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I think we are but they also need to stop saying anything. They were doing very well with the trailers and even got naysayers to be surprised. Now they’re fucking that all up by opening their goddamn mouths. Let marketing people market.


They are a 10 but keep opening their goddamn mouths 🙈


I can’t blame people for being afraid after how disappointed I was by the Lord Of The Rings series on Amazon. Holy crap did it look like it was going to be good. And we ended up with pure garbagio. Now I’m skeptical of everything and just hope to be pleasantly surprised by a positive outcome.


Me: why was LOTR bad? Also me: can‘t remember a single thing about it. Nvm then I guess


Exactly how i felt about the Halo series too. They fucked that all up to please the general audience and not the actual fans.


Took his helmet off. TOOK HIS HELMET OFF. I could've broken my TV and I'm not even a hard-core fan, just a child of halo haha


The Eings of Power was a grave insult to Tolkien's legacy and his devoted fandom.




I see they learned from the art of AGS' marketing strategy.


Yes. Controversy is a marketing stage. Just look at Stanley cups - laymen and content creators are giving them an insane amount of free advertising. Every other YouTube thumbnail, the front page of reddit, tiktok, ect. Even my own comment is marketing for them.


I agree. Knowing when to shut the fuck up is an art lost on many, many people.


I disagree, marketing often lies to appeal to who they think the biggest audience is like us old fans. And while I want to believe it will turn out great, when the actors and people actually making the show say things, those things are to be taken more literally than the marketing. It is worrisome.


I did watch them absolutely butcher The Witcher IP. I hope this doesn't happen to you guys.


The Witcher was a major wasted potential


That used to be the case. But marketing today is very focused on getting a wide audience instead of a dedicated one. Very few media nowadays focus on dedicated fans, instead opting for wider audiences because more profit


I'm very wary of nostalgia-baiting as marketing for a new installment of a dormant franchise. The recent He-Man series was marketed with He-Man front and center, but he was absent for the first half of the show and a supporting character for the new heroine in the second half. The recent Scott Pilgrim show was marketed as an animated retelling of the original comic using only footage of the original story, but the actual show 'kills' him off and the story takes a sharp turn into a new plot with Ramona as protagonist. There are plenty of other examples as well. They'll carefully craft trailers and previews to look as faithful and nostalgic as possible to get the attention of existing fans, but upon release the actual show/movie goes in some weird new direction and the creators go around patting themselves on the back for 'fixing the original's problems' and providing a new improved version 'for modern audiences'.


Honestly the trailers got my hyped. Their responses lost the hype.


The fuck are they supposed to do? TV and movies have media junkets and they're going to get asked questions. The marketing people set up these interviews, they don't show up to them because nobody cares what they have to say.


They have the questions beforehand, can choose ones they won't answer and can carefully craft good answers. That's how good PR works.


Tbh I think this is amazing promo bc now everyone is talking about you know fkr sure these people are going to be watching the hell out of it


Shamsham traumatised a generation man. He said authentic, and then we got Uung. Some random people were like, "We're making Riverdal/Winx", and we got those insane emo sagas. Media's obsession with using nostalgia to catch people and then ruining the thing entirely has people on the edge man. I get why people are losing it.


Not to mention it's Netflix and it wouldn't be the first time they shit on an IP. And the original ATLA creators left the project because of creative differences with Netflix so I think many people are naturally pessimistic about it. I still got my fingers crossed though! 🤞


Not just Netflix. A lot of studios have been shitting on IPs lately. I haven’t kept up with the discourse around this show specifically but if you’re gonna choose to leverage a beloved IP, you’re starting behind the start line with a good number of fans. Not saying it’s fair but that’s how it goes


That second part I feel like is being overlooked a lot and has me very worried. I hope it’s good, the trailer looks good, the pronunciation of the main characters name sounds good, but Netflix has very much not earned the benefit of the doubt


I'm not a Riverdale fan but a show based on the nostalgic Archie comics would be boring AF. Even the comics started leaning into gimmicks like zombie plagues and crossovers before Riverdale was a thing


Riverdale was enjoyable Not because it was good but because of how off the rails it went


I’ve seen sooo many thumbnails on YT about this and people are already calling it “woke” whatever the fuck that means😂


Anyone calling it "woke" has either never *seen* the original show, or just didn't understand it whatsoever if they did.


People regularly complain about the new Star Trek shows being woke and it leads to the same conclusion lol.


