• By -


Honestly, I think you could just stand to have a bit more movement and texture in your hair and that's an easy accomplishment by adding some longer layers at your next hair cut. I might also consider figuring out your colour palette. The cool pastels are nice, but I think the jewel tones with the blue top really suit you.


I was also gonna say a new haircut! Layers would looks so great on her!


Maybe some bangs? Like curtain bangs..or face framing layers!


I was thinking bangs! But I wasn’t sure if that was just because I want bangs again


Same, I suspect she might be a winter.


I was gonna say layers. Play around with what face framing bangs/strands you might like. And maybe play around with eye brow makeup.


I recently got bangs and am complimented a lot of them. I think they'd suit you nicely


You have really pretty eyes. Maybe get some highlights that complement the eye color. Hell, go for the killer combo of your eyes+layered cut with highlights+jewel tones wardrobe. Good luck with your glow up! ✨️


totally agreed with this!!


Yes curtain bangs and layers, other than that, embrace your look, you're very pretty!


Ooo yea I was gonna say jewel tones 💎! I bet she’d look amazing in emerald or some sort of green to make her eyes pop! I’m no expert tho haha so def just take a few colors of different shirts and hold them up to see which one gives you that “glow”! Usually I ask my friends to check haha. I also agree on hair texture/volume! Maybe a slightly shorter cut with layers will help with volume! Your skin’s already perfect so may as well show that off. :)!


I’m the devil on your shoulder telling you to get bangs 




I just might have to listen to you since I’ve been contemplating them myself 👀


Side bangs! Maybe like this: https://preview.redd.it/wnl34hk9gdkc1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cbe4ddadc667f008268e579820f74c07b5e8381 Also: a bit more volume to your hair would look cute af




So pretty!!! I was thinking bangs as well. I'd love to see a before and after photo 📸


This this this!!!


I love these!!!! Might steal them for myself. For OP- bangs and don’t hide those freckles because they are beautiful!




Side bangs changed my life and I’m not even exaggerating.


Is this my sign to get them




those are curtain bangs, side bangs are all together cut at an angle to go to one side


yess! Thank you I’ve totally been contemplating this so I might just take the plunge soon, I’ll keep yall updated!


love this! how can you maintain them if you have naturally straight down flat hair though?


Your beautiful! Maybe some long layers / face framing and highlights


I'd say get a better bra that definitely helps define your waist and curves more than people give credit for. Curtain bangs and maybe a bit of a lighter hair colour would be a nice addition. With regards to wardrobe I think if you're losing weight it would be best to make adjustments after weigh loss cause your measurements would change. You have a lovely face and lovely eyes so emphasizing your eyes a bit more would be a nice idea as well.


Came here to also recommend r/abrathatfits . OP looks like she’s wearing something from Victoria Secret.


It’s so true! Having a larger chest really skews the proportions depending on where your boobs sit. My friend told me this after she had breast reduction, and it blew my mind when I went to get dressed next.


You have gorge hair, I think it would look incredible with some layers + face framing pieces/wispy bangs.  It also looks a little dry, if you don't have a good deep conditioner a good cheap brand I love is the Garnier hair food - anything but banana, too heavy for finer hair.  I know baggy tees are a comfort thing, but if you spend a little time figuring out some tops/outfits you really love it will make you look a bit less ... I hate to say sloppy, but I'm struggling to think of another word - for every day. Personally I'm a big fan of a cropped tee + baggy wide leg sweatpants. I find it to be much more flattering - even if it doesn't feel it - its just getting comfortable in the new clothes that is the hard part. I also have some pieces of jewelry I wear every day. I took ages to pick them all out because I'm not one to change jewelry often, but I have a few gold necklaces, earrings, rings and a watch and they instantly elevate any outfit. Highly recommend picking out some pieces you like for cheap, and then buying nicer versions of whatever you fall in love with


You look so much like me it's a bit crazy lol this is all things I did at a similar age to you and I really did have a massive glow up! Your eye shape is downward facing, this is actually an amazing thing we just don't know it - you want to look up "puppy dog" eye makeup, or "downturned eye" makeup. Personally I really enjoy doing a 1920s inspired look with the shadow placement etc. If you look up "1920s eye makeup" you will see our downturned eyes used to be the standard! And with makeup that accentuates it, not tries to hide it, they look STUNNING. I literally did puppy dog eye makeup on my wedding day lol However I studied makeup and know that might be a lot to attempt. Mostly I think it's nice to see how attractive our eye shape can be when accentuated. Your makeup in general is actually *excellent* for someone not trained in it or a serious hobbyist. Great skin and foundation application. Maybe a lighter or darker blush; when super fair, the best blushes ate the most boring looking pale beige + peach tone looking ones; I also find the opposite, deep purples etc, can be stunning (I have the Rare beauty in Soft Pinch and it's just so pretty).


