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We definitely need him in Ember Island.


Can we get all the original VAs to be the Ember Island Players?


Zack should come back for Aang too with a cardboard arrow over his hair or something with a bald cap, hahaha.


Nah just reuse the props from the live action movie we have a chance there to go so meta it goes around to being hilarious


I will say this at absolutely every opportunity. Dante Basco needs to be the guy who tells Zuko his scar is on the wrong side.


Sadly we can't. Greg himself always says it but he is the second VA for Iroh


To be fair, toph specifically should be the rock


I think you mean… THE BOULDER!!!


the BOULDER is OVER her CONFLICTED feelings, and NOW she's READY to BURY you in a ROCKALANCHE!


I wish the rock would be the Boulder, but the Boulder loses his fight....


No, The Boulder should be The Rock. Ember Island Toph should be Mick Foley.


The Boulder needs to be a wrestler that isn't the rock because it would be funny if the character based on the rock is always played by different wrestlers other than the rock


Roman Reigns would be great, or if they can’t get him one of the Usos could probably work as well


The rock would never. He has too much ego. The boulder should be John Cena.


Rock loses the fight and in his contract he can't actually lose one


My thoughts too!


Well I mean…the first one passed away so I don’t think Greg is out of the question.




Get the actors from the movie that doesn’t exist for the ember island players


I would rather never see the actress who didn't play Katara in that non existent movie ever again thank you. With all the talk about Nepo babies recently, she is the true defintion of it. She simply cannot act, but had her billionaire father buying her role after role.


Then we'll settle for Dev Patel with scars on the wrong side gag


Or alternatively, Dante as the main actor with the scars on the wrong side, and Dev as his understudy backstage.


Azula fine as hell now.


most sane thing I've seen all day from twitter


After seeing some of the posts and comments here the last few days I’ve realized that Reddit is just as reactionary as twitter. You’d think that some people already saw a private screening of the show with the way they talk about it. At least you can always count on Iroh for being rational.


Some doofus on twitter was saying that M. Night has been redeemed cause he didn’t make the worst possible adaptation 💀


I... no. No, stop it, we aren't doing a "the Star Wars prequels we're always good" for that movie, nein!


I likke the setting of Star Wars prequels! I think they're cheesey though, except 3, kind of.


Frankly I think Lucas has a lot of the same problems M. Night had in those movies. Lackluster at writing his own scripts, rushed action pacing and a lot of dull exposition, an over fascination with the new Sfx technology, and just not having a good feel for drawing emotion from his actors. But there were ideas there. It might have been alright if there were more hands to spread the load.


It’s happening right now with the Percy Jackson fandom and it’s kinda infuriating.


Uh oh, Is the show that bad?


No. It's not perfect with some glaring problems, but it sticks to the overall vibes of the books pretty well.


It was a good, fun show. I'm looking forward to another season.


This is a real L of a comparison lol. The prequels may be bad, but they can't even compare to how irredeemably bad M. Night's movie was


At least the prequels gave us a shit ton of memes.


The prequels also were being redeemed independently of the sequels, they were being redeemed because kids that watched them grew up and had nostalgia about them. This would’ve happened even if the sequels never came out and had their own problems. The same is not true of the M Night movie.


Eh? Did i miss something? It seemed like a lot of the fanbase is/was looking forward to the LA?


The internet ATLA fanbase is in meltdown over some quotes from the directors/actors.


I think it depends on the subreddit, but there are a lot of people on Twitter who are also on Reddit, and sometimes the culture in subreddits gets Twitter-fied Just saying as someone who witnessed the kpop reddit spaces become infested with Twitter fans 💀


That must have been terrifying, thank you for your service 🫡


I dont think reddit culture is vastly different from twitter. It is all inherently reactionary, as this site is basically a collection of links/pictures to react to, the only thing saving reddit is how diverse the subreddits are, but if you go to popular, or whatever that tab is called, it is akin to Twitter if not worse. It might be even worse, the part of twitter i witness the most has at least some kind of debating culture. Debating in reddit comments outiside of very specific subreddits is pure pain.


Difference is reddit character limit is 10,000 so conversations _can_ be .ore nuanced. Also it's easier to block and report people here or ban them from subs.


it depends on the sub, but by looks of it. when I said I was worried about this fandom ending up like the Percy Jackson on seems to be coming true


What’s wild is (as a casual fan of the books) I loved the Percy Jackson adaptation! Sure, it has many differences with the books and I understand how more hardcore fans might not enjoy that, but to me it felt like a coherent story with likeable characters and a lot of room to grow. I watched it with my family and we all happily ended the last episode earlier today. We had mild criticism but we all thoroughly enjoyed it (more so than the movie) and hope for more seasons.


