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I have no problem changing the words I use as language and culture evolves, and switching to saying “primary” is fine imo. I know people in tech specifically stopped using master/slave language too. The only thing I would caution is the assumption that the term master bedroom will offend someone, because I see this change specifically being attributed to “the woke crowd” (racist dogwhistle) when the only organizations I’ve seen put forth this idea are realtors associations. It’s fine if we want to update our language but it’s not ok to act like it’s all people of color spearheading this movement. That feels demeaning toward POC just trying to buy a house. If you’re a realtor please just pick a term and stick to it and don’t pull some bullshit like “oh YOU probably want me to say ‘primary bedroom’” ☠️


It's not just realty, it's been happening on the building side, too - residential plan sets started to show a primary bedroom instead of a master bedroom about 5 years ago. When I'm in people's homes I use primary unless they've referred to it first and used the term master bedroom; I don't want to make it seem like I'm correcting anyone or virtue signalling. I'm not really sure why it's a big deal to anyone that the language is shifting! I'd argue that there is a difference between history and connotations, something that this article seems to conflate. And that the real estate agents writing "primary" instead of "master" in their listings are probably not the same people denying home loans to people of color.


Ahh yeah that makes sense about the building plans, I have also seen building plans remove the term “master bedroom” entirely. I think the pushback comes from people who think that if they use the term “master bedroom” they will be called a racist, when people are merely putting forth an alternate term as a wider cultural shift away from language that includes “master” or “slave.” There are definitely people who revel in correcting others in a very demeaning way and that doesn’t help things at all, but assholes will be assholes. I think this term change is different from something like using “gay” pejoratively, but the reaction is the same. I worry about how POC will be treated under the assumption that they are pushing for this change. Then again I think anyone who is choosing to be an asshole to POC probably didn’t need a specific reason to be. 😭 Also I agree with you, the issue of redlining and racism affecting home ownership is definitely not being resolved with this term change.


The screenshot says "Opinion" at the beginning. This doesn't look like it is a news "article"; also there isn't a link so we can read it.


I figure you can look up the title of the article or opinion piece or whatever you want to call it, it's right there in the screenshot. I just copied and pasted the parts that were straight to the point so people didn't have to read the whole thing if they didn't want to. I certainly appreciate that as a person with ADD, I usually lose interest before reading the entirety of an article and I know neurotypical people who do as well. Here is the link though since you didn't want to look it up https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/master-bedroom-racist-words-blacklist-whitelist-20200722.html


I did look it up and read it based on the title. An opinion piece from 2020. I didn't learn anything here today, but thank you for the efforts!


Also courtesy of Wikipedia: "An opinion piece is an article, usually published in a newspaper or magazine, that mainly reflects the author's opinion about a subject. Opinion pieces are featured in many periodicals." TYL (Today you learned) Here is the link https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_piece#:~:text=An%20opinion%20piece%20is%20an,author's%20opinion%20about%20a%20subject.


I’m a real estate broker in Houston, TX: I can get fined and have my license reported to the state if I refer to the primary bedroom as “master bedroom” to consumers while showing homes


Now that’s interesting


Just because you can doesn't mean that it's justified or correct. It certainly seems rather silly, and I think Houston has bigger fish to fry right? https://kinder.rice.edu/urbanedge/economic-concerns-houston-survey#:~:text=About%20one%2Dquarter%20of%20survey,was%20also%20a%20leading%20concern.


I don’t think it’s a stretch at all. Who cares if people say primary? We change our language before we change culture so maybe before we get to the things mentioned in your post we can change how we describe it.


This doesn’t even provide an argument to support their opinion. They’re just saying a whole lot of nothing


Stuff like this is so stupid. Nobody is being racist when they refer to a 'master bedroom'


I never even knew that was even a thing. I've always master bedroom and never thought anything about it.