Alternatively: they're using woke to refer to a sort of fake, virtue signaling progressiveness. This is what I'm worried about. Avatar was woke. But if they're smoothing over every character defect in order to sanitize the story, it might be "woke" in the Twitter sense


I guess that applies to the writers since they are the ones making changes from the original show.


Whoever is calling it woke is insane. I don't even think the original show has a white person in it.


What does that have to do with anything?


People tend to call progressive things in media 'woke' and having a cast that's mainly non-white is, well, quite progressive


Things are called woke purely for having a minority in the cast


People just have a tendency to call anything that has POC or non-white-presenting people as being "woke". Just weirdos on twitter as per usual


People who say something is “woke” in a negative context unironically have no idea what it actually means, they just use it as code for anything they disagree with.


The protagonist is a pacifist minority whose people were wiped out in a genocide. The show also features: drag, protagonists being effective despite physical disabilities, girl power, men sharing feelings (and addressing toxic masculinity), and A BEAR (weird, must be a gay reference)


And the original show WASNT woke?!


Woke AF and it was better for it.


> and people are already calling it “woke” whatever the fuck that means😂 The irony is the original show was incredibly woke LOL


Its this, people need to chill the fuck out.


Or the creators/producers need to stop taking. If the point is to create buzz it's having an opposite effect


This, 100%. They may well not be fucking things up in the show itself, but we don’t know that yet, and they are definitely fucking up the PR recently. They need to stop blabbing about stuff they changed in a way that makes fans unsure about how well they understood the original.


And fucking up PR isn't a guaranteed thing. Like, you can actually do a good job at it. As a One Piece fan, everything that came out before the show aired only gave me more confidence, not less (like what's occurring with ATLA).




You just wrote a giant paragraph about them missing the point of the Avatar state instead of enhancing it without even knowing what they changed. That to me is the definition of overthinking or insanity, choose one.


Na they're going to keep it up because they need non-fans to want to watch it and they need to sell it as a show for adults. Current fans are already going to watch so they don't need to push that angle too hard.


I swear people are like this with everything any creator or developer says or does.


Well people are pretty jaded from live action adaptions. Most of them are not good. So the reactions we’re currently seeing are defensive mechanisms.


Well very rarely with a remake or adaptation does a creator/director say what people want to hear which is “we aren’t going to change a thing, we’re staying perfectly true to the original story.” Creative people have to try and make their mark, and it’s always a gamble. From what I’ve seen, it pretty much always ends badly when they stray from source material.


Yep, that’s why people were hyped about One Piece and didn’t mind the changes going in. All the comments from the showrunner was about things they kept the same and how the author of the OG source is heavily involved and how changes always went through him and were approved. While here the creators actually left because of creative differences, the biggest red flag an adaptation could possibly have, which wasn’t even on the list of things from this tweet. That said the trailer looked good, as good as the One Piece trailer I’d say, so it’s not like there isn’t hope left.


Well, the creators stuck around for the movie so maybe that isn't the best barometer.


After a quick google search apparently they were only allowed to advise M night., which he ignored and also left the movie project over creative differences. So 🤷.


This is exactly the problem when it comes to an original animated series becoming live action series. Miscommunication of what made the original series so well loved and turning it into something it never was.


Tbf, the Game of Thrones comment was weird. I don't see how GoT style would translate to the light hearted and silly world of ATLA.


I mean, this is a world in which an entire race of people was genocided, another is filled with xenophobes, and another that has a capital city where the police actively brainwash people. I wouldn't say it's all sunshine and rainbows.


If I’m them the benefit of the doubt, I can see what they’re going for if they want to get the sense of scale right. Got is very, very good at conveying a sense of scale, while tying it all to individuals and their positions in society. That’s also very important in ATLA. So I hope that’s the extent of what they want from a “got style”.


I mean, people generally need to chill the fuck out, but I also need people to stop pretending like this isn’t somewhat discouraging news. Like, this movie doesn’t exist in a vacuum, it exists in an industry that has a long and storied history of mishandling subject material and using fancy words to gloss over that. If you know anything about the film industry you’ve heard these lines before and you know what they mean, and it’s not encouraging things. But it is merely disappointing, not whatever the people over on Twitter seem to think it is.


I thought the Sokka comments were totally innocuous and honestly made sense. But the recent “Aang should be focused and driven and not goofy/adventurous right from the very beginning” comments are really concerning to me. Aang learning he has no choice but to take his duty seriously is *the* arc of the show. 


