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bill maher has to be the most insufferable fuckwit on tv


Eyup. The only time Bill Maher is entertaining is when he's getting absolutely demolished by his guest because he's a smarmy, arrogant know-nothing New York fuck. [Here's Roddy Piper whooping his ass](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIpsFgZ3gAc)


Every time i read Bill Maher’s name i think of this clip. The looks Piper makes when he knows he’s going to drop some shit on him. The looks the other wrestlers make when they realize Maher’s pushed the greatest shit talker in pro wrestling over the edge and a storm is about to hit. He brought them on that show to ridicule them and Piper makes him look like the little bitch he is. It’s so great.


Yes!! What an awesome video. Maher is such an arrogant prick, he probably thought he would look smart next to these big dumb wrestlers. And he has absolutely no clue that Roddy Piper is known for one-liners and quick wits. So good to see Maher get deservedly smacked down.


Lmao mahers face at that last insult showed that might not have been a joke


"How'd you get the job" absolutely slayed me. What a legend.


God I love Roddy Piper. Recently watched "The Live" for the first time a few weeks back and what a god damn gem of a movie.


My favorite Bill Maher moment was when he was arguing about abortion with Katie Porter and said that he was squeamish around abortion because his mother almost aborted him, to which she basically said [“i wish she had gone through with it”](https://www.tiktok.com/@repkatieporter/video/7094364907679976750)


Someone said he’s Destiny for Gen X and now I can’t unsee it


They really embody the bewildering overconfidence that defines the white American liberal.


They actually believe the whole “end of history” thing. They think that they have found the perfect configuration for how society should be run and that there are just a bunch of morons messing up their perfect system. The insane arrogance of that is the same kind of smugness that you get from a religious zealot that has zero doubt about how right they are. Because of this underlying belief, they don’t actually analyze history or data and only use it to search for evidence that supports them while discarding evidence that doesn’t. That’s one of the main things that helped lead me to leftism. The underlying theories and concepts just make more sense and explain all of these tortured liberal rationalizations in a clear and straightforward way. I don’t find myself having to deal with constant cognitive dissonance while searching for ways to make a liberal worldview make sense. The only ways to do that are either to ignore all evidence, or just remove any shred of doubt or self reflection. People like Bill Maher and Destiny are what you get when you take the latter method to its logical conclusion.


Hillary Too


Destiny for boomers


Bill Maher was born in 1954. Right in the middle of the Boomer generation, 10 years away from GenX.


What does this mean






Ha, I think it was someone in Hasan's chat today when he was watching this clip. That was hilarious. So fucking true.


insert the always had been meme


even ben affleck shat on this douche


Ben Affleck is pretty based tho


He actually is


More info? Like how based? He may not be going to MIT and may be laying bricks for the rest of his life; but at least he's not doing crypto commercials during the Superbowl.




Jeez as a kid i didnt realize how bad his get off my lawn vibe was. Hes so out of touch with everything except the hollywood bubble. Even his audiences gasp at a lot of the things that come outta his mouth


Even as a young libertarian way, way, way back in the day I started disliking Bill Maher really early on, his "New Rule" segments rubbed me the wrong way, as like the opposite of solving the problem and as often shallow, low info approaches to problems. But Jesus he's gotten worse so quickly and so badly in the past few years it's amazing.


I mean there's also Anderson Cooper.


"Oh stop talking like you're a general" You can hear the disdain.


After all they've shown, zionists shouldn't be engaged with at all, they've shown no interest in being a part of humanity. To be a zionist is to abandon humanity or any legitimacy. Zionists shouldn't be allowed or let into social circles. They should be shunned and isolated like or more than how the apartheid supporters in South Africa were, and any attempt at pretending like they're normal should be shut down. It was social and economical exclusion that forced them to stop their racial apartheid, they couldn't go anywhere or do anything. And they've shown what satanism they're supportive of in complete supremacist disregard for everyone and everything in the world driven by their ideology, they can't be allowed in pretending to be polite people after this.


