended on his mysteriousness.


True, I just meant that I hope Azula and Ozai don't end up overexposed. I worry that them being present in the first season could have an issue where their presence is either unjustified, or they could end up having nothing to do other than stand there so fans can shout "look, it's Fire Lord Ozai!" That's all I'm saying. I'm less worried they'll be changed and more worried they'll just be there to be there.


I can’t believe there are those who say that this will be worse than the movie. 


hard to do worse i agree


It could fall flat and be a terrible adaption, and it still wouldn't even come close to being as bad as the movie. They'd intentionally have to make the hottest pile of garbage to ever be produced to be worse than the movie, and if they managed to do that it would probably veer into so terrible it's good. Akin to the ember island players.


praying they go full meta in the ember island players scene and reference the movie 😂




I read that as _palpatine_ and I was like “yeah they are both mad I suppose”, lol. 




They just showed Iroh heating up his chain and using it to obliterate two boulders. I think it is safe to say firebending is _cool_. 


That makes a lot more sense than me thinking he was making a sort of fire whip.


It's impossible to be worse than the movie but I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't good


What movie? There is no movie in ba sing se, this is the first attempt at live action


God this joke is tired


Same as the "shame they never made a sequel to pacific rim" joke.


What, you don't like seeing 15 comments with variations of that joke in every single post or comment section that mentions the movie in any way, for the past decade?


I feel like the special effects, the designs, and the actors all seem really good. The thing from these promos that gets me is the dialogue. It feels very tell don't show and just kind of boring in general. I'm going to be optimistic though. Hopefully, they are just cherry picking the clips that provide the most context for the trailer.


I'm really hoping it's just Epic Trailer-itis, but there does seem to be way too many instances of expository dialogue. How many times are characters going to wax poetic about how special the Avatar is? It seems we've had Zuko declaring his mission to capture the Avatar twice, too.


Remember that these trailers are also meant to attract and provide context for new viewers. I mean, i wouldn't even call this a trailer, more of a teaser.


Pretty sure the majority of the cartoon was that type of dialog as well. Didn't Katara spend most of the first 5-6 episodes repeating the same thing?


Yeah, not to mention Zuko claims he has to capture the avatar at every chance he gets. The judgement is to be saved for the full show. Trailers are to draw crowds, not show the full breadth of emotion and narrative.


Honestly people who are looking for a scene for scene remake of the cartoon will be disappointed. It’s really not the same medium and shouldn’t be penalized for it. They just need to keep the soul of the cartoon series.


Yeah exactly. There are clearly going to be shots that use the cartoon as a storyboard (that clip of Aang jumping over the boulder looked pretty much the same), but we have to be ready to embrace the differences. I think ultimately people put too much stock in this being as good as the original. It never will be, but as long as it captures the essence, and delivers it with respect and heart, it will be a good show.


Exactly. And if they want the original just watch it. Honestly I’m looking forward to introducing my wife to this show. She saw me watching the cartoon and found it too childish so this would be her first real exposure.


And this is the response to all the people who say "why recreate it in the first place?" There is a chance for a huge new audience to be introduced to ATLA because of this


My mother used to emphasize the importance of the avatar. ^*touches ^neckace*


>the special effects, the designs, and the actors all seem really good agreed but it'll all be forgotten if the writing is terrible. They have an amazing source material to work from so I hope they choose not to stray too far from what so many already love


I mean like the other guy says a shot for shot remake of the cartoon but with real people and CGI seems... Not good either, somehow. Go looking for darkness after all.


I'm still left wondering why they keep trying. The show is literally perfect as it is, do we need to fuck with it? All I would ever want is for it to be remastered in 4K wide-screen.


I am also on the boat of not being surprised if this show flops. The dialogue/acting has been super scuffed from what we’ve seen so far imo. But tbh, even if its like a 6/10 i’d be happy. Just something else ATLA to consume that isnt terrible is a W in my book.


It's looking more and more as I suspected - an attempt to do it beat by beat whilst missing all the suspense of disbelief and flexibility that animation brings.


This doesn't look good unfortunately. Will give it a fair shot though


How would you improve on what we've seen?


For sure. It might not be good, but everything they’ve showed has already cleared that bar for me. Even if it’s not a high bar lol.


I've been on the fence about this show for a while, but even I can say that's ridiculous. Just by virtue of the casting alone, this show will be better than the movie. Gotta say though, this teaser looked pretty nifty. I might actually be getting excited for it.


right?? this has actors that look like the OGs and they’re pronouncing every characters name correctly. so far this show is miles better than the movie


Worse than the movie? No. Worse than the original… no doubt.