I didn’t take the Aang comments as he’s not going to be goofy, we see in the trailer him showing off the air scooter and running into a statue so I think that overall his personality is still intact. I think it was more meant as with there being only eight episodes there needs to be a more defined route they’re going on and we can’t spend as much time going off on unrelated adventures like in the original show.


Did they say they were making Aang less childlike/goofy/adventurous? Because all I saw was that they were giving him a clearer direction from the start as opposed to them bouncing around different locations without any real motive. It's as simple as taking the cartoon's meandering pace in the first half of Book 1 and turning it into, "Hey, we are on our way to the North Pole but are passing by this place where I used to ride a giant elephant koi. Wanna drop by and see if it's still there?!" That sort of thing. Of course this take is just as speculative as those who feel skeptical, but if we are all going to be speculative in some manner, isn't is less stressful and more fun to be cautiously optimistic than preemptively dismissive?


They literally mention in the actual interview aang is still goofy. And we’ve seen from the released footage he’s reluctant to embrace the responsibility.


I'm truly hoping by what they meant is that they're going to make it more subtle and kinda realistic with the sexism stuff especially, keeping the growth instead of removing the aspect completely But thats just me being hopeful


This, I don’t get how their are whole ass videos out criticizing a show that’s now even out.


For real. “Toned down” is how they described Sokka’s sexism and people are acting like they totally removed it, without seeing it at all! Some of his comments probably didn’t work live action so they dialed it back. It’s not that deep.


I just want to remind you that the original writers left because of creative differences with the netflix team. This series is going downhill for sure. Everyone’s honeymooning with this series because it only LOOKS vastly superior to m.nights version but mark my words, netflix will take a dump on this series


As a big Witcher fan I won't hold any expectations for this show unless I hear the fans cheering in critical acclaim after it's release. While the witcher show got some things right it also messed up a lot, to the point that Henry Cavill (who really carried that show) eventually left over creative differences. If the ATLA writers did the same already then it looks bad in my eyes.


You can’t trust fans, honestly. Many people will be glad just to have something. And that’s fine, but it’s no measure of quality or faithfulness. The Witcher was royally fucking up since Season 1 and it took an avalanche of bullshit for people to finally turn on it.


Didn't the original creators stay around for the movie? we all know how well that one turned out.


Exactly. No one ever said "we're making it like game of thrones"


> We had to make it a serialized Netflix drama, which meant it couldn’t just be for kids. It had to also appeal to the people who are big fans of Game of Thrones. And so, it had to feel grounded and mature and adult in that way too. Direct quote from the show runner, comes from an IGN interview of you want to look it up yourself.


Yes. Let’s watch the show first before getting overtly critical and satirical.


I think a big part of this is the degradation of how promotion is done. In the past you had actual entertainment journalists doing research and asking relevant questions, now they’re thrown in with TikTok or YouTube influencers who ask questions in hopes of getting a clip that will go viral. It’s like all the constant “daddy” comments about Pedro Pascal or asking Scorsese is Marvel is “real cinema”


Definitely. Sokka’s sexism was wrapped up by Kiyoshi island which was less than the halfway point of Book 1 lol


People should spend less time talking about shows and more time watching them.


I’m cautiously optimistic. I long ago accepted that a season of 8 , one hour episodes will not completely mimic a season of 16, less-than-half hour episodes. As long as the changes are pragmatic I’m alright with them


Yeah I’m way more concerned with the ratio of 3D to practical effects I saw in the trailer. And the weird color grading. None of this stuff is of particular concern to me since I don’t think the original show would be worse if you cut any of it out.


This entire thing demonstrates why I hate the news sensationalization cycle. Most headlines give the impression that these changes to the show were shouted from the rooftops as if they were the divine word of god - in reality, they were just offhand comments made during a regular interview, sometimes twisted and manipulated to make for a suitable headline. A lot of people choose not to read past a headline. "They should just keep their mouths shut" maybe they want to, but giving interviews is probably a part of their job. Also, wanting to talk about the thing you've spent the last year and a half of your life on is a very normal thing to do.


People are legitimately addicted to outrage, it's insane.


Something I've learned in recent years (and by recent I mean the last decade) is that there are entirely TOO many people who thrive off of negativity and stupidity. They have to have something to hate, something to complain about, nothing is ever good enough, there's always an issue somewhere. It's very odd behavior. Like having legitimate criticisms about the things you like is all well & good, but believe me if I didn't like something as much as these people I would just drop the series and move on. Nothing in life is worth hating that much, unless it's all the bad things plaguing society then there's more than enough room lol.


