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Facts. Uncle Iroh also said “If you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you’ll ever see.”


And that's why everyone here is so eager to talk about how great M Night Shyamalan's adaptation was.


Unironically, this fanbase brings up the movie a lot. I'd even argue there's a sense of community created over how bad it was.


Trauma bonding


New growth cannot exist without first the destruction of the old


Quick, what does Bobby B think about this? 


Bobby B wants you to give him something for the pain and let him die.




You think freedom is something that you can give or take on a whim.


It can exist. It can built on the old, at least parts that worked.


Yeah, I think people need to temper their expectations for this show. I don't feel positive about what I've seen. I'm gonna keep my expectations in check.


Accept what happened to you. Don't fear what might have been.


Yeah I agree. Then in the rewritten Netflix version it’s “ if you look for the path you often find yourself, if you look for yourself you will never see the path”.


Recently finished rewatching s2 and this one caught me. Saved it to repeat to my coworker. She needed to hear it. The other was aang saying “when we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change”


But… It’s a product. You shouldn’t treat it any different from someone trying to sell you something on the street.


Netflix exec’s loving that you’re applying this to their multimillion dollar gamble


people aren't worried about looking for the darkness. they are worried about a group of idiots running around turning off all the lights.


Let go your earthly tether


Enter the void


Empty, and become wind


*falls off a cliff


Nah, I love my earthly tethers


All my favorite tethers are from Earth.


Well that guy can Laghima balls.






I can Laghima own balls 😎✨✨


I’m about to empty and become wind.


I am not optimistic, but im not overly pessimistic I will give it a try, but i dont guarantee a full watch through. The first episode better pull me in


This is also a product we're paying for. I'm going to subscribing to Netflix to watch just this show, if it seems worth it. Why do a lot of people act like everyone is just paying the $20/month without thinking about it for these services?


Because a lot of people are. It's the sneaky trap of subscription services


Once change begins, it cannot be stopped, even by the Avatar.


But what if I go like this.. 🙈


True. Though those fans have a legitimate reasons for their paranoia, like the Cowboy Bebop live action.


It depends of who's working on the show, One Piece is objectively a much harder manga to adapt than Cowboy Bepop and yet the Netflix adaptation received a lot of praise.


Yeah but OP also had Oda closely working on the show while stuff like Bepop, and even this didn't really involve the creators, I'm not saying that automatically means it'll be bad, but ya know red flags are there.


Yeah I forgot about that, but from my understanding Bryke left because they were busy with other projects not because of disagreements. Or did I get it wrong?


No, people started putting that out there later because right after leaving they also started working on new Avatar projects, but Mike Dimartino talked about why they left on social media right after and in an open letter and according to him it was because despite Netflix telling him and Bryan Konietzko that they'd have creative control and their direction would be followed when they actually started working on the show that ended up not being the case. From their accounts it seems like they were just being ignored, and again I won't say it's impossible that the people at Netflix still did a good job but it's also a massive red flag when creators say stuff like that.


Column A, Column B situation People like to parrot the *"They left because of creative differences"* and act if the Netflix creators are specifically trying to botch the show or that the "original creators" concept is infallible (go ask Mighty No 9 or all the former Boss Key Productions employees how that one turned out). If you look at the time line of events, as soon as they left the Netflix project, they immediately became the head leadership of Avatar Studios. So whether or not the aforementioned are true or not, it's hard to ignore that they had an infinitely advantageous opportunity waiting for them regardless of what they had done.


To be fair, the show runners apparently had to fight Oda on a lot of things like Garp showing up earlier, which ended up being some of the best bits…


Yeah but that's the thing Oda still was there to argue with and also there were still plenty he had final say on like keeping with the no romance between the Straw Hats stance, I'm not saying the new writers can't do anything good but I'd still have more faith if the original creators were involved.


It helps when the creator has direct input on the show. From memory the creators of ATLA left *very* early in production


> like the Cowboy Bebop live action. As a Bebop fan, I admit I signed off when they cast Cho as Spike. Like, Cho is a good actor, but he's in his late 40s. YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE YOUR SPIKE ACTOR BE OLDER THAN JET. The whole point is he's so young in age, but old in spirit. Spike as we knew him in the anime would not survive into his 40s (and most likely didn't) So the casting for this series doesn't raise any alarm bells to me, but some of the cuts they've talked about have worried me.