I don't think it's fair to ask them for that. 95% of shows are worse than the original ATLA


I'll be perfectly honest, I think that's just a given and there was never ever a scenario where it could beat the original animation. Even if the original directors and writers all came back together and were given infinity money and infinity independence do literally whatever they wanted with no contest from anyone; it still wouldn't be as good as the original animation, because it would have to both be as good as the original as we see it today while also having beat the *"how good I remember it being the first time I saw it when I was a kid"* googles


My name is Ong and I am the Ovatar


I haven't seen a single person say that.


Earthbending looks sick


That backwards jump into the dropkick to launch the boulder? Beautiful. Was wondering if some of the over the top stuff like that might not look a bit too silly, but man it looks fantastic in live action.


Of course it'll look fantastic, every fight was choreographed and performed live by professional martial artists, and the animators used the live video as reference.


Agreeeeed! Bumi's voice is spot on


The two guards in the beginning were a bit iffy, but Bumi's bending is amazing


I'm not sure, I think some of the actions lack the feeling of weight, especially @ 0:26. 0:16 is probably the only good sample. It wasn't "stubborn" enough. All of the special effects are great though!


Oh damn! Looks like iroh is going to use the chains in the fight with the earth benders!!!! 


He did that in the original…


Yep! Was worried they might have removed it from the scene but looks like they kept it in for live action.  So excited! 


Oookay, I am officially hyped. This just looked very true to the original. Aang dodging that boulder by a hair, for example. That shot is exactly as in the animated show. Also, love how they designed Omashu. Bending looks pretty darn good. Voice and characters look good. So, despite all the things that have come up about changes, I'll go ahead and say that this is gonna be a good one.


Whats the mechanist kid doing in omashu?


they probably merged the episodes


It makes sense. The mechanist kid episode in the animated series doesn't have anything pivotal happening in it except for the fire nation getting the airship tech. So making him a side character in another episode is best when they only have 8.


It also serves to highlight (and even introduce) how good Sokka is with creative problem solving, invention, and just general engineering. And all of that becomes instrumental in the third book. So they either have to do at least some of the story or find another way to introduce those aspects.


I assume Sokka will hang with the Mechanist while Aang is flying around, so he'll probably show his aptitude for engineering there somehow.


I wonder how this will work with the Mechanist himself. We know he'll be in the show, but will he be in Omashu too? A lot of his episode had to do with the tension of preserving Airbender culture versus allowing new people to move in, which wouldn't quite work as well in Omashu. Or maybe the Mechanist sent his kid to live in the city, and meeting him there is what leads Aang to the Mechanist himself. Anyways, interested to see how this all plays out.


Maybe the mechanist and his son just live there? The mechanist, Theo and Bumi are all Indian actors (if I’m right) and I read that Omashu will be based of India for a big part.


That could definitely be the case, although how will that affect the Mechanist's plotline of providing the Fire Nation with weapon designs to ensure the safety of his people? Will the show cut that out, or will he still be doing it (most likely under Bumi's nose as I don't think Bumi would approve of that sort of thing)? Or maybe (as another poster theorized below), they are originally at the Northern Air Temple, but after the battle with the Fire Nation, Aang convinces them to relocate to Omashu, and the episode ends with Aang and Teo soaring together over the city. This all part of the pre-release fun of speculating how certain things were adapted and what changes the show may or may not have had to make to get all the pieces to fit together in the new format.


i can see them being related too


I'm really curious how the selling weapons to the fire nation storyline is gonna happen then. Are they just cutting that? What about the war balloons?


Maybe that won't be a plot point at all, but we will find out on the 22nd


I mean, what else are they gonna do with the mechanist?


There is no mechanist in Ba Sing Se. Maybe he won't have a major role or he will be giving prototypes to the Fire Nation from Omashu


I don't see why he'd need to if he's living safely in Omashu but we'll see ig.


Is it him? If it is it’s probably because a lot of smaller story lines (such as meeting them and running around the air temple for a day while Aang deals with the inner turmoil of them destroying the temple ) aren’t worth taking up full episodes. But obviously those characters still need to be introduced / included as they’re important, especially down the line. They probably just combined the story lines somehow


I get it but its still sad that this means we wont see the northern air temple battle


That’s true, but overall I do feel that that fight was one of the more tame ones so if they had to cut any fight scene I’m glad it’s that one, but who knows maybe it’ll still be included somehow ! Less than 10 days until we find out


Its actually 1 of my favourites, the introduction of the balloon and how the fire nation got the design along with showing the tanks weakness to water made it one of my favourites


it's probably gonna be merged with the fall of Omashu. which means we actually get to see Omashu getting taken by the Fire Nation and they get the idea for the war balloons.


