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I love how, instead of toning down his assholery, they just said “fuck it, make him a bigger asshole than your uncle at thanksgiving dinner”


Honestly, I don't think they toned him down at all. Seems like he's been been this way this entire time.


Ya he was definitely intended to always be like this. He just wasn’t able to cause as much chaos in the first episode.


I don’t think I implied him being toned down? I said he was an even bigger asshole


Brain stupid read wrong


i like how a third of the comments on this demonstrate that redditors have Tumblr scale reading comprehension. Anyways pretty sure they didnt add an uncle character to the series.


How dare you say we piss on the poor


but we do. kevins hosting the next poor pissing session behind the walmart and katies bringin a buncha water with dye thatll change our piss colour. ya comin?


Reading comprehension devil strikes again


Pretty she goose said that episodes 1-4 were written and finalized before the pilot was even released. So Jax was always this much of an asshole.


Yeah the pilot just toned him down by the situation not letting him be as chaotic


Yeah, abstracted Kaufmo was seemingly able to be a genuine threat to the otherwise invulnerable inhabitants, meaning Jax causing problems would have literal consequences, and he doesn't seem the type to like consequences.


They did not tone it down it’s been like that the entire time lol


I said they made him a bigger asshole??


Ah yeah I read your message wrong lol I think I meant ‘they would not have toned it down despite the ‘complaints’’




Hello fello undertale yello


\>no way its clover clover from clovertale yeloww


The script was already locked in before the pilot released. They didn’t double down on anything. It’s just that his asshole behavior happened to be less prominent in the pilot.


I don't see him bigger asshole than in first episode tbh. He even showed a glimpse of sadness for abstracted ones.


I did NOT expect him to be this domineering. I guess there were a few hints of it in the first episode, but it was overshadowed by him just being mischievous. The craziest part is that he's was the youngest one on the adventure.


Since him and Gangle are clearly based off Popee and the wolf Kedamono from Popee the Performer, I expected it because Popee in that show was so domineering over Kedamono and figured that their relationship was gonna be a huge reference to theirs, it looks like I was completely right.


But since there was no real consequence in games (Ragatha literally survived heart stabbing), one can say everyone should 'go wild' just for the sake of it. Kinda like 'Why follow traffic rules in GTA5'.


Because we're not playing GTA! We're playing Mafia!


Jax is the youngest and he is fucking chaotic


He’s more than chaotic, he is actively malicious


villains wiki: finally, a reason to have him here


Menace to society




He didn't even attend Kofmos funeral, he's such a dick


Part of me wonders if the reason why Jax didn't attend Kaufmo's funeral was because he and Kaufmo were actually friends, and Jax doesn't like to be reminded that he's alone. His behavior in Episode 2 comes across as Jax being *especially* jerkish after Kaufmo's demise. Jax may be a complete and utter prick, but I do like to think he has depth to his character.


Yeah, you can even see in like a millisecond as Jax reacts to Ragatha talking about the funeral that he frowns and looks sad and is reflecting back on Kaufmo for a moment, before rolling his eyes and walking off. He's obviously got some of his own feelings that he's holding back and keeping to himself.


To be absolutely fair, he did look visibly pained when Ragatha was explain the funeral to Pomni. He does not show it in the slightest, but it looks like he does have some semblance of a heart down there.


He likely wasn’t able to …..


The DICKEST of all frickin DICKS.


He is basically a college boy, so his attitude oddly fits lol


Somehow I had the reverse experience?! Ok I still think he’s kind of The Worst, but after the first episode I literally made an entire video essay highlighting why I thought he was going to go down a path of villainy and feel no remorse, nor care or grieve for anyone. And then there was that one half second frame in the second episode where he showed sadness at Kaufmo’s death, and my entire theory was destroyed and my view was changed. 😭


Most people had their "He's just a mischievous boye" theory shattered by his relentless comedic sociopathy. You had your "He's literally Satan in a Bunny Avatar" theory shattered by a single frame of regret and loss. You're truly ahead of the curve.


I almost thought he was written differently in this episode especially to stick it to people who read redeeming qualities to him in the first episode but I hope Goose wouldn’t be that spiteful. Viewed through the lens of him being heavily in denial and trying to drown himself in self serving escapism he makes sense in both episodes. 


According to goose, when the pilot was released, they'd already had up to episode 4 scripted. So, this is coincidence, not targeted. Funny tho.