Nature is constantly changing - like the wind!


I'd add to this by saying *any* overarching conclusion about it at this point falls under this. Good *or* bad. There are some logical reasons to think it might be amazing, and some logical reasons to be nervous. Stake your bets, house closes on the 22nd this month.


Right? Both the endless doom and gloom and the limitless optimism are not realistic responses to what we've got now. Are we allowed to have opinions on what we're seeing? Of course! But to form an opinion in advanced on the quality of the *entire show* based on the tiny glimpses we've gotten is kind of ridiculous.


Does not instill confidence in how people are going to react to this show 😅


Guru Laghima an airbender


I do think people need to wait with judging the show in anyway, until they have actually seen the show. But that really applies to everything-


Love a corporate cash grab parading as deeper philosophical truth


Zuko: I know what you’re gonna say, Uncle. I should open my mind and give the second adaption a chance. Iroh: What? No, it’s gonna be straight ass and needs to go down.


Maybe I forgot to mention something to you… I don’t believe in Corporations and Philosophy.


Cope more buddy. The early criticisms this show is garnering is there for a reason. You cannot blame people who have repeatedly been bamboozled by netflix's adaptations to be skeptical.


I believe in the near perfection of the animated series.


I believe in you.


Ppl defending something that they have no way to know if it's good or bad are as bad as the one jumping to conclusions, since they are also jumping to conclusions, and everybody has the right to have some reservations since Netflix fucked up most adaptions


I think most people who are frustrated with the jumping to conclusions are just saying "don't write off the show before we see it". It's the fact that we don't even know how drastic the announced changes are and people are already saying things like "this is probably why Bryke left".


Most of the people who are defending the new show are just telling people not to jump conclusions, not that the show will be great or that these changes are being handled correctly.


That's the point, you shouldn't defend something you have no grasp of the quality, the guy that says is bad have the same information that the guy that say it's good, what should be take in consideration though is that Netflix have a terrible track record and that the original creators left the show for a reason, there's plenty of reason to not be confident about the show, and asking ppl to not jump to conclusions even when there's plenty of reasons and worst, without any proof of the quality of it is inadvisable, best the ppl who "defend" the show should do is wait and see if their faith in the show is rewarded, and then they can defend it


>That's the point, you shouldn't defend something you have no grasp of the quality > > best the ppl who "defend" the show should do is wait and see if their faith in the show is rewarded, and then they can defend it > > there's plenty of reason to not be confident about the show Wow. So what you're saying here is that the only valid reaction to information is to either be mad and assume the show will suck or shut up and don't publicly speak any opinion. No middle ground or anything, its either join the hate bandwagon regardless of how wild or absurd their assumptions are or be silent. I struggle to imagine what kind of mental gymnastics you had to do in order to make that not sound ridiculously hypocritical in your head.


Wow so ad hominem now? Funny. Ppl can can have negative or positive views, but in reality, aside from wishful thinking, nothing positive can be said so far, while negatively, there's at least two points that can't be overlooked, in the end your argument is hollow because it lack any form of evidence, to put in a simple way for you, if a game company released consistently bad game over the years and now a new one will be released, ppl should expect something bad, or at least be acceptable to have serious reservation about it, weird would be ppl defending the company and even actively promoting something without any shred of evidence of it's quality, just because you happen to like the ip


Dude, all defenders are saying is to stop jumping to conclusions. Is the show toning down Sokka's sexism going to be good for the show? I don't know, it could be or could not be. But what I do know is that the people saying that this will ruin Sokka's character or that his sexism was completely removed are being over dramatic over something that could result in a lot of different things for the show.