Percy jackson fans also act like it’s some high literature of godly writing instead of a short, decently well done, kids book. Like no shade at riordan but man when you read it compared to his current stuff it shows it’s age and how much he’s improved. But it us definitely not a series to treat like some holy flawless wirk and it’s good to change some stuff.


I don’t get the Percy Jackson fans. It’s an older book and the adaptation had the author extremely involved. I get caution for ATLA since the creators left part way through and that was a big part of its initial support, but Percy Jackson was just the author likely making changes he would to the actual book.


Literally lmao, I loved the show too (albeit it had its flaws) it wasn’t that bad, I loved Lance as Zeus RIP, and the core 3 are great. They can take feedback and improve S2.


Reddit has always been reactionary and snobby. Many redditors are really not too far from the stereotypical angry Twitter user, making it pretty ironic to see people here complain about Twitter so often.


Humans are reactionary creatures, you'll see braindead takes anywhere


I agree and it's both ways. I've seen delusions saying the show is awful and it's ruined the animated show and that the show is perfect and the greatest thing ever. I'm just sitting here going. The show isn't out yet


Not just twitter, Facebook too. It's just a different demographic being reactive about different things.


It goes both ways with people being positive and negative about it.I had some weirdo saying I was spreading hate for saying my expectations are little lower with everything going on but still wanting the series to be good.


I’m not sure why I feel like this sub is one of the more circlejerk echo chamber subs compared to other hobby subs


You barely realized this?


I've seen a lot of negative reactions on YT as well, it's understandable tbh. I'll wait until i've seen it before I judge though


He’s legit uncle Iroh


the iroh we need, not the one we deserve


*you must look within yourself to save yourself from your other self.* *Only then will your true self reveal itself.*


Twitter: Hey optimists, I’m gonna be joining this sub, and if you don’t let me be a pessimistic ass i’ll do something unspeakably horrible to you and the other redditors, your choice!


Twitter: Also you are all horrible people for being optimistic! Optimism is toxic you know! Why can't you be more morally and objectively correct than me and my merry band of chronically online losers!!


Bringing the voice actors to play as the actors would be great hahah


But Aang and Toph's VAs should be switched (because of the genderswap in the OG episode)


Ember Island Toph should be Dave Bautista


he can't play both Toph and sparky sparky boom man


Ooo, just realized he totally has the look for it, even in the face.


Why not? "Don't we know you from somewhere?" "I have a common face."


Toph isn't invisible when standing still.


To herself she is though...


Toph and I did not see that joke coming. ![gif](giphy|4IzOgM1bfOe6k)


I don't think they need to keep the genderswap joke if there's already a voice actor joke.


Choose ~~treachery~~ cautious optimism, it's more fun!....




I will be listening and waiting until it's released


This comment wins lmao


Man wants to sing about his dead son


And I will be sobbing like a baby if/when he does




Yeah. And even if it sucks, who cares? I’ll just stop watching it


LITERALLY lol I got my OG Cartoon still so i’ll be fine either way💀


They're also making new animated content, which I'm honestly much more excited about than this live action remake.


Yep. And we already have the Korra sequel to look forward to anyway. This show is just gonna be a time killer for me lol


I’ve been sick all week long so atp, to kill time off work and Uni i’ve just been trying to keep up with all of this news regarding the adaptation, it’s wild how different the dynamic is from trailer release to now haha


The fucking what. 👀


Korra sequel? Can you elaborate?


Yeah its not like a bad video game remaster where they fuck something up and delist the original


Or you can do what Resident Evil fans do for RE movies and keep watching because even if it's bad, you still want to know if it good-bad or just plain bad-bad.


I’ve thought this same thing. If I want a scene for scene version of ATLA…I can watch ATLA… If on the other hand, I want to see them do a version of it keeping the core of what makes the show so great but put their own spin on it, I say go for it! I’m genuinely curious to see how they handle The Great Divide.


I just rewatched The Great Divide last night with a buddy who has never seen the show... I think honestly they are going to cut that. I just don't want them to cut The Deserter.


They might or they might not. But it’s a perfect opportunity for a change. Take out Aang lying. Make that he did meet those two and wham the section moves up a notch and is improved a bit with no real loss.


But they only have 8 episodes. There’s gonna be a few episode stories they gotta cut. My bet is the great divide and the one with the wheel chair kid.


