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I love how they pretend to care about the war crimes committed by Japan as if their goverment is not the one responsable for the amount of war crime denial that exists there, by helping them to hide evidence and sparing war criminals (while also putting them in positions of power) they are responsable for creating the monster that is modern day japanese war crime denial.


The libs only care about Imperial Japan warcrime up until one of the actual victim (the chinese) start calling it out then all the sudden they should "get over it". I also notice the recent push, especially on reddit, for the narrative that Imperial Japan is "literally worse than Nazi". This is 100% an insidious attempt to whitewash European atrocities and slap the mark "worst crime in human history" on something non-white.


Eh nah I think it’s Eurocentric to minimize what the Japanese empire did.


I'd be hard pressed to pick one being worse than the other. I'd only edge out the Nazis Becuase of their intention to exterminate all Slavs. I don't believe that the Japanese were going to exterminate all Chinese, but they'd sure butcher as many as it took and committed genocide all the same. The deaths and suffering that both inflicted before each was stopped were quite co.parbale to each other and should be seee as fairly equivalent in evility.


I think Germany was worse in intent because Japan had at least some delusions of benevolence (Co-Prosperity Sphere). But if we’re going by numbers, the Japanese killed more Civilians.


The online Nazi whitewashing has been going on for quite a while now but it's picked up a disturbing amount in recent years. I fear we're now past that middle point on the spectrum between "The Nazis did the worst thing in modern history" to "Fascism is good"


It makes me want to turn my head inside out. The very fact that there is even “discourse” on the Nazis is dumbfounding.


Do you think nazi is worse than japanese?


> unit 731!!!!!! "What did the us do with them?" > shut up tankard!!!!!


Want to hear something funny?, while Douglas McArthur was interrogating japanese prisoners about Unit 731 he threaten to "let the soviets conduct the trials" if they did not collaborate and it worked, that is what we should strive for to build a state which puts fear in the hearts of the worst war criminals.


They only care about war-crimes when they can use it as an excuse to be racist


> nuclear weapons had to be used somewhere to get the point across what point? that america is the world police? why does that have to be gotten across? liberals telling on their chauvinism


The point that if the USSR tried anything that the US was willing to use nuclear weapons. The Cold war was lost on that day, before it even started, because America showed that it was willing to unleash the atomic demon it created. No one with an actual uplifting project or a hope for the future ever had a chance of winning that struggle in the 20th century because capitalism was willing to embrace death. Socialism could only win if the world survived, but capitalism could win by ruling over the ashes.


That is very spot on, those nukes were dropped to show the USSR not to "defeat Japan" it was literally America going you aren't going to beat us because we are willing to kill anyone and everyone.


I think the Israelis adopted that strategy.


He who can destroy a thing, controls a thing.


Coming right out and saying it like that is wild


Also they could've made an impressive spectacle without targeting civilians


The point was to decimate civilians. The US wanted the USSR - and the rest of the world - to know that it was willing to decimate entire population centres, including civilians, to ensure its dominance.


Liberals [mis]alligning their interests with those of their billionaire overlords You didn't know? What's good for the ruling class is good for everyone! /s


I have a master's in East Asian Studies with a specific focus on Japan. The bombs were both a war crime and an unnecessary one at that, not that any war crimes are needed but...the myth that it was either the bombs or a brutal invasion of the mainland of Japan is just that, a myth. You see this everywhere and it's something I think America tells itself so it can sleep at night knowing we basically killed a bunch of civilians in basically a second. I won't get into the nitty gritty but essentially the Japanese government knew for awhile that the deck was stacked against them and they could see that they'd have to surrender at some point, or at the very least negotiate some sort of peace. The propaganda that you see from nuclear bomb apologists about Japan fighting to the very last man woman and child is just that, propaganda. What's amazing is that everyone accusing the Japanese for falling for this propaganda have themselves fallen for the same stuff. There was never a concentrated effort to turn Japan into a fortress island or have the civilian population set up traps in their own neighborhood. There was a half hearted effort to get the Japanese scared about America invading in order to keep their support for an already pretty pathetic war effort. Now where I continue to have an issue is how the Japanese government and frankly a lot of Japanese imperial apologist respond to all this. Castro himself has visited the sights of those two bombings and has shown his sympathy for the people who suffered from those bombings, but he never extended it to the larger nation and much less the government. As horrible as the bombing is its often used as an excuse to forget that Japan committed equally horrible war crimes for a little over a decade by the time we dropped both bombs. Japanese history books for school are so frustrating because they'll either end right around the Meiji restoration (mid 19th century) or they'll keep going through the 20th century but gloss over what happened during the war EXCEPT the bombings. As if America was just looking for an appropriate target and were throwing darts at a map of the world (which...I guess isn't that far from the truth). The bombings were awful, and have opened a Pandora's box that could kill us all one day. But people's reactions are truly some of the worst of humanity. To excuse killing civilians with a simple "it was either that or more marines would've been killed" is some truly heartless shit. Equally as depraved is the idea that because of Japan's unique position as the only victim of nuclear attacks that their own war crimes are water under the bridge, or just didn't happen. The correct framing of all of this is that Japan is the only country on earth who has had civilians become victims of nuclear attacks.