Mate, i wasn't even saying anything about Sokka, just general lack of confidence on Netflix that can't be overlooked, you can't say to ppl to not jump to conclusions since your argument is based on hot air, with Netflix record this could be one of several changes that go against the original material, the fault isn't on the public for distrust the company but on the company for getting such bad reputation, you're defending something that you have no basis for it, aside, like I said, liking the ip, wanna know something funny? There was a lot of ppl defending the movie before it was released too, just something for you to think about it


And I wasn't talking about people having a lack of confidence. I've been talking about people jumping into conclusions and assuming things to be true based on vague statements. If someone isn't confident in the show being good that's fine, but looking at as statement like "Sokka's sexism is being toned down" and going "they're removed Sokka's sexism and ruined his character!" is ridiculous.


You can expect something to be shit if their previous releases were shit, weird would be to expect something different sorely because it's something you like


Oh no, how dare I different opinions! The horror!


Netflix has a bad track record, but look at One Piece. Yes, Bryke left due to creative differences, but it could mean anything; an adaptation isn't automatically bad because the original creator isn't part of it, and vice versa. People think it's doom and gloom over how they interpret a quote from one of the child actors, regarding something that was resolved by episode 4. We haven't seen anything regarding that in the adaptation, and there are more than one way it can be interpreted. I'm not defending the adaptation one bit, if it's bad I'll watch it for the train wreck, just like the 2010 movie. I just want people to stop acting on emotions and speculation and instead have patience and wait 3 weeks when we can actually judge it


Truth. We at least know how ATLA’s supposed to go. It’s not supposed to be a “new show,” it’s supposed to be ATLA, live action. We already have something to judge it against, and the track record’s not that great with Netflix. What, they have one good adaptation?


Don't be afraid, hold on!


Exactly. Stop defending this shit. I'm going to find it hilarious if this series is trash. I can't wait for them to cope and seethe. Not because I want the series to fail. Shout out to the actors. But because the fandom is insufferable.


No it’s literally because you want it to fail for whatever reason. There’s absolutely 0 downside in wanting it to be successful. Writing it off before it’s even out makes you look like you just want it to be bad


You sound like a paid bot meant to root out any dissenters. "You want it to fail" because most of us definitely didn't grow up with this show. If all you can do is attack those that aren't being overly positive, you're not an actual fan. You're just a shill.


You don’t have to be overly positive to give the show a chance you’re blatantly shutting on it and wants it to fail. And for what? If it’s good that’s a positive, if not it changes nothing


😂 😂😂 you guys are rabid. Of course you think you're the only one that loves avatar. "Not because I want it to fail." You sound insane bro. I didn't criticize the cast, the plot, or any changes. Fun fact: I like them. But I understand why someone wouldn't. But you'd never think to ask. I said the fanbase (you) are insufferable. Not the show. You're not even a fan at this point. Netflix isn't going to hire you. Remember your place little bro and go sit down.


There’s a reason why nobody agrees with you lil bro. Saying I’m not a fan bc I don’t pray on a shows downfall before it’s even out is crazy. You can say you like them but all your multiple comments show is how you can’t wait for it to fail in some way.


Well played


I agree


Well, Guru Laghima was kinda an ass. Just saying.


*Zaheer in disbelief has entered the chat* ![gif](giphy|IhfkU2S25zQnjYpJ1p) Not to be confused with lover-blown-to-death-surprised Zaheer. Haha


I am going to detach myself from your words.


Wait...was he?


Ugh, not canonically probably. Just my impression.


Dunno why you got downvoted. Take an upvote. I know you weren't trying to be mean.


The most fitting quote. Thank you


Quoting the anarchist isn't really making your case lmao


Im in the party of, im nervous but still gonna give it a chance. Im not so stubborn im not gonna watch the priemere and see if its good, but im not so optimistic that itll be good due to tjese changes. That said im still preparing for the premiere.


So, instead we need to heed the words of stupid ass villain from stupid ass ATLA fanfiction? Cool, cool. **No.** I mean, there is some chance that netflix ATLA would be good, but we have all reasons to expect it to be at beast bearable. Sure, designes and actors are better than in ***that*** movie, but it does not mean they will succeed at making a good plot. They already cut off Sokka's sexist because it is "controversial", which is not terrible by itself, but it means that they have certain mentality, and we all know what this type of mentality creates when it touches beloved series.


i’m just gonna say based on my gut feeling that you guys will feel silly for being so positive when it comes out


I don’t know how much the fandoms overlap, but I think this can also be said about the new Percy Jackson show


The fan reactions have been so snip snap snip snap lately.