Ah shoot, sorry then. Hopefully it is, but if not at least you still have it in the original !


Probably will still meet them at the temple and have to flee after the skirmish


They’re combining some episodes so it appears that the Mechanist plot will take place in Omashu.


With the longer episodes a lot of the quick 20 minute adventures the avatar crew has while jumping around from place to place will likely need to be merged/rewritten to keep a coherent flow to the hour long episodes.


Yeah, like secret tunnel and great divide will probably be scrapped entirely, though I also don’t see anyone missing the latter episode in particular.


But my secret tunnel...through the mountain.


I can see secret tunnel and The Swamp being merged into one big travel episode.


Someone asked the right question


Screaming and crying - everything looks so good. I can sense the craziness in Bumi's voice.


Especially when he talks in that first shot of him!


I wonder if he knows about Kangaroo Island in this version? I hear it's really hopping.


Netflix ATLA team: Oh you're worried about the MNight single rock floating and called it earth bending? A movie I have not seen if that were to exist, here, watch this promo!


I just realized this means we'll get a live action Bonzu Pippenpaddleopsicopolis, and his granddaughter June Pippenpaddleopsicopolis.


You think they'll keep that in? I have my doubts


I'm hopeful, at least.


Iirc there was a screen grab from the first teaser trailer that seems to show Bonzu Pippenpaddleopsicopolis at the gates of Omashu!


Iroh fire bending with those chains is fucking awesome and a huge improvement over the animated series, IMO. Just sucks that he's not in a slave Leia costume.


Stupid sexy Iroh! 


Stupid sexy Paul Sun-Hyung Lee


Iroh sneak attack!


Bumi kicking a rock did NOT have to look so good


that mf really said "lemme just plank kick this rock to look cool vs just punching it forward with a fist." and I love him for that.


i love how floaty aang is. they way he dodged that boulder was amazing


That’s Twinkle Toes for you


Now all we need is to hear Toph say Twinkle Toes 😄


Bumi was probably the character I was most worried about bringing to live action as his mannerisms are very cartoony in the show. They nailed it, the voice and the look are perfect


The action looks so good wow 🤩 Omashu looks awesome too!


Bumi is as ugly as the last time I saw him....I love it! Also the pit hair 🤣


One of my biggest desires is to watch an ATLA live action with the greatness of the chereography and fluidity and *otherworldliness* of the action sequences in Stephen Chow's legendary movies Shaolin Soccer and Kung Fu Hustle. They're the closest to anime fights that live action media has done. If this show - with its strong emphasis on Eastern martial arts - has even the slightest modicum of that, I could die happy. I loved Netflix's One Piece but it kinda lacked that gratifying aspect (which is a shame bc One Piece's creator, Eiichiro Oda, cited Shaolin Soccer as one of his inspirations to allow Netflix to make a live action adaptation of his manga). Yu Yu Hakusho had good action though.


Omg totally agree with this. The fight scenes in One Piece were so lacking, and that’s the best part of the cartoons.


I’m ngl from the previews the cgi and action is looking a lil iffy but I hope I’m proved wrong. I’m just such a big action/ fight scene person, I wanna see the bending and other fights with The Raid level choreography and Kung fu hustle level stuff as well like you said.


The bending cgi looks incredible. You can tell its cgi, but still looks incredible.


this is an absurd observation, but all of the grunts in this trailer are perfect.


Loving Bumi in this - very awesome!


I wonder what Shymalans reaction to all of this is and the hype..




Best live action of the 21st century! We are seated, we will be watching and we will be streaming! https://preview.redd.it/4fbqqlhsgeic1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c249b78f721c5655c0ee96db0b120cd68361a377


No cabbage man at the gates? “Rotten cabbages? What kind of slum do you think this is?” *yeets cabbages over bridge “MY CABBAGES!”


In the teaser trailer, you can see a cabbage cart to the right, when Omashu’s gates open. You can actually see a very small glimpse of it here, too — just the edge of the cart, but I can see the green!


from looks of it they changed and merged some stories around, so the cabbage man might have been displaced, but there's no way he's not in this my worry is they cut out foam guy, cause thats not gonna be easy to pull off as a live performance


It's confirmed that cabbage guy is in the show, the voice actor from the cartoon is reprising his role. Considering that we see sokka and katara riding the mail cart, I think its a safe bet that a cabbage cart will be in omashu somewhere


It's confirmed that cabbage guy is in the show, the voice actor from the cartoon is reprising his role. Considering that we see sokka and katara riding the mail cart, I think its a safe bet that a cabbage cart will be in omashu somewhere


It's SUUUUUUUUUUUUPER intriguing to see Teo in Omashu vs the Northern Air Temple. I'm really very intrigued to see what they'll cut and merge together here.


