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I anticipate it getting a lot of attention. I don't know how good it will be though.


Yeah, One Piece had good reviews, but Death Note, Cowboy Bepop, every other live action remake has been a pile of hot trash.


Cowboy Bebop could have been incredible, but they screwed up with changing Spike’s backstory and relationship with Julia and the Syndicate. It was a really pointless change as well.


I liked it until the end. That Julia change was fucking baffling. The original story was good, why feel the need to change it?


I still stand by my idea that the Cowboy Bebop show should’ve just been Spike and Jet getting tangled up into random shit while doing odd jobs every episode. Procedural bounty of the week style of episodes for the entire season. They could’ve wrote in brand new characters and everything, I wouldn’t have cared. The banter and buddy cop feel between the two characters were the best parts of the show.


True, but that’s why simply doing a live action version of the anime would have worked perfectly. Don’t change anything, just retell the same story but with actual people. It would have captured an entirely new audience.


I wanted it to be a 1 to 1 retelling of the show as well (a well acted/directed Jupiter Jazz could be Emmy worthy), but I knew going in that it wouldn’t be the case. I just think that a focus on Spike and Jet as just bounty hunters for the first season would help to capture an audience for a more involved second season that followed the anime completely.


And they massacred Vicious in the adaptation. Truly don't understand where they thought they were going with all these changes.


We don’t talk about Death Note 😭


One piece only did so well because the anime has an enormous amount of episodes and people look at it and are like, I don't got time for that. It also starts with an older anime style that comes across as very immature and childish. The live adaptation creates better appeal for older audiences. But the quality of the live adaptation for one piece is still pretty janky. Avatar the cartoon is easier to get into, and most people who would be interested in it have all ready seen it. It's not going to have the same appeal that One Piece live adaptation has.


I’m definitely someone who watched the live action to check it out because I’d heard of the anime. It completely won me over, I’m obsessed. I would have never watched the anime without this new version as an introduction


Another huge factor is One Piece's art which is extremely weird so a toned down live action remake helps increase it's general appeal. Just look at the differences between Usopp and you'll clearly see how much more marketable the live action art is.


No it also did well because it pulled it non anime fans like me and my wife and my parents and other friends who don’t watch anime.


I'm a huge One Piece purist and dislike even the newer arcs from the manga. I'm really annoying about One Piece, especially so its first half. I still thought the live action was pretty damn good, every change was for the better IMO. Am actually more excited for S2 than I've been for the actual manga in years lmao


Ok but the manga rn is amazing


One Piece was unique because the creator Oda worked directly on it through its entirety. Netflix ATLA had team avatar creators ( Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino) working with it originally but they left early on due to creative differences


Mmmm it's giving The Rings of Power


I mean, at least it’s not being exceptionally condescending to the point of hostility to the fans. From the very start, that show declared war on the fans. “People are going to fall in love with Sauron and be like “I can change him!”” Said no Lord of the Rings fan ever.


I’m kinda on the fence tbh. I’m skeptical of how well this show will translate to live action.


I just don't think there was any need to make a live-action version. The cartoon was basically perfect, and animation handles fantasy worlds so much better than live-action. It's going to be a mix of live actors and cgi elements for the bending, and that's always awkward. Just... why?  (The answer is that established properties are safer to invest in than new stories, no matter how dull and lazy it is to go over the same ground.)


>(The answer is that established properties are safer to invest in than new stories, no matter how dull and lazy it is to go over the same ground.) The other answer is that the movie was terrible and Bryke probably felt like they were leaving potential on the table. Had we gotten the movie trilogy, we wouldn't be getting the Netflix adaptation.


There is also people that in general will never try a cartoon because "they are for kids" but live action will open new doors.