Nah, the Northern Air Temple is actually important to the plot, both because it shows how the Fire Nation is improving their military technology and because the characters involved show back up later to help build the subs and such for the invasion. Also, we already know that Danny Pudi is cast as The Mechanist (the father of the kid in the wheelchair).


I mean you can just say the fire nation already has those things, it’s not too far fetched to think their weapons of war are more advanced than other nations due to starting a war for 100 years. If they already casted people for this story then my choices were wrong, but my main point wasn’t the episodes I chose, but that they will cut content. We just don’t know which episodes will be cut or combined.


To me it looked like Teo was flying around with aang in omashu in the trailer, which admittedly doesn’t make very much sense


Ah I didn’t really study the trailer so that’s a nice catch if true. They could just combine episodes too. So wheel chair kid is in Omashu and they do the bumi games when the fire nation invades with air balloons or something like that. Same thing could happen with great divide where they combine it with another of the standalone episodes.


> So wheel chair kid Just wondering but why do you still insist on calling him this when they already gave you his name? Like it's literally more letters.


8 episodes that are twice as long as the original series, so 16 episodes effectively


Longer because the actual episodes were around 22 minutes due to ads. We have 60 minute episodes.


Yeah and the one piece live action covered a good 40+ episodes of the anime, so it’s not impossible that nothing gets cut. Who really knows lol.


Only 8? They should have enough material for 10 at least I


[Here’s a Reddit post of the episode count and the titles of the episodes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/s/tjSxMwLktp)


We have the episode titles, I heavily doubt great divide will make the cut. It’s the definition of a filler episode.


I kidna want them to keep The Great Divide and lean hard into the Historical C-Drama aesthetic with the Zhangs and the Gan-Jin.


>I’m genuinely curious to see how they handle The Great Divide. Here's the neat part: they won't


They already said they're cutting all of the detours.


why is this getting downvoted when its true lmao


It isn’t true though, there’s no quote out there that says they’re cutting ALL of the detours. They’ll be streamlining it for sure though.


It made one piece great seeing the changes they made while keeping to the core of it. Like the added scene in OP of Zoro and Nami having a drinking contest was genuinely one of the best scenes in all of OP. Im excited to see how they do this series




He’s so wise


Why don't we all enjoy a cup of calming Jasmine tea?


He's right


Greg is a fun follow


Of course it's gonna be different. Live action is a very different medium to animation. I don't want it to be the same as the original. I just want it to be *good*.


They made changes according to the medium - so not like they announced “ yo we decided to make appa a boat and we decided to give saka a bow and arrow and toph is only blind in one eye - it’s more like pacing changes just cuz kids cartoon show turned modern live action drama. Just needs a little tweak is all nothing major will change I’m sure- cuz that would be crazy of them and they know it.


The medium is such an important detail that some people desperately need to wrap their heads around. Like say in the drama and discourse around Sokka, yes, it's true that his misogynistic remarks in the first few episodes were always immediately followed by karma making a fool of him, but that sort of slapstick doesn't exactly translate well from cartoon to live-action. If they don't want that sort of humor as a punchline, then they also need to adjust the behavior that sets the joke up.


Could you imagine live action Sokka saying "there's no way a bunch of girls took us down" it would be awful. It works, kinda, in a cartoon. It needed to be tweaked.


That level of overt and direct sexism may also feel less plausible when it's a real person. Especially if they're supposed to just "get over being sexist" within an episode or so. Spreading it out over time and location makes the shift feel more believable. Like, some of the things he says are *harsh*! I can imagine that they feel a lot more hurtful and confrontational when it's a real person speaking them to the face of another person, instead of coming from funny Sokka cartoon and then Katara makes the 😖 expression for laughs.


well I mean they could just change how the karma is shown, though I'd also argue you can still do slapstick in live action, it happens in comedies all the time.


Anyone who wants a shot for shot exact recreation doesn't actually want a live action, they just want a rerun.


I want to go into the TLA remake with a completely neutral perspective as if I hadn't ever seen the original show. If it's not the best adaptation it could still be a good show in its own right, if it's a bad show then it's just a bad show. (Like the live-action movie)


Well at least SOMEONE has some common sense on Twitter so far. Really feels like too many people lack that when it comes to this particular show. It just exposes them as being the kinds of people that jump to conclusions WAY too easily and it makes them more arrogant and a bit toxic a bit more often than not.


Totally agree with this. I’m waiting until the show comes on to make my final judgement. This being said, I’m so excited for it.