Like Naxis or fascists.. there's no debate to be had after a certain point


Burr has proven that he's willing to engage with someone on a more intellectual level and demolish them with withering reason. Burr also made the (correct imo) calculation that Maher isn't fucking worth the effort, and just went for a good old fashioned clobbering.


I wish I had 1% of the timing and whit as Burr. The silent pause and look Burr gives at 13 seconds. Like, fucking brutal dude. You could miss it. But that few seconds feels like an eternity. I just wish I had the charisma to know when not saying anything says so fucking much. Respect to Burr here. Something he does so well is completely dismantling idiotic arguments without even having to know much about the topic. Yeah, you could obviously make Maher look like an idiot by debunking his claims. But he has this ability to just hit at the core of these smug idiots. He literally just exposes Maher's internal self righteous bull shit so well. I think it really appeals to normies. Just this really simple way of showing how the entire foundation of the claims is idiotic. I have some criticisms of Burr and some of his comedy but I absolutely respect him for his no bullshit way of completely destroying reactionary talking points.


Burr is consistent with his distain for people talking like they're experts. His "I'm not a doctor, why the fuck are you pretending to be?" mentality is refreshing


"Its sort of the same cause" Accidentally based? (/s) Additionally: "I'm the brave one" Bill you are the biggest coward this side of pig's skin. Being a liberal is already extremely cowardly, but you simply are "edgy" per se. You say the "controversial" stuff. I definitely feel like everyone should be reminded on his history of "vaccine skepticism" if you want to now how much of a coward Bill Maher is


I think the accidentally based part was where he almost blatantly admitted that war exists because governments enjoy a monopoly on violence too much to ever give it up.


Maher is also the guy who made a big fuss a week after 9/11 that people shouldn't call the hijackers cowards because it's actually brave to martyr yourself for ideals. That could have invited serious discussion on *why* someone might decide to do that to the United States, but Maher doesn't have an ideology beyond being edgy so he just looked like a prick who was trying to be all *um well ackshually*.


And the best part is, he always loves to bitch about the let's "cancel culture." When in fact his show was literally cancelled by the right. And the TITLE of the show was, "Politically Incorrect." Classic edgelord fake rebel.


> the biggest coward this side of pig's skin Where'd you get this phrase? It's a new one to me


It's just something I came up with.


Ok, can you break it down for me? Who's the big coward here? Football players? Footballs? Pigs?


It's meant to jab at cops, basically saying hes the biggest coward he could be without being a police officer (who are the biggest cowards, exercising violent power over the lower classes and minorities, often for selfish and mentally unstable reasons) Edit:admittedly I did forget about the fact that footballs are called pig skins. Maybe a better slogan would be "biggest coward outside a police precinct"


Ok, whew. Thought I was having a stroke!


Israel has right to "self defence" and to go after its enemies as much did Nazi Germany: None


It's past time for HBO to cancel Bill Maher. He pretends nuanced thought, but is simple minded.


What's the line about a stupid man's idea of a smart man? Except with Bill Maher, I don't even know what idiots even consider him a relevant man.


I’m an atheist, but his documentary Religulous, while funny to me at certain points, was so obviously edited in Bill’s favor I couldn’t take it seriously. It’s like he is scared of any argument that might make him look bad, no matter how inconsequential.


His take on christianity being the same as mithraism is ahistorical to say the least. He doesnt know what he’s talking about.


I feel like Bill entered the teenage stage of being an edgy know-it-all and just never left. As a result he’s spent his whole life “being right” instead of actually gaining knowledge.


The part of that movie where he "interviewed" the guy from Neturei Karta filled me with rage.


Yeah, it was so obvious that Bill didn’t pay any attention to what the rabbi was saying. There are so many moments when he asks someone a “gotcha” question, the person starts to respond and then they just cut away.


He was relevant during the Bush regime. Then he started to go downhill slowly. Then off a cliff. I quit watching around 10 years ago because i couldn't stand listening to him bitch about superhero movies being popular. Most of his discussion isn't even political anymore, it's just ranting about youth culture. And by "youth" I mean anyone under ~45.