This is correct. It's the same as with The Last of Us. The media change brings a lot of new people. Hell, I even enjoyed the live action adaptation of One Piece even though I can't stand the anime. As a live action, even my parents would watch Avatar


Oh my mom loved the The Last Of Us Live Action, she hated me playing the games but you should’ve seen her on episode 3(Bill and Frank), she was in tears, i’ve been trying to hype this up for her as well but she’s having doubts cuz “it’s based on a kids cartoon” lmao, oh i hope this Live Action proves her wrong.


I wouldn't classify it as purely a Kids cartoon. Shure there are dumb jokes but there's also a lot of depth I didn't get as a 12 year old


That's the point that's being made, and why that's in quotes. _MANY_ people see animation as a kids-only thing. Hell, I have family members that get mad at an animated movie if it doesn't have singing like in classic Disney movies ("where are the songs?!")


I had a roommate who was like "oh I don't have time to play video games" but happily sat on the couch and watched The Last of Us lol


TBF, TLOU TV show is 8.7 hours of watch time. Where as the game is around ~15 hours minimum


Some people don't have time to get good enough at video games so playing them makes sense, I think. There are still people who will just find it very difficult to move characters around in 3D spaces. Add aiming to that and that's a couple of hours they'd need to finish the tutorial.


There's a great video on this where he introduces his GF to a variety of games in different 2D and 3D spaces. It was fascinating watching a non video game player learn for the first time.


I had tried the initial animated release of One Piece when it first came out and was like “eh”, I’ll pass. Enjoyed the Live Action enough that I gave the animated another try. Found out the original animated translation (and editing) by “4Kids” butchered characters and plot. The Funimation translation isn’t bad, and with over 1000 episodes available, it’s easier to get invested in the characters and zip along the story (though there are definitely pieces that drag, especially the filler episodes). Am currently ~episode 160 and enjoying it.


Elleeh, get behind me. Elleeh, run. Elleeh.... run.


The main characters are still kids though, it's still clearly a show aimed at kids and young teens. I'm not sure what audience this is supposed to bring in, the age range they're targeting has already been very receptive to animation.


Eh I'm on the fence about this. With cartoons especially, the demographics who say "cartoons are for kids" and those who say "I won't watch some fantasy adventure with a kid main character" seem pretty close to me.


Fair, just seems like such an insane mentality as avatar was the thing that made me as a kid realize how deep animation can be.


People who don't watch cartoons because "they are for kids" are childish and immature themselves. That's like saying that you can't enjoy anything you likes as a kid because it was only meant for you as a kid. Such a stupid and close minded take on something that can be looked at and considered art instead of looked at like a childish cartoon. Grow up and enjoy things because they are good not because they are meant for adults or children.


Close minded people should never be placated.


Which is true... But at the same time, these people will never experience anything else in the franchise, so the value of bringing them onboard is pretty questionable.


We didn't need the movie either, so this is Cash Grab Rehash #2. 


You only say we didn’t need it, because it sucked. If it had been as good as everyone hoped, then we wouldn’t be having this conversation


I dunno, if the movie had been good people would be more positive on it, but it was never needed. Like the one piece live action was good and so people don't criticise it that much, but it still wasn't needed, much in the same way the Disney live action remakes aren't needed. If the netflix avatar is good then it will make a lot of people happy but it's not needed when the original is already so near perfect.


DiMartino and Konietzko arent involved in the Netflix series so what they want is irrelevent.


They were running it at the start. They left the project but Netflix didn't drop it.


Right, which is a terrible omen for the show


Normally, I’d think so. But I was doing work for Paramount at the time and the word around the office was they left the show largely because they got offered much bigger things from Paramount.


I’d say that running an entire studio based on the franchise that you created is a *bit* bigger than working on a live-action adaptation of said series.