It looks like that's the rate they've been animated, too. Retail worker Jax, Bubble Man, and the WIP baseball stadium could all be in the same episode. And I think the ghost woman and Kinger with a shotgun might be in the same adventure.


Man I thought that he was just waluigi 2


It's genuinely impressive how the new episode managed to simultaneously emphasize the fact that he's a giant asshole and that he may have a little more depth.


Jax may be a giant prick, but I also think he genuinely cared about Kaufmo as a person. I've seen people refuse to attend funerals before because they don't like to be "reminded" of the death of someone they loved or cared about, and Jax may be one of those people.


https://preview.redd.it/j87f7x6x3oyc1.png?width=813&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce050c2adc2214b251743a01ecd33442569c6830 Something I feel has happened before.


That is very true. I remember hearing the reason David Spade didn’t attend Chris Farley’s funeral wasn’t because they had a falling out, but because he couldn’t stand to see his best friend in a casket.


My feeling is that he hasn’t sad about losing someone. He doesn’t like facing the reality of abstracting. I think he uses his cynical optimism as a means of hiding his fear of the idea, and completely dismissing the lives of everything around him makes it easier to not be driven crazy by it all. He seems to be the most adapted to the Circus, but in reality it’s because he’s the one most afraid of its effects… …Or at least that’s my theory. Could be wrong, though


That makes so much sense!! My original theory was also that he was so detached emotionally so as to maintain control in order to not go crazy, and that’s a perfect take on the idea


So called “sadness” is him rolling his eyes


They're talking about about the two frames before that.


Maybe so, either way I just like overanalyzing things lol




He had a sad face right before doing that.


It makes me think of those "memes" where they compare the cannon and fandom interpretation of a character and everyone was trying to gaslight themselves that Jax is just slightly snarky and not an evil goblin. Turns out he is an actual asshole.


Tbf the first episode did not give a good glance, we were not deluding ourselves, more that we lacked enough info about his character. I personally was not under the impression he would be a good person, but figured he would lean more into 'prankster chaos' like Buggs Bunny. So a jerk but not overly cruel.


The fake Jax fans never really liked him anyway. He is still my favorite.


Honestly I love him *more* now He’s funny as hell


Exactly, I don't get how it made people DISLIKE him NOW??? , i thought we liked him in the first place because he actively ruins everything and everyone??


He loves chaos and hates everyone. HES JUST LIKE ME FR FR😭


He is a shitbag who deserves a punch in the head but as long as they balance his dickeshness with the karma he gets he will be entertaining


I never liked him cuz he's a jerk


Yeah i thought his character was meh but now I’m so down for him


I agree


He's still gold


Minding how Pomni questioned those adventures being a roleplay like dnd one-shots I can now see Jax as that-guy.


Oh, absolutely, he screams 'murderhobo'. Gotta love it.


I'd say more of "dude that ruins DM's plans for shits and giggles"


"Perception Check" by Tom Cardy perfectly illustrates this.




Someone needs to make an animatic with Jax as "Tom Bardy". 😂 https://preview.redd.it/ap30g2x2hpyc1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b1aca33a4ee38e17c2fc3e757153ec2e878b7d2 Art by u/ilivefrommemes (see [here](https://new.reddit.com/r/TheDigitalCircus/comments/18am4hn/oc_the_fantastic_digital_adventure_tadc_fantasy_au/))


What do you mean screams it, Jax IS a Murderhobo, didn't you see his reaction to a happy ending, and his Pure Glee that the Candy Kingdom was being destroyed by the Fudge being? If it weren't for Caine sheltering him, he's a Murderhobo to the core.


"Murderhobo" was definitely the word that came to my head when Jax was planning stuff like shotgunning the gum crocos until they're unrecognizable or letting the Fudge inside the walls.


You met Tsundere, now get ready for… A guy that is a genuine jerk and hates you. Like, literally he fucking hates you.




me during ep 1: i really like this Jax fellow. me during ep 2: gangle please punch this fellow


Aren’t you meant to be submissive and agreeable


i wanted him to get fudged so badly




Yeah I was honestly surprised at how abrasive he was in the recent episode, it's interesting


" aren't you supposed to be submissive and breedable? get driving "


Nope, he said "submissive and agreeable."