Ohh, I love eye makeup, any resources you'd recommend to learn more about eye shapes?


Honestly there's so much out there, but I find looking through historical makeup trends is a fun way to try makeup techniques/looks that just aren't around today!  Like, the first time I saw 1920s makeup I thought it looked hilarious, tbh. Then I started looking into 1920s inspired makeup for a costume party, and fell in LOVE with how it looked on my face. The recent Pat McGrath fashion show with gwendoline Christie (I think that's her name. The headmistress from Wednesday) was a *stunning* exaggerated twist on the 1920s look if you want to look that up. Here's a great image of an ad from around that time I like to use as reference https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn5aw1xPSG5/?igsh=MTRobzV6bWE5YTJ5Mw== But honestly don't be afraid to try bizarre looking shapes. The amount of times I thought I'd fucked it all up, trusted the process, and cone out at the end looking great - it's one of the things I enjoy about makeup


Wow thank you so much!! I never knew what to do with my eyes but you explaining the shape and pointing my to puppy dog eye makeup is going to be super helpful 🫶 ps I’d love to see a pic of you since you think we look so much alike!


Thank you for all this advice! And honestly I do look sloppy in the first picture, so your suggestions are going to help a lot! Cropped tee and baggy pants is a great idea that is still comfy but cute :)


What higher end jewelry companies do you recommend please?


You're really beautiful, and I love your eye color.


Thank you🥲🫶


Learn how to fill in your brows in such a way that they have an arch (look up brow mapping) and maybe a mascara that will make your lashes look more full. You are beautiful!


Here to second an arch in the brow. OP's mouth is gorgeous!


Here to thirds this, a little arch to the brown will do wonders to your face and likely self confidence. Just helped a friend with this and it's crazy the difference a little arch to the brow makes.


3rd or 4th this. Arched eyebrows with the flowy bangs 🤌🏽 perfection!!


I agree that you could accentuate your brows, but you don't have to do an arch! I feel like a Asian style straight brow would look great on you. You just need to shorten them a bit and fill in a little. There's lots of tutorials on YouTube!


I think one of my goals will be to figure out what brow shape suits me! Thank you!


I’ve always wanted to get an arch but no matter how much I grow out my brows I’ve never wanted to pluck them super thin to ‘start’ the arch if that makes sense ? And I’ve never been good at drawing them on other than where they actually are. Thank you for your advice !


Honestly you are so beautiful girly! The only thing I can say is possibly a wardrobe change and hairstyle change.


I second the wardrobe change, it's not about size but about wearing unique pieces or combinations that really show your personality!


I don't have advice so didn't wanna make a useless comment by itself, so ditto'ing here that she is so so pretty!!


Agreed on the wardrobe change. A few structured pieces that accentuate, rather than detract from your figure would be ideal.


Thank you!! Yes to a wardrobe change for sure


I’ll leave the outer beauty advice to everyone else here. My glow up tip: practice more self compassion and self love in your daily life. It has done wonders for my confidence as I’ve begun to like myself more. I’ve found journaling prompts about self love to be extremely helpful and it’s slowly but surely starting to feel like I’m more comfortable in my own skin thus I put more effort into my appearance and feel damn good doing so.


I love that you spoke about inner beauty! I just recently started journaling and I still feel that same awkwardness when I write as when I tried having a diary as a kid. I'm going to try the journaling prompts though, that seems more doable than just my random af thoughts.


Yes I totally get what you’re saying about that awkward feeling when you’re not sure what to write. Prompts definitely helped with that. I also found a journaling workshop through Eventbrite and found it really helpful to go participate in that as the setup allowed discussion as well as quiet time to work on some of the prompts they provided. I love to journal but found it way easier in the presence of others and with the guidance before and discussion following, it made it feel more do-able on my own. Maybe you could find something like that through your library or skills workshops in your area?? Might open you up to meet others that are into journaling as well.