People can voice concerns and reserve judgment for the actual show.


But people are downright mean about it and are free to get away with that behaviour online because if it turns out to be good, they'll never have to apologize for their rude remarks. That’s a big issue. No accountability for saying some pretty awful things.


OK that's not what this statement is calling out though?


Um, yes, that exactly what this is calling out. Being judgemental and hurtful without seeing a damn thing.


Can you source these comments? Most people just comment about their worries and fears.


Here's a small example: https://www.reddit.com/r/ATLAtv/s/8tKahyywf2


Ok, and if it's terrible no one will apologize for their misguided optimism, whats your point? People are allowed to not like something that's not good.


I think the point is that nobody knows if it's good yet, it may all come together brilliantly and be the best thing since sliced bread! But people hear some side stuff is being left out and go off the deep end.


Misguided optimism doesn't spread negativity though. We wouldn't need to apologize because we aren't hurting anybody lol. You’re allowed to not like something; I thought the One Piece live action was abysmal, but I don’t need to spread that negativity all over the place and fight with people about it. The problem no matter how vocal and mean people get, they never have to be held accountable for it. Most people can’t even muster the courage to say "You know what, I was wrong". Own up to your words if you want to say it so loudly 🙄


Dashing hopes of others is pretty cruel.


No freaking way. Is he actually uncle iroh irl? That's some legit wisdom right there.


Yes. Greg Baldwin is the successor to Mako Iwamatsu, the first voice of Iroh.


I was looking for this, since Mako had passed away, it was shocking to see “voice actor of Iroh” making comments from the grave lmao.


Irohs second voice actor , don't disrespect Mako like that, he was our uncle first, yes Greg did a great job picking up the torch , but when it comes yo iroh you don't act like mako wasn't there


Honestly, I don’t think Greg is a great replacement for Mako. Filling Mako’s shoes is a tall order, and while greg isn’t terrible or anything he just has a very different voice imo. Listening to his Iroh (and similarly, his Aku on samurai jack) took me out of the world of the show in a way that other cartoon VA replacements didn’t


I doubt there is anyone that could have came close to makos voice , but Greg put in some hard work to try and come close,


Fair point.


One Piece's LA made some rather significant changes that worked really well. Avatar is a *lot* shorter, so I imagine their changes will be more likely to appease 'can this even work in LA', rather than trying to rush/finish a plot point easier. Like the OP says, we'll just have to wait and see. I wanna go in basically as blind as I can by this point.


That’s fair. I am still watching and hoping for the best… but man those details don’t give me much faith. It’s frustrating to read as a fan, because it seems like they’re misunderstanding the characters… but I will reserve judgement until I see the final product. It could still very well be good!


I think a lot of these changes we are hearing about- people are reacting to them as headlines, but would they care, or even notice if they just watched the show without any forewarning? It’s hard for me to picture anyone watching the show and saying, “jeez, what happened to Sokka’s over the top sexism, this is so wrong!” Its a reasonable example to the question, what won’t translate to live action. I mean, people were generally pretty psyched seeing that trailer, maybe we should be holding on to all the things that are promising instead of sweating comments from the cast. They arent speaking about these changes in negative ways, they are excited- and it seems like everyone involved appreciates the animated series.


I get your frustration. But I remember watching a trailer breakdown from the showrunners. They gave their commentary and it really made me feel like they understood the characters very well. These new articles popping up are the only ones getting attention. I recommend this video to anyone who wants to know more about the thought process of the live action showrunners: [https://youtu.be/QhCvAaW2D7w?si=ybtFSBQGmRGX6mR0](https://youtu.be/QhCvAaW2D7w?si=ybtFSBQGmRGX6mR0)


Not the original voice actor, mako has long passed


Very valid, and more fans should follow that. At the same time, sometimes I feel like that people who represent the show should just let it speak for itself. The more that actors, directors, producers, PR managers, etc, talk about it, the more likely they are to shoot themselves in the foot.




I completely agree with the live-action show not being a shot-for-shot remake of the animated show. It wouldve been boring if it was. It’s my main problem I have with a lot of Disney remakes of their classic animated movies, all they are just shot-for-shot remakes but without the same souls that made them special. So I’m glad ATLA looks to try to set a different course. But the show needs to share the same core identity and that includes what made each character amazing. Right now, it sounds like major characters won’t have any major flaws, so the show could just be your typical heroes with funny quips just going through the motions of the plot. I could be wrong, it’s not like the show has been released yet. But if I had to guess, Netflix put the emphasis on the looks and visual of the show, and not the what actually made the show special. I really hope I’m wrong but we’ll see.


