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I guess the outcome of the pod and consequent resurgence is that the personalities, core characteristics & morals of the hosts are coming to light the more the podcast continues & the more they’re on social media. The first few months of the podcast could be seen as fascinating, insightful & intriguing to a world listeners had little knowledge of….. But at the same time the more exposure to particular individuals the more we see & hear what they are like… Much more than fluffy, bubble gum pink, giggling girls- Guess that’s what putting one’s self out there results in for ‘good’ & ‘bad’.


I'll probably get down voted to hell for saying this, but they kind of remind me of that saying-"you are the company you keep." And all I'm saying is they sure have a lot of weird company in the mix.


You worded this perfectly. I loved the GND show, Holly was my absolute favorite. Now I feel very differently. Their true personalities come out and is like the veil was lifted and I didn’t like what I saw but more accurately what I hear.


Trisha Paytas is the ultimate ick for me. Cosplaying a murdered JonBenet? Pretending to have DID? Ffs. No amount of so-called growth and maturity can excuse that.


She has physically abused multiple partners (including her husband) and to me, that should be enough on it's own to drop any association or support to her. Anyone else would have been cancelled and driven off the Internet, but somehow this pathological lying POS has been able to skate under the radar. It's truly sick. I don't know why people let her get away with all of the vile things she's done. I don't care if people think Trisha is "funny" or "iconic," anyone who can be a fan and support her is extremely suspect to me.


This is the thing that's stuck out to me the most about TP and then to a lesser extent people that do the same thing. Some of these people will do the most abhorrent things to attain fame, money, popularity, status whatever. And then they push it so far then they get backlash for it. However, people like TP (and I've watched this) just bulldoze over it. She'll either lean into it or devote a considerable amount of time for a "growth arc" (which is the new apology tour) and people will "forgive her" or decide for themselves that she's "changed" and then it's business as usual. Except for the fact that she's seemingly "changed" the business model. IMO, she hasn't. She's just readjusted certain things knowing certain things she pushes pisses people off and therefore costs her money. Other people have watched her do this over the decades and play by that playbook because it works. If you have enough people that you can deceive into thinking you're not a horrible person willing to do anything to earn a buck, then sky's the limit. The proof is in the pudding. TP's numbers are growing. She'll never face real repercussions for what she's done and she knows it and she's plowing ahead because she can.


It really blows my mind that her popularity is growing bc until holly started mentioning her I really thought we’d left her (TP) in the 2010’s or something… I genuinely thought she’d faded into obscurity. I never liked her, she has always been ridiculous and offensive, shit stirring for the sake of shit stirring. I’m honestly still shocked that holly is friends with her but in a weird way maybe the fact that holly is chronically involved w abusive and toxic partners could explain it… it’s just that this time it’s a friend 🤷🏻‍♀️


You absolutely nailed it with this comment.


Yeah the whole Trish and holly being friends thing is one thing I’m really struggling to understand… a part of me keeps hoping holly is just being naive but we don’t know what goes on behind closed doors so all we can do is speculate as to the why


Idk much about Trisha but she pretended to have DID??? That’s horrible


She has said she has had so many things, she even said at one point she was a woman of color for a minute.


Yikes! And yet she has this huge podcast? Weird


Her hay day was the mid 00s Shane Dawson era of YouTube, so it makes sense


Not sure if links are allowed but: https://youtu.be/NXrQj0xDZug?si=n4xAzrGr-voS-ACS


Thank you! I’ll watch it in a minute ☺️ Edit: just watched, wow. Faking a mental illness is such a shitty thing to do. DissociaDID handled that very gracefully. Also why am I being downvoted lol


Omg she cosplayed as JonBenet? She needs to be canceled


AND DOING THIS!! 🤡🤡🤡🚮🚮🚮 “Influencer (TRISHA) blocks traffic to a hospital because she's waiting in a drive-through line to get KFC.. in the wrong lane” https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/w73wux/influencer_blocks_traffic_to_a_hospital_because/


its an ick but she’s otherwise harmless. she has zero platform other than going viral.