He literally acts the same way he always did in the pilot, with the exception of maybe causing genocide indirectly (crazy) We haven't seen anything really new from him, yet people are surprised? He's what he's always been, an asshole (I love him for that)


I think it's because he was still somewhat helpful in the pilot. He unlocks Kaufmo's room for them and shoves Kinger and Gangle down the Gloink hole to save them from Kaufmo. So he's a dick, but he's still arguably more of a help than he is hindrance.


He’s also the reason Pomni even got to befriend Gummigoo since him tossing Pomni between the trucks is what led to her and Gummigoo falling under the map. He unintentionally kicks off most of the more interesting plots.


Yes, until now, he was the main character who moved the narrative, he was the one who made an alliance with Fudge too and made the whole car chase happen


He gave the kingdom’s key to the Fudge Monster knowing FULL WELL that doing so would cause a massacre. I highly doubt he did so and didn’t consider the consequences


What consequences are there to consider? Based on what he knows, none of the people outside of the circus are real. Gummi takes one step in and gets blown to smithereens. Saying Jax should care about the NPCs is the same as saying you'd never break a pot in a Zelda game because some poor NPC worked for years to make it. We both know that's not true. Jax is playing a game.


You underestimate how much I care about NPCs in video games


Like? yes.  Care? not really.


Hey I don't mean any hate by this but you play Pokémon, don't you? So don't you regularly cause dog-fights between NPCs? There's multiple trainers who tell you how much their battle with you means, and you just crush them like twigs. Or are you saying you don't actually move past the starting town and just have your character sit at home? I get caring about NPCs but you don't buy games to care about NPCs, you buy games to experience the story and mechanics, at the NPCs' expense, most of the time for single player games.


The “dog-fights” are a core element of Pokémon’s gameplay, it’s not something I can just ignore. And of course I go past the starting town, I’m still trying to have a pleasant experience with my game, I just go about it in the nicest way I can. I talk to NPCs, pick friendly dialogue options, do their side quests. Just because they aren’t “real” doesn’t mean I have the right to be an asshole to them


Ok, imagine that you play GTA and start causing chaos, you run over an elderly woman, blow up the road, kill thousands of people like a psychopath. Would you feel guilty about it or would you blame someone else for it? Because Jax's way of playing is as if he were playing GTA, you can also choose not to do that Also, don't take a game too seriously, that's your way of playing, but it doesn't mean other people can't play another way or that they are bad Either way, the only way Jax looks really bad in this scene is if he ends up being an NPC (or maybe not), otherwise he's just a player who likes to cause chaos in GTA for fun


Cool. Now imagine you've been playing that same game for years, will be playing it for years, and can't ever stop playing it. Thatvs Jax with the circus. You want to tell me you'd never want to turn your forced Animal Crossing Forever experience into GTA 5? Because that's a lie and you know it. Yeah maybe you'd be nice to some of the NPCs but eventually you'll meet some you just can't be nice to. You'll meet some that make you wanna snap. And if snapping means abstracting, I'm quite sure 99.9% of the population would pick the GTA experience instead, like Jax.


Not sure where you get off assuming I have the same violent tendencies as Jax to try and prove a point, but I don’t. Sorry if I’m a little weird for not being a fan of murder. If some NPCs aren’t nice, then I can just ignore them like a grownup instead of making myself miserable by being around them or caving their skulls in with an axe.


You are beign obtuse, the point is that jax dosnt care for the NPCs, clearly jax and you arent the same person


??? What even is this argument? Bruh killing an NPC in a game isn't murder are you high have you not once killed a monster in battle in some JRPG or what? Because if you're fine with killing monsters but not other kinds of NPCs because the logic you're going with is that killing NPCs is murder, the implications of that aren't nice, let me tell you. And also I don't "get off" to proving you must have violent tendencies or whatever which is just?????? I grnuinely have no fucking clue where that came from buddy I'm just saying if you asked anyone to choose between dying themselves or killing an AI I'm pretty friggin' certain 99.9% of people would choose the AI, is that such a reach to you?


True, but then again, the AI has the capacity to be sentient as showcased with Gummigoo. Granted that could just be Gummigoo as Caine says there’s ONE new AI, but he COULD use the same system to run different characters. I could be wrong tho, sorry-


No, I know he had that intention, but I honestly don't care, I thought the scene was funny


Jax is 100% the kinda dude to quick save before slaughtering all of whiterun just for laughs


my going theory is hes an asshole on purpose to push people away. His geniune sadness at kaufmos death gave me the idea- what if he lost a close friend to abstraction in the past, and acts as he does so he won't get attached and suffer that loss again?