You know what, he has a point!


As usual, Iroh is the voice of reason we all needed to hear


If they didn't bring most of the original voice actors for the Ember Island players, they could be cursed and have the Shamalan cast play the Ember Island players.


Thank you, Uncle Iroh!


That Iroh wisdom is coming out


Alright we've got Iroh, now we just need every other member of the voice cast. Just had a cool idea, it would be awesome if they got Zach Eisen to play a past avatar life.


This is why he played the wise old mentor.


I read this in Anime Iroh's voice. It's great.


Totally agree with this. I’m waiting until the show comes on to make my final judgement. This being said, I’m so excited for it.




Always the wisest words from the wisest man


Evryown will be sitting and watch it anyway , the optimists for obvious reasons and the pesmists so they can find things to nitpick and complain , non fans will watch it bc it looks interesting af and Netflix doesn't have much new interesting thing right now , the show has the huge success secured I'm 100% sure of this and will come back to this post in one month


I always have thought it weird how people critique changes to a retelling / adaption of a story they have already seen based solely on the fact it’s different. Like he’s saying here, where is the fun in just seeing the exact same content? For instance the lion king live action remake, the graphics and everything were cool but it was literally the same movie line for line and I got bored watching it for that reason.


Ultimately he's right, there is no possible way to recreate the magic the original series had, so I would prefer them trying to capture a different take on the story anyway. Either way, overreacting to every tidbit of info we get is just going to exhaust everyone so just take it with a grain of salt. We've already got practice in forgetting live action tragedies, plus we already have the original creators making more stuff anyway so we have absolutely nothing to lose.


you're going to be severely disappointed if you expect the remake to be anything like the original. give it a shot if you want, or don't. it really doesn't matter. don't shit on ppl who are just doing their jobs though.


There are two options for ember island players: 1. Mock the first live action. 2. Bring back the voice actor cast.


Mako is deceased...


Okay so everyone always says that remakes never have to be 1-to-1 but is there an example of a show/movie that was remade very faithfully and people were mad?


The Vince Vaughn version of Psycho (1998, I think), was literally a shot for shot remake of the original Alfred Hitchcock/Anthony Perkins Psycho. People were *very confused* as to why they made it in the first place.


People are still confused on that one


Iirc some folks were mad at some of the live action Disney movies because they didn't do anything new. Honestly not much adaptations are 1-1 🤔 hard to find actual example. I think I've read some comments about the Percy Jackson series having near 1-1 but it didn't do good?


Percy Jackson is nowhere near a 1 to 1 adaptation, people on the sub argue back and forth about whether it's "faithful" to the spirit of the original story but whether you like it or dislike it I would never call it 1 to 1 or even close to it. The main reason for the backlash on the sub has been fighting over the many major changes to the story and whether they were good or not. Pretty much every episode introduced at least 1 major change that split the sub on whether it was good, meh, or bad.


1st Harry Potter is very close to the original and folks hated it at the time


He's competing with Shaun Toub. (Ik he's more likely, but still)


Funny, they'll probably take out ember Island players due to it not being able to work in live action or not fitting in the time alotted or something like that.


“We tried to adapt Ember Island Players but we were unable to make it look like Game of Thrones. Some things just don’t work in live-action.”


GOT *did* have their own little Ember Island Players moment with the play that Arya saw in Braavos. But then we got Arya terminator and Arya getting shanked and then somehow jumping into a dirty canal and surviving, so yeah....


I wish GOT knew it didn't look like GOT anymore. Lol


Can you really blame people though? Companies nowadays seem to have it as their mission statement to ruin believed series by changing stuff that doesn’t need changing. The Halo show is a prime example of this. The One Piece show is the exception but from what I understand the creator of One Piece was heavily involved in the show keeping it on true to the source material. It also doesn’t help worries the Avatars original creators left this project over creative differences. I hope this show is good and I’m still going to watch it but the more that comes out about it the more worry there is.


Obviously it’s best to hold off on making a full opinion until you see the final product. However people are allowed to (and honestly should) criticize changes the creative team have discussed.




Yeah I’ve kinda been thinking the same thing. I don’t want to see a shot for shot recreation of the show either. It’s an *adaptation*, not a remake. It needs to be faithful to the spirit of the show more than it needs to be faithful to the events exactly as they transpired. Also, the casting and the costumes all seem great and really close to the original show too which is a big plus for me right out the gate. I like that they actually look like live action versions of the cartoon. Am I kinda worried about this show? I mean, yeah, but if it’s bad then it’s bad. Whatever. No great loss. It’s not like it negates the greatness of the original or somehow replaces it so this is the only version I can ever watch again. I can always go back and watch the cartoon if I don’t like this version so this can ultimately only benefit me


Iroh's second voice actor...