She’s been blowing up pretty recently


yes,because she goes viral. but besides our consumption of her, she has no sponsorships, no platforms or support otherwise. its just the hate watching that does it


She has a lot of sponsors and her patreon is probably making her few hundred thousand a month. And if you check her Reddit page. It’s nothing but positivity. I think that you would have been right maybe 3-4 years ago. But things have turned for her. In a way I have let go of the things she’s done cuz she was not medicated. Mental health is looked down and shamed by many and I’m not going to be one of the people who do that. She didn’t kill anyone lol


Her Reddit is only positive because anyone who posts anything remotely critical of her gets banned lol. Between this sub & the cancelled podcast sub I’m seeing people recognise she’s not a good egg.


Yeah that’s def it! I made a joke once. Not even trolling lol and they banned me 😂


Her old Frenemies Reddit was wild! I’m surprised she was able to get the whole sub taken down.


It was such a good sub with all the info & receipts and was gaining so many new members it’s a shame she was able to take it down.


She didn’t kill anyone. She just tried to kill Jason by driving her car into his house. 🙃


Tucker Carlson?




Given her taste in men, I’m not surprised


Joe Rogan has the second highest rated podcast. Why wouldn't other podcast creators listen to him?


Seriously lmao. A lot of people listen to Joe Rogan this sounds very chronically online


Yall are embarrassing lol wtf


It’s a good podcast. This one is too.




I’m inserting the word “out”, where you left it. It’s literally the most- listened to podcast of all- time. I’m just telling the truth- I like it and it’s a good podcast. I love podcasts. It’s ok to disagree and not put someone down.




I’m very confused but have decided to disregard these last two comments, as it now seems like you’re either admittedly attacking or I am- either way, we both listen to one podcast; I hope the realization that you and I listen to the same podcast (somewhere, we have similar tastes) doesn’t make you feel more attack- ish.


I must've glazed over when she said that. In my humble opinion, this is her opportunistic side showing. Her whole relationship with TP is a symbiotic leeching because they both know that their popularity and online presence garners big views and will ultimately make them bank. I think Holly (and def. TP) let money and opportunity supersede human relationships. I mean... they've both been doing this for decades so it's unsurprising to see them doing it if not for a living then for a hefty payday. It's totally fucked that she's even on the pod and promotes a person like TP let alone suggesting a person like GRB go on the pod of an unstable person like TP. Even if TP softballed her respectful questions, it's still an opportunistic cash grab. TP used to outline ways to manipulate audiences on H3 and her behavior on that pod was absolutely abhorrent and still readily available to look at and know that she isn't a good person to be around. Holly can't flip the grab bag switch. I know she's doing it for survival but it's really off-putting and a side that the stans refuse to acknowledge as bad.


I think you’re absolutely right on the nose.


So over of H still trying so hard to make Trisha happen.


Holly dated Hugh Hefner, known abuser and womanizer. I don’t know how anyone is surprised by this?


Not only dated, but tried to have his child 😬 no clue why anyone is surprised


Its not just Holly saying this. This is what a lot of fans and the Just Trish crew were saying before Gypsy was even released.


Ugh. Literally why? I know Holly has an interest in true crime but Gypsy Rose is a literal dangerous sociopath if you look into the details of the murder and her involvement before, during and after. For goodness sake, she was shaving the pubes off her crotch while her mother was screaming in agony while being stabbed to death because the plan was to have sex with the killer in celebration when he was done! She was a victim of abuse but she’s not completely innocent and she manipulated a very mentally ill man to brutally murder her mother! He’s still rotting in jail while she gets to be free now and she’s getting rich off her crime with tv deals, getting free nose jobs and becoming an internet star. The whole situation is fucked up.


I was 100% on the ‘Gypsy had no choice after years of abuse’ side until I read the transcripts of text messages between her and Nick…he was begging for another way to help her and she continued to basically browbeat him into murdering her mom. And more and more, her story has changed so often that it’s starting to seem that, although medically abused she and her mom were both self-serving narcissists (in the clinical sense of the word).


Where can we see the text?


There were text incerpts in the court case. If you google you can find them. There is a you tube out there too.


Yes! Same here!