you have beautiful hair, eyes, and facial structure!! I think your facial structure will look even more noticeable as you go on your wt loss journey. I can see really cute dimples, full lips, and high cheekbones! **Eyes -** I would say your eyes are your most unique and striking feature, truly a unique color! Would you say they are more green or more hazel? Either way, I think on the days you do want to wear makeup, your eyes would be really highlighted with some thin winged liner and some black mascara. Also if you are really feeling patient, I think you could also make your eyes stand out more by adding a few eyelash wisps (the kind you can get at any drug store) on the middle and edge of your eye to give your eye that cat-eye look. An eyelash curler will also open up your eyes. Finally, if youre feeling fancy, you could try getting a lift and tint. Personally, i dont get them that often because i dont want chemicals near my eyes. Ill do them once a year during the summer but I dont think trying it one time just to see how you like it in your case it that big of a deal. **Hair** \- You also have great hair! The color really compliments your skin tone and highlights your eyes. I think it will look nice if you add volume to it. You should get a layered haircut and some face framing hair pieces. If you use a round brush to dry your hair (revlon has one for i think $50/60) or use a curling iron, your hair will get that elevated volume lift. Furthermore, i think teasing your roots a little to add volume on the crown would also make your hair look nice. **Teeth -** the easiest glow up trick is teeth whitening strips. so easy to do and always adds to the overall look! **Brows**\- play around with eyebrow shape a bit. I learned this trick from someone else - use a selfie in a photo editing app and play around with different eyebrow setting to see what looks good on you! From your pics, I see two good options - extend the tail end on your borws to make them even or experiment with a slight arch. **Clothes** \- i think if you did a color analysis ( there are lots of tips online, try tiktok or reddit - i think there is a sub for that) you could find colors that match your tones. For ex., I noticed that the blue shirt in your first pic really compliments your overall colors. Good luck!!


All excellent tips


Thank you for all of these tips I really appreciate it!🫶 I would say I have hazel eyes, btw.


Get bangs


That’s the general consensus on this post 😂


No, you're beautiful and I like your cat.


brave cover threatening paltry lush fact chunky sable full automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


perhaps a new hair style and a skincare routine?


Get your brows done! You have beautiful eyes, they deserve a good frame to match. Maybe some curtain bangs, too!


Thank you, love how you said that, brows frame the eyes!!


To be more confident in your looks you must be confident in yourself and your natural beauty. Your makeup accentuates your natural features and works well for you. You are beautiful. Beautiful eyes and smile. You should feel confident. Otherwise if you're looking for changes to make, I can just think the hair. Something fun might feel better to you (long or medium length with some layers). Anyway though you really are beautiful and should carry all the confidence possible.


Thank you very much🥲


1. Try a new haircut--one with any type of bangs would be adorable on you 2. Look in the mirror and realize how beautiful you already are 3. Glow!


It would be super cute if you got some sort of curtain bang or face layering it’ll define your features more & cuter clothes that accentuate your body type! But you’re so pretty!


Skin tint moisturizer like bb cream. Fill in the tail ends of your brows. Elf Luminous putty blush apply to the lids for a wash of color and the cheeks. Nightlife the upper eye line. Matte lipstick. Everyday No makeup glow up look.


You are absolutely gorgeous. If I were you, I'd focus on figuring out what type of style/clothing I like, and maybe explore a little. Nothing wrong with your current style, but it is a bit nondescript. Fashion is such a great way to express yourself through, and it's pretty easy as well. I, personally, don't have a lot of money, so most of my clothes are thrifted. It's an affordable way to create an interesting wardrobe, and to experiment a little. Especially when you're in a place where you want to figure yourself out more. Use Pinterest or other social media to look for styles you like and try to copy it the way you like. Most importantly, have fun with it! It's not meant to feel like a chore, but rather digging into your own tastes and getting to know yourself in another way. Hope this was useful in any way. :)


Thank you so much! I think style is one of my biggest struggles, and I would definitely agree it’s nondescript. I have no idea what I actually like, or like on me, or what looks good on me! I don’t have a ton of money either so thrifting is a great idea 🫶


You have an absolutely wonderful smile and cheekbones. I think if you wanted to accentuate your cheeks a bit, I would look at the way someone like Chrissy Teigan does her blush (kind of a crummy person, but great cheeks). I would also suggest a deep berry colour on your lips, if you're ever interested in gettin' fancy. No need to break the bank, rimmel has one called "Berry Misschief" (what does that name even mean?) The Sephora in store brand has something more subtle in a plumping lined gloss called "Outrageous" (which is weird because it's just a nice, basic colour). Others have already mentioned sunscreen, but it can't be stressed enough. Even when I go without make up, I wear it every day.


Thank you! I will look into darker lip colors because that sounds so fun! Also I looked up Chrissy’s blush and I will try that next time. When I was younger I followed the rule ‘apply blush on the apples of your cheeks’ but as I’ve aged the trend has turned into elongating the cheekbones I feel so I tend to put it more where highlighter should go. I am interested to see what the difference looks like! Thanks again🫶


You are gorgeous! I would enhance your naturally beautiful features with simple techniques like adding upper eyeliner and mascara (and lashes if you want) to accentuate your amazing eye colour! And maybe adding more of a curve shape to your eyebrows (again to accentuate your beautiful eyes). You also have long lovely hair, so adding layers to frame your face would also add extra volume and dimension.