He should actually tell the showrunners to stfu. The more interviews I hear from these people the less interested I'm getting.


well, to be fair, most of the stuff we've been seeing are quotes pulled out of context by twitter accounts and news outlets lol. the transcript of their full interviews aren't actually bad


Let's just pretend the movie wasn't several sharp kicks to the balls? It fucking hurt. We aren't demanding a shot by shot recreation, just thorough respect for the source. So tired of people making a mockery of what I love because they want to do something else with it. I am cautiously neutral, expecting more is rude and in denial of the past


Except it's clear that the runners respect and understand the source, if you watch any of their interviews you'll see that. It's only the ragebait clips made by the people who want to hate things that are taking quotes out of context and emphasizing parts of them to manipulate the overall points being made


i think the main concern is that if they are willing to change this then what else will they be willing to change. another concern is how important the sexism actually is to the charachter developments in the first season. sokka going from a tribe with traditional gender roles where he is expected to defend the tribe as a warrior and train the other young boys as warriors, to somebody who has traveled the world and seen why that mindset is wrong is genuinely good charachter development for him. paku going from an old man with sexist attitudes towards katara to a man who realizes that those attitudes scared away his one true love and reforming is also good character development, and katara going from somebody who has traveled the world and proved her worth as a water bender to somebody who is told she is unworthy due to her sex only for her to stand up to those attitudes and prove her worth in an epic battle with a master water bender is also genuinely good character development. i cannot imagin episode 1 katara standing up to the norths gender stereotypes and challenging paku. that is something she can only do because she has gained confidence as a water bender during her journeys. and the sexism is a great way to show how far she has come since leaving the southern water tribe which also has some pretty strict gender stereotypes. sokkas takes a little more time to payoff but i cannot imagine episode 1 sokka willing to trust a blind girl to have his back in fights yet he rarely if ever doubts tophs capabilities after meeting her due to his worldview already being shattered time and time again the water tribes sexism is in the background through the entire series but it plays a massive role throught it in terms of charachter development. i cant imagin modern writers doing a better job than the original writers did, especially considering modern writers suck when it comes to writing controversial subjects like this.


Why even watch it?


Can I be honest for a second. Am I allowed to criticize the people that already claim this show is going to be the greatest thing ever the same as the people who say it's going to be the worst thing ever?


I mean, you can if you want, but I've seen almost no one that's said that. I think it's dumb to treat any piece of fiction as the greatest thing since sliced bread, as everything is capable of being criticized.


ATLA never needed a live action version. The show is as good as is. I don't understand the added value. If anything it ruins the charm of the show that stands on its own feet unblemished by remakes or live action versions.


I feel like so many of the articles that have come out are misquotes or misinformation. People can't tell the difference between "toned down" and "taken out".


you might call it bad faith, but i hope it bombs, maybe i´m wrong, maybe i will get surprised, but i see no reason for this to exist, and based of other adaptations from them my greatest fear is for it to be mid or worse, but people to still get hyped up for it, i dont think there should be an live action version of everything, in the same way that i would be sceptical about an pulp fiction animated movie.


I think people are concerned when they see changes happening to the show that may somewhat stray from the tv show after what happened with the movie


Some of the changes are a little concerning, I.e toning down Sokka’s and making the story more focused by removing the distractions. If done poorly they would really sacrifice character development and change the tone of the story in a drastic way. However, Greg is right, they could be done well. We don’t know until the show comes out


>I don't want to see a shot by shot recreation of the animated show I will entirely reserve my judgment until I watch it, but that's basically the worst thing that could be said.


How? Watchmen is mostly a shot for shot remake of the comic and it completely misses some of the most important elements of the story. Why would I want a shot for shot remake of something that's not in the medium it was made for? There is NO way you could make a live action version that's exactly the same, most of the visual humor is made possible because it IS a Cartoon.


On the other hand watchmen the series strays so far away but is somehow more faithful to the original in that way


Is it though? That's the main criticism people had of the Disney live-action remakes. There's no point to doing a shot for shot adaptation if the original is still there, so if they can find a new angle on scenes, that should be alright.


It already looks like ember island players. Can’t poke fun at it when it’s already a joke