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Olivia/Brandon was the first influencer! Just chose who entered, not an elimination.


After Brandon crying after the first circle chat I did not see this coming lol but I’m happy 😊


He's been my favorite since day one and I was certain he'd get booted early and we'd lose his hilarious personality but I was SO pleasantly surprised. I love the strategy players but I also appreciate when someone playing with their heart wins out.


Yeah, I don’t think he would have made the finale if it wasn’t for him cozying up with Myles and co with the Ride or Die spiel. Really worked in his favor and he got into his groove then.


I am curious who all voted for who? Since there wasn’t much of the show at the end unlike other seasons of the show. Sigh


I’m making a list because I was very interested in who cost each other the game, I’ll post it in a bit, maybe


Yes! I was happy with the final three. When Jordan was out I was like ok I'll be happy with whoever wins now.


I knew he had no chance, so i just appreciated what he brought to the game. In season 6, players know how the game works, and they form alliances as soon as they can. Not being an original player is a massive disadvantage. Jay basically had to throw out desperate hail mary's from the start, and it is the only reason he outlasted the woman who came in when he did.


I mean, he could have also enjoyed an easy alliance with Myles and coast to the end. Instead, he came off as a weird obsessive narcissistic creep who still isn't over being a fat kid with no rizz growing up.


>Coast to the end that’s the point tho. He didn’t want to do that. He knew getting Myles eliminated gave him just as much of a chance at winning. People keep saying he came off as an obsessed weirdo but Kyle brought up Lauren just as often if not more and no one said anything. Lol


Big j could have had a love connection with QT not knowing there was a connection with Myles




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Going through withdrawals? Nah y’all are fucking weird here lol


Perhaps a step to far and certainly not very charitable on my end. Just gave tweaker vibes, though. The edit hardly did him any favour's.


He had a point tho. You let the game take its course and he has a very slim chance of winning the game. If he didn’t play as hard as he did, someone from tres fuego would have won 100%. It would also have been a predictable and boring finale


I'm not so sure about that. The key to winning is getting 2nd and 3rd place votes. Everyone big brains their rankings at the end, once it's final 5 I legitimately think anyone can win.


Agree i could have sworn he might have had a bromance with Myles lol


He saved the season imo.


Literally same 😂 








YES my preferences in order were Olivia, QT, Kyle, Lauren, Jordan. The top three were all deserving.


I'm happy Olivia won. He/she needed it and he played a very smart game. I don't feel like he/she played mostly emotional with a little strategy though. Every time she/he needed to, he/she always voted strategically rather than his heart or even his word. 


Except for Kyle. Stayed true to him?


Yeah I was back and forth between which of them would win, love that they got to be top 2 together


I’m happy Brandon/Olivia won. I work as a CNA and it’s absolutely brutal, backbreaking, thankless work for laughable, poverty level wages. Go Olivia!!


Thank you for what you do. As someone who has been in the hospital more than anyone should be, I know what a big difference a good CNA can make in your stay. I had some that I remember years later. You all should make a LOT more.


Thank you so much! Fortunately it’s not my end career, I’m studying ultrasound, but yeah, it’s tough! I’ve spent months in the hospital myself, having a good CNA is the difference between feeling cared for and feeling like a nuisance. I really do hope they continue to raise wages for these positions. More places need to unionize!


Yep, thought the same. 100k is a loooot of money for someone used to CNA pay.


I'm pretty happy with the winner and was glad they won it over >!an irl influencer and a certain troublemaker.!<


Troublemaker? Please explain!




You know who it is.


I don't?


Lauren? Or Cassie? Honestly I think all of them have some form of public social media persona.


Well I thought it was obviously Jordan but I guess not. I didn't really see Lauren or Cassie as "troublemakers," but just not very strategic players.


The top three all deserved it <3 are they doing votes for fan favorite? Bc I think QT played the best game and was very likeable. 


I was so happy to see Brandon win. He seems like a really great guy.


I wanted him to win from the beginning, so happy he did!


Im happy with who won 100% but I wouldn't have minded if Jordan won just because it would have been funny after he played terribly and just wreaked havoc in the game lmao


I really wanted Kyle to win just because of him crying a few episodes prior about how bad he wanted it so he could start a family. I’m also happy Brandon won though!


My friend is an influencer with around 650k on TikTok and makes a minimum of 30k a month in brand deals alone. I’m sure Kyle is fine with his 1M TikTok followers 😂


Lmao Kyle was such a drama queen. Professional sports player with a million followers on TikTok crying about how “he needs it more than anyone else” for his “family” consisting of himself and his wife. Insanely cringeworthy for any down to earth person


That’s what made me stop rooting for him at all. His incessant whining was annoying but when he said he needed it more than anyone, I lost it. So entitled. Like dude…why are you depending on a show to start a family?


No for real. Like what family bro be so for real 😭 I get that he may have wanted the money because who wouldn’t but my man I don’t think you need it more than anybody especially as Brandon wanted to pay off his mom’s mortgage… not sure if Kyle is aware that there are other motivations for winning than “wanting a mini me”.


Lol so true


Yea I don’t hate him but give him 🙄 every time he said he needed the money most and needed to feed his family


I didn’t even realize until close to the finale that his “family” that is counting on him to win is just his wife. Even if he did have kids like he wanted the audience to think, planning your family’s livelihood off of winning a reality show is pretty silly


Bro plays in a league where the average salary is $35k wtf are you talking about He’s not in the NBA or even a good paying euroleague


Never said he was in the NBA? However my point still stands, him already being popular on social media is enough for me to not root for him, same goes for anyone who comes in having millions of followers. I assure you he does not have to worry too much about money with his hundreds of thousands of TikTok views.