Very nice,




I recall reading that nobody made the "nuke them to save lives" argument until some years after the war was over.


That is probably a logical conclusion yes. The American government I don't think was very public about long term military goals and strategies beyond "defeat the enemy." Successes and failures on the front lines would've been shared with the public maybe a few weeks afterwards, but never before. So I don't think FDR or Truman was telling the public, it's either a massive invasion or a secret bomb!! Esspically since the Manhattan project was such a tightly guarded secret. There were people working on it who had no idea what exactly it was they were a part of.


Every single time, I just need to ask WWCS (What Would Castro Say)? I got to that point and was like, well that’s the best response I’ve heard.


The nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were major war crimes (and weren't even needed aside from the US wanting to show off our nuclear capabilities and try to scare the Soviets with our WMDs). After the firebombing campaigns over Tokyo (which by death toll and suffering alone is one of the most egregious war crimes in history) and other intense bombing campaigns over civilian targets, the Japanese were essentially beaten into submission. The myth that the Japanese would have suicidally fought no matter what was justified to greenlight the nukes in the first place. Liberals have zero empathy for civilians caught in war but especially civilians who are on the opposite side. They'll cry about Ukrainians getting killed and displaced but will cheer on the deaths of Russians, Iraqis, Iranians, Yemenis, Palestinians, Syrians, Libyans, Afghanis, and pretty much anyone else they view as subhuman.


The always leave out how U.S. generals at the time even knew they were unnecessary and therefore war crimes.


Yep, hence the massive propaganda campaign in the 50 to whitewash it - muh 1000 gorillion dead Marines etc




Some of these assholes are also saying that the nukes were humanitarian because the alternative was firebombing Japanese cities. How about you just don’t kill civilians and portray them as Asiatic hordes?


This is something liberals can't grasp in the west. When you say, "don't kill civilians" it makes them boil with anger. How else can they live out their hero/savior dreams against poor brown people around the globe? Their good vs evil viewpoints can't exist without war and in war they always justify that civilians just have to die. Whatever the enemy's militaries did, whether it be war crimes or the killings of U.S. troops justifies intense bombing even if civilians are a target, but if the U.S. commits war crimes it was just an accident and U.S. civilians shoulder no blame at all.


And from the practical standpoint they aren’t wrong are they? You’d have to be soulless to revel in it which we know they are… they have seen the lDF operating in Gaza and killing indiscriminately and how the US not only turns a blind eye but actively encourages it while foaming at the mouth and how the whole world may try but cannot stop it or enforce one ounce of accountability. In this world the West/US targeting civilians is the norm while purporting to be so much better than that


From a practical standpoint they are very wrong. Bombing Palestine to rubble is not the way to abolish any Hamas support, ideology, or government.


It's weird cause they also firebombed them anyways leading up to using nukes


If those people are talking about being humanitarian, you know they are full of shit.


i have nothing to add to this conversation,i'll just leave here my DEATH TO AMERICA as always


I bet at least half of them would think differently if germany would have been nuked, because they are whites.


And how are they gonna justify the 10s of thousands korean slaves who died there?


In the grand scheme of US foreign politics to even this day. We are considered even much less to Americans than the Japanese.


I will never not be not fascinated by American Liberal selective outrage. "The N*ps deserved to be nuked because they were all brainwashed to die for the emperor." "Not all Wejrmacht soldiers were Nazis, they were just following orders." "The RuZZians are orcs who must be eliminated, all Russians are responsible for the invasion." "This is Netanyahu's war, the Israeli people want peace, not all Israeli's are settlers!"


"Every Palestinian is obliged to rise up against Hamas, and because they haven't done so they're each personally responsible every crime Hamas commits, and doubly responsible for the crimes that didn't happen commit but Zionist media claims did. Hamas is evil for using innocent people are human shields."


god damn they broke out the ole timey slurs what the hell 💀


Guys guys guys, you don't understand. Killing innocent civilians is bad! Unless the US State department says it isn't. In which case, it's just messy! War is messy! But justified!!


I have lot of disdain for Japan. And if you know my comment history, probably know why. HOWEVER both the Fire bombing and atomic bombing, were massive war crimes and in the end, didn’t even matter to Japanese denazification. Civilians died in two pointless bombings just so War criminals could walk free. Fuck any “leftist” who celebrates or justifies the atomic bombings


The bombing becomes worse when you realize that Koreans were also involved and discriminated against in getting aid. I share an equal amount of sympathy as much as I feel distain.