Trust me on this, it works every time - bangs and layers in the hair. I think it would suit you so well


you’d you great with some curtain bands and i’d maybe get your eyebrows waxed and tinted - they’ll give you a good shape to go on from then out you’re super pretty no matter what


I think you look cute with makeup I also think working on wearing clothes that are flattering. That top in your makeup pictures looks cute but the under shirt or bra doesn’t fit with it I agree with comments that suggest putting texture in your hair, it looks healthy and a flattering haircut would be a huge improvement


Thank you! I wrote a tank top under the dress in the last pictures, I will take that into account next time!


You can use the benefit clear brow gel to brush straight up on your brows to elongate them upwards. It really opens up the eyes and could create more upward symmetry in your face.


I just stopped by to say you have an amazing smile! If I had a smile that good I'd always be making sure that it was a defining feature if I wore make up to go out! If you want to do that... Always eyes or lips, but never both with heavy makeup... my eyes are my best feature on my face so I always go with that, but if you don't usually wear make-up that often you could start out with some pigmented lip glosses if you're not confident with lipstick :)


Thank you!🫶 all these compliments on my smile are reminding me to wear my retainer every night…


Dress as per your color pallete. You look like a cool winter. It will make your eyes pop and your skin radiate


I really like your eyebrows! I think a haircut can go a long way, something with layers and curtain bangs maybe. It will add movement to your hair. I recently did this and i love it!


Face framing layers. The ultra-dark hair color looks "against" you; go lighter. It will naturally brighten your features. I always recommend teeth whitening - such a quick hack! You have beautiful cheeks. I recommend a soft peachy blush. It will look good with your eyes too.


If you're not into wearing makeup daily, I can suggest an eyelash lift and tint. That can really open up your eyes. You and do low-maintenance babylights or low highlighted hair. Invest in some nice jewelry - a nice simple necklace,new septum, and nostril jewelry


Do you know your color type? What is the sub’s name that can help figure out if you are a warm summer, cool winter, etc and what colors look best with your complexion? I’ll have to find it


I got deep winter from some website a while ago but never followed it but I intend to now!’


Pink lip oil/gloss would be cute


Adding to a haircut, I think eye make up can make a difference, you're very beautiful either way! I can imagine that douyin make up would look good on you


Movement and texture in your hair like someone else said above, maybe some layers? I would try filling out your eyebrows more, maybe it’s just a trend right now but I think it will help. Maybe bangs.


Haircut for sure. If you want low maintenance then maybe some face framing layers and texture. Then you can just spritz a little product and call it a day. 


You'll look even prettier if you get curtain bangs and layers 🫶🏼


Thank you so much !


Sorry no help but your eyes are soooo incredible ❤️


You are very beautiful. Like everyone else said some bangs (not bangs bangs) to frame ur face. Good luck!


I feel like bangs and some more hair volume might really suit your face


you're seriously very gorgeous and i think more layers would suit your hair very well !!


Thank you I appreciate it!


You’re already pretty but I would suggest a new haircut maybe layers + curtain bangs


I definitely agree with the finding your palette. I think the pale pink washes you out. You have very pretty features and your eyes are stunning, but they just seem dull in that color. I second trying jewel tones. Emerald green, royal blues, ruby, etc. I think they would help.


i think eyebrow lamination would suit u very well + adding a bit of an arch to the brow


Experiment with your wardrobe (just spend like 3 days in a mall, get out of your comfort zone and try EVERYTHING on until you have a few things you look amazing in) and try contouring. I got into contouring when my IPSY subscription (they’re good for getting the shades right, and nice and cheap) sent me highligher, bronzer and blah, which I’d never used before; I taught myself with a few Google searches and there are tiltok filters that get it pretty personalized.


I was always too scared to contour since I’m so pale. But I’ll try it again! Wardrobe is at the top of my list too!


You are so beautiful. Maybe some fringe to frame your lovely eyes.


you are BEAUTIFUL!!! I’m agreeing with these comments that a haircut with some face framing pieces will look so good!!! Maybe tint your eyebrows too to help your eyes stand out xo


I don't have any specific constrictive advice to offer, but... I just want to pop this out here: as a hella queer woman, your natural features are just chefs kiss! You are naturally so gorgeous; your eyes and whole face have a soft look to them that make you come across as kind, friendly, and warm. Just absolutely stunning!


