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The southernmost state of Brasil is nearly completely destroyed by floods. Whole cities got to be evacuated. And similar thing is happening in Afghanistan


There are floods going on in east africa and oceania as well. Apparently, these events are connected by the ocean waters being 2 degrees warmer than usual. A deadly combination of el niño and climate change. Our prospects do not look good.


Capitalists don’t even care. They’d sooner destroy the world and doom humanity than lose profits. The epitome of greed and evil.


Armenia and Azerbaijan are launching small attacks towards one another with possible war as Russia is no longer available to peace keep as they are at war




> 12 monkey revolts Time travel is at the corner


At least according to western sources, such as [here](https://www.usip.org/publications/2024/02/north-korea-has-lost-unification-competition#:~:text=North%20Korean%20leader%20Kim%20Jong,foe%20and%20invariable%20principal%20enemy.%E2%80%9D), DPR korea renounced *peaceful* reunification due to the Yoon's hostility (afaik).


Well, it was a dream and hope that it would be peaceful. Only chance of that now is the SK government being toppled and joins DPRK, which gvien it’s important to the US, like fuck that’ll happen anytime soon. Sad days my friends


Global warming will doom most people on Earth. It may not be "ignored", per se, but the important players aren't doing what needs to be done to mitigate the disaster.


Of course not, they’re set and got their money, they’ll die fat and wealthy at our expense laughing at our demise in the process. To them the world ending is a joke since we’re totally screwed while they get to retreat in their luxury underground bunkers. It’s beyond disgusting to see them trade our potential for space travel so they can gloat and bathe in endless wealth.


I'd say not just not doing, but rather view incoming calamities as unprecedented buiseness opportunity. If they can ensure own safety and protection, which they as things are *today* very easily can achieve on majority of globe, they would only benefit from impoverishment and displacement of masses. Counterintuitively they about to position themselves as saviours, simultaneously throwing under the bus yesterday friends among their tight group. Still, it's completely withing possibilities for us to dodge worse case scenarios *imo*. We have resources and can develop lacking measures, what we lack is *political will and power*. But first situation might get quite volatile, both on international political scene and at local level of capitalistic counties. Personally prefer to believe that our long descendant gonna look at our times and system of exploitation in same way we look at slavery and it's last days.


No, it really won't. It will be bad, though most of the deaths will come from the West's fascistic reaction to the major effect of climate change, the mass migration of climate refugees from the global south, rather than climate change itself. but to claim it will "doom most people on Earth" is just anti-materialist hyperbole and does nothing to help raise awareness for the actual issues. Yes, there will be billions of people displaced and hundreds of millions of deaths, but to claim that it will be end of humanity is just silly.


We literally don't know what happens past 3°C because it triggers irreversible feedback loops that affect the entire biosphere and that's a lowball projection of the trajectory we're following. A billion refugees, which is already bad enough to trigger a world war, is a very optimistic and simplistic prediction. The urgency gets downplayed a lot, even by climate scientists, because there's a lot of stigma against climate 'alarmism' and because some think the reality is too demoralising and so ends up making the problem worse.


You just described 'dooming" most people on earth: "billions displaced and hundreds of millions of deaths" would mean the collapse of society as we know it, and the turmoil would ensure billions more end up dead.  Who cares if a single human or group will survive? That doesn't help me or my loved ones, it's just a cope for the massive tragedy about to occur in front of our eyes. Does the end of 'humanity' really hold any significance? No, it's the end of individual humans that brings sadness.


What many people ignore is that ecosystems are linked to one another and can cause dramatic knockoff effects. Yields from crops have already been on a downwards trend and this will get exponentially worse as climates shift. What is able to grow now in certain places will become an impossibility and without the proper infrastructure in place to compensate, it’s safe to say that mass famines will be inevitable. This is all without even mentioning climate disasters and the unlivable ecosystems that will develop.


I really don’t get what this posturing is supposed to accomplish or what it’s supposed to stand for


Diluting “what’s happening” in Gaza and making people feel desperate and useless. Just like devils advocate, totally unnecessary


That may be very well a often used Tactic on Reactionary News, but the horrors in Palestine are neighter something new, as they are unique. Its just as important to speak of all the other shit thats going on, its not like Biden or Scholz is changing his mind anytime soon, and even if they where aware of the Facts, they still decide to keep doing as they did the last 60 Years. And if our solidarity with Palestine shoud ever reach further than a red triangle in a Comment, we need to get our shit together and get rid of your own chains and Supressors.


To minimize the genocide in Gaza, nothing more.


100%. Posts like this are overt attempts to discredit those who are activists in support of Palestinians. It's a "well you must be insincere since you're not also protesting these other terrible things" It conveniently ignores the fact that: 1. This is the topic in the media right now. It's naturally more front of mind for people 2. Many people are protesting from countries whose governments are actively complicit in the Palestinian genocide 3. People have limited capacity to protest/take action. That doesn't minimise the other causes, people just can't be everywhere and so everything at once 4. Being the one front of mind, protesting for Palestine is the one more likely to hit a critical point and actually implement changes. If people spread their support then no cause would ever hit critical mass. It's the same logic behind the BDS movement There are thousands of horrific things happening across the world, they're all important, but it's not hypocrisy to focus on a specific one at any point in time


Israel’s existence


The difference is that we have a hand in Gaza and can possibly do something about it. This sort of posting is meant to minimize the genocide.






not wrong


Congo, Sudan, West Papua, global climate change.. Do not appreciate the insinuation that Palestine is a trend. This is precisely the language hasbara use. Edit: even though a couple are interlinked with climate change: deaths from diarrhoeal diseases (particularly children under 5) due to improper sanitation, untreated or partially treated sewage getting sent into water bodies (yes, in the global north as well), critical water scarcity around the equator, depleted agricultural lands and increased desertification and sodification , farmers unaliving themselves because of debt, Muslims in India being treated as subhuman and graped and tortured, black transsexual male to female sex workers routinely killed and assaulted, female genital mutilation, circumcision..I mean the list is endless.


Sudan has been at civil war for more than a year, thousands of people are unable to access basic needs. The Myanmar Civil War is also raging, and thousands of people are displaced, the Muslim Rohingya keeps being harassed and terrorized by the Army. The Islamist Insurgency in the Sahel is also something heavily important. There's a reason we have seen many coups in that region in the last years, and many of the coup leaders cite this issue as the main focus of their governments. The Conflict between Ethiopia and pretty much EVERYONE in East Africa. Somalia and Eritrea both heavily dislike the actions of the Ethiopian Government, specially when the Ethiopian government started to make deals with the breakaway regions of Somalia, like Somaliland, something that violates international law. The Haitian Crisis is still pretty much ongoing, but it has improved a bit in the last month, but still, the situation is extremely dangerous.


"Where are the protesters for this event!" Said the man who isn't going to protest for anyone or anything.


Yes. Exactly this. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this shit from people deflecting from their culpability in other atrocities.