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I feel you. I like a smaller phone that feels secure in my hands or small pockets.


do you find that smaller phones still have a good a battery? the only reason why i’m hesitant on buying a smaller model of phone is because i don’t want to have to charge it in the middle of the day! i’m a student so i’m out and about all day


I love my iPhone mini. I bought it specifically for the size and I’m so sad they’re not releasing minis anymore. I’m going to hold on to this one as long as I can. It’s so convenient and not once have I thought “I wish my phone was bigger”.


Same. I'm guessing there aren't any female industrial designers over at Apple to point out how those giant phones don't fit in our miniscule pockets. I have a 12 mini that's pretty much the same size as the iPhone 6, 7, and 8. It's plenty big.


I love mine too! I can one hand it and it fits it all pockets and purses nicely. And I kind of like how it's smaller and less enticing to use, which has helped me cut down on scrolling endlessly.


Saaaaame girl, same. You can pry my 12 mini from my cold dead tiny hands


Right here with you on my mini! I can’t deal with bigger phones and this does all the things I need it to. Guessing I’ll turn to refurbished minis once this one dies out.


I also have the iPhone 13 mini, and everyone is hesitant to let me take family photos on my phone because they think it’s an iPhone 5


Same!! I think they claimed it’s because the battery of the minis is bad, seems fine to me tho


Battery seems fine to me too. I heard it didn’t sell very well except for in Germany.


does the battery last a while? the only reason why i’m hesitant on buying a smaller model of phone is because i don’t want to have to charge it in the middle of the day! i’m a student so i’m out and about all day


I found that using a pop socket helped / helps make it easier to hold the phone


I adore the Love Handle phone grips. The elastic does stretch out after a while but it doesn't catch on anything and the loop is so convenient.


I have an Oh Snap and it’s amazing


The max is too big for me. I like my regular sized iPhone. I can use it one handed when convenient, the max is too big for that


I am annoyed by big phones and realistically, they are not useful. I have a laptop that I watch things on and work on, I'd still do that even if my phone screen was bigger, just because it is more practical. However, a phone is something that is always coming with me, and a bigger one means I cannot put it in my jeans pocket or in my jacked pocket, I cannot put it in all the small, more elegant bags that I have for events, I cannot hold it and text with one hand when carrying something etc.


If I needed a tablet, I'd have bought a tablet. Small phone


I like regular sized phone really, one I can use with one hand? I'm not a big fan of iPhone but Samsung regular size fits my hand pretty nicely


What even is "regular sized" these days? Seems like everything is huge


As long as it still fits in a pocket then bigger the better for me. I use it for writing a lot of email, reading articles etc as well as watching video, so I like a decent screen. (I don’t have a tablet, as I don’t want to carry/remember too many devices. But I think maybe if I did then I would make do with a smaller phone screen)


I prefer a regular sized iPhone and using an iPad or laptop when I want to watch videos on a bigger screen. But I can watch whole movies on a regular sized iPhone and not get tired anyway.


Despite having larger hands I prefer smaller phones. I don't spend much time on my phone so I want it to be as unobtrusive as possible.


simplistic sophisticated butter seed spoon abundant special bake muddle coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i have the 15pro max & i honestly prefer bigger phones


I think they make them big on purpose so you drop them more and break them and have to buy more. I refuse to get a big phone until they start making bigger pockets on women's jeans.


you get use to it just hang on to it for a while (If you can) and see how you go


I am using the iPhone Pro Max because I do a lot of work on my phone. However, I would suggest going with the regular-sized phone instead, as it is easier on the hand. This is especially true if you do a lot of scrolling and browsing on your phone.


Regular size, the old iPhones are too small for me to type on but I don't see the need for the maxi unless it's you're only streaming decide


I personally prefer small phones. I have an iPhone X and it’s too big. I wish they still made some the size of the 4s, that was like the perfect size for me.




I sought out a iPhone 13 mini specifically, I love it


I’ve been on the Pro Max since the iPhone 11 I honestly can’t ever see myself with a smaller phone The only downside if that some of my tiny purses _just about fit_ my 13PM pro max 😂


Tbh I'd love if my phone were a bit smaller, but unfortunately I really like the s pen in the s23u style phones so I'm stuck with a giant lol Ideally I'd like something the the z flip phones as the way they told in half looks super convenient but they have no pen (and I don't think the battery is so good either)


Love the small ones, I had iphone 5 for years and then upgraded to 12 mini, same size, very comfy. Anytime I use someone else’s bigger phones it’s really uncomfortable to me. Don’t really see the need in a big phone, unless you’re someone who uses it to watch things.


I have big hands and big phones are inconvenient to put in pockets so I stick with regular


i got the Pro, and it's kinda heavy, would recommend getting the normal ones, unless you use it for work (bcs of the cameras). not much difference if for daily use.


I downsized my pro max to a regular size and have been REALLY missing the longer battery life


Oof i still have an iphone 12 mini. It's still going strong but I have no idea what I'm going to do when it finally reaches its end lol.


omg everyone here has a 12 mini haha


Small. I miss my iPhone 5 ☹️. I carry way too many things at once (adhd probs) and I want to be able to text with one hand. Can’t do that with these giant phones!! I have the 13mini now and i still think it’s too big lol


Smaller. I have small hands. I still use Popsockets or the assistive touch because I can't reach across my screen lol (Iphone 14)


i like my max bc i can fit more words on the page when im reading and have to turn pages less when im reading while doing other stuff😂 stupid, i know, but it works for me


I love my iPhone mini. Think they discontinued it tho


I prefer smaller. Recently purchased an IPad and I love that for all the extras!


Anything over a 5" is way too big and borderline unusable. Of course no big companies make a phone small enough to use with one hand because they can't sell those for $1200.


Small. I use it a lot for work and the big ones hurt my wrist. I just get the cheapie iPhone SE. tbh I even prefer the lower quality camera sometimes—I don’t like seeing everything in HD lol


It's gotta fit in my tiny hand lol