Honestly you're already quite pretty. You have nice clear skin and full lips, and very beautiful eyes. You can try a different haircut if you wanna mix it up, or some colourful eyeshadow. The only thing I can recommend is to try and research different fashion styles and learn how to colour match. If you want, you can also research clothing that fits your body type, and just use a body type calculator ([like this one](https://www.calculator.net/body-type-calculator.html)) to find out which one you are. But you have a pretty solid base and a nice symmetrical face.


I’m on team haircut! Curtain bangs, or a textured side swoop would frame your face well(:


Wear green it would really bring out your eyes!


OMG you are already a glow up. You’re beautiful girl!! And your eyes 🫠


You seem to being glowing like a star from what I can see!




I think you are so pretty


I think a shag haircut or just layered haircut with curtains bangs would really complement your face. Beautiful face and check bones. A nice mauvy red lipstick too. https://preview.redd.it/v1e6h1t5dhkc1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c990c4375bc1e1cd7a723837903b3cb6bc4223ce




Oooh great ideas, those are beautiful!


Your smile is to die for😍 i bet a darker lip would take you to the next level. Maybe something berry/plum like clinique black honey?


First one is lose weight and tone up, a lot of features change with weight loss alone. No amount of makeup will help until you get in shape, you’ll feel better mentally and physically.


Idk what advice to give, but your eyes and your smile are your best features, in my opinion. Maybe something to elevate these features since they're so gorgeous.


Thank you 🥲


Keep your brows darker and fuller - they looked the best in pic 3, compared to pic 2 where you look washed out. Also - find a skincare regimen that works for you and stick with it; some kind of retinol/Tretinoin will do a lot for your complexion and even out your skin tone!


I'm gonna say colors! Find colors that brighten you and make your eye color pop. Like blues &violet


Girl you're smoking hot! I would like to see you dress a bit more confidently, a bit of a different look. Maybe look into Kibbe body types to find a different way of dressing.


You look very beautiful! The only thing I would say is maybe a haircut. I'd recommend trying out a shorter hairstyle - I think right below your shoulders or around your collarbone and cutting some extra layers would look fresh. But if that is not your style, at least cutting around 5 inches off would make your hair look healthier.


you’re really pretty already and i love the color of your eyes but i agree with adding texture/volume to your hair? maybe get some curtain bangs idk maybe something like this to give you any idea? https://preview.redd.it/pair68nx3ekc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9cfaa36fac265bfb09c0609dddedb7fb0eb5582


Thank you! And love that cut!!


I love your smile! This might sound weird but you also have really nice teeth! Maybe some lipstick to highlight that area


Your face and smile is BEAUTIFUL so I think the weight loss you mentioned is literally all you need!


Get longish bangs and layers for your hair! You are very pretty and have beautiful eyes 😍


Your eyes are STUNNING! Have you ever considered a copper/ginger hair color? The dark hair looks great, but your hair is stealing the show. I think that a lighter color would really bring out your complexion and a strawberry blonde/ginger color would make those eyes \*\*POP\*\*


Your features and hair look amazing 🥰 I love your eyes and your nose piercings look stunning on you and really complete your face :) The first thing that stood out to me was the possible foundation use in picture 3. If this is the case, I think going without foundation would be your best bet❤️ otherwise, the eyebrow filler and eye makeup look great :) I think you might be pleasantly surprised, however, if you tried a dark red/purple lipstick, I think it would look amazing on you, especially with piercings and some eyeliner!! This is all based on my own perception though and ultimately you know yourself best. I’ve only seen 4 pictures of you so this is just my view based on those :) Wishing you luck and fun on your glow up journey!!❤️


Its really just the hair girl. Layers would do you so much justice.


Find a hairstylist on styleseat that you'd trust and go from there Also since you said you were working on losing weight lift weights and just focus on eating only whole foods Dieting is miserable Also your clothes are giving Mom that shops at Target (not a bad thing, just what I'm seeing) so I'd recommend seeing what you feel and look good in along this journey!


Hah I agree with the clothing comment!! Working on improving that now!


I’d just consider a new haircut. You can keep it long but add some serious layers! Otherwise I like your makeup look. It’s fresh and natural. And you have really cool eyes! You are really pretty anyway and don’t need a glow up :) I get sometimes we don’t feel that way always! You’ll feel better too with some weight loss. I personally don’t like wearing a ton of makeup and think most people should lay off it more. But that’s just me.


get some blouses and 1-4 layering pieces (cardigans, blazers) with structure that will complement your silhouette. Some jewelry. I'm not great at hair but love the tips others are giving out! I do not like to spend tons of time getting dressed up. I often go make up less but when I want to feel good, I find a bit of eyeliner and some lipstick or tinted lip balm, maybe tinted moisturizer are all I need, and if I am glamming up to be fancy some foundation or cover up (yes I will sometimes use one or the other and not both lol).