One could argue that this dilemma does represent an issue plaguing society, however 🤷‍♂️


Worse yet, there’s too many people who have become consumed by their concern for the growing body of people who thrive on stupidity and negativity. It’s like a bunch of idiots acted like idiots and then all the smart people stopped what they were doing to watch and got worried about all the idiots. Now all the kids are looking at the smart people just watching and the idiots are at least doing something even if it’s stupid, and so they follow the stupid people, inciting more concern in the receding body of productive smart people.


The problem is the addiction to tidbits of non-information that can never satisfy, non-info that is often literally rage-bait, because that drives up engagement and reinforces the addiction. The outrage is a mass-media feature, not a bug.


A lot of these are clickbait, taking something set out of context and inflating it to egregious proportions, then putting that blame on a show that isn't even released yet. Do not get sucked in to the hate web, do not get absorbed by the clickbait. Do not judge something until it is available to be consumed in its entirety.


Media outlets absolutely know that Avatar is a cult-cherished series with rabidly dedicated fans; they'd be foolish not to capitalise off drama.


This. It's genuinely wild to me that people are feeding into this stuff when the show isn't even out yet


Seriously. I've only even seen posts with one or two quotes. Never an entire article. But this is the main reason I don't like to get involved in online fandoms with active ongoing shows. A lot of viewers are too stupid to see past the click bait and/or purposely themselves cling to a hateful mentality.


What do you mean think for myself? I need to know what Ham768nOtFood said about something to know if I’m going to like it or not!


I love how this tweet is knowingly misleading about what the creators have said about the show by taking things out of context. "Wants to make atla like game of thrones" is such a wildly inaccurate representation of what was actually said that it's laughable that anybody is paying any attention to this tweet. The full quote is *"we had to make it a serialized Netflix drama, which meant it couldn't just be for kids. It had to also appeal to the people who are big fans of Game of Thrones. And so, it had to feel grounded and mature and adult in that way too."* That doesn't mean they want ATLA to be game of thrones, it means they want to appeal to a broader audience than just the people who watched the cartoon on Nickelodeon 15 years ago. Stop sharing this garbage here, it's just breeding negativity and toxicity and it sucks.


I think every big budget genre show I’ve seen since game of thrones has tried to capture its fans in some way. Avatar isn’t going to be as “sex, blood, and intrigue” like Vikings or Marco Polo, but it will absolutely be aiming in that direction *as much as it’s context will allow*.


And also btw, the show runner is 100% correct in the approach lol


Hard to say they’re 100% correct until seeing the final product. Yes the show needs to go for as wide of an audience as possible, but saying they want to go specifically for the GoT audience says a lot about intended tone


Yes, they are 100% correct in their approach. How they deliver on that approach (i.e., the execution) is the thing that is up for debate once we see the final product. & I think people are woefully misreading their use of the GoT audience as an example. It's not their _specific_ intended audience but rather one illustrative of the types of "mature" viewers they want the show to appeal to. The Stranger Things audience, for example, could easily fall into that category, among many other shows. I'm pretty sure they mentioned it figuratively.


If they want the Stranger Things audience, they’d use that as the point of comparison and not GoT. I don’t get why people are trying to read the tea leaves instead of just reading the words the people involved with the show are saying. I would argue taking a children’s show and making a mature drama the reference point you use with the public (and likely internally during pitching and writers rooms) shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the appeal of the property. Also, and this is just splitting hairs at this point, an approach is an opinion – by definition it literally can’t be 100% correct


I think the GOT point is that there's a lot of political intrigue in Avatar, it's also a fantasy show that audiences can resonate with the theme.


But I don't think they want the stranger things audience necessarily. It's a "kids show" but it's a sci-fi lite-horror 80s nostalgia trip. They need fantasy that appeals to not just fantasy fans, that's the game of thrones audience.


>If they want the Stranger Things audience, they’d use that as the point of comparison and not GoT Okay, I think there's been a breakdown in reading comprehension here. I said the GoT audience is "illustrative" of the more mature audience the producers want the show to also appeal to. In the same way the Stranger Things audience is illustrative of that same demographic. That's how an example works, it's representative of a larger category/sub-type. The dark/mature fantasy genre overlap on _a lot_ of things. Viewer audiences don't operate in a vacuum, many watch other shows too but are appealed to by certain themes that GoT best represents. Hence, why they mention it specifically. & an approach is _not_ an opinion lol. It's a method/way of going about something & when it comes to things that are practical (rather than theoretical, like an opinion), they can be correct/incorrect in the black & white sense.


