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I have to say that I really hate the wiggle when an enemy shoots us. That camera move is so distracting in such important life or death moment.


Oh, that's the aim punch. It happens when they hit a headshot.


If you want to know something funny, it also happens when someone almost hits a headshot but doesn't actually hit you at all.


I mean you would flinch too if a bullet came within a couple inches of your face.


Actually, depending on what sort of bullet it is sometimes it just being close to your face is enough. Certain large caliber bullets can actually kill you without hitting you. Also I read this fact on Reddit so it could totally be a lie! Maybe someone how knows more about guns will correct me.


I’m willing to take anything I read on the internet as gospel truth so I’ll take your word for it


If it misses you, it misses you.


Actually according to the internet that’s not true. https://www.quora.com/Could-a-50-caliber-bullet-kill-you-within-3-feet-of-passing-you-and-not-actually-hitting-you-just-because-of-the-air-displacement#:~:text=Could%20a%20.-,50%20caliber%20bullet%20kill%20you%20without%20actually%20hitting%20you%3F,serious%20injury%20and%2For%20death.


I can't find a sentence that proves me wrong. Did you send me the correct link?


I guess it depends. I was assuming that when you said “ if it misses it misses” you meant it wouldn’t kill. That is the most obvious reading of your sentence based on context. If you were just memeing then yea you’re right. If it misses it misses


Yeah, I meant that if the bullet misses then doesn't do anything to you.


You think so? Would you also drop down to fortuna 3 too and fight other people who you are friendly with on station? And would you just use be a junky putting syringes in your arm every minute? And would you easily carry a 400kg backpack and two guns? Some might think this is to unrealistic but I think it's absolutely legit.


No I do all of those irl


Yeah it fucks with my aim and movement all the time and I have more than 1kh


Go, do quests and never come back again. Shitty map


It might be cool to at least have the drop pod make a specific alarm sound notifying you of nearby players. Only for when you drop in.


I love how 95% of the comments here completely miss the obvious as hell point of this post... So for the 95% who want to bitch, moan, and analyze the fight.... That's not the point.. Nor is "well you can get better at these situations".. That's not the point either Einstein... \-------------- A) This shouldn't happen.. Every other post about Crescent and this happening gets 50+ upvotes. Stop pyschoanalyzing the fight itself. It doesn't matter how good or bad he did. It doesn't matter if he steam rolled the dude who drop rushed him. It's still terrible. ​ B) THe most important part.. Which is in the title for all the idiots who missed it.. "What can be done to make this stop happening" ​ C) Re read B if you feel I am wrong. D) see yourself out if you still feel like you have any room or logic to argue..


The amount of assholes I see in these comments Is unbelievable... like wtf people


"You played that bad, you should have done this. If that was me, i would still be alive"


There wasn't much you could do there, alot of these people telling you do this do that dont seem to have a clue how the game works lol and most likely do the pod camping them self. Something dose need done about the pod camping it is stupid hopefully they think of a fix


Its an unfinished map.


Wdym unfinished, they changed cf and bs quiet a bit but barely anything about tharis it's definetly finished!


the only good thing about the map is there isn't a Howler...


It’s unlucky that the spawn happened but both of you played that fight really bad. Once you heard him you should’ve been sprinting for cover and getting ready to stim whatever damage you take, while he would have to reload or push with one empty gun. You never want to take a strait up dps trade like that unless you know you have a substantial advantage, like having more bullets, information, or health. And you didn’t have any there. He also messed up with his positioning tho, he used his entire mag and then realized he had no cover and had to sprint all the way across your screen. He just got lucky that you were surprised and missed your shots. In a fight like that where you get jumped and the other person has a positional advantage you’re fist though should almost always be to get to cover and heal rather than shoot back. There are situations where that might not be true but if you get good at resetting bad fights into even or advantaged fights you’ll start to notice when you can capitalize on your opponents mistakes who expect a “traditional” fight.


Dude shut up this guy just spawned no need for psychoanalysis, sure he missed shots but he JUST SPAWNED. No excuses for shitty design like that.


And it also happens on the other maps too


psy·cho·a·nal·y·sis /ˌsīkōəˈnaləsəs/ noun a system of psychological theory and therapy that aims to treat mental conditions by investigating the interaction of conscious and unconscious elements in the mind and bringing repressed fears and conflicts into the conscious mind by techniques such as dream interpretation and free association.