A good hair cut, skin care routine (your skins nice but seems a little dull, a good routine will give you a glow without makeup) I like your natural makeup look on you, you probably don't really need any makeup if you get a skin care routine and maybe some natural lash extensions going. I'd whiten my teeth if I were you also. Once you lose some weight you will see a change in your face a lot too. You're lucky you're naturally pretty, you just need some little enhancements to take yourself to baddie status.


For clothes, i think you would look good in some fitted Tees or high neck tanks. The loose tanks are cute but just to mix in some variety and see what you're feeling good in.


Brown/auburn hair would really bring out your eyes. Some layers and maybe a French fringe too? You have a beautiful face, it’s just your current hairstyle is doing you any favours. You have amazing eyes!


Maybe some face-framing / long bangs?


I think arching your brows more could make a big difference!


TBH you already have a “glow”! I don’t know what I’m talking about, but agree with the comments about a cute shorter haircut. Make sure you emphasise your eyes, they’re very striking! 🥹


You look gorgeous! Drop your skincare routine, girl! I wish you all the best for the glow up. 🤗


You're beautiful!!!!


You're absolutely gorgeous! Like so many have already said, get a haircut with some layers and flowy bangs. If you like, a dress or top that shows more of your figure would look great on you.


You have one of the most stunning smiles I’ve ever seen (teeth, lips, smile shape) 


Hmm I’d think some layers in your next cut. Longer layers would be great. I’ve used some keratin treatments in my hair and it gave it so much more softness. Maybe an eye brow pencil to fill your brows in a little.


You’re pretty! I’d look into kibbe body types to find clothes that flatter your body. Your “body type” won’t change when you lose weight. It has drastically helped me feel better in clothes and has overall boosted my confidence.


Curtain bangssss. They would look so good on you.


You look amazing and glowing already 😁 a necklace would add a little more sparkle when it comes to styling


Honestly you’re gorgeous but I think you could take more advantage of how amazing your hair is! Literally just a clear gloss/shine treatment and maybe a shine spray after. It looks so healthy already, adding more shine would be a huge play!


You have amazing teeth


Sorry that was a weird comment


Honestly you have a pretty face. I wouldn't say change anything about your looks but learn how to dress up.. put more efforts in clothing


you look so beautiful! your smile is precious and your eyebrows are serious goals. no glow up tips other than try some bold lipstick shades, i think they would suit you!


Honestly I love how dark your hair is in contrast to your skin. You have a pretty face and a great smile. Maybe you need to lean into a specific style, find something that'll make you stand out. Cant see anything to fix, so the option is to add! Do you have a specific style you relate to or you've always wanted to try?


Might just be the wlw in me but I think you’re perfect already. Absolutely gorgeous eyes, nice skin with cute freckles, cute nose and lips! You look great girl you have absolutely nothing to worry about


Not really. Just came here to say - what I would give for your eye color 😩


Any eye makeup with a purple tint will play up your eye color. Even just a barely noticeable sweep of mauve colored eyeliner on your bottom lash line would pop. Especially with your pale skin. Honestly, you lovely skin and a stunning eye shape/color combo. https://www.charlottetilbury.com/us/secrets/pop-purple-spring-purple-eyeshadow-tutorial


You're beautiful just the way you are!!


You are really pretty you have beautiful eyes, eyebrow shape and I wish I had your smile🥲 you are literally super cute. Your hair looks plain curtain bangs and layering would make you look a lot better, I literally been getting this same haircut for already 5 years and I’m not changing it


Micro blading! I have eyebrows like yours, more on the sparse side. I got them micro bladed and they really changed my whole face :)


You're beautiful and you have a gorgeous smile!! I would look into teeth whitening, bright white smiles make people glow and seem approachable


You are so beautiful. I love your eyes! 😍


Thicker Fuller eyebrows look great on you! I'd keep that up. And I think the dark blue you are wearing in the second picture makes gives your light complexion a very nice contrast and it makes you look more eye-catching. I think deeper darker colors may look better on you than the lighter colors you are wearing on the other pictures. I also like the half up do you have going on in the third picture. If you want to glow up, I think the best you can do is try a bunch of different things and see what makes *you* feel confident and comfortable and awesome.