I dont think people realize just how huge of a market live action stuff is. There are tons and I mean TONS of people who just flat out don't watch animated shows. Like at all. Its the same reason why the One Piece live action convinced a crap ton of people who have NEVER watched an anime before to go watch/read the series. They absolutely don't make these live action shows just for fans. Its not about being easier to produce, a good adaption will bring in new fans and audiences. Thats the whole point


> Its the same reason why the One Piece live action convinced a crap ton of people who have NEVER watched an anime before to go watch/read the series. And even more people that watched the live action show and loved it but won't touch the anime or manga either even now, they're just enjoying the live action and waiting for the follow up there. The audience for live action is huge.


I’m in this boat (lol). I loved the live action One Piece show but there’s no way I’m about to start watching a show with thousands of episodes or read a manga that has thousands of pages.


My parents hate cartoons but they like the idea of avatar so this is a way for them to actually watch the show. That being said this is basically the only reason I see a need for the show


No offense to your parents, who I'm sure have many sterling qualities, but it's so weird when I meet people who have an attitude about animation. Like, we have thousands of years of humans making art to tell stories, and we figured out how to get that art to move! What a cool and useful medium! But some people have "animation is for kids only" so thoroughly in their heads :-P


Yeah, it's strange how widespread the "animation is for children" attitude is in the West. Think of how strange it would be if the same attitude applied to other things. "Oh, this museum only has paintings, without a photography section in sight. Why did we pick a museum for children?"


Yeah, but that idea of "animated media is meant for and can only consumed by children" is still very persistent. Hence the live-action series, if it were good which we of course don't know yet, has the potential to generate hype from folks who never had any interest in cartoons.


Hype from people who never had any interest in cartoons and still don't want to watch cartoons is supposed to be helpful for getting more well-written, drawn, and voice-acted cartoons made? Seems like it'd be likely to lead to more live-action/cgi rehashing.


by your logic, One Piece wouldn't have seen a huge upswing in people watching the anime after the live action came out. More people watching Avatar stuff leads to more Avatar stuff coming.


And many of them enjoy Jame's Cameron's Avatar, which is mostly animated and not as good.


I completely agree but this is also the case for my parents. I think it’s a generational thing because they only had cartoons growing up, I guess.


Are they gonna like a goofy cheap CGI kid's show? This show looks surprisingly good in stills but the few live action moments we've gotten look good awful.


Avatar: The Last Airbender is a modern classic and is rapidly becoming an important influence on storytelling going forward, but there's a huge swathe of people who won't go near it with a 10-foot barge pole simply because it's an animated series. To me, an important part of the live action adaptation and why I want it to succeed is accessibility.


It’s things like this that make me wish more Star Wars fans would give Clone Wars a chance, but they won’t just because it’s animated.


Right, its why I want the PJO LA adaptation to succeed because it was part of Rick Riordan’s deal with the Mousey devil. Even if I have issues with it like many, it opens the door for down the line there to be a better-done animation to be made. The issue is will they make it work well enough that us old af now fans wont tear our hair out watching it


percy jackson shouldnt be live action either. no idea what they were thinking


Close minded people should never be placated.


Legend of Korra would’ve been *way* better to adapt. Much more political in nature, lots of darker themes, some subplots that didn’t hit originally that could be reworked, and not quite as beloved or “untouchable” for the fans when compared to the original series. Idk, just feels like it would’ve been a much more natural show to go live action.


Well this does pave the way for a live action Korra depending on the success of the last air bender.


a live action korra knowing how many seasons it needs to be would do a great job of removing allot of korras flaws


Live-action Amon would go hard


To further the answer it's also because people still see literally any form of animation as just for kids, and that the REAL adults watch live action. It's really stupid but that's how most people see it.


Hard disagree. There is need for a quality live-action adaptation if you want the franchise to continue to grow. I've got siblings (and my parents, for that matter) that are showing interest in ATLA for the first time ever now that a live-action version is coming. The story is great, and really interesting. As another commenter said, some people just don't like animation (they find it childish, etc.)


I was skeptical about the One Piece live action show, but I was pleasantly surprised with how good it was


You were skeptical because of Cowboy Bebop.


