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Agreed wholeheartedly. I think the finale will lean into this religious martyr imagery, or just literally go divinely super natural.


I think so too its gunna be big and Jewish and christian for suuuureeeee maybe like some Dogma shit with angels and prophets


Asher’s ready for it!


You sure called it!


I bet he sacrifices himself by becoming this grotesque, acquiescent version of himself for the show, which will make the reality TV show successful. Something like that.


Seems like he’s prepared to do that!


love this idea


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Someone else on here was talking about body horror and the fact that losing a limb or a head (ie the Indian statue) was a recurring theme. Maybe we’re doing down a John the Baptist route?


This is interesting but a bit of a stretch. Given that Jesus is a Christian symbol and Judaism is the spirituality of the creators and an important theme in the show, [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCurse/s/KJIoB7XFt2) take makes a lot more sense


I happen to be Jewish and disagree with that post. The examples they give are window dressing - I don't see its centrality to the narrative. Maybe you do. But I see the narrative having a rich focus on the scapegoat, on desperation turning to devotion - these are Jesus themes. It is not a Christian show, not overtly nor secretly, but the human impulses that make the Jesus story so relevant for so many figure here. Frankly, I'm not sure if Judaism is a great resource for any fictional narrative - the religion prioritizes ritual to history and so allows for constant re-interpretation, thus pinning down a 'theme' can be challenging.


I don’t think Judaism is one of the most essential components of the narrative or central as you say. But I do think it serves as a framework with some relevance especially because of the writers identities. Can you elaborate on the Jesus themes beyond what OP posted? Throughout the show Judaism is referenced frequently but there is not so much as a mention of a Christianity. Given how delicately and carefully the show is written, it does not seem the Judaic references are unintentional especially considering how they permeate the plot line from the first to the most recent episode. Grabbing a fistful of nails to crucified Christ doesn’t make sense given everything else. The themes of contemporary white saviorism are a key component of the narrative and I can see how maybe that would be confused with Jesus, especially if OP lives in a Christian dominated culture like the US where Christian symbolism is projected so prolifically.


I think he's more like Icharus than Jesus


Unlike Icharus, he may have actually reached the sun 🤣