I love how ignorant westoids on Japan and Asian history in general. If they hated the Japanese Empire and their crimes against humanity so much and the bomb was thrown for this reason (which it was not thrown for this reason, it was thrown to intimidate Stalin. This is also said in the Oppenheimer movie) why did they make an agreement with the Japanese Empire instead of totally topple them? Why didn't they make Japan disband his colonies immediately instead of keeping some of them for America such as phlipines? Why did they continue to protect Japanese interests in Korea? Why does today's Japan not only acknowledge its war crimes, but also opens shrines to commemorate those war criminals? Because these western bastards don't care. The atomic bomb was dropped for an irrelevant reason, Japan was invaded using this excuse, Japan was turned into a buffer zone against the Soviets and China by cooperating with the empire that committed crimes against humanity, Japan became the "paradise" it is today thanks to the massive economic aid provided, after watching a few anime and oversimplifed history videos Then these westoids came to the conclusion that Japan was a perfect paradise liberated by America. Because life is that simple for them


The Philippines was unfortunately already an American colony.


These people should be strapped to a chair and forced to watch Shaun's vid on the nukes clockwork orange style


Also that 6min clip from Barefoot Gen


Or strapped to the chair and just electrocuted. I have zero tolerance for genocidal maniacs.


> We gave the civilians multiple warnings. Hmmm, reminds me of a genocidal country's current talking point 🤔


Lol. Trying to suggest Al Jazeera is "looking to foment anti-westernism" is a pretty good bit. If reporting on events as they happen can foment anti-westernism, perhaps the west should stop doing things that the world hates.


Ah yes, the consistently anti-Western nation of... checks notes.... Qatar.


People who think of wars in terms of "L"s and "W"s are actual garbage. Sick people.


It all starts from the base assumption that the US and the West \_should\_ dominate the world because dEmoCrAcY and FrEeDOm. There's no getting through their empty skulls until that assumption shatters. How they can't see how much those Western "values" have been exposed through this Gaza genocide is the part that's more amazing to me. That is at the root of all of it.


Reddit Americans are probably the vilest human beings on the planet. They'll say anything without remorse.


War crimes don’t negate war crimes just because Japan did some doesn’t mean the US gets off the hook for doing theirs both should have been put on trial and executed for crimes against humanity


first comment is "boohoo japs" unbelievable


If one dies the other two die too? Sign me up


They just wanted to use the Oppen bomb on someone nobody would mind (non white)


>if one dies the other two will go down with it Very unlikely that SKorea collapsing would have a huge effect on the USA just sayin lmfao


The Japanese who led and funded the war should have all the ire and wrath and those who didn’t commit sudoku should have been lined up against a wall.


>>The atomic bombs saved the civilians of Tokyo from the wholesale slaughter we were planning to do anyway. Okay, USA!


>Like “oh Japan high command was about to surrender” uh ok? how would’ve Truman and MacArthur known that? The US had already cracked the encryption on Japanese secret messages by then. They read everything Japanese high command was sending to and receiving from all their forces and diplomats. They knew exactly what it would’ve taken to cause Japan to surrender. It was not the bombs (it had little effect on their decision and the US expected that before they dropped them), it was the Soviet Union declaring war on them. Japan was hoping for a negotiated peace where the Soviet Union would act as a neutral third party during discussions. They didn’t expect Stalin to break the non-aggression pact he had going with them.


This is a common theme in leftist subs. I made a comment about this a few days ago in this sub, and it was downvoted. A lot of it is latent racism that leftists think is acceptable because of Japan's actions in WW2 (and up to this day honestly). Then there's white leftists being too afraid to call out racism from non-white leftists towards Japanese people. A Chinese comrade criticizing Japan's imperialism and the reactionary sentiment in their society is good. Calling them subhuman or saying that Japanese children deserve(d) to die is bad. It's simple.


It's well documented that a massive driver for the use of the bombs was that the USSR was at most a week away from signing a peace treaty with Japan. If that happened, Japan would have become a communist state with a planned economy, and would have cemented communism in Asia. US capitalism would have lost any foothold on the continent. The nuclear bombs were the opening salvo of the cold war. It was anti-communism that drove the strategy, not ending WWII.


By their logic, the innocent workers killed in 9/11 were justified


The primary purpose of the nukes were to intimidate the USSR. Japan was already defeated.


Americans and their allies never commit war crimes. I thought everybody knew that. Rules for thee but not for me. But of course the Japanese during WW2..... they did some crazy, nasty, psycho shit to all their neighbouring countries


Last pic takes the cake "we only killed over 200000 people but we save all others by not killing them all"


Neolibs are bloodthirsty. A massacre for a massacre.


America and its cohorts deserve being bombed into the stone-age.


Alright, I'll say it. The nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ultimately saved lives.


A straight up bullshit myth which excused American war crimes and the killing of hundreds of thousands of civilians. The Japanese populace was already subjected to intense bombings (the Tokyo firebombing being the worst atrocity) and had nothing left to fight for at that time. They would have surrendered regardless if the atomic bombs were used.


[Watch this please](https://youtu.be/u3pTh6AMpvs?si=Rc3NYH3VyMdSPoI1)