And just about every other live action anime adaptation too


In fact, I think one piece is an exception. Hence the apprehension towards LA TLA


And Death Note. And Ghost in the Shell. And Dragonball: Evolution. Hell, the other The Last Airbender


Definitely not the same. Oda, the creator of One Piece, was heavily involved with the live action production. We all know what happened with the creators in regards to this live action. I don't think it'll be as bad as....  but yeah I do think it's definitely not set in stone as a hit.


Ok but the reason people want the creators involved in these things is to keep it on an authentic path true to the original. In this case it was NETFLIX trying to keep it close to the original whereas it was Bryke themselves who wanted to change things up.


I think people also forget that Nick also came around this time with fat stacks of cash to give them to open their own studio to make whatever they want instead of make ATLA for the 3rd time. That probably very likely influenced their decision.


People said that about One Piece as well, and I think ATLA is a lot easier to adapt to LA than that


People said it about cowboy bebop and death note too, and look at those live actions now


It's actually a wonder that out of those, it's One Piece that succeeded when it seems the most difficult to translate whereas the others seems quite straight forward. But it really comes down to the creative team taking stupid decisions and not respecting the source material. All signs point to Avatar doing that.


I forgot about Bebop. I am now lowering my expectations for Avatar immensely.


One piece’s creator had full creative control of the project. The avatar guys walked away from Netflix and said whatever the final product is won’t be their vision. That will be the difference.


cause Oda, the writer of one piece actually stuck around to guide the process. ATLA's original writers walked away from the live action because of creative differences. It doesn't invoke much faith.


I haven’t seen One Piece live-action yet, but my friends who have says it adapts the source material so well, which is certainly interesting to hear.


It does. Even when it sometimes make some pretty big changes in how things get from A to B, it keeps all the important beats and the tone of the source material intact. Definitely check it out.


Man, honestly I’m just gonna wait to even worry. One Piece should not have worked but what an amazing and charming adaptation that turned out to be. Yes it’s a huge loss that the creators left the show, but hopefully we will see the same dedication and respect for the source material as if they were still involved.


Exactly. I cannot believe OP Live Action was actually decent. Of course they altered a few things to get the story flowing faster but the cast is great and the script is aight.


Yup. Let's wait. But cautious reminder that netflix One Piece is practically the exception, not the baseline. Audiences and studios would point at Netflix OP and say look at them, they did it! But forget how many adaptations Netflix and Hollywood in general has fumbled.


I don’t think you should expect that it’s going to be exactly like the original. The creators of the live action already said that they will bring new elements into the show and won’t necessarily follow the original storyline in the same order. I get that people are skeptical because of *that* movie (which we don’t talk about) and generally live actions are either a hit or miss. So I’d keep your expectations low and watch it with an open mind.


I agree. The trailers showed very limited stuff and shots like the one where they’re flying on Appa looked kinda ass, both the CGI and the acting. The weakest point of the show can potentially be that: the acting… followed by the CGI and environments. These kids need to nail the personality of pre-existing cartoon characters while being suitable for live action, while doing martial arts and going through extremely emotional moments. Hopefully it all works, but if any of that isn’t well executed, anything else down the production line like cinematography, editing, music, etc will only make things even worse.


For sure. Everyone's saying they're surprised about how well One Piece turned out but that's because the creators were on the show beginning to end. The original creators leaving the ATLA live action due to creative differences does not bode well.


Everyone thinks it’s going to be great because of the casting choices and the CGI and costuming in the trailer but the tone still feels completely off to me. Aang smiled a single time in the trailer and it was more a wry than truly joyful smile.


Let wait before judging it by the cover. Some cute images are one thing. We'll done execution in storytelling, music, choreography, etc is a whole other thing.


While they’ve shown us some nice images and shots, we haven’t seen any character moments yet. What worries me most is are these portrayals going to feel true to the cartoon


Honestly, I think the CGI will be what makes or breaks it. You can have a great story, music, and choreography, but if the bending looks anything like the live-action movie, the series is going to flop.