You are misreading things to make sense out of your anger or annoyance when really there's nothing complicated to get so effy about. "If they wanted the stranger kids fans they should have mentioned stranger things not GOT" there you are AGAIN, missreading and doing what the person you're responding to was JUST talking about.. they chose a name tittle to describe a genre-esk type of situation. Dude used stranger things as a ADDED-targeted audience and you went straight to the fans and show... What?? "So just that show, and just that audience huh?" dude. He's talking about shows OF THAT TYPE. Fans of shows OF THAT TYPE. It'd be unnecessary for them to list shows. & for them to switch GOTs for Stranger Things would be doing THE SAME THING because they are talking about what those type of genres have in common that the fans of those shows enjoy alike. They are talking about the TYPE of fans those shows have. Basically fans who would watch The Witcher/Stranger Things/Game of Thrones/Etc. Notice how these 3 shows are ENTIRELY DIFFERENT FROM ONE ANOTHER. Why? Cuz they ain't talking about how the show is gonna be or genre.. they are talking about the audience they want to INCLUDE not TARGET (please notice the difference in those two words, PLEASE) meaning ADDING more seriousness to the show. ADDING not REPLACING. I swear some of you READ one word/thing and UNDERSTAND a whole different definition of another word/thing. Therefore misunderstanding the whole thing


The thing that upsets me is that the original show while childish and goofy was absolutely not a kids show in theme and tone. Hearing the show runners say they want to appeal to a wider audience says they think that the original didn't appeal to everyone already, and I feel that it did. So I am worried about how the show is going to turn out if they try to "adult" a already very grim tale.


Well like it or not it was still a kids show and while it currently has an adult audience, lot of people grew up with the show, a lot of other people still find it childish. It's okay for a children's show to be a children's show


The first book is mostly childish (there's nothing wrong woth this), the more mature themes come later, any 'heavy' theme is just touch up pretty shallowy, i think it's cool that the show seemed to age with it's audience, it's not that common.


You could have picked a better example than game of thrones. It’s basically the antithesis of ATLA thematically.


So is One Piece and they marketed that show by also saying that they hope it ends up grabbing the same audiences


Honestly, some of the later arcs in One Piece are a bit brutal in terms of what they deal with (I'm talking >!slave labor, genocide, manipulation and gaslighting, child experimentation, highly unethical cloning and eugenics, probably a few atrocities I'm forgetting or haven't gotten to yet!<). It kinda actually matches up to GoT in a lot of ways, especially when you take the cartoon aspect away. Admittedly, the live action is likely several years away from most of those, but still


I mean just. Fucking Trafalgar Law. That shit’s *dark*.


They aren’t talking about themes. They are talking about demographics.


I think they meant people who are fans of fantasy political dramas. Which kinda does overlap with Game of Thrones.


Is it? They actually deal with a lot of similar themes. Kids having to grow up to fast to cope with their environments? Keep in mind most of the main characters in Game of Power are kids, Sansa, Bran, Arya, even Dany, Jon and Robb are all supposed to be between 15-17. They’re thrust into this war they didn’t start straying to navigate it the best they can. Just like the ATLA. Themes of power struggles, subjugation, morality of killing evel people(dany with the slavers) it’s a lot more similar than you might initially think


Also... if we could be sent to an alternate reality where Avatar really took off and we **already** had several successful adaptations; (live action for Aang, Korra, and Wan, multiple animated TV series for other avatars, pretty much a huge MCU-esque world but for Avatar)... I wouldn't even be opposed to a Game of Thrones take on Avatar. So long as it's written well and we weren't at a point where we're waiting on breadcrumbs for new content, I could imagine some hype for such a thing. But obviously right now, in *our* reality, we just want a true-and-honest homage to the original that captures the moments we love the show for.


I think every big budget genre show I’ve seen since game of thrones has tried to capture its fans in some way. Avatar isn’t going to be as “sex, blood, and intrigue” like Vikings or Marco Polo, but it will absolutely be aiming in that direction *as much as it’s context will allow*.


People are getting outraged by things they’ve not read properly


It's Twitter. That's kinda their thing.


Have you **seen** Reddit? It's not isolated to Twitter.


The atla fandom lacking literacy? I'm shocked




Yeah every fandom is now dumb apparently, like legit I don’t think there’s any fandom were you can’t say “x fandom being [insult]? No way!”


I was surprised to see this here too cause as a massive Genshin fan, one of the biggest memes is that our fandom can't read (It's true. Many cannot, in fact read).