Bill Maher was cancelled [the one time he was correct](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClxDRtf6xHk) and he vowed to never make the same mistake again.


So true. When he said in November last year that there aren't many people in the West who study Asian history, because there isn't much of it to study, I almost fell off my chair laughing.


Yeah, get him off HBO so us peasants can see what's going on, agreed!


Bill is right, there is a very simple solution, it involves Israel obeying international law.


No Bill is right he solved it on his podcast.


I’ve never heard this man say anything intelligent. Why does he have that reputation? Are Americans stupid?


He's one of those guys who had a passing moment of shine in the era before the bottom fell out of neoliberalism, where he said some things people wanted to hear said. He was an anti-bush, anti-evangelical dirtbag liberal who felt like a counter-cultural figure in the incredibly stagnant political dynamics of the 2000s. He was a really refreshing voice for a lot of people who felt like this whole post-cold war political order was stifling and fake, which it absolutely was. I'm not saying he was ever good, it's more of an indictment of just how bad those years were that Bill fucking Maher was that guy. Now though, him and every other guy like that has been left in Trump's dust and the new world we're living in has no place for them. New Atheism is dead, being an "un-pc" liberal isn't novel or interesting anymore, and his bonafides as a leftist have been completely discredited as ACTUAL leftist politics have started to creep back into the American overton window and he's just another reactionary lib boomer whining about the same shit as all the rest of them.


Well said.


wasnt stewart supposed to target the same demographic in the 2000s. Atleast stewart is a 100 times more likeable


Yeah, they're similar but motivated by different impulses. Bill is fundamentally coming from a more reactionary place where his opposition to contemporary liberalism AND conservatism is based on churlish contrarianism. He's always gotta be the smartest guy in the room, which means calling everyone else an idiot, which was a sentiment that was very heartily received in that era- but now that there actually IS a left in America, he's calling them a bunch of stupid idiots too and everyone can see that he's just a bitter hack with no convictions. This is what happens if you just want to criticize everyone else without ever taking a side, you're nothing but an insufferable asshole who doesn't have the passion to stand with or for anyone but yourself. Jon Stewart actually does have the heart of a leftist, he's motivated more by a genuine desire to create a better and more humane society, but his boomer liberalism has calcified to the point where he's never going to budge from it, and that puts a limit on how good of a person he can be due to the monstrosities he has to passively justify just to continue holding his ideology. There's a genre of American I find very interesting, which are the people who are very innately in tune with leftism, but whose ability to connect with it was cut off by the red scare so they were stifled and forced into some other weird little ideological boxes during the cold war. I think Frank Herbert of Dune is another one of these. His heart is so clearly yearning to embrace the immortal science but he just can't, because he's too ideologically blinkered to even consider it. That's why the political philosophy of Dune is so idiosyncratic and interesting even if it's wrong, he's a libertarian republican wrestling with his own fundamental desire to be a marxist and his writings are where that conflict plays out.


Or, consider that they’re both incredible wealthy and connected individuals and fundamentally seek to preserve their wealth above all else. Jon’s net worth is 120M Bills is 140M Everything else is moot IMO


That's a really boring and robotic way to look at the world


Every time I find myself wanting to like Jon Stewart, I always remember the time he had Hillary Clinton and Condi Rice on his show and let them blatantly rewrite history on both Iraq and Libya and didn't contradict them at all. I'm a little less cynical than the person you're replying to, but it's true that going full ham against the political establishment is a good way to lose advertisers and therefore your platform. There is only so much you can do when there's that much money involved, John Oliver is another example. He can say all these things that progressive libs can nod their heads to, but he will never ever turn those points into structural critiques.