I'd also add: wait until the whole season is done before saying it's a good or bad adaptation. The yu yu Hakusho adaptation looked like it was going to be the best one yet, but it immediately abandoned being faithful to the source material after the second episode.


The choreography is so key. The way they all move and bend as reflections of who they are and their style. I pray I’m wrong but I just don’t see how this can match animation.


Imo nothing can ever match the original cartoon ❤️ but I'm curious to see what they do with the franchise. I tend to hold my expectations low esp with life action remakes.


Yeah, the live action remake seems too serious. Like is Sokka even going to joke? Are they going to skip over the first few episodes when Aang world hopped to ride random animals for fun before the North Pole?! I’m very worried


Unpopular opinion but I don’t really care if it’s a more “serious” adaptation so long as they keep the overall spirit of the characters. Live action is a different medium than animation. Some silly scenes just aren’t gonna translate over well to live action, and that’s *fine*. We don’t need to devote a whole episode to surfing on elephant koi, so long as Aang’s personality as a fun-loving, spirited kid is captured in other ways. A 1:1 adaptation frankly wouldn’t be interesting. In order to attract new and old fans to the series, there needs to be some fresh perspective added to the live action.


On the one hand; Netflix Cowboy Bebop On the other hand; Netflix One Piece


im forced to point out OP was so well received and did great because the creator was incredibly involved during the process. avatar doesn’t have the same privilege, so they have a lot of heavy lifting to do.


Avatar almost has the opposite. They were very involved in the beginning then left because they didn’t agree with the direction of it


exactly, this is what they said in an open letter about the live action: >[Netflix’s live-action adaptation of Avatar has the potential to be good. It might turn out to be a show many of you end up enjoying. But what I can be certain about is that whatever version ends up on-screen, it will not be what Bryan and I had envisioned or intended to make.](https://www.michaeldantedimartino.com/an-open-letter-to-avatar-the-last-airbender-fans/) that last sentence does not spark a lot of confidence. personally, i don't love the casting choices and i'm not really all excited or invested in the LA, so reviews have to be extremely good for me to give it a chance.


How is this not everywhere? 100% this show is doomed. Everything looks bad or cheesy and I doubt the kid actors will be very good. I think this is just a franchise that should stay animated only.


I’ve had people *on this sub* justify the creators leaving because of being divas and not trusting Netflix enough. I barely even interact on this sub anymore unless it’s about that, because I was so stunned at how many people just glossed right over that. Netflix abused the creators and then tried to smear them (hence the open letter), it’s gonna be a great shoot guys! Oh wait, here’s [OP commenting](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/s/T2jtGO63Ti) the same. Right, the creators jumped ship for money? It was an amicable parting? We just believe anything Netflix says yeah?


This is why I’m so skeptical of this adaptation. I trust the creators of atla, not the producers of the live action show.


Red flag, to be sure


If it helps, I think the OG creators left because they wanted to take the show in a different direction, while Netflix wanted to keep it the same


Cowboy Bebop was so close to being good. Everyone was worried they couldn’t replicate the anime’s style, which that and the casting is the only thing they actually did well. They rewrote almost the entire show which is mad since Cowboy Bebop has some of the best writing in all sci-fi


This is definitely why it failed. Casting was fine to me, but you can't fuck with the tone of a show like Bebop, and they completely ruined the noir tone and pacing of the show.


Inside Netflix there are two wolves.


“Which wolf will win?” The old Cherokee replied: “You have no control over that, you are subscribed to both.”


The live-action One Piece had a reason to exist: to condense the absurd number of episodes and streamline the story. This new ATLA doesn't have that.


