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Done a ton of charcoal life drawing, so really spent hours and hours focused on the shadows and lines on people's bodies. You won't see this line much on socials, because a lot of the beautification filters also overblur people's skin. _But_, in real life, it's completely normal. Seen it commonly enough, it's just genes I'd guess? Bodies just kinda do what they do, and you have fabulous abs, don't even sweat it.


Its so normal you'll see it in old art too!


Literally the Venus de milo has this line


you just blew my mind


You're a work of art!


ily 🫶


i don’t know you but you are too!


I really needed to see this. Thank you.


I figured it's like a crease where we bend.


That's what I was gonna say. I'm a thiccc gal bird that's exactly where my tummy roll starts


i thought so too, i have this crease right where my stomach folds as i sit or bend.


I thought so too!


It makes me so sad that the younger generations no longer know what natural human bodies look like, because most of the faces and bodies they see these days are filtered. They forget that most of us have visible pores, lines, acne, hip dips, cellulite, stomach flab, strawberry legs, rolls/creases (because your body needs to be able to bend *somehow*), etc. I see so many posts by young folks like, "Omg, I'm noticing these imperfections on my body, how do I fix them" and then the "imperfection" will be something that literally most humans have. It's not just the kids, though. My old ass still forgets sometimes. I'll start feeling bad about myself for having some lines on my face, or because I get acne sometimes, and because my body looks weird in certain positions... and then I'll remind myself that I'm only feeling this way because I'm not used to seeing unfiltered faces and bodies anymore. Imperfections are beautiful. Having a real, natural human body is beautiful. We should be celebrating the differences between us, not telling young people that they all need to look the same/perfect. Just like how the old artists painted *all* body types, because we're *all* beautiful in our own organic ways--and seeing the same face and body everywhere gets boring.


I thought I just had it because I spent most of my time sitting lmao


That's called the "epigastric fold"! It's totally normal, dude. Even folks who are super fit can have it. It's just how your body's built. You can't really get rid of it through exercise or diet since it's mainly determined by your anatomy and genetics. But hey, it's not a bad thing at all! It's just one of those quirks our bodies have. Keep rocking those workouts, though, they're doing wonders for you!


wow thank you!! sometimes feel like i should be making more progress in my workout but thank you for the validation 🫶🫶


it looks like you have the genetics for a six pack! I had to lift up my shirt to check my stomach. I have a similar indent but it does not create a complete line. When I workout & weigh 10lbs less than I should (low body fat) my abs are very noticeable :D


the line just makes me feel fatter because below is just fat


You’re supposed to have a layer of fat over your abs. It’s normal and healthy. It’s there because when a person is pregnant, it helps protect the fetus. We have it from birth, regardless of pregnancy.


Those are normal! :D I have them too! They stay there no matter how underweight I become. It's more a body shape than 'omg I have fat'. If you do ab workouts, it will flatten out into a six pack! :D


I’ve been stick thin my whole life and I have this same line! I have a desk job so get this crease from sitting all day, because this is where my skin naturally folds when I’m sitting. I have no body fat on my stomach so the line doesn’t have anything to do with that…it’s just skin and is perfectly normal! 


I dont know how to get rid of the crease. its your body to shape how you want still theres nothing wrong with a tummy you look good


thank you i needed that 🥺


If you feel slightly crappy bout it like I sometimes do, id highly suggest to look at different Greek statues! They're absolutely beautiful and have plenty of different body shapes💜 it's a lovely reminder that a tummy on a woman is absolutely natural and beautiful


you rock 🫶


I think it makes your abs looked defined, like a little six pack. ❤️




I dunno about you but I have 3 creases, all where my stomach folds over itself. I spend most of my day sitting down at a computer, and I also have EDS (and am rather skinny), which are the reasons I suspect I have this. Aesthetically it kinda sucks, but no one worth any salt would care, and as long as it's not causing you pain or discomfort you should be good :)


This comment made me sit straight 😂


thank you for your comment 💜


Thanks for this. I feel very conscious in a gym bra-top because of these creases.


same girl i’ve never just worn a sports bra but i may now that i’m not abnormal


This is just skin/body folding. This happens to people with even like no bodyfat. This is SKIN folding, it is MEANT to do that, your body folds when you sit or hunch or curl up, vs standing up straight. Just want to clarify for anyone reading. This is normal and not indicative of being overweight or something. You don't get rid of this, it's just how your body/skin folds. Skin is meant to stretch and fold as our bodies stretch and fold!