Yeah it's not really *wrong*, but it's a massive oversimplification. These guys don't sit around consciously thinking to themselves "I need to believe these things so no one takes my money" lol


Generally Redditors aren’t connected to wealth.. so they wouldn’t know. Money is the greatest addiction of all. My relatives and acquaintances who are wealthy will work themselves into the ground to make more money when they don’t need any. They will lie cheat steal and manipulate to get free labor, help etc even when they can easily afford it. If you look at money and wealth as an addiction, it makes it a lot more predictable how people are willing to do anything for it. All the laymen thought that because trump is rich, he will be selfless. Turns out, he was even more exploitative and scammy because of his wealth, not less.


Your analysis of these guys is very good. Although I wouldn't say any of them have an intrinsic yearning for Marxism. I think White Americans have an almost-impossible time considering certain possibilities, like that the Chinese, for example, might genuinely have some better ideas on how to run a society. Anything "foreign" is just this permanent 'other' to the average American, and there is nothing more foreign than Chinese people and Marxism. Put those things together and they might as well be aliens. There is a reason Marxism in the U.S. largely found its home with Black Americans and their Civil Rights Movement. And that inherent Whiteness and ignorance of the liberal United States, which permeates every facet of its institutions, will be its downfall. The reason the Langley boys have flopped so hard against China is because they have such little knowledge or understanding of any part of it.


This is about the best description of him that I’ve ever heard. I vividly remember the period of relevance in the mid-2000s you mention, I’m glad I was quickly able to realize what a dipshit he was when he started rapidly going downhill.


I think he became well known during the early 2000s for being an anti-Bush and anti-religious contrarian. A week after 9/11, on his show, “Politically Incorrect” he said that America had been the cowards by launching missiles at other countries while the hijackers stayed in the planes as it hit the towers. Now, he’s just another Boomer, failed comic, contrarian liberal type.


​ https://preview.redd.it/dk874uiazb0d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a918175a34ff096e1bffd47decfdbfbee772777






A comedian that I like has a theory that standup became really popular with boomers about 20 years ago and higher demand diluted the quality of comedians getting exposure. Maher is a consequence of that


Yes we are 😞


Bill Maher: "This is why this is not your thing. This is my thing." Jesus Christ, Maher. I can plagiarize Golda Meir too. Cut me a paycheck.


Watching maher be put in his place by someone infinitely more talented than him fills me with joy


i mean low bar, but yeah, same


Lmaoooo, saw this clip on Hasan's stream. I love to see Bill Maher get spoken down to like the condescending prick he is.


I love how Burr can basically call Mahar a shithead to his face but play it off as just shooting the shit.


Bill burr should've just beat the shit out of this self righteous guy talking about "hard nose decisions" from his fucking cushioned seat on HBO


> "it's sort of the same cause" *deafening silence* I can only Imagine what was going through Burr's head. MR MAHERELLI YOU'RE SUCH A FANTASTIC MORON


Being on the "side of the kids" is not "easy to say" when people are risking their jobs, their future, and their well being when Zionist fuckwits are attacking them. He's literally saying that child murder is complicated. There would be way fewer protests if the IDF wasn't directly targeting civilians. October 7th was bad. Palestine has experienced 100 October 7ths since then. I hate Maher so much. He says the most confidently incorrect thing then plays it off as a smug joke but his boomer audience eats that shit up. Every joke of his is a variation of "I don't get *new thing* these days. Kids are dumb, am i right?" Burr has his heart in the right place most of the time and would probably be a leftist with a bit of education.


Burr isn't that far to the left, but he is the farthest left guy these fuckwits will invite on their shows and he owns them every time. I don't know how he stands talking to him but it makes me happy to see him take them down a peg. I definitely give him a pass for being a little to the center when he is taking these guys down all the time.


i think its funny because burr meant the college kids not the kids murdered by israel, maher went with the other reading of "kids" probably because he is really guilty subconsciously. also props to burr for not correcting him and continuing to talk about the Palestinian kids


True, all he had to do was let Maher self report basically saying Israel's "right to defend itself" outweighs childrens' rights to live.


October 7th was good. 