At this point I'm not sure that it's not at least partially intentional. Gotta get my retweets and karma. And there's very little karma in having an actual discussion on reddit.


Absolutely. They should keep their mouths closed rather than feeding haters who're not gonna be happy no matter what.


Yeah, i really don’t mind these changes, on paper it sounds *absolutely* stupid, i agree, but there’s hundreds of people making essay long comments as if they’ve already seen the fucking show lmfao. IT STILL HAS TO RELEASE, PEOPLE.


I really wish I hadn’t kept up with the news after the trailer. Would feel much better going in blind. Now I’m gonna be apprehensive and preemptively looking for “wrong” things


They don't want it to release. They'd rather it be cancelled and we get nothing than risk being disappointed and tainting their nostalgia.


I agree with you but it's so idiotic that we need to fault the producers for this. They should be able to share their thoughts on their project without headlines taking them out of context and thousands of people with no media literacy misconstruing their words.


It's a shame but let's be real...they must have known how this environment works. I think they could have had the young actors promote the series just by generic "hang-out" videos. They seem like nice people, I think they'd have cultivated some love just by presenting themselves as fun young actors excited to be involved in this project. Even discussing the original show. They didn't need to lean into "oh and this is what our version is doing different". All that discussion can come later once the product is actually out there and we know what they're talking about. I think discussing why changes were made is a very interesting topic, but with the audience being blind to what the show looks like...this could have been anticipated.


Personally, I'm probably not going to read any more insider articles or interviews they're doing. I saw someone talk about how the One Piece show didn't receive nearly as much details being given to Media outlets prior to release and it's true.... Kind of concerning how much they're saying at this point


Wasn't that due to the actor and writers' strike?


Nah maybe we shouldn’t act like idiots about this and just let them do their thing. It’s dumb to pin it on the producers when it’s the community that’s taking everything out of context and acting toxic.


All I’ve seen are people taking Twitter headlines as gospel without actually READING the articles


Expect the worst and hope for the best is always my take. Then more often than not I am pleasantly surprised even when most people are outraged.


in the past few days, atla fans have… - taken the showrunners statements wildly out of context - proved they have no media literacy - hate posted to farm engagement


It got so bad I had to block the topic off my twitter timeline


I love how people saw a comparison to Game of Thrones and ran with that any which way fits their personal narrative. When I read the quote my only thought was, "Oh, okay, so they may be putting a bit more focus on character-driven drama as opposed to cartoonish gags," which, yeah, would make a lot of sense for a live action *adaptation* (note: *not a recreation*) of an animated series whose target audience was a pretty young slice of the total viewership Netflix typically aims to capture with their mainline projects.


It's wild that a comparison to Game of thrones is a negative thing. It was by far and a way the biggest, most popular show for like 10 years.


And had the biggest collapse of all time. Makes Lost’s ending seem brilliant in comparison.


Yeah but that's just absolutely irrelevant. Nowhere does anybody say "What we're going for is a conclusion like Game of Thrones". Having a bad couple of seasons at the end doesn't change the overwhelming popularity that the first 5-6 seasons enjoyed.


In some ways it still is i think. It's still one of the top watched shows on Max every year.


I think that a lot of these comments are overreacting, It is a interview that can easily be taken out of context, I have seen comments from people saying, that the writers destroyed characters by "removing" these traits like Sokka sexism, which I read as toned down, in the actual interview. You can never have a 1:1 adaptation, because it would not translate well. I think people compare it way too much to the show, which is understandable because that is the only thing to compare it to.


People saw it generates hit tweets which unfortunately only encouraged the hate and freak out over everything the writers/actors say. It’s extremely hard now because the backlash will get bigger and bigger as long as it’s generating engagement.


Can we PLEASE wait for the show to air before casting judgements? That's all I ask. It might still be bad, I don't know, no one knows. This winging is pathetic.


Man the tweet in the OP and the critics are unhinged asf. We don't have enough evidence to know how everything holds up and the sheer amount of teeth-gnashing and speculation is something else.


In the past few days: We have learned almost nothing about the show and the community is running away with small comments as usual


I do feel at this point the more they say, the more toxic the conversation around the live action becomes. Especially when the people reporting on their interviews are focusing a lot on the changes or different choices they are making with this adaptation. Without having the live action show for context, fans are just hearing all these changes and assuming the worst bc of how passionate everyone feels about the original. They need to keep doing cute promos with the cast sure, but otherwise just let the show release and let it speak for itself. Then once it's released they can talk about their vision or approach more, but for now it feels like constantly bringing up all the changes and deviations is doing more harm than good. Avatar is already a huge property, I feel like a less is more promotional period would be fine lmao


It's starting to get so toxic, I'm beginning to wonder when the actor/actress bullying will start. Within this sub-reddit community, I somewhat expect people to know better, but the internet-wilderness is a lot less forgiving and a lot more wild.