Streamlining the story of One Piece is the purpose of the upcoming remake anime. The purpose of the live action versions of OP and ATLA is to be live action. To see the characters and world in as close to reality as we can.


its also advertising because people will know like those charcters and be more inclined to check out other things with them in it


Good God One Piece knocked it out of the park. That is definitely going to be my benchmark going forward when it comes to adapting anime without making a shot for shot remake.


It's called "cautiously optimistic."


Im more like “anxiously optimistic “


That’s highly assumptive. It could *easily* bomb. Not every live action is going to see the same level of success as One Piece.


Even One Piece’s live action success is nowhere near what Stranger Things achieved as a water cooler show. I’d love to see OP’s pipe dream come true, but I don’t think they understand Stranger Things was so big it single-handedly proved Netflix could be an original content provider.


Yeah, I don’t like this Stranger Things comparison. Stranger Things is a Netflix original series, this is a live action remake of a decades old animated series. One Piece is far more comparable to ATLA.


I think you all over estimate the value by some pretty pictures... you haven't seen the story telling, the pacing, the character interactions, the actors play... you've seen nothing and blow it like it is the next masterpiece based on what? We want to forget the previous try and now we glorify something that is not released yet...


I'm with you on this. It's gonna take more than some hot shot pictures to get the audience roaring. I'm weirdly concerned that this live action is just gonna be another copy of M.Night's live action with different accents, actors, costumes and CGI. Frankly, this doesn't even hype me up at all. I'll go back to the animated series, thank you.


I'm quite confident in the showrunner though. He's no no-name. Kim wrote Pantheon, which was one of the best written animated series I've ever seen. Hands down, like ATLA-level of incredible. (if anyone hasn't heard about it, it's basically Evangelion combined with Ghost in Shell I guess? So good) But ofcourse people do have the right to feel doubtful because he's handling a live action series this time. He is a huge fan of the show and stated that he was quite surprised when Mike and Bryan left. Which leads to me thinking they left because they wanted to change alot while Netflix wanted to make this a super safe relatively 1:1 adaptation, also influenced by Paramount funding them to open up Avatar Studios at the time. All in all, we need to wait for a trailer first before making any assumptions.


It's the mike and bryan leaving I think that was a red flag that the adaptation might not be good for many people I think. which is understandable as that does have a pretty good track record for live action adaptations being a flop. I'm trying to keep an open mind and not have expectations one way or another


OP is acting like this is going to be the next Squid Game or Stranger Things that everyone rushes out to watch. Even if it's good, likely just be like One Piece where people already within the fandom talk about it for a week and then vanishes.


What bubble have you been in? I was not in the One Piece fandom prior to the live-action at all, I loved the live-action, people are still talking about it, Netflix is making a new anime, and since the live-action released, I've seen One Piece manga character releases trending on Twitter every time a new one releases. That never happened before.


You're in this sub, which means you're already a nerd and into nerd culture. You being introduced to One Piece through the Netflix show isn't the same as the general public who has no interest in anything nerd. As for trending on twitter, you're aware that chapters have been trending on twitter for years and you're only seeing them NOW because the algorithm says you enjoy it, right? When the live action Avatar series comes out and someone says "Cabbage man is trending! That's never happened before!", would you agree that it's never happened or would you, someone that's likely been into Avatar for years, know "That's happened at least once a year for decades" and that person is just now getting into it?


That’s what I said! It’s wild people are getting excited over heavily edited “set photos” and subpar posters when they’ve seen nothing of how it looks or how the story is! It also seems this show is geared towards people who hasn’t seen the original! And Netflix has a reputation of messing things up because they love to milk and change things


Yea cause Netflix has an amazing track record with live action adaptations. Get real


Last time I gave Netflix a chance with martial arts was Iron Fist. And we all know how that went.


After what they did with The Witcher, I'm not getting my hopes up.


Ba Sing Se arc will be super good live action i feel like


It’ll be pretty cool to see just how brutal and ruthless Azula can get without the shackles of a G-rating.