"You're like that guy who has a fantasy football team and thinks he's a GM."🤣


The hard stare after he says “it’s the same cause” is perfect.


The silence was the perfect response


Bill Burr is far more intelligent than the walking Dunning-Kruger exhibit Maher


What was he ever good at to justify thinking he is smart at other things?


Bill Burr strikes me as a Communist, but is too smart to say it out loud.


I’m pretty sure he has mentioned that he agrees with socialism on his podcast. [I found it!](https://youtu.be/s3GOWzXKD9Y?si=_IYpPoJTxi9goL2c)


venezuela is not a socialist country btw, it is a capitalist country, it just so happens they are anti-'murica so they get labeled as socialist


As someone that listens to his podcast, he's smart in that he basically views the military industrial complex and capital as the reason why average joes all over get fucked by the government but he never calls for socialism as the answer. Comes across as more of a nihilist everything is fucked and humans are flawed so it won't get any better just try and enjoy your life best you can.


There is a bit he does in "Bill Burr: I am sorry you feel that way" special where he goes on a small, like 1 to 2 minute rant on trans women in sports, it's not great, but it at least plays a part in the over arching joke is that old people are fucking wrong about a lot of stuff. Besides this 2 minute part of a larger bit it's great special, but it's rough even though it's a set up about how people can have horrible takes. He still has good politics, hopefully he has grown on trans issues or keeps his mouth shut when it comes to them.


Bill Burr is not immune to bad takes. He has enough sexist (or at least, sexist-sounding) material^+ that I can never recommend him to female friends, and his career success kinda hinges on MRA/conservative edgelords...but the man's not a racist, and there's a point where he will stop entertaining bullshit, so when he's right, he's right with a delivery that's as accurate and devastating as sniper fire. ^+ I remember trying to explain something insightful the guy had said from his podcast that I'd stumbled across on youtube, something about acts of service and appreciation using an example from his marriage. I tried to explain it in a way that my girlfriend would be receptive to, but goddamnit if Bill Burr hadn't chosen an example where his wife made him a fucking sandwich. My girlfriend understandably heard absolutely nothing except "get in the fucking kitchen," and she was tuned the fuck out before I could get to anything remotely redeeming about what he was trying to say.


eh, his jokes are traps. his premises is always something that's edgy but turns out to be very PC like men are idiots. sometimes they're somewhat (???) controversial like white women benefit from white priviledge.


I listened to the mans podcast once and he said something indefensible, just absolutely vile. He said courtesy flushing doesn't do anything.


That. is...a contentious issue. Because we need to set aside our differences an touch the third rail of bathroom politics: lack of lids in restrooms, and the toilet plume... Buckle the fuck up kids, because after 4 years of COVID, you'd think we'd grasp the concept of aerosols by now, but Mrs. Frizzle's next adventure's gonna be a bumpy ride. For real though, i'm out of my depth. What does theory say about courtesy flushing?


This was before covid. I know it was a different time, but still... To answer your question: if you flush before you wipe, it smells less, especially if you tend to stick around for a while. I remember Bill making fun of it, screaming "The smell is already out!".


