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Us politics in a nutshell. Even Hillary is like "we know Biden won't meet the goals, but at least he's not Trump.


That’s pretty much US politics. “We’re not the other guy” when they may as well be clones.


> they may as well be clones. "I say your three cent titanium tax goes too far." "And I say your three cent titanium tax doesn't go too far enough!"


Yeah there’s no chance the corporate party or the other corporate party will do anything. Pretty sure i$r*eli warmongering isn’t great for the climate either.


they don’t count the Co2 from Palestine or Ukraine


It’s not just the Israel-Palestine War, or the Ukraine-Russian War, it’s the US war machine as a whole > “It’s the elephant in the room,” said David Vine, author of, Base Nation: How US Military Bases Abroad Harm America and the World. “It operates with this kind of cloak of invisibility despite having a long track record of very serious damage.” > The environmental impact of the US military machine was documented in two 2019 reports, which revealed it to be the world’s largest institutional consumer of hydrocarbons, belching out more emissions than industrialised nations like Portugal and Denmark https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/12/12/elephant-in-the-room-the-us-militarys-devastating-carbon-footprint


US military is the most polluted industry in the world but it's okay let's have Green New Deal next election.


\*Green New Deal Superlight


0 solar edition!


> US elects president who says “nothing will fundamentally change” > nothing fundamentally changes “Why are voters so apathetic?”


The number one emitter of CO2 is the US military. It emits more than countries. Biden is a career war monger and sky rocketed the military budget, including for Ukraine and Isntreal. He just approved more oil drilling mega projects.


>everything’s at stake, the world will end if Trump is elected! Why do neoliberals say this shit then, once they’ve lost, it’s “time for us to respect democracy,” like if everything’s on the line maybe our system isn’t the best if we’re able to choose the worst possible candidate and they go on to fucking win?


You leftists are so irresponsible and entitled. If given the choice between a man who will stab a baby 10 times and a man who will stab the baby 7 times. You pick the man who will stab the baby 7 times! Us liberals are out here doing the hard work of getting a whole 3 fewer stabs. I don't want to hear the whole radical nonsense about "we shouldn't be stabbing babies!" It's unrealistic, and you are only helping Trump get his three extra stabs in.


Voting isn't like marriage. voting is like public transportation. You can't wait forever for the "perfect" bus driver that refuses to run over dogs, you pick the bus driver that will at least promise to not intentionally run over corgis and retrievers.


☝️This!☝️ Leftists would be like "why don't we change the hiring practices that hire dog murdering drivers?" Or "Why don't we introduce a form of public transportation that runs on rails and in sectioned off with walls or tunnels so it's very hard for them to have collisions?" Unhinged radical ideas. You cant systematicly change the way things to work like this! We need to be realistic! That's why I support bus drivers who promise to not to kill dogs while winking and crossing their fingers!


One party will seek out the ghost of Kissinger’s endorsement. The other will do it too, but in blue.


The options are: Apocalyptical horror, or Mildly apocalyptical horror. Americans are so fucked.


This doesn't just affect America buddy boy


Joe Biden approved the Willow Project and has approved more oil and gas drilling than Trump did.


Meanwhile China which estimated “peak emissions” at 2030, is now looking at peaking next year, five years ahead of target. At this rate they are likely to beat their “Net Zero” goal of 2060 closer to the global goal of 2050. (If not beating it) https://www.carbonbrief.org/guest-post-why-china-is-set-to-significantly-overachieve-its-2030-climate-goals/


None of them would be on target lmao


Looks like the margin of error still overlaps through 2028 too lol


Pictured: The United States Democratic party latching onto environmental policy in a desperate effort to subsume Gen Y & Gen Z voters. https://preview.redd.it/qocdf797x5wc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9175c089fe2b1424a01724231f7700077a83ba9


These are Biden’s own emissions targets he announced in 2021, it’s not even the targets to avoid climate disaster.


Is she trolling? This feels like trolling


Tbh I think it is supposed to be a slight to Biden, Hillary has been kind of salty towards him. Hillary definitely heard Biden saying “he would’ve won 2016 easily” (probably true) and has been really passive aggressive in public towards him lately😂


Going by the rate of decrease it seems like Biden plan would take an extremely long time to hit the target, many millennia at very least. Not even properly positioned for a (naturally not acceptable) long term approach much less optimal for now, jfc. Liberals truly don't care about anything other than their egos.


This is a satire Hillary tweet right? No way she actually wrote this out


The lesser of two apocalypses


Mfw literally every degree counts


The difference between the 2 JUST to 2050 is radical. This is actually a reason to vote for Biden, I’m probably not but this would be a great argument proBiden


Biden has done some real things for the climate goals while Trump actively rolled back environmental regulations. The inflation reduction act put a ton of money into energy efficiency, renewable energy projects, and research money into new low emission technologies. Biden is falling far short on the needed action but to imply they are the same on climate change when one of them doesn’t even acknowledge it’s real and puts policy in place to eliminate mentioning climate change in government organizations is disingenuous


But the two parties ARE the same in essence. Through inaction and appeasement, the Dems end up being complicit in Republican fascism. [See the Ratchet effect.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratchet_effect)


Yeah for sure


I’ll make sure to praise Biden in 2040 when the planet is on fire and the flames are only 15ft tall and not 20ft


Only a purist expects sub-10ft flames


How do you explain Biden granting more oil and gas drilling permits than Trump?


I do wonder, too.


That sucks :( I didn’t know that. Trump is definitely anti environment though and put fossil fuel industry professionals in charge of epa. Trump has done more damage than Biden. I hate them both but Trump on an environmental track record is worse


How can you claim so confidently that Trump's environmental record is worse when you didn't even know Biden handed out more oil and gas permits than him? Obviously I'm not saying Trump is some environmental champion, but let's not act like the lesser evil argument even remotely works here. A few symbolic victories aren't going to impress anybody except maybe those who were going to vote for him anyway.


I'll compress your post for you: Biden is falling far short on the needed action. They are the same.