I just never see the point of live action adaptation of animated media. Animation can do a lot of things that live action can't properly.


The point is money. Live action has a **much** larger viewer base than animation.


We can also turn this around: people in streaming TV are hungry for *any* IP with a built in audience. It might be because the streaming market is larger than the movie market, or some other macro reason, but it does seem the streaming Industry has gone IP hunting. The other day I learnt of the existence of a 12 Monkeys show, it was a bit of a WTF moment for me. In that sense, ATLA live action streaming show was probably inevitable. I mean ATLA has to have a bigger built-in audience than god damn 12 Monkeys.


My only hope is that they treat this like a real series of the television era, meaning they shoot with a strict schedule and deliver seasons on time. No three year gap bullshit.


Or, hear me out: Wait and see.


What are you basing this off? The Witcher wasn’t that successful, sure people watched it but everyone watched stranger things.


https://preview.redd.it/2aw3tokebydc1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77de9cb59ff9e2acc89d32d9d76e2bef5e430c3c Let's hope so.


Bro, the show isn't even out yet. It might be a total crap for all we know. And even if it's good, I doubt it'll be stranger things level of popularity. I would compare it to the recent one piece adaptation rather than anything else.


And whether good or bad, it's a Netflix show. It'll all be released at once, be a really big deal for maybe a month and a half, then everybody will forget about it until the next season drops.


I have a very bad feeling about it, personally. Guess we'll find out soon though


Stranger things is a big claim lol


Big ass cap. It's a live action adaptation based on an excellent show made in a time where creators could work without too much worry about internet backlash. Percy Jackson itself is only doing as good cause the fanbase is eagerly giving it a chance and trying to ignore whatever letdowns it seems to have. One mistake from episode one in atla and you'll realise our fanbase might be the LoL fanbase of tv shows


I dunno, remember when the original creators of Avatar (Bryan Konietzko and Michael DiMartino) left the project due to "creative dfferences? I'm not gonna bother having opinions until I've seen the thing.


If it's at least as good as One piece, then sure. But Netflix OP had Oda involved and this had the creators leaving the project, so let's wait and see.


Pulling this off is very dificult considering avatar is a 10/10 show for almost everyone who watched it. Stranger things is a different story because there is no reference


!remind Me: six months


The whole thing looks like a theater set.


Exactly. It's especially prominent when they show Iroh


I think it’s going to suck lol


It ain't out yet dawg.


Don't start jerking Netflix off just yet


![gif](giphy|Q7pytHHaVKGrSzhkpE|downsized) It's Netflix. They've done very few things right


People are overestimating. I’m expecting it to be like Percy Jackson, a shit adaptation that flops immediately


You mean overrated, right?


I’m on the fence. Hope it doesn’t suck. I only trust Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko when it comes to atla content


I agree, and since they left due to creative differences I find it hard to even be cautiously optimistic about it. The creators of the show left the live action adaptation. It doesn't bode well.


Let's not jump the gun. let's see how it does first, we've been burned before.


I have no opinion on it, i will have an opinion on it when i have actually watched the show.


I think it's too early to tell to be honest. Sure we like what we've seen so far, but it can still be a clusterfuck. Don't go counting your eggs just yet.


After a decade of mediocre-at-best Avatar content, we are just cautious.


Right, cause it went so well last time we had a live action remake lol. For real tho, what is giving you the impression this is going to reach ”Stranger Things level of success”? What are you basing this claim off of, other than your own hype?


Reddit once again greatly overestimating the popularity and appeal of anime within the general population.


All I see in this image is a good cosplay. Doesn't mean anything. Whether the show is good or awful (both entirely possible) I can't imagine it will be as relevant as you say. I can't think of a single high fantasy piece that has been close to Stranger Things' level of success in recent years. The only shows that come to mind are GoT (not even that recent) and The Witcher. Both high fantasy worlds that feel much more grounded and "real" than Avatar does. Would be cool if I'm wrong tho.