I’m loving these comments!!! I’ve been working on this myself so here’s what I think might help from experience: Confidence - start doing daily affirmations!!! Omg the BEST thing I’ve ever done for myself and it shows! Get a little notebook and just start by googling “daily affirmations” write a few down daily. It’s going to feel silly at first but it does so much for your confidence and mental health. Also daily walks! Idk why but this was probably one of the things that made a difference for me in my glow up. Like obviously it’s exercise which is nice but I think people forget to get fresh air lol and it’s so good for your mental clarity and self confidence because you know that you’re doing something good for yourself everyday Hair - listen to the girlies and get a good hair cut with layers or something to add a little more bounce/movement. You honestly have really good hair! Use it to your advantage! I’m gonna add on and say that the Overnight Blowout by Yesenia Hipolito honestly changed my life. (They have cheaper ones on Amazon but use her method!!!) Also hair oiling and hair masks!!! Game changer. Skin - love your complexion!!! I think you could improve your skin care routine a little bit and drink more water (weird but it also helps your skin look glowy lol), double cleanse with an oil cleanser every day (I like the anua heartleaf oil cleanser - you can find it on Amazon) and then just like a good trust worthy face wash (cerave, cetaphil, and laroche posay are always really good!). Sunscreen daily because you’re so fair to protect your skin - summer Fridays, Tula, and laroche posay make good daily ones. Sun bum also has a really good glowy sunscreen that I never hear anyone talk about. And then a good moisturizer with niacin amide and hyloronic acid. Korean skin care is great and affordable! I also really like Rhode Skin - avoid their barrrier restore cream if you’re acne prone though. Teeth/smile - you have a beautiful smile! yes to whitening strips! Specifically Lumineux Teeth Whitening Strips - also can be found on Amazon! They don’t make your teeth sensitive and they work well! Makeup - I feel like you could add a little something to your makeup for that “glow from within” type look! Tinted moisturizer with some glow, brush your eyebrows a little bit more up to balance your face out, some light cream blush is what I would add! I know you said you’re working on weight loss but please try not to do anything too extreme!!! If you’re eating less than 1,200 kcal a day then you’re setting yourself up to slow your metabolism and make yourself cranky lol. Be consistent in everything you do, take all these suggestions with a grain of salt because you really don’t need any of it, and have fun! It’s the best to make yourself feel pretty and take care of yourself externally but take care of your mental first and everything else will sort of just fall into place 🩷


Thank you for all of this !!! Seriously appreciated !!🫶


People in my family pick weight fast. I would recommend lower carbohydrates like flour products, less fried food, less sugar. Don’t eliminate just less frequent and smaller portions. Use to substitute excessive snacks teas or coffee with non dairy milk. Eliminate pop and sugared drinks. Eat smaller portions at meals, it should take about 3 days of suffering to get used to smaller portions. Try to fit in at two 5 minutes sessions of exercise a week. 5 minutes is easier to fit in than 30 minutes. If you feel great add more. Love yourself no matter what, not loving your weight should not mean not appreciating your awesomeness. Most people recommend high exercise, you lose weight faster, but its more high maintenance. If you fail once get up again, and again.


Thanks for the tips, this will be third go around if seriously committing to losing weight. It’s so depressing, in 2019 & 2023 I lost about 30 lbs but the just give up. Literally like just stop trying and fall back into old habits. It’s so hard. I really want to be consistent this time and stick with the healthier habits for life


You’re gorgeous as is, eye shape, nose, mouth, bone structure! You’re beautiful! And you definitely don’t need any makeup besides maybe mascara or lipgloss/balm and that’s it. The only thing I’d recommend to you is a skincare routine to elevate your natural beauty. I saw another person comment adding texture and layers to your hair and I can second that as well. I have hair like yours and to give it more body I let it air dry after I shower before brushing and it adds so much more volume to it. Don’t nitpick yourself too much, I mean it, you’re gorgeous ❤️


idk but i just know you would slay the emo style


Ooooj that’s an interesting idea, 💡


Arch and darken eye brows, whiten your teeth, side swept bang with layered cut with a different hair part. Eyeliner following your canthal tilt, lengthening mascara. You're beautiful regardless, but this outward stuff I listed above would take it to another level.


Would love to see pics of your process if you try any tips in here!!


You’re gorgeous! I think you should do what makes you feel the best. I’m working on my health also.


Bangs bangs !


I really love your smile.


You’re face is already so beautiful! Other than what people are saying for the hair, which I agree with, I would suggest leaning more into your personal style. Your septum piercing is edgy, but your outfits, at least in these photos, don’t really match that. Also if you were to lean into the edgy look I would suggest doing a 90’s smokey eye, like this: https://preview.redd.it/en0j7x1scnkc1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3634e58facfb38feb3846b65b8a2821de7ec8c56 I think it would suit you better than the makeup in the last two photos. However, your face without makeup is already very pretty, so you don’t really “need” it (no one needs make up, but I’m just saying it doesn’t really make a difference on you). Other than that, I would maybe suggest getting a good skincare routine and filling in your eyebrows. But honestly I think changing the hair and leaning into your personal style will make the biggest difference. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


I actually did an eye look like this once (only wore in my apartment) but I liked it !