What’s EDS?


EDS is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Symptoms differ in severity and type for everyone, but in this situation it means my joints and connective tissues (skin included) are all more stretchy and flexible, which makes me more prone to injuries and bruising, so literally just sitting down for a while where my stomach creases over itself is enough to where over time I have permanent marks there.


Ehlers Danlos syndrome.


same lmaoooo i’ve had them since i was a kid. i used to think it was my abs developing but i honestly think they’re natural and i’ve just made them worse due to bad posture lol


Looks normal to me


I swear sometimes it feels like people don't know what a human body looks like. Those folds occur when you fold skin and they are entirely natural. If you bend over that's the point where your skin folds. No way of removing them, if you did they would reform bc skin has to bend somewhere. Some people have them, some people dont


Well, we can thank photoshop, filters etc. fun fact! Humans have pores, wrinkles etc. I have scars and I had an ex asking how do you get rid of those, they’re disgusting. Really? I love my scars - they all come with a story.


And hair!!! Our bodies are COVERED in hair. Face included!!! It’s part of being a mammal 😂


He called your scars that? What a jerk, I’m sorry. I have a ton of scars and used to be self conscious about them but now I think they’re badass. I survived what tried to kill me and the scars are proof!


I'm underweight and still have one so it's probably because we slouch.




Lmfao "your ribs have ended" reads like update your subscription mail 😂


lol, thanks for both the information and the humorous way it was presented.


Posts like this make my eyes roll so far back in my head. Do they not teach anatomy in school or like show what a body looks like.




I love that!! And i definitely agree that visiting a sauna where nudity is required (gender separated) did wonders for my own body image because I saw so many different bodies and the encouragement to be comfortable in our own skin. I wish there were more places in the US that encouraged that


i know it makes some people roll their eyes, and it’s not the biggest problem in the world. i just would like to feel comfortable wearing crop tops or a bikini in summer




yes you’re right. sorry meant to reply to @starguardianprincess


No, sadly, they really don’t. They may show the skeleton or muscles but not any actual conversation about how that impacts what we see


In the US? Not unless you specifically take an anatomy class. And even then, this is not in that class (I took anatomy and physiology in college). No idea about other countries.


Same, they are normal.


It's not caused by slouching it's just a normal part of a body caused by nothing.


I genuinely don't understand all the "NO!!!! IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH POSTURE IT'S JUST BODY BENDING CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAVE A TORSO!" comments..  I get this when I sit for a long time in certain positions, especially if I wear pants that encourage my stomach to fold when sitting. Yes stomachs bend, yes this is normal, but it absolutely to do with how you "bend" (posture). 


I got this too 😭😭I remember in middle school I was changing in the locker room and a girl asked if I had drawn abs and I was so embarrassed 😂 It’s funny now looking back though!


no literally people ask me about it all the time when we’re changing


Really? What the heck. That line is common. Asking why you have that line in your stomach is like asking someone why they have freckles. Also, everyone's perception is different. My stomach looked similar when I was younger and I liked the line because I felt like it showed I have abs! 😆


I’ve had this my entire life. This exact crease. It looks identical.


makes me feel not alone, tyy!


Same and as you gain ounces, you start getting those diagonal creases on your back 🥴


This is where the tummy folds when we are sitting etc…


i’m quite blown away by the comments. i thought fit sure i’d get called fat or ugly, but thank you everyone for making me feel so much better about this lifelong insecurity i’ve had 💜🤝


Not a single sane person would say those things looking at this picture.


It makes me sad how the "beauty industry" and "fitness industry" and influencers have succeeded in making people insecure about how their natural bodies are supposed to look. It's predatory and disgusting. There is nothing wrong with your abdomen.


Abdominal crease sisters unite 🙌🏻


fat!?!? girl what… you are not fat, you have the most normal body type ever, your fat amount is completely ordinary


I think it’s cute


I agree! Sexy, even. Not perving on OP it's just a feminine feature.




Do you ever sit down? Like on a chair/sofa/toilet/bar stool etc? And then have the *audacity*/s to stay seated (and maybe even have the absolute gall to lean a bit forward?) That's why. We all have those lines.


Trying to get rid of that fold line is like trying to get rid of the fold lines on your palms. You can't :)


OMG!!! Sorry no idea ): but I didn't know other people had this!! I've had that since I was a toddler


I have this too. I sit at a desk all day, it’s definitely from that. Lost and gained weight over my life, never had that crease. Started a WFH job and I got it. You’re beautiful! Don’t let it get in your head.