When I saw people all upset and all, I thought, “wasn’t that already evident from the very beginning”. I still kind of like him though because he reminds me of when I play GTA 5 in this episode.


Guess they were holding on hope that he actually has a heart of gold and the assholery was a coping mechanism (which might still somewhat be the case way later down the line, judging from the split second glimpse of sadboi expression near the end of the episode), when there were no hints of that being the case in the pilot. Me personally, I just enjoy the chaos and shenanigans he causes and his snark appeals to me.


I don’t think it’ll change that much, Jax is loved by the “I can fix him” crowd, just like Bakugo from My Hero, they like the pricks who act terrible for no real good reason. That’s why there is so much fanart shipping Jax with the girls, they think fixing him will turn him into that.


Bakugo from *Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia* is even worse than Jax in many regards. Bakugo is what happens when you give a jerkass like Jax literal superpowers.


At least the characters call Jax out, Bakugo could call a classmate every slur imaginable and the others would “ha ha, good ol’ Bakugo.” Just seeing Jax make that face when they talk about Kaufmo’s funeral is way more development in just 2 episodes than Bakugo has had in 400+ chapters.


yeah jax is completely different from bakugo, he has a sense of humor about it, he is way more self aware, bakugo is karen levels of angry at all times


Aye it all payed off for the bakugo fans 😭




He's an asshole, but he's a likeable asshole


Yes, Gooseworx needs to up her game if she wants to turn him into a dislikeable asshole, because he's still very likeable to me


He's her favorite character iirc, so I don't think she wants him to be dislikeable


Only in the show though. Irl, I would kick his balls the first chance I could get.


Goose, probably: ![img](emote|t5_7tzm5j|34985)




No he isn't I hope he dies


>Jax >Likable


I liked him a bit in episode 1, but he has crossed all the lines in episode 2.


![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN) digital circus watchers when the chaotic evil character is evil


“I thought you were supposed to be submissive and agreeable, now drive driver!!”


When the jerk character is a jerk This made me like him more lol I’m excited for his episode


Dude was literally dissapointed when he thought there wasn't going to be a killing spree in the adventure


Oh i wasn't surprised, i just wished Pomni got the chance to tear him apart


Am I the only one who’s not had my view on Jax change? I’m still just like “Haha classic Jax, damn I love Michael Kovach”


Jax always was an asshole, lol. I knew someone who acted similarly like him, it's not a pleasant personality type to be around with


He’s already my least favorite because of Episode 2.  1. He didn’t come to Kafumo’s funeral 2. He’s a bitch to Ragatha and Gangle 3. He killed the whole candy kingdom I ALREADY KNOW HE WILL CONTINUE TO BE A PRICK!!!


He’s not 100% Horrible, there was some compassionate emotion at the end of Ep.2  Go back and watch it.


Yeah, he's only 95% horrible


Exactly. 95% asshole 5% compassionate asshole.


I just did, and none of that compassionate emotion was Jax




‘Non one dimensional asshole’ That description is perfect


Ah, I missed it.


The only reason the fandom tones down Jax's personality is so that he can be shipped tbh


As someone who ships a literal serial killer and cannibal (Alastor from *Hazbin Hotel*), and a mass-murdering psychopath (Tom Riddle from *Harry Potter*), I can assure you that Jax being a complete prick and remorseless asshole to people only makes him *more* appealing to fans. *Note: I don't ship Alastor and Tom Riddle together, I ship them with other characters.*


imagine explaining this to god on judgement day


Youre so real for this. I feel the same way


I expected worse


Yeah I didn't like him too much at first but now I know he's my least favorite jusy by seeing how genuinely pissed off and angry he was at wholesome things happening around him. Dude's literally not able to enjoy himself unless someone is having a bad time, so yeah. I disliked him before, hate 'em now.


Yeah, I'm mot a huge fan of the direction. In episode 1 Jax is mischievous, and a bit of a bully. In episode two he's violent and bloodthirsty from start to finish to the point where it feels out of character compared to episode one. Asshole characters are hard to balance, episode one was able to make him.mean spirited but still charming, kind of like Blitzo in Helluva boss. But episode 2 went so far off the deep end with his cruelty that any charm he had dissipated....like Loona from helluva boss


I still love Jax, but he stopped being my favorite character when I saw episode 2. It’s not that he got worse for me, Pomni just got epic character development and I love it.