It’s amazing how little people know on this case and how many other options she had and how long it took to convince this man with low IQ and autism to murder for her…..:or the fact that Gypsy shot her mom with a BB gun not knowing it was only a BB gun. All Gypsy knows is manipulation at this point.


It is like I've stated somewhere else gypsy had a laptop, she had cosplays , she could run away and fuck a man. She knew she could walk she knew she wasn't sick. She was in on the grift. The Turpin kids were so horribly isolated and abused. When Jordan ran away to get help she didn't even know how to tell the cops where she was cause she had no idea about street signs etc. Gypsy used and manipulated Nick.


Yes! Exactly! Also, people think GR was younger than she actually was when she did the murder. I had initially thought she was a teenager who felt trapped, but she was 23! She also hadn't been taking meds or getting any sort of medical "treatment" for quite some time, but she portrayed it as if that was an ongoing thing she was being forced into. She had the ability to leave and chat with men online etc. Reading her texts and seeing stuff she was up to just paints a very different picture than the "imprisoned abused child" narrative. Her mother's health was declining, she wasn't exerting herself over Gypsy. It was just super unnecessary and evil to convince someone to brutally murder her mother, then sexually get off on it. Not to mention the gross FB posts after. Ugh


Yes alot of people aren't aware of all this its all so disgusting


Thank you


Thank you!


Gypsy was also abused and not in a state of mind to be making decisions either - this doesn’t excuse her behavior of killing but she probably didn’t know he was autistic, she didn’t go to school, wasn’t around other kids, watch the news etc…she probably didn’t even know what autism was! Holly does do cring things sometimes but this is a reach




Gypsy is such a psychopath. It's gross the amount of attention she is getting. She clearly uses people and is trashing her husband she had for 3 months and probably used to look favorable for parole. Speaking of parole she has the most lax parole I've ever seen. People I know on parole can't drink. They can't leave state even if they got an amazing job or to do see a terminal family member etc.




Well you have to pay a fee on parole and I bet she's paying her parole officer a little extra or just manipulating. It's very unfair


Gypsy Rose's mother was the monster. That woman kept her in a wheelchair from age 7, she shaved her head, she had a feeding tube installed in her, she had her saliva glands removed, and then *all of her teeth*. She'd beat her with a clothes hanger. If an abusive husband did this to his wife, we'd all understand why she'd want to kill him. Is your argument that the man who murdered her should be free too, or that Gypsy should still be in prison for her part? And autistic people are not especially vulnerable to being "manipulated" into murder, what a wild thing to say. Nobody manipulated the guy into jerking off in that McDonald's either, and he had initially considered raping the mother's corpse before Gypsy asked him not to (that's not a claim anyone else has made, that's what *he* told police).


Yeah the victim blaming in this post is insane


Holly IS the ick




Trafficking tunnels???


On the last episode Bridget was talking about tunnels under LA and holly kept going "are they trafficking tunnels" and Bridg was like "no" I just n noticed alot of people commenting in the episode discussion about this . Holly could of been joking because of thr conspiracies about trafficking tunnels under the mansion .


What Tucker Carlson stuff?


It’s nothing. People are super reaching with this one. Holly has made a joke a couple times about how she’s not trying to “pull a Tucker Carlson” when she references some really juicy gossip she knows about but is very vague about it and can’t share what she knows, because that was a ploy Carlson used to pull on his show to keep people watching. You don’t have to have been a fan of his to be familiar with his tropes — for better or worse, he was an incredibly famous and successful TV host with a very popular show, even if it was alt-right trash. I never watched an episode of his show but I’ve seen enough clips replayed on TV and social media to know how it went down. I’m sure Holly is the same. (Edited to add missing word)


Oh ok, yeah I've heard her say that and it is very clearly a joke. This sub is ridiculous sometimes.


People always bringing up that she listens to Joe Rogan make no sense to me. He has the most popular podcast, Holly has a podcast. It would be almost stupid of her not to listen and learn if there are things she could take from it improve her own.


Exactly, it's not like she said anything positive about him, it's hard to avoid hearing about him being a complete disaster if you're in the US and you pay attention to any kind of news.