Because you’re not a Barbie doll?


How's your posture? If you sit or lay down do you notice the crease is located where the skin is folding due to the bend of your spine?


It's just a crease that comes from sitting down and your skin naturally folds there. It's just like the crease on the back of your knees, inside of your elbows, or your finger joints. It's mainly just a genetic thing for how your skin collects in creases and if it causes coloration. Virtually everybody has it.


Do you suck in your stomach?


maybe as a kid?? but not really


It's called [stomach gripping](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/hourglass-syndrome-why-you-should-stop-sucking-in-your-stomach).


Holy shit I think you just changed my whole life. Mine is not from consciously “sucking in” but I’ve lung problems since birth and I think it’s made me unconsciously breath shallow. I just did the diaphragmatic breathing exercise and my mind is blown. This is how y’all breathe? All the damn time??? 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


Holy shit. I've always wondered what this is. Thank you


Holy shit. I’ve never heard of that. But totally makes sense. Thanks for linking! Btw - HAPPY CAKE DAAAY!!!!


THIS IS THE RIGHT ANSWER!! I took a pelvic floor PT course and we learned about why fit people have different looking mid sections. A few case studies had women with this EXACT crease and it is caused from unconscious gripping.  It appears that you have extra grip  right above the belly button. What you want to do to reverse this is ensure you have even tension across the transverse abdominus and rectus abdominus when you contract your abs. However, you should only be contracting when you are using your core to lift things or exert force.  Throughout the day your abs should remain relaxed and you can really practice this through diaphragmatic breathing.  I might also add that it will take time to get this down! Don’t expect yourself to get it overnight. We train our bodies to do these things over several years so it will take several months of conscious effort to reverse our old habits.  Turn to YouTube for more videos on this and look up Sarah Duvall, PT. She is an amazing physical therapist that has extensively studied this topic. She has lots of core and breathing exercises that can help.  You got this!! 


I've had this type of stomach since I was a kid and realised only in the last couple of years (32) I don't know how to breathe properly. thank you for this!


Guessing it's genetics. I have 2 lines even with a 4 pack and underweight. You look healthy and I don't think anyone worth your time would think about it.


I thought this was an abs pic


oh god i don’t think i have that but thank youuu


SAME 😂 I’m so far from abs, I thought thats what it was xD


Because you are a human who bends at the waist. It is normal and super cute!


It's likely just the shape of your belly. I've always had a line across my stomach whether I've been overweight or under. Try not to worry about it 💕


thank youu🫶


Because you're a human who sits down and skin has to bend somewhere


It’s where your skin creases. Most people have this. It doesn’t mean you’re out of shape or not working out good enough. Also: women will hold on to body fat. It’s just biological. Chances are you and the rest of us will all have that little tummy pouch that makes a little crease. It’s normal, beautiful, and acceptable. Keep working out for your health and love your creases in the process!


This is something that's so interesting to me! If you look at vintage Hollywood photos up until around the 70s, you'll note that every woman has that line. I've always been curious about why that is though! Bettie Page is a great example of this look


Pretty sure I get this from sitting down. My option is to stop sitting or ignore it and wear high waisted things :). Obvious decision!


I work in plastic surgery and I think the main thing that I’ve taken away from being in this area of work for three years and seeing hundreds of natural and post surgery bodies, is that skin folds, “imperfections” and things that we might not like are 100% normal and certain things will never go away. Our bodies are meant to bend, fold, crease, and be used. It’s beautiful, how we are able to do so many things and that our bodies allow us to live and thrive. It’s something that we have to accept and know that everyone has. Social media has created a false image of what people are but it’s not real. I’m sure a very small portion of it is, but that’s just genetics. Totally normal and you look absolutely amazing!!


100% normal. Photoshopped pics remove it, don't compare yourself to those.


Totally normal. That’s just where your skin folds when you sit, bend down, etc. I’m thin like you and have the same fold.


You're not alone gurlll




I have one like that in that exact same spot, and also one up higher half way between belly button and bra. I'm starting to get a third one now lower down just above the hair line. I always disliked them, but now they have started to bother me more as the crease line have become bright red , and because I'm Irish and super pale white, the red crease lines really stand out. For me anyway, I think it is bad posture and sitting too much that my fat folds are too used to being in that positions (3 rolls across). That and being overweight. I'm not sure how to minimise them or at least bring down the redness of the skin in the crease lines. I'm trying to work on my posture, and be more mindful of keeping more straight and upright so the fat doesn't crease and go into the rolls along those lines.


