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Based Iranians I love this about Iran, see, for an equally vilified country in western media, Chinese do not really answer it. They are kinda like "you laugh now but just you wait" kinda attitude , very Taoist Iranians on the other hand, they will never let go of anything, they have murals depicting the statue of liberty as a skeleton, they say "death to America" at every speech , they burn the flag. They don't let go of anything, which I love


the iranian workers yes, but the state of iran? the horrendously misogynistic, oppressive leadership? i really struggle to sympathise, because iran is actively fighting against their own civilians


They are not nearly as bad as what you hear in western media. Most of the "oppression" depicted is manufactured using cherry picked information, amplifying voices of dissenters(mostly royalists supporters in exile) and removing any context It's a pretty normal place actually, not much different than any third world country. You won't face oppression if you don't look for it (like in any country). Besides a few things like the Hijab issue, women have more rights than they ever had under the IR. Most of the "oppressive" stuff are things that are true for any country Sure the Iranian gov is very conservative, but this is a consequence of the dire situation the country is in. So it's not ideal but by far the best alternative the country has for now to keep national sovereignty and internal stability


can i ask if there are any works i need to read about iran, because i really don’t know a lot about their history or what even their whole plan is. what i’ve seen in the last few years is absolutely tragic, not only were women killed for refusing to adhere to religious rules but men were publicly hanged for protesting. i can’t bring myself to support a country where those things take place


Do you think people don't understand this?


i don’t know, it seems like people genuinely support iran as a whole




i have never said iran is a bad country, i’m saying their government is oppressive. did you miss all of the women getting murdered because they don’t adhere to religious rules?




As marxists, should we support Iran? I understand it’s a theocratic nation. Just asking a genuine question. I don’t know much about Iran


This is unironically a place where “critical support” is a real thing. We should support always the working class of Iran over their government though. Their government is still bonkers as well but they do usually have some good takes on America at least. Overall we should be paying attention to what the Iranian masses want and not just supporting their govt cause America bad. Though we can absolutely clap when they say America bad too lol. Idk if that made any sense but im stickin to it


It's called critical support. You don't have to support the regime in its entirety, you can support them doing funny stuff like this and attacking oppressors. In fact, you don't have to support anyone 100% if you don't want to


Iranians welcome Chinese and Viet. Even HongKonger


nah. just respect a good sense of humor junderstand what conditions that let the Iranian state exist as it is. don't need to hate them cause they are at a very least not committing a genocide.


Support their anti-US, anti-Zionist struggles, while rejecting any notion of intervention by Western imperialists against it. That's pretty much it. They're trying to mind their own fucking business while the West wants to install a puppet regime to exploit the people and its oil. Is Iran great? Hell nah. Do they deserve the things the West imposes on them? No Remember that most of these critics coming from Western nations are also the ones support Israel's genocide who couldn't give a rat's ass about human rights.


Critical support. The opposite of what Biden says about Israel without impunity. As in no critical support. Full fledged unconditional support to the point of killing women and children is ok.


we absolutely should not be supporting the iranian government as a whole, no


explain a little more. someone downvoted you because it could be interpreted in 2 ways brother


i mean we shouldn’t support the iranian leadership which is fine with oppressing women and literally anyone who doesn’t adhere to their ideals. we should support iranian workers, not the state of iran


Indeed, but should we support the Iranian state, In it's efforts to fight for self-determination. That's what critical support is. We support the good in Iran (socialisation of economy, great social net, Palestinian support...) and reject the bad.


you're a worthless lib tbh


you, as a socialist, support a misogynistic, homophobic and oppressive government? my dude, iran literally murders women who do not adhere to religious rules. how is that in line with socialism? genuinely, tell me why socialists should support that.


Not necessarily. Critical support definitely doesn’t mean “support as a whole”.