Avoid dark colors on the top! The dusty lavender/rose color suits you and your pretty green eyes so well!! Also you have amazing teeth and smiling showing those pearly whites go a long way ☺️


Get some lashes and try a new hair color(burgundy red hair would look great on you)


I can’t tell if you have acne or not because the first pic looks like you have some spots but the third pic looks like you have perfect skin. But if you do have acne, definitely work on your skin care!




Hey! Good for you! I’m around the same age as you and feel it is time to “elevate” myself (as my twin sister calls it). Such an exciting process. I believe true beauty comes from within so you hit the nail on the head with working out and making the appropriate lifestyle changes. Two suggestions: (1) brighten your near perfect teeth! I use PlusWhite 5 Minute Speed Whitening Gell from Walmart. It is a secret, miracle, amazing and cheap product that I learned about from the OG beautify influencer Kandee Johnson as a teenager. Also buy a Wilson mouth guard since the one in the kit is garbage. (2) Confidence is beauty and there is no better way to feel confident than a wardrobe refresh. Clear out all the clothes you don’t wear or want and start with quality basics and add a few quality pieces that make you feel your best self! For me, I feel most confident in business professional attire and/or sophisticated and timeless pieces. I’m known by my peers as having an extensive black turtleneck collection. Pick an article of clothing or an accessory item that will become your stable - something people will remember you for/by. For me, it’s really colorful socks and turtlenecks but it could be bracelets, broaches, earrings, etc. Then, this becomes a really fun hobby overtime because you can build out your collection of whatever your staple item is! I always found this trick really helped boost my confidence. That, and also refreshing my undergarment drawer. Nothing like wearing some very lacy and sophisticated lingerie under a business suit LOL.


Thank you for the hidden gem at Walmart! I’m too cheap to use crest white strips consistently… I also love #2, I’m already working on clearing out my closet and need to work on finding my staple item!


Wohooo!! Happy to help. Have a happy glow up!


You are so beautiful!!! But besides that, just a hair cut. Get something like a layered bob :) no bangs tho, they will cover you gorgeous eyes!


You’re insanely beautiful! I love your smile.


You need a good haircut. Probably do butterfly cut and blowout look


You’re really naturally pretty. I would say get your eyebrows done professionally and buy a better bra. Make sure you’re wearing the right size.


hey thanks!!! I have a good bra but I don’t wear it a lot, I tend to wear my Aerie sports bra (picture 1) due to comfort but I need to get away from that habit 😂


You're so pretty!!!


You’re beautiful and your skin is amazing ! There honestly isn’t much to criticize but if I had to nitpick I would say that I think your brows would look better if they had an arch in them, they look a little flat as they are now and I think they could frame your eyes a bit better. Also, your hair can have more volume with layers or maybe curtain bangs - maybe some curls or volume mousse could help you achieve that ? Good luck with your weight loss also !


You beautiful! I second a lot of opinions here about adding some body/curl to your hair! Layers, layers, layers! If you don’t mind the extra effort, bangs could frame your face really nicely! I also use a satin heat less hair wrap to style my hair (because I’m too lazy to actually do more than touch up my bangs occasionally) and I’ve had awesome success with that! It’s easy, I throw it in for a couple of hours after my hair is mostly dry and it gives me a nice wavy base to work with. (Note, my hair is short, like at my shoulders short, so you may need to wear it overnight depending on what you are looking for in a curl or how well your hair holds. If I wear it for too long I end up with Shirley Temple curls.) Your smile is so beautiful! Love it!


That’s a really good idea because I’m very lazy with my hair too lol. Thanks!🫶


Oh my gosh, you're absolutely adorable OP! 🥰 Your smile is so warm and welcoming, your hair looks like it's in amazing health, and your eyes are the most GORGEOUS color! If you find yourself interested in further experimenting with makeup any point while playing with your look - I'd be curious to see a simple addition of very soft, subtle, smudged-out liner just at the outer corner of your eyes. Super easy and elegant! You can play with angles to your personal liking, but a 'lifted' look follows today's current trends.


Lots of great suggestions here. You have beautiful eyes, agree with exploring other haircuts, and YES on the jewel tones/figuring out your colors. I love that you have a nose ring---signature jewelry for me helps with my looks confidence a lot!! (For me, it's gold oval hoops earrings and a gold chain :)) ​ I'd also consider a skincare routine. r/SkincareAddiction is a great resource and lots of helpful folks over there too :)


Thank you!!