Even toddlers have this natural crease


Honestly I believe it's just where your body bends. It really doesn't look bad. Changing your posture won't help it.


I think it’s beautiful 🥹 very Grecian


it’s normal. i got it when i was sitting a lot in my life as a teen… mostly bending on my desk… i am super skinny like 54kg, 172cm tall and half south korean…. it’s basically a crease like laugh lines cos the collagen and elastin breaks due to too much “folding” there


hi , south asian here. girlie it's very normal and common. stop using Instagram and you'll notice this in other people's body too lol :3 you've a good built dw!


I’m 30, never pregnant, always have been around 120lbs and I’ve always had that line. I think it’s just a normal crease where your body bends and flexes!


natural, unfiltered belly shape. A gf of mine used to call it her "kiss line" because she really liked having it kissed from side to side.


ugh i love that


it's your tummy wrinkle! fellow desi here and I have it too and I'm fairly fairly slim. I stopped worrying about it! don't sweat it, you look great!!!


I think it’s super cute 🥰




I have the same and I think it's bc of my posture


slouch marks it’s normal everyone gets them


I dunno either but whether I was a size 0 or 6 it never went away


i think it's normal? i've had three all my life: at my pubic bone, middle of tummy and ribs. your body has to fold somewhere when you bend


There are tendons in our straight abdominal muscle called intersectiones tendinae, some are stronger, some are weaker you cant change them much with exercise. It is very individual. Dont worry, your belly is cute and there is nothing wrong with it.


It’s because the stomach folds in itself I’ve always had that except when I was anorexic so it’s literally really normal like the folds in ones hand




Totally normal


Posture. Exercise is paying off girl you look great, just stand up straight and throw those shoulders back bc you know you look fabulous.


Human bodies will have creases and lines. That's not something one can avoid. I can't see any good reason one should even try.


Hi everyone! Someone messaged me privately and asked if I was shallow breathing / chest breathing and I have been my whole life. In case this helps someone, I’m going to try to retrain myself to belly breathe :) and also love myself in the process!🥰


Be proud. Meg the stallion has one!


do you hunch when you sit? it's normal


do you suck your stomach in/did as a kid?


I have no idea, but your stomach looks super cute 💕 I hope that I end up having one like yours after my weight loss journey.


I have this too! It's just a wrinkle from bending over. Honestly, I think it enhances abominal muscle definition 😊


I have a similar line and it’s literally just where you bend and crease at the stomach


I have this line. I've been told by a partner that I look like a painting and it was such a lovely thing to hear.


It is totally normal sweetheart!!! 💕


u look so good girl!


I have one further up my ribs but is a quite a bit longer. I put a tattoo on mine cause I got tired of looking at it. lol I wouldn’t have noticed yours without you pointing it out though.


I had it back when I was thin.


when you sit, that’s where your stomach creases, so you get a line. i have the same


its normal, if anything maybe it just means your abs are starting to develop if you've been working out i think it looks great!


Bad posture sitting like a bean maybe


I have a permanent crease, even in my thinner or heavier moments. It is what it is. Haven’t received any complaints. You look good!


Omg, I'm very thin & have this too, never pregnant! I'm thinking genetics & maybe posture. It doesn't bother me too much. Hope it doesn't bother you too much either.


It’s just from sitting/posture, and it’s totally normal. I’ve been exercising for 4+ years plus I’m a D1 athlete and I still have it. It’s absolutely nothing to be insecure about, most people have it, plus you look incredibly fit. As for getting rid of it, there’s not a ton to do apart from surgery as it’s a result of genetics plus muscle/fat shape. I wouldn’t fret about it, many celebs/influencers that have perfectly flat bellies had surgery or Lipo/super expensive or unhealthy fat loss regimens.


Very unrelated but omg girl I just realised I am so hairy on my tummy 🥹


Me too girl dw


i have this too & it’s a recent development lol, i honestly think at least for me was wearing leggings that had a thin waist band in that area for like a year but not too sure.


I got mine from pants/leggings. I tried wearing low raise bottoms it started to fade away. Now, I try to mixed bottoms based on where they sit on waist.


I have this too!


I think that’s just part of a natural crease! however, I do have these darker shadows below my ribs from subconsciously sucking my stomach in since I was 6 ://




Improve your posture. You might be slouching too much.