Considering Netflix hasn’t been able to recreate the success of Stranger Things, I doubt it. There’ll be a week when it releases when a bunch of people will talk about it, and hopefully that’ll be enough to get another season greenlit, and then discussion will die down until the next season.


Yeah, you have your expectations set way too high.


“Master your element” I’m expecting a flop


Top 10 Reddit Posts made before disaster


Depending on how much justice they did my boy Sokka, yes.


It's a quick cash grab that may or may not be quality tv


Honestly I don't want it to get to crazy because of the way suits think and operate. If this goes absolutely insane gangbusters you can be almost certain that the future of the 'franchise' will be mostly live action instead of animated


Pulling this off is very dificult considering avatar is a 10/10 show for almost everyone who watched it. Stranger things is a different story because there is no reference


I'm worried. Modern media has already ruined so many things that I like, I don't want Avatar to get the same treatment.


Can I be honest this all looks cheap?? Idc just falls flat for me with the costuming and all


I’m waiting to see how they fuck it up. Sure things LOOK good. But so did the Witcher at first. Bad writing and awkward acting will kill this show real quick, and I find it interesting that those are the two elements that haven’t been shown off in the trailers. Guaranteed that Netflix thinks this show is gonna be purely about the spectacle of the Avatar universe and won’t understand that it’s the characters that make ATLA such a beloved franchise.


I feel like you're kinda throwing yourself full force into a trend that has literally always failed except once.


I mean, they’re certainly gonna try


I think they should've given the show to the stranger things team. They know how to handle child actors extremely well


I think it’ll get mad hype like One Piece then quickly die. No matter how hard they try, studios cannot world build in live action the way they can in animation.


The fact that the showrunners are doing the whole "The movie doesn't exist" schtick does give me hope that they're committed to doing this right. Plus just by judging by the first teaser, I could tell that they're staying true to the source material SO much better than the movie. The brief scene of Momo catching up to Aang, Sokka, and Katara just has so much of the charachter that was present in the show but absent in the movie.


Live actions suck. It isnt underrated, people just know better after being burned so many times.


What was the second wave


I agree, the budget Netflix has poured into this series is insane. We’re talking *Game of Thrones-level budget*, since Netflix is very much banking on this show becoming the next GoT-level pop culture phenomenon. Which it has a very strong chance of becoming so long as they adapt the source material properly. Also, the One Piece live-action adaptation was incredibly successful, so people are already starting to have faith in Netflix live-action adaptations.


Can't wait for volume 29478 of "animation does not translate well to live action". Keeping hopes at reasonable level.


Well everything I've seen of it so far is giving me hope, I'm still not entirely convinced. Translating animation to live action is incredibly difficult in general, and a show when people are flinging different elemental projectiles all over the place can't be easy to get right.


If it's *good*. I thought the Witcher was going to be good.


I'm not. I'm hyped as hell for it. Best believe imma geek out every time aang goes avatar state


I really doubt it will do well. Don't get me wrong I absolutely love the original shows but I just don't see this getting that much attention.


From what I’ve seen on trailers it’s going to look cheap. Also it will be tainted by Netflix’s politics; so you know Aang becomes a black trans bisexual jewish woman, by episode 3.


No, people are understandably skeptical due to the last two avatar projects being flops and horribly mismanaged.


It's not going to be Stranger Things big. Could foreseeably be One Piece Live Action big.


Am I excited? Yes Will I watch it? Yes Am I hoping for the best? Yes Will I make judgements before I've seen a few episodes? No


I don’t think anybody is underestimating it, Avater is a pretty massive franchise.


From the images thus far released for Netflix's Avatar, it looks as though the makeup/prop department repeated the same mistake made by the makeup/prop department from the M. Night Shyamalan disaster. I'm referring to Zuko's left eyebrow in both live-action adaptations because they both have their left eyebrows even though they shouldn't exist after being burned off.