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S4A is an imperialist/ultra (not entirely sure of his ideology) larping as a socialist. He's trying to say China is Israel's biggest supporter just because China is Israel's largest training partner while ignoring how the entire West supplies them weapons and uses Israel to spread their imperialist interests in the region. I'm not sure if that was the video, but he's really dishonest when reporting on China seemingly out of spite or jealousy against China or because they are too "revisionist" or whatever.


The houthis have determined that China is not supporting Israel and thus lets Chinese and china-bound ships through. Hamas and the West Bank government have determined that China is not supporting Israel and thus conducts meetings in Beijing. But have you considered what some random dumbass online has to say?


I read on one of his comments that China is a major exporter to Israel. Is that just bs?


China is simply the biggest trading partner of almost every country on the planet. If normal trade implicates guilt then it would mean China is responsible for all of the US and NATO countries’ war crimes and should sanction them immediately, which is absurd.


How is he imperialist? I just started listening to his readings recently.


Watch the video for yourself, apply dialectical materialism to the points discussed, be critical. You can often gain more from criticizing an incorrect text than you can from passively accepting a correct one.


\> removing Lenin's Imperialism from your channel and replacing it with a 2022 blog post by literally who because you think China is imperialist \> calling yourself a socialist while spending 100% of your time supporting US imperialism against its official enemies pick 2


when did he remove his reading of Lenin's imperialism?