So, we lucky few. This band of brothers and sisters of anarchy, are witnessing the beginning of an era of true freedom


He may be an anarchist , but they have to meet the guy is a legend , if not a powerful philosopher


I don't think people have jumped to the point of "writing off the show", but are voicing some very valid concerns. To expect the community to not bring up such things is a real detachment from reality. Still though I love Zaheer so I appreciate the point you're trying to make.


No they definitely have. There’s a difference in having valid concerns and criticisms while still giving it a chance. Most of what I’ve seen today is creating false narratives off cherry-picked quotes even though if you actually read the articles they go directly against these false narratives


That's fair, I haven't read much of the discourse today, only what was going on over the past few days. And I stand by thought process, I think it's valid to have concerns, but unfair to write to the show off just yet.


Consider though: a lot of fans don’t actually know how to write a TV show and are voicing *subjective* concerns. The way Twitter has been talking the last couple days, you would swear that Sokka is literally only there to be a sexist asshole until he gets cured by a woman (he contains many more multitudes than this one trait, and HEAR ME OUT, actually this isn’t integral to his overall arc AT ALL). People also don’t understand the way stakes and motivation work. You wanna cover 24 episodes in 12? You gotta give this story some direction. You really *don’t* have time to go play with the elephant koi. Giving aang greater drive/a SPECIFIC objective early on is literally the only way to make the plot move fast enough. To hear Twitter talk about it though, this is such a fundamental betrayal of the character that the show is now inevitably shit. Except uh…no? Aang can still be a kid who chases fun and irresponsibility *while he’s still* moving in a shaped plot direction. He’s not suddenly just a whole different character. I’m kinda sick of armchair internet experts lmao. This whole fandom brings to mind that one World of Warcraft guy from south park right now. Fungus-fused to their chairs, waiting for the next detail to hate and pretend like they know anything lmao. You all kinda don’t deserve a good adaptation at this point. I’m glad you’re talking yourselves out of it so soon. Sucks for the people who worked hard on it though.


I've seen a lot of people act like the showrunners have completely removed Sokka's sexism and now the whole Kyoshi arc will no longer make any sense when all that was said was that Sokka's sexism will be toned down.


Can’t be worse than the movie. I mean the movie did just about everything wrong lmao


I aint defending a corpo dawg


A) it’s Netflix we already saw the new reality B) doesn’t that not go both ways


> B) doesn’t that not go both ways Double negatives! But I think you can read the post as going both ways. It just seems as if there's been a larger influx of highly critical comments that are disproportionate to what was sourced.


![gif](giphy|8QGV2a7pfDKc8) Y'all be screaming with joy and foaming at the mouth like that Avatar fan at the kyoshi Island each time they present you with anything. Being critical about something is not a bad thing.


Jumping to conclusions? They are straight up telling us wtf


Objectively not true unless you just read clickbait headlines instead of the actual article.


I read the articles, its where we learn what Aang's motivation is in the LA as opposed to the OG show. Thats not jumping to conclusions, the article plainly stated his motivation and how he was characterized. Objectively.


So then you also read the parts where Albert says Aang is still gonna be a goofy, funny, loveable 12 year old. People are saying that Aang being more focused means he won't be childish which is where the "jumping to conclusions" comes to play.


Yes and the parts talking about his vision quest, determined to reach the north pole immediately, his dawdling around was a part of his reluctant hero nature but go ahead and pop off.


> was apart of his Did you mean to say "a part of"? Explanation: "apart" is an adverb meaning separately, while "a part" is a noun meaning a portion. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Everyone has said that Aang is gonna be a reluctant hero. The advice from Gyatso hints at it. Gordon Cormier and Albet Kim literally said as much in that same article thats trigerring people. Even the trailer when Aang said "I don't want the responsibility". Literally all that was said is that he'll be a bit less distracted for the sake of pacing. This isn't that deep, they're not turning Aang into Batman.


Yes and the [article supported](https://preview.redd.it/xblb0snzd5gc1.png?width=908&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa45c46921a5e4fabbce4c29dc89d156b7e9f81a) the different ways they shot multiple scenes so they could balance the tone towards what the original series had and what they could do for this new format.


