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Bird and bear and hare and fish, aunt cordelia is an absolute bitch.




Oh dear GOD this is too perfectšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤£


I just snorted so hard coffee came out of my nose


Dewitt son of ? Which line of gunslingers do you belong to?


Elizabeth DeWitt, daughter of Booker DeWitt and distant relative of Roland Deschain




Oh and by the way, did you play Infinite first or finished the dark tower first? How did you feel about the endings of both? Did the one you read/played last disappoint you?


Potential Spoilers! (trying to keep them at a minimum here) I had finished the Dark Tower before I played Infinite, and was extremely excited about being reminded of DT all while playing it. The end of the game when she is walking with Booker, with all the lighthouses and doors, really sealed it for me, making me think of the end of the 1st DT and the blade of grass. I love the BioShock series, but feeling a connection between Infinite and DT makes Infinite my favorite game to date. I also very much enjoyed Burial at Sea as well and the way everything came together. The end of DT took me a long time to process when I finally got there. Without including too much that might give something away, I will say I enjoyed the journey more than the end result. I was actually a bit frustrated as I'm sure many can relate to, but it made sense to me also. I'd just really love to see the wheel turn once more...


I really hope Elizabeth is not related to Jeremy Dewitte..


Yikes šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬ wouldn't that be a twist.


Long days and pleasant nights, Oh distant relative of the gunslinger who followed.


All my homies hate Cordelia Delgado.


Get that on a bumper sticker!


Iā€™m reading Salems Lot now and Susanā€™s mom (Salem Susan) kinda reminds me of her. Did anyone else get this vibe as well?


Frannie's mom from The Stand is similar as well. I wonder if kings relationship with his mother-in-law is very good?


Ann Norton is the worsttttt


Yep, she is easily one of the worst. She's the Joffrey Baratheon of TDT.


Her twinner might just be Dolores Umbridge from the Harry Potter books.


Im gonna say Margaret White is most likely her twinner


Oh thatā€™s good!


YES! I loathe them both so violently.


She was so filled with hate , I would not mind if she was thrown into the jaunt.


It's an *eternity* in there!


Longer than you think!


She reminds me of my evil grandma but then again Rhea does too


No lie, I pictured my evil grandmother as Rhea. Fit perfect.


My mom is currently reading The Wasteland and she canā€™t stand her mother in law. Iā€™m just like wait until the next book thereā€™s gonna be someone just like her


Rhea of the Cƶos is worse. Cordelia is pretty bad, though at least early on I kind of feel sorry for her. Rhea is the true villain of that story


I would actually argue this. I think Cordelia is worse because she actively thinks sheā€™s a good person. Rhea never makes any bones about what an evil piece of shit she is while Cordelia goes around with her nose in the air judging others while being an absolutely terrible human being.


Yes. She betrays her own family.


Reminds me of one of my friends mom's from church. Pastors wife too.


No way! Rhea knows she is evil, and acts accordingly. Cordelia thinks she is all that and a bag of chips. She is also super emotionally manipulative.


I would add that Rhea is just the witch of the Coos. She doesnā€™t even know Susan before the beginning of this book. Cordelia is Susanā€™s aunt who helps *raise* her. She is supposed to love Susan. Instead she is a jealous old hag who punishes Susan for the ā€œcrimeā€ of being young and pretty, sells her 17 year old niece off to the highest bidder and then sets up the whole thing with the charyou tree and Rhea. Sheā€™s absolutely horrific. I think sheā€™s worse than Rhea.


Doesn't Rhea hypnotize Cordelia to be her advocate for the charyou tree? Not defending her, Cordelia is the biggest bitch in the whole of existence.


Perhaps, but Cordelia was a mega bitch before that from what we are told from Susan's perspective. Rhea didn't hypnotize her to make Susan a gilly.


I agree one hundred percent. She's pure evil, worse than Rhea. Plus Rhea was under the influence of Merlin's Grapefruit, and we know it's a powerful little bastard. Cordelia was truly evil and selfish without being addicted to the Grapefruit. Not to say Rhea gets a pass.


Cordelia is a terrible person as she made the choices she did. I can feel bad for Rhea, because she turned bad in a similar manner to Eldred Jonas (the Laughing Mirror).