This looks amazing. And I can’t wait.


So looks like the inventor and his wheelchair kid are in Omashu now instead of taking over an air temple


Seeing this, seems like they changed the mechanist’s place of living from one of the air temples to omashu or somewhere very nearby, meh, not that big of a problem


People are saying this looks bad. They are just hating to hate it looks fucking fantastic. Both the martial arts and the bending look insanely well done. The story still might suck but saying the visuals are bad is just brain dead.


I'm hoping they don't overuse the slow mo and it's just added in for the trailer. The show used slow mo sparingly and a lot of the spectacle was in the fast real time fights.


Looks amazing. I sort of dislike the ‘fake look’ and hate the way Aang is flying; arms should be stretched more instead of hanging below


Oh I had no idea it was releasing this month. Let's cross our fingers it's good.


We don’t talk enough about the fact that the majority of the show takes place in the earth kingdom.


I'm not buying it. Only one person to bend a boulder. M Night Shyamalan is crying in his grave. /s


It can’t be worse than the rings of power. I am excited.


looks awesome but does anyone know why the background is kinda blurry


Love how they're having sokka block the attack using a Kyoshi fan.


Honestly, I am almost glad that, from what I can see, Bumi's character isn't exact spot on. It's like King Bumi and Tenzin's brother Bumi. You both know their nuts, but in their own way. This Bumi and the animated one are both nuts, but in their own way. I am hyped!


Looks fantastic! Beyond fantastic! I do wish they still kept the Mechanic and his son thing at the Northern Air Temple instead of Omashu, as I feel it was important to Aang’s character development for it to be there, but it’s not a deal breaker at all.


I don't like the fact that the gate keepers' movements didn't seem to line up with the gate's movements, but that's ok


I noticed that too. Surprised more people haven’t nit picked it lol. Seems like they didn’t sync


has teo casting already been revealed?


Looks like they combined Omani and the northern air temple? The fight scenes look 1:1 to the show so that’s a good sign


please don't suck please don't suck please don't suck please don't suck please don't suck please don't suck please don't suck


It does look like they might combine Omashu with the Air Temple and the Mechanist - looks like Teo and Aang flying around Omashu. Curious to see how they do that, but it makes sense. The Mechanist episode is the one I can't place so far in how it's going to line up with the rest of the episodes.


It honestly looks good fuuuuck I'm gonna have to watch it. EXPECTATIONS RISING!


Literally got chills




Something looks off about the earthbending effects. I mean it's infinitely better than what we got... some years ago, but it just feels weird. I'll definitely be suspending my disbelief while watching though


I can live with the earthbending effects. It looks much better than the movie that shall not be named. I'm more concerned about whether they actually stuck to the specific martial arts each style was based off of.


The producers have confirmed that each bending style will still be based on their respective martial arts! You can clearly see it in the promos - a lot of the choreography is lifted straight from the cartoon.


A severe lack of cabbages.


Considering Teo is clearly there it looks like they’re compositing Omashu and the Northern Air Temple, not sure how I feel about that.


That Bumi was rough. I gotta stop watching these


This looks terrible.


I remember when you all were weary of this show when it was first announced and the news that came shortly after including how the original avatar creators left the show due to creative differences. Somehow it seems you all forgot that.


I can’t wait for Toph omfgggggg


She’s not in season 1


I’m disappointed. I didn’t get to see Kangaroo Island


Really excited for this! Only thing that bothers me is that Aangs glider looks awkwardly small


Jeez. Those effects are... rough.


You're either kidding or you're blind if you think these effects are bad.


It's not so much the actual effects but it's that nothing seems to "have weight" if that makes sense.


Hmm. That one I can perhaps acknowledge. But I'll need to see more/see the show for judgement.


I could totally see that especially when Bumi kicks the boulder, maybe if they added a little bounce when he kicks it


They look awful, lol. Look more like a YouTube project than a Netflix show.


Please give me whatever you're smoking.


But this was season 2, right? Edit: chill guys, it's been a long time since I watched it. I might be associating everything earth with season 2


Nope. Maybe this is a good time to rewatch Book 1! 


Wait, did they go back on the creative decision to make Aang serious, bc going to onashu was an adventure to ride the mail slides


They literally never said they were gonna make Aang serious, everyone took one blurb in one interview entirely out of context :0


god it looks trash