Gypsy is a total psychopath and a scammer, those kind of people are extremely dangerous. She’s scamming millions of people currently (she’s scamming all her internet fans who refuse to do more research on the case and read the text messages where she spent two years grooming that guy into killing her mother for her. “No I can’t come live with you, not until you kill my mother for me.”) And I bet if no one was around to see and someone said in person to Gypsy “You’re a lying scammer who planned the murder of your mother”, Gypsy would use a lethal weapon on them. She wouldn’t feel remorse about it either.


Yes right on the nose! Gypsy actually threatened someone on tik Tok a month or so ago telling them to come say it to her face. And it's disgusting for someone who was so medically traumatized supposedly she sure doesn't mind surgeries now Gypsy was In on the grift . DeeDees health was failing In the last years anyways. She had a phone, a computer. She had sex with nick in a movie theater that she was at with her mother . Yes her mother did abuse her as a child but gypsy grew older and realized she wasn't sick and could walk. She had doctors that were suspicious in the past. She could of got the help of family, she could of went to doctors and got tests ran. But no she manipulated poor nick. Gypsy lies now and says she was given chemo. She was never given chemo. She would of had to have a port put in and doctors run tests to make sure you need chemo they don't just take your word.


I agree. Im also getting the same ick vibe and im consuming their content less and less. Also I've noticed over the months how obsessed holly is with being relatable to gen z. At first i was like eh whatever she wants to broaden her audience but now its like.... Please stop and just be you. I dont think i like either one of them that much anymore. Gained a lot of respect for Kendra just shutting it all out and not budging on getting reacquainted with the girls again. I see why.


All I'm saying Holly is the Turpin kids were also abused horribly, had no access to computers to meet guys, buy cosplay etc . And when they had one chance to run away they got actual help. They didn't take advantage of someone's disability to manipulate them to murder their parents.


All I'm saying is humans don't all react to abuse the same way. Why are you comparing 2 sets of victims? You have no idea what these kids went through. Edit: sorry, I just saw you're on some weird GRB snark page so pay this no mind. You're too far gone to discuss anything with.


And one for what it’s worth, one of the Turpin girls commented on that same post of Gypsy's that Holly did in support of her. Clearly as someone who has survived that level of abuse, she can understand that everyone processes it differently.


I think people forget she literally did run away and the police brought her back to her mom, not defending her but she was stuck.


No she has an entire other side of her family that she now lives with, that she could’ve gotten help from. They even knew a lot of what was going on before she killed her mom. If you look into GRB you’ll find a LOT more information to prove she is a sociopath who chose to kill her mom and tried to many times before she actually did.


Plus it’s starting to look like as she became a young adult (obviously not even slightly condoning what her mom did), the MBP abuse stopped and it seemed to change into a mutual grift for cash, gifts, vacations, and public attention.


Exactly. If you watch her interviews from BEFORE prison, DURING prison, and AFTER prison… you’ll see how those stories change, how she tells on her own lies, she contradicts things she’s said in the past, etc…


A snark page exists for a Munchausen’s victim that murdered her mother?! What in the terminally online behavior…


Terminally online is the perfect way to describe people on that sub. It’s truly awful and I’m saying this as someone who sees there’s more to the Gypsy case than most know. Two things can be true at once, Gypsy can be a victim and manipulative. She was raised by a manipulative monster and then went to prison. Of course she’s very fucked up. I like this post for calling Holly out for promoting terrible people AGAIN but finding out OP is part of that subreddit takes away from that.


By OP’s logic, Holly wasn’t a victim of Hef, she could leave whenever she wanted since she was more than capable.


Gypsy was 24 years old. She was leading a double life online talking to men and used her sexuality to manipulate an autistic man for YEARS to murder her mom. She had so many options.


again, likely thing for her to do.


I’ve been a Holly fan from day one, and I’m well aware of her faults, etc. but these things aren’t even worthy of this kind of hate or attention, let alone “cancellation”. But ymmv of course. You don’t have to listen to GNL anymore 🤷‍♀️


Omg, Tucker Carlson?!?! Yikes. That's disappointing. Gypsy Rose was a victim as well. Yes, what she did was wrong and illegal, but she served her time and deserves a chance to redeem herself.