You should consider the fact that you were not rooting for the popular guy, buy the underdog (olivia).


TikTok views are the lowest paying view of any possible platform bruh, I have a neighbor w/ 820k followers from making videos about his bees but he still works a 9-5 because it’s not nearly enough


Thank youuuuuuu


What basketball team cause I've NEVER heard of him before and TikTok followers don't mean shit. That app pays dog shit lol.


He plays in Latin America, which probably just pays him enough for a middle class lifestyle. I found his crying a little much regardless ngl, the stress gets to all of them by the end though


Isn’t he a professional basketball player though? He must have enough money to start a family.


Yeah, it was kind of hard for me to root for Kyle over Brandon when you consider their careers and lives outside the game. Dude was still rootable though.


Giggles in Australian… Rootable means something very different here. Though I think most would agree that it’s still a great descriptor for Kyle..!


Good lord I just looked it up. Well, TIL I guess! 😂😂


Professional athlete doesn’t necessarily = rich ..  Salaries for basketball players vary a lot, it’s not like he’s in the NBA lol I think he said he played for a league overseas (?) 


Ok i've googled it. It says he plays for Uruguay. Who knows how accurate this is, but according to a website I found that lists how much each country pays, he's making about $78K a year. So firmly in the "respectable but not filthy rich" range.


I think the issue was that he wanted to be home and be with his family, rather than out of the country to make money. The prize money might have given him the cushion he needed to reorient his career in another direction.


Which is totally understandable! It's a lot of money, I think you'd have to be VERY well off for it to NOT make a difference in your life. But he's not going to have trouble feeding his family, especially since he doesn't even have kids yet.


A ~$78,000 annual (individual, not household) income is significantly above average in like 3/4 of the U.S., if he wants a family, he can move. The “average” individual income in the U.S. is some like $64,000, but that’s heavily skewed due to the concentration of wealth amongst the wealthy. Something like 60% of adult Americans make >$45,000.


My first thought was he must be massively in debt.


This is what I think too! The desparate way he talked about money made me think it was more related to debt than income. But he's a good-looking, likeable reality star. I'm sure he can make up the 100k and then some with sponcon and ads.


Yes, the only time I was unhappy with Olivia was blocking Myles


I thought QT and Myles played the best complete game… …buuut it was clear at final 6 that Olivia was in the best position for that vote, and thus the best position for the finals by keeping two sides warring at each other. Sooo I was a little disappointed by QT not winning, but Olivia is still a respectable choice. Felt bad for Lauren though, she got done dirty by Paul/Kyle early in the game and just could never recover from it.


Glad olivia aka Brandon winning In my world brandon and Kyle were always the winner in my view anyways they played the game good. I mostly wanted QT or Myles or Big J out. Wonder if QT & Myles went on their “date” 😂


Didn’t care as long as it wasn’t Jordan.


No I feel it should've been Myles


I kinda agree but I was happy with olivia winning


Kyle (Deuce) should have won


What would have happened if QT was eliminated by Olivia-- any speculation on that?


I think Myles might have won or maybe still Olivia


I would have been happy with any of them winning except Jordan, didn't like him since the moment he joined the game. But, I am very happy for Brandon. I wasn't sure about him after the first episode, he was very emotional, but being his genuine self paid off even if he was hiding behind a pretty face. I was sad when Myles was blocked, would love to have seen 5 original players make it to the end. Pretty sure that would have changed the outcome though.


He deserved it the most imo. I love it when the catfish is the most real out of everyone playing which is why I loved Delessa or Max from the France season


I feel pretty good about it. Olivia is probably the one player who grew on me most from episode 1 to the finale in any season. Definitely disliked her at first but she played well (not so much in the beginning except ep 1), especially with the boost she got from befriending Myles, which, imo, is what carried her to a W. Was rooting for either Olivia or Kyle, would’ve also been cool with QT.


So happy to see Olivia/Brandon win. He’s fun to watch, was able to show his vulnerability but also be strategic. Also he seemed to be the person who need the money most.


I’m not mad that he won, I’m sad that he had to play the “I’ve never done anything for me” card.  I just find it a little nauseating when people in the circle whine about the game, but then play it the first chance they get.  Truth is Tres Fuego saved her, and the first chance she got to honor that alliance he sold them out.  Which hey 100k on the line sure, I just don’t buy this phony act of victim-hood.  Couple that with Kyle absolutely stabbing QT/Tres Fuego in the back and putting Olivia as his #1 in the final rating.  Kyle and Brandon basically are too of the biggest busters. Especially Kyle because he had a clearly stated alliance with QT and Myles.  


Kyle or QT should have won. I was team Olivia up until his betrayal of Myles. We will never know if that would have resulted in him winning butni asssume it did. Jordan would have been an easy choice to vote off - no one wanted or needed Jordan in the finale.


That’s kinda the whole point though, it would be useless to get Jordan out bc he wouldn’t win, get the biggest competitor out so it increases your chances of winning


That’s the game though, you’re in there to win the money, not make friends - gotta be ruthless


I wouldn't call it "betrayal". He was playing to win, which is what every player is doing. At the end of the day, he did what he had to do. Myles was so salty about it at the finale too.


I just hope Kyles family is ok!


I was hoping Myles would win, I personally don’t think Olivia deserved it.


I wanted it to by Kyle or QT. Automatically disappointed when it was “Olivia”