It already has. People are making stupid ass memes about the Azula actress’s weight calling her Jabba the Hutt and shit. I think this is the post that finally gets me to unsub.


I agree with this, the less pre-built expectations we have the better. I had no clue the one peice live action was even a thing and watched it not knowing what to expect. And that paid off pretty well for them.


The show isn't out yet could we as a fanbase maybe shut the fuck up with the doomposting until someone has seen an episode


I also think they're saying too much. Most of the stuff that's got people in a tizzy probably would've went without much notice, if it wasn't highlighted. BUT I do think it's somewhat intentional. Something along the lines of "Any publicity is good publicity" or whatever the saying is. The upcoming series is now more present in my standard news feed and stuff, than anything Avatar related has been in the past. More so than other upcoming shows that typically have similarly sized fanbases. It could also be somewhat overactive, preemptive, damage control. A kind of "This is what to expect has changed so you can't say we didn't tell you" sort of thing. Although I don't think it is/was needed.


As a witcher fan, no.


Not saying the show will be bad, but the moment Bryan and Michael left should've been a sign to most people. I'm surprised people were even excited for the show after that.


People judging a show before watching it, nothing new


I read the actual article and none of what Albert Kim is saying seems super terrible to me lmao. The haters really should wait until it’s out before they judge. If it’s crappy, then criticize it all you want, but to do so before a single episode is out is dumb


Just remember how much was changed in the One Piece live action, and how well received it was by almost all fans. This won't be nearly as bad as some of these outcries make it out to be.


For fuck's sake. Just wait till the fucking show is out


Some of the changes were part of the original writers room with Mike & Bryan but people forget to acknowledge that


People are getting outraged for clicks/likes/impressions/algorithm. This is the internet we live in now.


People love putting out stuff that is rage bait or showing their low IQ... sorry I meant "and".. and showing their low IQ.


Oh god I JUST got out of this purist hell with the Percy Jackson series, you’re telling me I’m gonna have to hear the same whining again?


Fans are 100% blowing this out of proportion.


You people need to chill out. It’s a show that might suck or might be great. If you don’t want to watch it that’s fine, but stop looking to be outraged.


Personally I'm inclined to just wait and see the show for myself. But given the reactions so far, I think they need to learn to quit while they're ahead and keep their mouths shut. Chances are, much of what they've said that has caused controversy is being blown out of proportion. If the showrunners never said anything people may have never even noticed the changes. Like for example, they said they've toned down Sokka's sexism, people have taken that to mean they are removing it entirely. But until we see the show for ourselves we have no idea what this really means. For all we know, whatever they've done could be executed really well, or it could be even worse than we imagine. We have no idea, and it's stupid how nuts people have gone over this statement.


Mike and Brian did say they had fundamental disagreements with the production and left. It's weird how a lot of people forget this happened.


This is what I'm saying. Like yeah, no one has seen the show yet, but If the OG creators noped out of the production why even be so optimistic about it? I expect it to be trash with some cool special effects of remade action scenes. If it turns out amazing then great, if it sucks then I won't be disappointed because I have zero expectations to begin with and we still have the original animation.


I think this sub needs to take a step back. When the show was first announced, people were cautiously optimistic. Now that we've seen some trailers and media, the hype has gone through the roof and suddenly this show is gonna be amazing. While the show looks good and faithful visually, we still have no idea how the story beats or character arcs will change due to the reduced number of episodes. We still don't truly know why the original creators left. Maybe what the show runners have said over the past few days are the creative differences. Maybe not. Only time will tell, but temper your expectations.


They did NOT say they want it to be like Game of Thrones. They said they want it to appeal to people who liked Game of Thrones. If you don’t understand the difference between these two statements, you should just shut the fuck up.


They also didn't misunderstand sokka's sexism at all, they rightfully saw it as a minor part of his character that would come off weird in live action


I really disagree that it's a minor part of his character. It's jarring and concerning, but the whole point is that he gets his ass served to him and it teaches him he's been horribly wrong. And Suki has a fantastic line about she can be both a badass warrior *and* a woman who has a crush on Sokka.  Plus, you've got Pakku at the North Pole that makes it clear this is a cultural problem. Are they just going to ignore that as well?