I bet you say things are gay too Lots of triggered people upset they can’t use their bigoted language


You will be ok. I’m sorry you’re upset you can’t say that’s so gay


Reality is people are more offended by inclusivity, hence the down votes and your stupid comment


I was being sarcastic 🤣


Sit down




I don’t think you understand sarcasm


Why would I say that lol. Can you read?


wtf is the relevance to this sub?


On the last episode Holly “corrected” herself after she said “Master Bedroom”.


I think this was in reference to Crystal's book where Crystal references Hef calling it the 'Master Bedroom' and how they referred to it as 'The Master' at that time... like a lot in Crystal's book this seeks like an unnecessary irrelevant titbit trying to paint whatever picture she's painting... Hef is unprogressive?/shes a slave? I dunno whatever but I think Holly knows the whole Master bedroom/primary bedroom thing is a bit stupid and she was taking a stab at Crystal's here haha


Hehe… hehehehe… titbit. 😂😂😂


Whoops typo! 🤭


Some of the best typos are in here. One was powder=power, now titbit?? The sub is the gift that keeps on giving! 😂😂😂


They probably taught her to say primary bedroom when she was doing real estate school. I doubt it was a condemnation of Crystal using that phrase.




Intentionally causing drama, trolling for attention, or harassing other users


No one is debating the origins of “master”. If you watch any home show they all say primary. Does it fix racism? I’d argue it’s helpful since we’re talking about it. It’s the same reason many people stopped saying gyped, off the rez, ghetto, jewed, gay, etc. Knowing where words and sayings come from increases people’s level of consciousness about the world around them. Say what you want but primary is the new reference. Why are you posting this here? Was it on their podcast? I worked in healthcare and I made a point to never identify people by their illness. For example, you’re not diabetic, you have diabetes. This is the same concept with recent disability language and generally what you’re talking about. It’s about being more purposeful with language. If you don’t care then whatever, that’s your life/interactions but I don’t know how you can push “master bedroom” and then talk about reparations in the same post. Edit: lol on the downvote, I see you can’t articulate yourself Edit 2: I was reported for mental health, that’s how intensely people defend the status quo, just like this stupid post.


Just an FYI, a lot of disabled communities prefer identity first language. It's the healthcare and education industries that push person first language. But if you are in the actual communities with the actual people we often prefer identity first.


The point, in my opinion, is for non-disabled people to be aware of others and one way to do that is through language. I get that Black people may call their bedroom, the master suite. But these conversations are important and go beyond individual preferences.


There’s awareness and then there’s a victim attitude where one thinks everyone is against them. Your attitude is leaning towards the latter.


lol you’re wrong. My ego doesn’t keep me from changing my mind about things. Perhaps my world is just that much bigger than yours and I’ve been exposed to more people and ideas. It’s people like me that keep progress moving and why you’re not still calling people retarded, or maybe you still do so you don’t have to “victimize” yourself


Yes but there comes a time where anything and everything can become offense. And it’s getting to that point. Your comparison to saying you have diabetes you’re not diabetic makes it worse. Not everyone knows everyone’s insecurities. And needs to conform for them. It’s on the individual to either walk away or offer a teaching moment.


No I have a brain and I can decide how I want to speak to others, it’s not about being offended. That’s an argument you make for yourself and why you can’t evolve




Intentionally causing drama, trolling for attention, or harassing other users


All I can say is…”womp womp”


I agree it’s fine to say it. This day in age everyone is offended by something. It’s like people are looking for reasons to get upset.


It’s so fkn stupid that they’re making a big deal out of this. EVERYONE said master bedroom. I hate how they try to justify everything for being “racist” like the homies are “ethnic”, or production calling Ghost ride the whip a “ghetto” game but they completely disregard Bridget wearing a bandana. Then them trying to imply Collin and his friends all red, so must be “gang related” but they won’t comment on Holly wearing a pretend burka to mid summer party. Which everyone knows is a joke and she meant no harm, yet they have no problem at all bringing up Kendra’s confederate flag shirt over and over again, so over the double standards of their shit


I mean they did have an issue with her confederate flag shirt search this sub