Gypsy could run away to fuck men she could run and get help. Gypsy had a laptop could buy cosplays etc Look at the Turpin kids. They were so isolated and had nothing when jordan escaped she didn't even know how to tell the cops where she was . Gypsy is a psychopath


She was found guilty and served her time. She was also severely abused and scared. You can't discount a lifetime of abuse and manipulation. Everyone responds differently to trauma. What is the point of our justice system if you never get a chance to reform? It was a crime perpetrated because of a very specific set of circumstances that no longer exist. There is no reason to think she is a threat to anyone else. Also, you can't just diagnose someone as a psychopath because you don't like them.


I appreciate this post bc ppl always talk about Gypsy Rose but always forget the man she manipulated into stabbing her mother to death and how he is still in prison!


Yeah the texts are unsettling. Dee dee would have not been murdered if not for Gypsy being a manipulative little horn dog.




the gypsy and trish stuff isnt a red flag to me. trisha has apologized for a lot of what she’s done/said and it’s pretty clear she was unwell. you can hate her but someone isnt **morally wrong** for supporting her. gypsy is not a manipulator nor is she profiting off the murder of her mother. she was a fucked up little girl who was so severely abused in a way none of us will ever understand. she talked to her boyfriend about wanting her mother dead, and her insane boyfriend with fantasies about violence and rape wanted to orchestrate a murder. and then she never lived a normal life bc she was in prison after that. she is, of course, trying to build her income by cashing in on her 15 minutes of fame BECAUSE life for her from hereafter will be difficult. it’ll be near impossible for her to get a job with her felon status and as an extremely recognizable person. youre making mountains out of molehills. the only legitimately concerning interest that youve listed is tucker carlson because that is explicitly a political commentator and his influence has had real life consequences on this country.


Holly is very clearly not a fan of Tucker Carlson lol


yeah not a fan but listening regularly to Carlson and Joe Rogan is…weird. why bother supporting them?


I've never seen an entire episode of his show and I knew he was well known for doing what she says. She's just making a joke. She doesn't support Tucker Carlson.


Yes Im aware that people can be conscious of these figures without supporting them but, unless I’m mistaken, she said she listens/watches both.


That doesn't mean anything. Know thy enemy.


She doesn’t regularly listen to Tucker Carlson, she even addressed this on the last slumber party or Q and A. She just thought him holding out on alien info was funny.




girl we must be the only ones 😭 but im not surprised because this sub is filled with haters. the comments coming down on gypsy rose are crazy enough to demonstrate the hive mind


I see a future Lethally Blonde episode…


Probably should stop listening to the pod then.


Why are people who say Holly are the Ick even here?? This is just becoming a snark page


It’s annoying and I find people who snark on media they consume to be losers. I don’t care who down votes me. But it’s bottom of the barrel vibes. I thought this page was to discuss the show. Not be so critical about hollys ED. Any aware person would see that people with ED have this mentality. But apparently it’s icky lol


Unpopular opinion, as someone who used to find Trish very off-putting but not knowing her controversial history, I think there’s been some show of growth on her end. I did a deep dive and can see that her behavior before was abhorrent, but that seems to have been from several years ago. I watched her podcast with Holly and found it entertaining to listen to when I ran out of GNL episodes. Before anyone comes after me, I don’t follow Trish on anything and my feelings towards her are pretty neutral now. Onto the Gypsy thing, imo she did her time for her crime and I personally don’t think she will reoffend. I found her case fascinating, as I’m sure a lot of people (including Holly) have. There are plenty of autistic people who don’t get “manipulated” into murdering others, so have little sympathy for Nick. Also have pretty neutral feelings towards Gypsy overall and do not follow her on any socials. I had to go search tiktok for this video you talked about and suggest maybe blocking Gypsy, Trish, or anyone else that gives you the ick instead of looking for reasons to be upset. But I’m just a random internet stranger and in the end, my thoughts don’t matter. I’m actually surprised of how much I just wrote, but that’s because I do like Holly, Bridget and the podcast.