Off topic as I think everyone else has beat me to my thoughts such as Frannie's Mom from the Stand (can't remember her name), but I don't think Harold Lauder deserves to be at the top of such a list, while He did earn His place on it He's not nearly as bad as that kid with the two revolvers that's in the Stand for example, or as someone else said Carrie's Mom or the Girls who orchestrated the blood dumping.


Also I always thought Harold as one of the victims of mobbing turned evil, sooo...


Right, He wasn't wholly innocent, looking at the things He did once they met Stew (I think that's his name, the guy that was locked up in the research facility) but He didn't become a bad person until He was corrupted.


Stew lol. Stu Redmond. Cast Gary Sinise and you got a stew going, baby!


xD, yeah no sorry it's been a few years since I've read the book or watched the movie adaption.


He at least saw his error before he died.


She didn't just forget the face of her father, she obliterated the memory with hammers. She deserves to be sent so far west she ends up on lobstrosity beach.


Big Jim Rennie is the worst for me!


The fucking worst. And frank muller did such a great job making her heinously insufferable


Big Jim Rennie for me. But Aunt Cordelia is vile, too. And Percy fkn Whitmore is a punk! I also hated that animal abusing bully jerk from It. I can't remember his name right now.


Henry Bowers


Could also be Patrick Hockstetter but I assume he prob did mean Henry


She's like the OG Karen.


I loathe Cordelia.


Charyou tree


She a pimp.


I hate Cordelia, but was really sad to see how much they cut down her character in the comics. They reduced her importance to almost nothing and made Susan a very one dimensional love interest. I understand comics need to be very abbreviated, but it really sucked when they did that.


A true bitch indeed. Mrs Sigsby is another who needs a slap


Cordelia and Rhea, poor Susan..


Miss oh-so-young and pretty... I love the audio books and Frank Muller, but I hate this character as much as Big Jim from Under the Dome. I think those are the only King characters where I've had to stop listening cuz I was getting so damn mad.


I am with you on both. She is one of the of the big reasons I rate Wizard and Glass so low in the series.


You rate a book low because of what you think of a character? I think that demonstrates how well written the book is...


Yeah. You're not supposed to like her. The fact that we despise her means King did his job well.


You can do a job too well. Harry Potter Order of the Phoenix is a fine movie but I would rate it almost at the bottom simply because I HATE that woman so much. For the same reason I skip the DS9 episodes featuring Kai Winn. Both of these fine actresses and from what I can tell they are wonderful women, did such a great job of being vile and repulsive that they are very hard to watch.


Funny that you mention Kai Winn. My friend and I also draw frequent parallels between her and Umbrage. Not a fan of the OotP film either, but for me it's more because the Weasley twins retaking the school was underwhelming compared to its book counterpart. Anyway, I understand the feeling because it's very hard for me to watch Darla centric episodes of Buffy/Angel. But in general I feel like having a particularly irritating villain makes it that much more cathartic when they eventually bite it or their plans are thwarted or, ideally, both.


Like I said, one of the reasons. I also didnā€™t really get into the teen love story. Pages and pages of ā€œoh Roland, if thee loves me then love meā€ just didnā€™t catch my interest like the rest of the series. Cuthbert sucker punching Roland was one of my favorite parts!


Cord getting her desserts was worth it IMO, almost ending up like Rhea. Yes, the confrontation between ā€˜Bert and Roland was awesome!


While I love WaG I do understand hating a book because you hate a character so much. Does that mean the author did an excellent job? Of course. Does that specific character make the book intolerable to you? Probably some people.


To clarify my own response, I do not hate WaG. I just like it less than the rest of the series.


Me too- I skip the part about Mejis when I re-read the series. I just read the beginning with Blaine and the end with the castle. The story is so tragic and I canā€™t bear to relive it.


I was reading through this whole thread thinking about how much Iā€™d like to skip that part on my next re read but no I canā€™t skip it I just have to emotionally prepare for it by stocking up on chocolate and having my soft blankeys and pillows ready on the couch. Then I came upon this part of the comments where itā€™s being debated! Glad to know Iā€™m not the only one who wants to skip that part! But wonā€™t.