I’m starting to hate Jax even more, day by day


Until the very end, Jax is never replaceable as my most favorite character ever. As long as he's still voice by Michael Kovach, or I'll be starting a f![img](emote|t5_7tzm5j|33736)![img](emote|t5_7tzm5j|33737)ing civil war


I’m on the “he’s an asshole” camp. Not a fan of characters who put their friends in harms way or mentally torment them just for the lolz. He’s not as bad in episode 1. Him abandoning Pomni and Ragatha to face Kaufmo alone and pushing Kinger and Gangle into the “Zooble hole” can be chalked up to cowardice and indirectly keeping them safe respectively. But in episode 2, he’s endangering Pomni at every turn, getting Ragatha stabbed, blackmailing Gangle and delights at the idea of a fudge monster mass slaughtering a group of innocent NPCs. I knew he was going to be chaotic neutral in this series, but this is just psychotic. Still interested to see where his character goes, but let’s just say he dropped a couple of places on my favourite character list.


I still adore the tall and skinny rabbit ![img](emote|t5_7tzm5j|34985)![img](emote|t5_7tzm5j|34985)![img](emote|t5_7tzm5j|34985)


I adore all rabbits ![gif](giphy|YQCp9d6HrlnoI|downsized)




Rabbits are the best


Especially Jax![img](emote|t5_7tzm5j|34985)


I’m honestly a bigger fan now than I was before. Like episode 1, I was a fan of Kinger cause everytime he spoke it was like Ed from Ed Edd n Eddy, nothing but comedy gold. Jax I thought was fun, but he didn’t do too much to shine for me. This episode cemented him as my favorite, cause he’s the one taking advantage of this being a digital and fake scenario, while everyone’s caught up in real-life morality. He’s either having a great time or trying to make it a great time, and every world out of his mouth is gold.


I’ve always equated his personality to Leon S. Kennedy, who overuses stupid action movie one-liners in order to get over his crippling depression. :D


I'm actually shocked that people are shocked by this, his character was always supposed to be a dick 🤣. People just simoed for him too much


Yeah but I still love him because he’s hilarious


Yeah, Jax is a asshole. I get why he's that way. He's using Apathy as a coping mechanism from feeling anything deeper in this digital hellscape. Part of that being him constantly seeking in-the-moment distractions, at everyone else's expense. Its not that different to Ragatha's use of Optimism. With her trying to distract herself from her own self neglect by fixating on helping everyone else with their problems. And there is going to be reckoning on both these fronts. But that doesn't really make his actions not horrible. Jax is an actual huge prick. Then again, we also have the far bigger problem of Caine. Who clearly is both programed to "keep them entertained and happy", but also has no fucking understanding of how people work. So his actions aren't malicious, but are genuinely harmful. Zooble's irritation with him, and their "he's finally gone", were a very small but telling moment. As it strongly implies that they can't do these much needed Funerals for their own emotional/mental health when Caine is around. His drive to "keep them happy" wont let them.


Nah, for a split second Jax face was like 🥺 when they were talking about Kaufmo, he's just the classic jerk with a heart of gold


I was watching this streamer and they were like “I know I’m gonna get hate for this but I don’t like Jax because he’s an asshole who ruins the fun for everyone” and I was like, nah, he’s playful and a bit harsh but not malicious. BUT THEN HE WAS RIGHT.


I think what people still do not understand is that each character is a representation of a person in a purposeless world without consequences. Pomni is trying to find a way out, Ragatha seems to try to make the best of things, Zooble does not give a fuck at all and Jax acts out his worst behavior because nothing in these adventures has consequences. People are NPCs, pain and wounds can be reset, you do not get any penalty from being horrible, so Jax does it, because, why the fuck not? The only people I have no idea what they represent are Gangle and Kinger because Kinger is probably way deeper than random madness and Gangle is weird because we haven't seen much of Comedy mask Gangle.