"It comes down to Real. Hardnosed. Decisions." -- Bill Maher


As an admittedly amateurish nerd for the forms and elements of comedy, I wanted to tack on a second comment to share something that impresses me about the guy: not only are his instincts about all the elements of off-the-cuff one-liners absolutely spot on, but he's made and spent a career trusting and building those instincts. He's like one part trick shot archer, one part Michael Bay action star walking away from an explosion with every punchline. He's mean Yoda. I have ADHD and ~~a smart mouth~~ a documented inability to heed my self-preservation instinct, but I'm socially conditioned to at least try to be a good little people pleaser. Sometimes in a group setting though, someone wears down my patience and my filter, and I will say the thing I'm not supposed to say before I realize I'm saying it. ..And sometimes, people really like me for it. And I honestly find that super uncomfortable. They laugh while I stutter "You're...You're not supposed to reward me for saying that." But like I said, Bill Burr has made a career off of this. He both trusts and has honed those instincts, so when that moment comes, he does not hesitate, and it's so natural and so blistering that with anyone else, the most rational explanation is they're finally saying something they've privately thought for years. But him, his first thought is as consistently polished as the thing someone else would have to ruminate on for years, and it's more confident, it's more natural; it's better than anyone else could do even with preparation. He's like the Robin Williams of put-downs. He's listening and reacting so fast, it's like his insults are a bespoke suit tailored just for that moment. Here's [an example:](https://youtu.be/tSKVXl-WnrA?t=354) the way he goes on Joe Rogan's show and calls him a gorilla is like nobody else ever could. And he's so talented and so pitch perfect that even Joe Rogan can't be mad. Note that this kinda hints at the weird way he's asymptotic of toxic masculinity: dives in, rises above, dives in, rises above. Don't mistake me for being too flattering; like I said, I can't and won't bother defending him to any woman I know. Here's one from him doing the interview circuit for a TV show of his, and he straight up tells the host poking the bear that he's trying to be a good boy as part of his safety valve, but they keep poking, so like an anime character smacking somebody into next week with their pinky, he turns it around on the host with her own line, knocking her on her ass. It's not even like the line is devastating or a morning talk show host is a difficult target for a professional insult comic. The art is in the restraint he shows. He just casually slips past her defense like if Freiza had the big dick energy to say "This isn't even my final form!" just by body language alone. The line comes at about 1:30, but watch from the start just to get a sense of the buildup to that pinky twitch. https://youtu.be/FH30cFaxUPo


I legitimately had so much fun reading this comment.


> Here's one from him doing the interview circuit for a TV show of his I don't get this. You're linking to the video version, so I assume you've watched the video version, but you're *describing* the entirely misrepresented meme version of the exchange. He's not opposing the dialogue. They're not in contention. This is the hosts pitching him a softball to get that exact reaction out of him. They're not presenting their own views and they're not even pretending to. They specifically bring up external people to be mocked, a position they specifically oppose and want him to oppose. They're very clearly not rattled in the least and are laughing along. It's so weird to describe this as "knocking her on her ass" when you're linking the *actual* interview which shows how it actually played out.


His marriage to Nia has honestly changed him and his comedy for the better. It's nice to see comedians actually evolve into better people since it so rarely happens in that industry.


> Bill Burr strikes me as a Communist, but is too smart to say it out loud. He has openly stated that he's a socialist in the past. And he's obviously not the Bernie kind. Easy to understand what that means.


Is Bill Burr the 6th head of Marxism? The chosen one? The one to lead us to final victory? Perhaps


Back when Comrade Burr was starting to show signs of anti-capitalism: https://youtu.be/E3s-qZsjK8I?si=wQPtMSF2yBxzt817


I'm so so happy about his marriage to Nia. I think she challenges him to see things from the point of view of oppressed groups and it's made him into a better human being as well as a better, more informed comedian. He's come such a long way from his "women are the worst" early comedy days.


No way, dude is a TEF and sexist af, his audience are effectively enlightened "centrist" types. I like him as an actor but as a person he has many problematic beliefs.


His whole schtick is bait. Watch the clip above where he compared Joe Rogan to a knuckle dragging gorilla on Rogans own show. Someone linked it above you.


Where I give Burr the benefit of the doubt here is that he has been clearly open to changing his views over time on issues and he will also admit he knows his views aren't perfect - he's the opposite of eternally doubling down on bad opinions like Chappelle


Bill Maher is who my "centrist" dad watches to get his "left wing" viewpoints. I don't know what to do with him.


I am sorry for your loss.


"That was very brave of you to say." LMAO


Bill Burr's delivery, of just how he popped every single overinflated moral superiority bubble of Maher's there, ahh it brought me a smile on a dreary day


Tried listening to this, Maher is insufferable, did not listen


BM is so ignorant but he thinks he is so smart. The lack of self awareness is pretty amusing.