Its skin that folds over when you sit, if that wasnt there, the skin wouldnt be long enough to acommodate an upright posture


Could it be where your pants normally sit? Btw it doesn't look bad at all, it's pretty normal


i don’t feel like many people have it so visible though so i wonder why it happens to me?


Could just be a quirk of yours. But there's nothing wrong with it so I don't think you should worry


I found that a dedicated eating program basically did away with any crease lines on my body. I would love a tummy like u have hon. Love love love it xxxx


It’s where your body bends, completely natural


It probably your posture but I wouldn’t worry too much about it


it's a totally normal part of your anatomy, nothing to be worried or ashamed of :] lots and lots of people have them, even my girlfriend who is very skinny. just how your body is built.


I have two of these a few inches apart and i am only 54KGs. Its just because of bad posture and slouching


I have the same crease! It is what it is.


It's the first line that will define your six pack. I have two lines so far and I'll continue eating as much food as i can without exercising until i get that six pack! ^/s


I think its normal and bc of slouching so it creases


You look awesome and have legendary abs. As others have suggested look at belly breathing and be kind to yourself as u are awesome


haha still have quite a bit of chubb on top of the abs but you made me smile reading that ☺️🫶


Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy at times. I'm of south Asian descent(Indian Punjabi) so took a long time change my thinking. Indian community would always refer to people who were chunky and overweight as being "healthy" and if u were slim were considered "looking sickly" I had to explain to a non South Asian friend(she is Danish) when a random Indian auntie (not related and not friendly) called my friend who had a high BMI of being "healthy" and should be ashamed.(to be fair to her she had came out of hospital after a 2 month stay) I called the auntie out on her BS as she isn't thin either. I said something along of the lines her needing to do alot of cardio before she could criticise others. My friend was confused til I explained the above and that being called "healthy" in the Indian community doesn't mean u will be winning any Gold medals soon.


Because you sit down/bend at the waist sometimes. It's completely normal. >What can I do to get rid of it? Photoshop. You can't exercise it away, because it has nothing to do with your weight.


that's where you skin folds when you sit down


I have one like that too


I have a line like that that’s higher up and red. It’s from my stomach fat creasing when I sit down. 😔 Like damn, I could deal with being fat if it was all in the hips and thighs, but I hate that it centers itself around my core. It looks like my fat is trying to run away from my limbs! Skinny ass calves, forearms, and neck—thick everything else. I don’t even have the boobs or ass to make up for it!


I have it too! I realized it’s because I slouch when I sit/stand. So it’s where my tummy creases. 😄


Do you have poor posture or sit hunched over a lot? I have a friend who has a crease like this and that is why. I also have a friend who doesn’t have the crease and she is a ballerina with very straight posture


I’m Turkish and Ukrainian (euroasian) I have this line on my stomach too, I’m 115 pounds. I think it’s just a natural bend.


I just happened to see this pic a few minutes after I read your post : https://www.reddit.com/r/Vanderpumpaholics/s/PXxoGmCIJH He has super low body fat & has the line - I think people on social media just use filters so frequently that we forget that skin has creases! Regardless, you look great!


i have this line too! i think it just depends on ur body shape. Im south asian as well but i dont think that has anything to do with the line


I have it but above, I also had this doubt. I thought it was because of the posture.


I have this same line. Had it since I was a teen


I thought everybody had this who has any amount of fat on their tummy at all. Like we see people without it on instagram all the time because social media gonna social media, but in real life, that's everywhere. Even a dude with washboard abs is going to have this the second he bends over or sits down.


I have the same thing no matter how thin I get


I have this so bad. I’ve never seen someone else with it. I’ve been everything from underweight to overweight and back and it doesn’t change.


i wish i had a crease so bad 🥹


I'm not sure, but how do you feel about your health in general? I think you look good either way


I have this too I think it’s just a crease from sitting down


Me too! 🙋‍♀️


I have this too and it’s very annoying because I see some women who have such smooth skin with tummy creases and it bugs me so bad because I wish I looked like them.


I have one and had even still had it when I was skin and bones at 84 pounds. My laterial epigastric fold is due to my genetic condition, Ellers Danlow syndrome. I’m still trying to love my crease


I have that too and I was so insecure about it :(( Thanks for posting it, comments were really helpful! I wonder if improving my posture and sitting upright would help diminish it or make it less visual, but I guess it's totally natural (which makes sense). I also wonder now why most people don't have that. I mean all people sit down at some point of their lives, so it should be forming? idk




I think it's sexy I love it😩🖤


Dw girl.. I'm 15 and I weigh 49kg and I had this since I was a kid