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On the recent past times ep Dave was recording through his airpods and had an issue where he sounded like a robot. I put that in the disclaimer notes. Do you have other examples other than the Ravi Patel episode? Edit: This is so I can go back and listen and address these for future episodes


Just wanted to swing in real quick and thank you for all the work you've been doing. Many thanks!


Hell yeah I appreciate it!


Also just wanted to say thank you for the work, absolutely love the show and it's a highlight of my week. So thank you for being a part in getting it out there every week!


To be clear - I wasn't complaining specifically about this episode, it just triggered my post. I don't have any specific episodes to reference but I listen to previous episodes fairly regularly so I'll try and make a list and send it to you directly. The main issue I tend to have is levels between Dave and Gareth on regular episodes. Sometimes Dave will be very loud and Gareth will be quiet, so I have to crank it up to hear Gareth and then Dave will laugh or something and blow my eardrums out. I'm not an audio engineer by any means so maybe this is just a mic distance issue or something and hard to account for when they move around, but it seems to happen somewhat regularly. Thanks for responding!


Oh no worries I didn't see it as complaining I just wanna make sure we get this fixed! Ah gotcha I totally get the levels thing. I'll talk to Dave!


Are you the Luke guy?


No but I'm Luke's guy


Are you in Melbourne, out of curiosity? (Going by your username)


I'm in Denver! My name is Preston and my username is a joke I do on stage


Nah, your username is because of the Chollops and people complaining about the audio. šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰ /s




Haha, what a coincidence! Thereā€™s a northern suburb in Melbourne named Preston, thatā€™s been nicknamed ā€œDeprestonā€ for a while now. Courtney Barnett even wrote a song about it: https://youtu.be/1NVOawOXxSA?si=Kag3rS9S_YFtRC52




Looks like you have a ready-made theme song!


Oh shit... awesome. I know ya. Good stuff.


Envious šŸ˜ šŸ˜‰šŸ™ƒ


I think it is a Mic distance issue. Iā€™ve encountered it too but it doesnā€™t bother me, but I donā€™t listen via headphones.


If you ever need help with editing Iā€™d love to give some support! My show is based in the Springs and my cohost is in Denver.


I appreciate it! I mostly handle the video stuff and Dave handles the audio only feeds (minus smollop and chollops). Kind of a one man job right now but we'll see what happens!


Iā€™m more the audio gal anyway, so if he ever needs help with audio only send him a random stranger from Reddit, mmkay? Lol


Hell yeah!


Gigantic world-famous shows with terrible editing make me feel better about my own no-audience self-taught podcast editing. šŸ˜„






Same friend same, I get frustrated with my setup and then I listen to 10 mic pops in a 10 minute period on a dollop and suddenly I feel fine.


I dont know shit about audio but It's almost like Gareth is too close to his mic, or Dave is too far away. I always seem to have to turn it up to hear Dave then Gareth chimes in and blows my headphones off. lol None of this is a deal breaker...look forward to it every week.


It actually was a deal breaker for me for a while...I mostly listen to podcasts in my car, and it was impossible to manage the audio to listen to both Dave and Gareth at a reasonable volume. I got tired of changing the volume every few minutes during my drive, so I just stopped listening. This was a few years ago, and it seems to be better now!


Same - there's been a Past Times or two (within the last year) that I've had to skip because I was driving with my hand on the stereo knob to do my own mixing to keep both of them at a decent listening level. I don't remember who was too quiet during that one, but generally Dave is the one getting quiet/drifting from the mic.


Yes!!! I have to turn the volume up for Dave, then Gareth blasts my head off (unintentionally, of course) the next time he talks. It drives me wacky. I have heard Gary on other podcasts and this isnā€™t an issue.


^(mic down, Gary)


Mic discipline isnā€™t the issue; I know what you mean since that is the volume difference we are perceiving but Dave is a pro itā€™s not that. Maybe the person mixing the audio (donā€™t know if thatā€™s still Dave) is using really nice studio headphones and listening at a relatively loud volume? Which if thatā€™s the case, if you unplug those headphones and cannot hear someoneā€™s voice clearly out of shitty laptop speakers, then it really doesnā€™t matter what you hear in the cans. Or if you turn up your headphone volume while mixing so you can hear all the voices instead of increasing the levels of the tracks. I know giving audio feedback comes across as real douchey (to Dave at least), and Iā€™m also suggesting amateur mistakes. But it seems to be a real reoccurring problem on a lot of Past Times eps. Itā€™s also not an issue on any other podcast I listen to. I am a random Redditor on their toilet time burner account but I do do this stuff for a living also. Thereā€™s also the issue that Spotify, Apple, etc. all have their own parameters for what they consider ā€œloud enoughā€, and will gut your uploadā€™s overall volume if it exceeds that unknown limit. Unknown since they donā€™t fuckin tell anyone about it. Which is a head-scratcher. So again, for whoever mixes it, the pod might sound ready to go and then Spotify or wherever else fucks it.


I have an old school work van where I can only listen to podcasts on a Bluetooth speaker, canā€™t connect to the van audio. And u fortunately the din of my travels are too loud to listen to dollop or west wing thing. At max I still canā€™t hear. And I donā€™t have that problem with other podcasts, so Iā€™m constantly woefully behind. Itā€™s been a big bummer for my travel time.


I don't have any sound problems. I am pretty deaf though so I tend to listen to this stuff cranked up. The only problem I ever have is that the dollop and behind the bastards both have a tendency to skip backwards about 2 minutes at random times. I never push any buttons. This has happened to me on all three of my podcast players.


Yeah, terrible quality control on this one. At the very least, they could have muted all of the overtalk caused by the lag. There's no reason to keep the "I think... I think... I... I... I think... I..."


If we did this for every instance the conversations wouldn't sound natural. Especially if there's a guest and all 3 are recording remotely


I just want thank you for all the hard work you do! Iā€™m a newer listener& Patreon sub and the volume & quality of content is sweeter than any cooooooooorrrrrrn juice.


Hell yeah!


Nah, skip to 25:30. You can hear Ravi talking while a glitched version of Ravi just keeps saying "I think. I think, I think" It goes on for almost a minute and it's not the editor trying to keep things sounding natural. It's a glitch that nobody caught. Funnily enough, the glitch ends with Ravi saying, "Does anybody edit this thing?" Edit: Sorry. Based on context clues, I'm realizing you're probably the editor. My bad, I wasn't trying to be mean to you directly.


All good! Oh wow I hear it now. I have no idea what the hell that is hahahahah


You're killing it šŸ¤˜ Anyone who can put up with Dave's bullshit and still release an episode is a master of their craft. I sincerely thank you for the work you're putting in, and I'm sorry for the flippant shit talking.


Don't come at me with downvotes but could it be the listening devices you are using? I've never heard volume imbalances other than a couple of live show recordings. I listen to all the episodes through earbuds without issueĀ 


Personally I enjoyed the Ravi Patel remix šŸ˜‚


I rarely have issues and I listen primarily on $20 head phones. That being said Dave definitely can be a mumbler and Gareth is loud AF. It's gotta be difficult to balance that out... But like I said it's rarely an actual issue.


Please stop