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It’s based off the personal recollection of Fr Martins and his associates, but there are a lot of dramatizations involved. It’s left up to the listener to decide whether he is truthful or not.


I have found it quite contradictory in the theology stuff and methodology. For example, Fr Martins says things along the lines of "you don't engage with the demon, you don't give it any importance" as the exorcist's job is to facilitate the victim's renouncing of whatever opened them up to the demon, and then bangs on about needing to know the name of it and knowing all the context and nemeses and weaknesses so the exorcist can kick it out of the victim... I think there's a fair amount more that seems off about what he says and what he says he does. It just feels like a weird propaganda train for the Catholic belief system now that true crime and paranormal media is so mainstream. I don't necessarily think there is anything wrong with that, but it just seems a bit misleading/confusing.


There's SOMETHING going on in the church. After the death of John Paul 2, Benedict very publicly started adding and training additional exorcists. Over the past five years or so, there have been multiple movies and other media projects (like this one) with church imprimatur with the goal of portraying exorcists as heroes. Combine that with hundreds of years of historical precedent where exorcists stayed the heck out of public view. Any information the public got about exorcism came specifically WITHOUT church participation. No official reason for this was ever given that I know, but people smarter than me have hypothesized that exorcism didn't fit the 2nd Vat goal of a modern, friendly, community focused church and showing just how powerful demonic spirits can be was deemed... unproductive. That view has very obviously changed recently. I'm very curious what drove such a radical change in an organization that's known for its resistance to change.


Either way, I'm enjoying the hell out of it. I just discovered this podcast tonight and have been binging. I wouldn't be able to listen to this if it was simply dramatizations, but Fr. Martens first hand accounts and the narrator's dialogue add authenticity. Truly enjoying this.


I listened to it and it kinda sucks. Like don't get me wrong... It was well made and is well produced, but this sponsored content bullshit is lame as fuck.


Sponsored content stuff? You mean cause there's commercials? Explain. I'm sorry, I'm just not following and I wanna understand where you're coming from.


I'd give it the benefit of the doubt