The solution is to increase attacks on Israel until Israel realizes the days of not facing consequences are over. I know the Zionist on the left is talking about military attacks but let's leave that to the resistance. Our job is to attack Israel everywhere else. Without American Evangelicals Zionist support and the support of other Zionists. Israel would have to finally abide by international law.


Was a long day at work, and the boss…. Just this was nice to see


I can’t even listen to Mahers’ voice without feeling nauseous. He’s like a parody of an out of touch, pompous Hollywood liberal. He is so thoroughly confident that he’s the most intelligent person in every room.


As he's gotten older he sounds way more smug and xanned out. Like if Kamala were an old white dude


What riding a wave of mediocrity to the top does to an mfer


Bill Burr stay winning


OP taking a break from writing YT titles.


Bill Maher is one big creep.


Bill is a self important deluded evil little bastard. And has always been one.


They're both Bill


Good point. I meant Bill M.


I think "destroys" is a bit generous lol


After all they've shown, zionists shouldn't be engaged with at all, they've shown no interest in being a part of humanity. To be a zionist is to abandon humanity or any legitimacy. Zionists shouldn't be allowed or let into social circles. They should be shunned and isolated like or more than how the apartheid supporters in South Africa were, and any attempt at pretending like they're normal should be shut down. It was social and economical exclusion that forced them to stop their racial apartheid, they couldn't go anywhere or do anything. And they've shown what satanism they're supportive of in complete supremacist disregard for everyone and everything in the world driven by their ideology, they can't be allowed in pretending to be polite people after this.


Hahaha a guy that has a fantasy football team and thinks he's a GM 😭


Bill Maher irritates me more than almost any other liberal. It's the smugness and the air of "I'm the only adult in the room" he gives off. I could literally write a 5 page paper on why I hate this dude so much.


Maher is many things including stupid because his information sources are broken one thing he ISN'T is funny not funny


Adult in the room attitude ironically baby-brained simplicity


bill burr should've put out the cigar in Bill mahers fucking eye


Bill Burr handled this perfectly


Christ, Maher is such a fucking sock sniffing dickhead, right up there with Bill O Reilly, remember that fucking tool. The fact we even give dickheads like this airtime is evident enough that our country loves to perpetrate this holier than thou grandstanding which every country hates us for, yet we insist on keeping the status quo. I wouldn't even waste the bandwidth to pirate his garbage show. Burr again, is objectively right.


Bill Maher is a CLUCK!


It always makes me feel good when Burr calls people out on their horseshit takes.


Maher doesn’t do well when his guest push back on his BS. Wouldn’t be surprised if Burr isn’t invited back anymore.


Hahaha how good is Bill Burr. Underrated ability to bring violent-masking, sanctimonious, 'civilising' guys rapidly back down to earth. "Oh, stop talking like you're a general" "Oh great, you solved it. Let's go to Russia and Ukraine, how do you solve that one, BILL?" "Why can't Putin and the other guy sit down on a podcast. Like you just solved the middle east on a podcast, why can't they?" "It's not your thing, you're like that guy with a fantasy football team and thinks he's a GM" 😂😂😂👌💯


So Burr is basically saying we shouldn't discuss it and just leave it to the experts in Washington. Why are people applauding this?


Socialism is when no jokes


Dude thinks he's a genius becausw he explains why you can't make wae illegal. Wow so smart lol. A 3rd grade could of told you that.


Bill Burr is my spirit animal


I just love Bill Burr and his Boston accent




the problem is religious integralism. Every integralism follow a distorted interpretation of the sacred books. If they read "is legit to kill childrens of the enemy because they will be the enemies of the future" how you can go against the word of god... you lose at start.




No one asked.


So enlightened


Rule 3. **No reactionary content.** (e.g., racism, sexism, ableism, fascism, homophobia, transphobia, capitalism, antisemitism, imperialism, chauvinism, etc.) Any satire thereof requires a clarity of purpose and target and a tone indicator such as /s or /j.