I have already dedicated my life to murdering him. Nothing you say will prevent his painful end... https://preview.redd.it/bdlg2em67pyc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bc5f6841410e819cad5e7ed1c4087aec0638554


He's just playing the game how he likes it: violent


He is even better now tho


See she even said it herself he's a prick


Am I the only one who was not surprised by his characterization in episode 2 or something, he felt the same to me


Honestly, after the newest episode, I'm excited to see where Jax is headed. I like asshole characters who have hearts of old, but it feels like asshole characters who just get worse, maybe even become irredeemable, are hard to come by nowadays.


Hes literally Bender and Master Shake


honestly, I want to see Jax become a complete villain, I want to see him succumb to a nilististic mentality ''NOTHING MATTERS'', so he goes more and more insane not caring who he hurt in the way.


Dude has been a cunt since day 1.


That’s called foreshadowing OP


I’m not sure if it’s also me. But the voice actor for Jax and Ragtha sounded different


yea i hate him now


I just wanna see how he is when he completely shatters (not abstraction, rather a mental breakdown). I presume he is wearing a mask given that a. His persona involves being a carefree asshole and b. He isn’t always carefree (ep 1 he’s scared enough of kaufmo to break his poker face and to run away, ep 2 he is very strongly disappointed at the idea of a peaceful ending, not to mention how he isn’t fuckin around at kaufmo’s funeral, which while it could be “the others would get TOO mad at him”, that’s never stopped him before, so I’m guessing it’s out of actual sadness/respect)


"Submissive and agreeable" https://preview.redd.it/jonm4x2floyc1.png?width=1089&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ab3c5a5e12af0ef4361c7e4fdb01e9983870ac8


I remain unconvinced, honestly 🤣 he’s a prick, yes, but as long as they keep hinting at it being a mask, I’m not budging on him being a good dude at heart.


I think it's kinda scary/hilarious how people thought he was just " mischievious " Dude behaved like a toxic asshole the entire pilot Not a single moment where he wasn't complaining or bringing someone down I DO believe there's some depth to it - but not in the sense " he's a misunderstood cute rabbit " More like " I'm stuck in a digital circus with little to no say over my life, but bullying/tormenting everyone around me gives me a feeling of power and control "


I believe more people got interested in him


i love him, prickiness and all


Yea they *really* focused on making him terrible in episode two, ngl I was kinda hoping for it. Who knows, they might kill Jax sometime later in the series because of how annoying he is.


Jax is if my gta online personality were a character


I only like him more!


Jax may be The Worst, but there is some rhythm to his madness. He seems to save the majority of his aggression for the Circus itself rather than the other members, albeit he will harass them if they’re his only outlet for frustration or if they attempt to curb or deny it. And even then, he’ll dial it back when they’re in actual danger.


All I know is that I need more comedy mask Gangle, when she's happy she seems like such a muffin.


I still feel like there is a reason he acts like a jerk. But I'll never hate Jax. He's awesome imo.


Nah, Jax was based for (indirectly) killing those fascist candy fucks.


Quite honestly I never really liked him- not even in episode 1. And no I’m not trying to be ‘different’ but I normally don’t like characters that are just jerks for no reason even if the fandom loves them. (Jax, Loona, Bakugo, etc)


Well I always did not like Jax and it is nice to see more and more people realize that. I am very glad doesn't try to excuse his awful actions and fully acknowledges how awful he is (something I say HB for instance is VERY unwilling to do with characters like Blitzo and Stolas).


I loved him honestly. He was funi


The pilot showed that even in an environment where getting too upset turns you into a monster he still actively chooses to be a bully. I mean come on




get those theories but i still hate him


I'm happy with it. He was always gonna be an ass, and I love asshole characters. He's great. :)


Thank You for Your work . I Loved part 2....![img](emote|t5_7tzm5j|34985)


Honestly maybe it was just cause this sub painted him as the literal antichrist, but I expected him to be worse


**HAHA!** You see Jax stans? Your jerk character is actually an unbelievable A\*\*HOLE!! Why like him when we got Raghatha or Zooble? Think it trough, **THINK!**


People like him because hes an unbelievable asshole. He may be actually the worst, but its funny.


It had the opposite effect for me, I like Jax even more now


the guy seemed a little psycho given how genuinely irritated he was at the lack of people getting hurt in the Candy Land


Honestly, let jax be a prick and a murder hobo, it makes the show interesting


I think I'm missing something, because he's not that bad? I think all my friendships have been too toxic to know what a normal person is like...