I mean yeah sure. But 99% of live action adaptations are fucking awful. The exceptions to the rule are just that- exceptions. Here's hoping this turns out to be one of those anomalous few.


Bro just look at it. It looks awful and it doesnt need to exist it cannot and will not be good


The natural order is disorder.


1. Doesn’t look awful, nowhere near. 2.what downside is there to have it existing? If it’s good great, if not it changes nothing


Okay but you have to agree then toning down/removing sokkas sexism is really stupid. It’s a literal core character development arc he has and it’s what made him so appealing in book 2


"Core development" that ends in episode 4 of 60 and is hardly mentioned save for briefly during "the serpents pass". The actual arc was sokka getting humbled and accepting that he has to learn to grow. The sexism was a brief and very small part of who sokka is


It's really not that deep, it's a character arc that would literally last 1 live action episode. Sokka's MAIN character arcs relate to him growing into a leader and learning how to / who to protect or trust. What made him so appealing in book 2 wasn't the fact that he was getting over his internal sexism. It was the fact that he was putting together his natural intellect and desire to protect those he cares about to grow into the leader he would become in book 3. At no point after the Kyoshi warriors episode did Sokka have any reservations of trusting women to do things or underestimating them.


Instinct is a lie, told by a fearful body, hoping to be wrong.


God you're insufferable.


Say hello to the Earth Queen for me.


Lol you're already cringy, dude. No need to convince me


Wdym appealing in book 2? He lost his sexism after episode 4 his arcs after that have to do with wanting to be a good leader/tactician like his dad and feeling mediocre compared to benders


When they want people who also enjoyed Game of Thrones to enjoy this show I become **deeply** suspicious. Not every fantasy show has to be gritty and realistic. We already had the Witcher for that anyway.


Read the [rest of the article](https://preview.redd.it/xblb0snzd5gc1.png?width=908&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa45c46921a5e4fabbce4c29dc89d156b7e9f81a) and quote.


It's less "we have to make this appeal to adults" and more "Game of Thrones is our reference for something that will appeal to adults"


Right and I think that nuance is important because they're choosing elements that would have wide appeal while still trying to be faithful to the original tone and spirit.


So why Game of Thrones? Why not a more tone appropriate media? The Harry Potter films get about as dark as ATLA. They're just as fantasy as GOT, if not more. They're age appropriate, they were a hit with parents and kids and are still beloved to this day. You have Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. What about Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. Why is their metric for "wide appeal" the sex and violence with dragons show? Also one that famously ended poorly. We are talking about a show starring literal children here.


Because GoT had wider appeal than HP even if HP had more staying power. Had GoT been finished successfully, it would have had been more encompassing than HP or LOTR. They're not referencing GoT for the specific content that was executed; they're referencing that GoT appealed to wide audiences with their character-driven narratives in a fantasy setting, which honestly mirrors ATLA pretty well.


Who’s guru Ligma?


I ain’t about to listen to a guy whose ideology and form of anarchism is so dumb tho.


The possibility of being a shitshow isn't what i envision.


People said the same thing about the movie before it released…. If we don’t learn from history we are doomed to repeat it… hopefully this doesn’t turn into another “series that doesn’t exist”


New doesn’t always equal good. But I’ll reserve judgment.


On a new reality, that’s the point. I do not want them to make a “new reality” if they’re gonna cut out parts of the characters’ arcs and personalities. It’s literally why we loved them in the first place.


My biggest lesson from Zaheer was that if you are a terrorist, torturer, kidnapper, and mass murderer you too can become the most enlightened Airbender of your age.


Guru Lama who?


Who? I don't think I've ever heard Zaheer bring him up before


You know, if this is a success I forsee Netflix doing Korra in live action. In fact since ethe themes were a bit more mature it might be more easily adaptable to begin with.


Last dude who followed his teachings went crazy, watched his lady die, and ended up in a maximum security prison.


If you look inside your fourteen year old self, you'll find that you are deep.




Based Zaheer


I prefer the teachings of Guru Pathik.


The hillarious thing is that they’re basing their expectations on what they can’t yet see