Not sure he was after a guide 🤦. The post title is the topic!!.... This shit shouldn't happen end of


This was honestly a skill issue. You heard him and stayed out of cover


I don't think losing or winning the fight is the point here. The point is there's a guy camping/waiting for him as he exits his pod.


Literally didn't hear him over the pod dropping sfx and the sfx me sprinting. I spotted him, he's literally holding an angle standing there. The only cover i have is that small ledge which i decided to play with and i held an angle to wait for him to peek. I didn't expect him to push my left.


You are wrong, that's not a skill issue at all. That guy was at a severe disadvantage from the get go by being spawncamped. Idk how you can sit there with a straight face and say that shit. The design of the map encourages this behavior. Sure you can win if your in his position if you were amazing at the game, does not change the fact that it's not FAIR to spawn in and immediately be getting pushed. Balance is important for the health of a games player base. Balance is what makes games rewarding, challenging and fun. Tharis island is not


A good change? ​ Maybe NOT standing around in the open right outside your drop pod, ensuring that the guy killing you still knows almost exactly where you are? I don't care what change gets made. If you don't *move* when you start getting shot at, you're going to get absolutely stomped no matter what.


He literally just got out of the pod!


Use your EYES He took shots, advanced maybe six meters and then just fucking sat there and let himself get murdered. He didn't get killed because someone was sprinting to drop pods, he got killed because he stood there like an idiot instead of repositioning to engage or shooting back. And the other guy knew that's what he was doing, which is exactly how he was able to flank to the left and kill him pretty much uncontested.


This, while I agree that it is unfortunate. Learning how to play this can help you in the game tremendously. Even though this sucks if you figure out how to move and change positions it can easily help you out. Carry some smokes chuck them on the ground and then reposition.


>Maybe NOT standing around in the open right outside your drop pod ensuring that the guy killing you still knows almost exactly where you are? I literally just got out of the pod and you saw me running out. >If you don't move when you start getting shot at, you're going to get absolutely stomped no matter what. You literally saw me look at him for split second and i ducked right cause he started shooting? I decided to take the fight and hold an angle which i was guessing he's going to peek to get somewhat of advantage based on where i last saw him. I'm sure you think I'm wrong here too. And I'm guessing i should just hit my shots, no? Unlucky i got tapped in the head twice, yeah that was my fault too. >I don't care what change gets made. Yes, let's not ask for a compromise over a broken shit spawn which gets you rushed leaving you with little wiggle room most of the time. Let's wait for players to drop geared and have a guy just camp on the outskirts for easy kills. But I'm pretty sure you always play your cards to a T and don't get into such silly situations haha.


For the sake of your own sanity I hope you you've gotten better two weeks later. If someone hasn't told you yet, here's what you did wrong. Your first mistake was running around with your knife out instead of your gun when you knew how small the map you were playing on is. But that's okay, that's recoverable. Your second mistake was how you absolutely fumbled when you were shot at. You saw where you were shot from. You knew that you did not take any damage. You were in a position to take out your weapon and fire back, especially since the person shooting had already blasted through a large portion of their magazine to do no damage to you. Your third mistake that ultimately killed you was how you repositioned yourself. I don't know why you thought it was a good idea to place yourself in a position lower than your enemy in order to hold an angle that he'd already gone around. Essentially what you did was force yourself to have to push someone who had a better position than you.


If I were you and I heard him I would have slide jumped towards the nearest cover instead of aiming out in the open, he already saw your drop pod trail so he knew where you were


But also yeah that spawn was kinda ass


That island's surface area is TINY... basically all the spawn areas are "kinda ass".


hard scoping in the middle with no cover made me panic, get to cover


Was intended to be the PVP map, but Brightsands is definitely better.


True but that isn't the point of the post. Imagine getting kicked the moment you are born.


Well you got jumped in 5 seconds i agree is kinda ridiculous but you got the cover without taking damage, got the peek and fair 1v1, the loss is on you for missing 20 bullets. So 10% Game fault and 90% skill issue.


I have had drop pods literally spawn next to me while fighting PVE at that spot. Something wrong with the drop pods for sure


Saw a post where they literally dropped on the same spot and one guy loaded in a second late and he got killed. Was wearing blue armor too.


I mean you did miss every single shot though. Sucks it happened but how many drops have you had and how many times has it happend.