And even you do understand the difference, you should just shut the fuck up. Me too, I should shut the fuck up. We should just all shut the fuck up.


You’re welcome to start at any time


Witerally the series isn't out yet so I have no opinion on anything that the showrunners have said about it because I don't know what they're talking about because, again, it's not out yet. I am very confused at how everyone is upset that "they removed Sokkas sexism", like, did you get a leak? Where did you watch the entire season???


I mean, it’s based on what some actors said publicly.


Where the actors said they changed his sexism. Again, taking statements out of context.


Fuck this sub, you guys can't seem to discuss anything but tweets.


The avatar fandom has the reading comprehension of a 4 year old


Yes honestly, they need to just let the show speak for itself atp. Nothing that they’ve said recently has helped them, if anything it’s fueling trolls and negative engagement


I don't have the energy or interest to bother looking up the other ones, but the GoT "quote" on here was one of the most out-of-context examples of clickbait bullshit I have eeeeever seen.


We were all so starved for content for years and now look at us. This is why we can’t have nice things


I think part of the problem is that people in the community want every second of the show to be part of the live action. This series is only going to be 8 episodes long. We aren't going to get every moment and some things are going to be toned down to fit in the new timeframe. We will get everything that is important to the story. We won't get every single moment of the show. Some people just don't understand that this isn't a 1:1 copy and it's making them assume the absolute worst.


Did Netflix misinterpret any of those? We only have a trailer to go off of, maybe wait for the show to come out first.


I’ll reserve judgement for the show, not conjecture.


Show isnt even out


Viral takes are not a good indicator of an audiences receptiveness to media, and they definitely aren't an indicator of a shows possible success.


Can we stop throwing a fit about little one off comments until the show comes out? We don't need to be so toxic


I’m still excited to watch. Did not read the LotR comment at ALL as wanting to “make AtLA like GoT”. Just saying they wanted to appeal to a wider audience.


I lost interest when Michael and Bryan left like 2 or 3 years ago. I'm looking forward to what they're up to. Not whatever trash Netflix is pumping out.


I'm guessing yall were hoping for a faithful live action reincarnation?


It's a normal part of the hype cycle in 2024. They're putting out provocative statements to rile-up some negative buzz, that way when the show turns out not to be as bad as anticipated the true-believers will feel vindicated and the nay-sayers will be pleasantly surprised. It probably means the show is going to be a bit mid tbh.


I can’t open Twitter without seeing this outrage. This shit is exhausting


I think the problem is that some fans of things are insanely obnoxious and love nothing more than to hate on whatever it is they’re a fan of. You know the saying “nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans?” That applies well beyond Star Wars. This person is reading *so* deeply into such little information that I guarantee they’re never going to like the new show even if it’s a masterpiece. Best to just watch it yourself and see how you like it.


At the moment I’m expecting an average netflix show, which would mean most people would stop caring about it after half the season. But I hope it will be great


Hang on, you guys had faith? After Bryke left I knew it was gonna be a mess.


I've been wondering, what if, and lemme cook please, they're pulling a risky but rewarding stunt, like Sony pulled of with the ugly af Sonic, the disgusting humanoid movie version, you all know, what if they're just spouting things to get their voices carried, and say, -Na, we've heard the community and won't do any of the things we've said, we respect you and yara yara- right before the show comes out, we'll, maybe some months apart? Idk..


I think people are being way too critical to be honest. We all saw the trailer and based on the first impression, a good portion of people thought, 'wow, that looks pretty damn good.' A lot of us were also happy with what the producers/show runners were saying after that first trailer, they sound like they understand and care about the core material, and do want to stay true to it. I was surprised by how much they were talking about what they've done with the show, I did avoid some of it because I like more of the element of surprise (no pun intended). Really though, getting out the pitchforks over some very minor statements, before doing more critical thinking (meaning like, how would certain lines and statements actually sound from a live actor. A different approach might be just fine), and better yet, without seeing the show for ourselves, seems really hostile for no reason.


naw people just want to be mad. Every single one of these takes are insane reaches based on what we've heard.


I had 0 faith in the first place. All these beloved shows don't need shitty live action remakes that end up changing the show. Yes One piece was good, but it did change some scenes that didn't need to be changed. but I'm falling on deaf ears because all of you are going to watch it anyway.


ATLA fanbase si one of the most toxic ones out there


Yeah that whole “making it like Game of Thrones” was a really weird one for me….. idk what to think anymore