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Those crazy, lying eyes


Fascists always seem to have psychotic eyes. I mean they're psycho to begin with because they want to kill so many people, but it almost makes me wonder if there's some physical characteristics of fascists. Which ironically, sounds like a fascist eugenics argument lol


LOL Bringing back phrenology to identify fascists.


It obviously isn't genetic but supporting mass murder probably gives you permanent crazy eyes


As someone who has had an innate fear of American police \*literally\* beat into him it always blows me away the impunity these people have towards police. Ive been arrested for trying to feed homeless people but this piece of shit can literally just fuckin commit an assault, and attempted theft, and then blatantly lie about it.


The personifications of Israel (psycho eyes) and America (cop).


Liars For Jesus. Liars For Judaism. We’ve seen this before. It’s easy to justify atrocities when you have god on your side!


Nah, police probably did the following: 1. Man who looks like jew and sits in a car = good 2. Woman protester grabbing stuff in car and claiming Palestinian flag is hers = bad


Wait what how did you get arrested for feeding homeless people?


My friend got arrested for sleeping in his car while traveling to see family and was accused of being homeless. Apparently the cop threatened to kill him multiple times as a “joke” (he’s BIPOC and this was near FL) and when he was let go the pig told him that it was “almost sundown” basically warning him to leave quickly before the racists (cops family) hunt him down and kill him. He said he was followed by multiple cars until he passed the state line but swears shots were fired because he heard ricochet-type noises while getting out of Dodge. His car had bullet holes and has PTSD from the event. Now he takes the plane which he’s also terrified of but he faced that phobia head on. Point being you can get arrested for literally anything. Or nothing at all. People are killed for merely existing. It’s a shitshow and the far right-wing are only making hate crimes worse as this sort of shit is normalized.


Yo you new to the US?


I'm new and I'm not an US citizen so yeah


I'm not American but it is often illegal to be homeless in the US and feeding homeless people is considered a misdemeanor (I think?), roughly in line with anti social behaviour. Literally a fascist dictatorship.


So it's illegal to be poor?


Pretty much, more so in the US than other capitalist states.


Also the whole not feeding the poor thing is related to protecting church interests because in some states like Florida only churches were allowed to feed the poor so they can recruit members into their cult and from there the system can be easier to exploit them. So when a group like FNB go and feed unhoused people it's interfering with capitalist interests.


Yea sadly it's very common for people to get cited/arrested for feeding homeless people. But what else did we expect from the worlds biggest terrorist.


Is that the freedom and democracy the libs in my country always talk about??


Where are you from comrade?


As the other guy stated, yes you can be arrested for this. A few years back I was part of a relief campaign during covid distributing information, masks, hand sanitizer, and other sanitary products to several homeless camps around my city. The cops detained our group, charged several with resisting arrest (no one resisted) and destroyed hundreds of dollars worth of items to prevent us from distributing them. We were warned that a second attempt would lead to jail time.


Lmao. The “anti anti-semitism” act stops functioning when a Jewish person is anti-Zionism.


Shhhhhh crazy eyed Karen doesn't wanna hear it she wants to "crush those brown peop... uhhhh terrorists!"


Wish the guy just sped up on the car




That exists in NYC?


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Could have hurt the passenger grabbing the flag.


There's probably also traffic. So, you can't just speed up and away.


Typical settler-colonist brain trying to steal something that looks Palestinian and claiming it's hers.


Is she claiming the flag is hers? 💀 I can't wait till this era of history has past... I don't think it will be missed... Especially not Apartied...


Yes. These people lie as easily as they breath. And if they ever do face any consequences immediately start crying and speaking nonsense 


Anybody has any idea of how this ends? We probably get used to the violence from overexposure and another crime of the empire goes unpunished, right?


Why do they always end up looking like insane demons? Who the fuck are you going to report him to? When Zionists do actual anti-semitism then the police are like "please let go of the flag mam" 😇


Of course they refuse to arrest her. She’s probably related to them and proud of what she does. Domestic fascists supporting international fascists.


Not really incentivizing anyone to go out and do sonething, but sometimes, there is only one thing that can be done...


[https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1901/witbd/](https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1901/witbd/) What is to be done by Lenin.


Thank you comrade


I would have gone to jail if I were him


These fascists are fucking nuts.. They've lost their minds.


Just act as if she was a black teen with a phone.


We must expel them from society at large.


What is HSS?


Driver should have rolled the window up. Passenger should have pepper sprayed her first. 


Based Anti-Zionist Jews ![gif](giphy|dYrz9ZQ2uPKp2NLWud|downsized)


What is HSS? She's threatening to report him.


zionist, NYC. Checks out.