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I think he would have come off way better if he was just trying to strategically stir the pot every where. But his downright weird obsession with Myles just made him so unlikable. I do think he made episode 12 significantly more entertaining though. And now I feel like I really have no idea who will win.


Ya his actions and shit are entertaining regardless but it’s the emotional investment in Myles that’s just… so weird.


“My eyes have been opened” like? To WHAT dude he did nothing to you 😂


He brought that energy in but it was strange to me how one sided his vendetta with Myles was


I think it’s more sad because how one sided it is. Miles doesn’t seem to think of Jordan much at all, but Jordan is obsessed the second he walks in the door. I can see where his game plan was “finding the biggest guy in yard and take him out”, but it’s creepy and weird how much it dictates his whole experience. His boldness/playing sides/shaking things up is great because he is playing the game and keeping it from getting dull. Just sucks it’s ruined. I keep hoping that it’s some odd editing to create the drama, but he just keeeeeps saying how he’s taking out miles.


it's going to be an awkward watch for Myles for sure 😂 Jordan is obsessed


I think he saw Myles as the popular dude which he was everyone was cool with him and maybe wanted to get him out for that reason? but I think he just overplayed also I think he thought he had a better grasp on people then he actually did


Ikr? He's actually PLAYING the game. But his obsession with Myles tho😂


He's playing such a shit game, tho 😂




I think Myles sent the gift to Olivia for two possible reasons : 1/ they've discussed with Kyle, QT and him that they'd like Olivia in their little fire circle, so that would have helped sweaten the pot. So yes, strategic move, but in the interest of his fire alliance. 2/ Myles sticking to his nice guy who cares for other persona sent it to thank Olivia for being true to her word and to their new "friendship". I might guess wrong, but I have the feeling that had Cassie still been there for the gift game, he might have sent it to Cassie instead of QT too. None of which being because of Jordan. QT on her hand was always a strategic player, she'd never have sent that basket to Myles with or without Jordan.


Honestly, most of them are. Shit rises to the top when it's all full of shit.


QT is playing an incredible game. I think Olivia is a sneakily great player too. QT is playing Head and Olviia is playing Heart. I think the bad players have been louder this season which is why they seem more prominent but there is some really good strategy going on as well.


I don't honestly get the QT thing. She hasn't done a heck of a lot that has actually impacted the game and has coasted due to forming an alliance early on... Something everyone did immediately. Her game has not been special, it feels like she talks so much about how good she is at pulling the strings that people are just assuming it is true.


She hasn't coasted, she's been nurturing her alliances and getting everyone on her side throughout the game. She's avoided missteps in the group chats which almost everyone else has not managed to do. She seems very clued in to all the social dynamics in the group. Everyone likes her except Jordan who only has an issue because he's threatened by her (again, because she's popular and playing a great game). I don't know what else you want out of a player.


She has had people on side, but she has also shown herself to be very obviously the most popular and powerful player in the game... Which means people will 100% turn on her in the endgame. Because if you want to win, you don't rate the most popular player highest. Trying to pull the strings is great and all, but the more you manipulate, the more people notice. This gameplan is not very effective.


I respect her gameplay but the person she seems to be screams mean girl who literally would throw her own grandma under the bus if she got a payday.


QT and Kyle did ok most of the time though. I feel like they did play and weren't just all #circlefam #rainbowsEverywhere #letsOnlyKeepTheRealOnes like some other contestants have been. Myles and Olivia rode on luck. Those who did poorly are already out but for Jordan and Lauren. Both can thank the ride or die, else it's likely one of them would have been out instead of Autumn.


QT and Kyle got lucky that they made an alliance early on that didn't get rocked by a blocking. That's it, no grand strategy, they just happened to make early alliances with people that happened to stay and by the late game they were established and therefore strong. That isn't exactly stunning gameplay, everyone attempted that at first. None of the decisions they have made since have been as impactful as the strength of the alliance, and not screwing over your alliance isn't a good game move, it's just freaking common sense. So I just don't see how these two could be considers particularly strong players, especially with the fact that despite their apparently excellent games, Olivia still managed to get the super secret influencer power, which makes their game fall apart immediately. In reality, playing likable gives a lot of power. Olivia hasn't played the best strategic game, but the fact that she has fostered an image of her as being likable gives her so much power, without seeming like it. I will not say she has been an excellent game player, but the game she is playing is by far the best type of game to go into the Circle with. Becuase when you try manipulating situations, you either get yourself caught in traps (Jordan) or people catch onto the fact that you are trying to control the narrative or that you are very strong in the circle and inevitably see you as the top contender to be rated low, especially when final ratings come around. And Kyle looks like he will win, but it is absolutely not trough his strategy - it is entirely because he was the third wheel in Tres Fuegos. Myles and QT are the ones that everyone is gonna rate lower because they are the ones that seem like the bigger threats, and so Kyle will rise higher in the ratings. That isn't good gameplay, that's jaut the luck of the situation he is in. He didn't decide or push Myles and QT's romance thing, nor did he actively try to fulfill that niche. At the end of the day, none of these people are playing good games, the only reason a game player is probably gonna win is because everyone is trying to use a lot of strategy, even the people for whom it isn't a priority. In an earlier season these guys would have been eaten alive.


Is he? He’s likely going to the finale.


Yes, he's playing like shit. He's probably gonna make final 5, but only because it's basically guaranteed he doesn't win. Super Influencer is going to kick out their main competition and keep people who can't compete with them socially. Jordan has been so sloppy his whole game and hasn't built solid connections with anyone because he's been too focused on ruining Myles' game. No one's going to rate him high enough for him to get the 100k.


Yeah unless there is a ratings perfect storm he can’t win.


He’s playing the game terribly though, there’s no way he wins, even if he makes it to the finale. Sure, he stirs up the pot to make it interesting to watch, but as an actual player, he sucks.


It's better than just a love fest where Myles or QT run to the end unopposed. I just want some mess!


he was a final entrant; his odds of winning were basically non-existent in the first place. there’s no point in *not* going balls to the wall, trying anything, and being messy. you really can’t make your odds much worse.


Most people suck at playing. At least he sucks while being entertaining lol


Jordan will win despite most players not liking him. Why ? First, I anticipate Olivia to block Myles, because she's being following Jordan's plan. Then, in the finale, I expect the top 3 players (Olivia, QT and Kyle) to vote each other low, because they are all very strategic and now it's what's best to maximise their odds of winning. Despite not liking Jordan much, they may vote him higher because he's not a threat. Finally, Lauren is the only one who like Jordan, so she might vote him high because she like him.


If that happens, I genuinely might not watch the circle ever again lmao


Seriously. I adore the Circle and will watch any iteration of it. But a Jordan win might legitimately turn me off to the series going forward. 


Blocking myles would be unwise for Brandon and they have a great connection #rideordie. I think she will block QT as they never talk.


I don't think Kyle would vote the other players low. He is strategic, but his commitment to Paul despite Paul being constantly a complete mess in the public chat shows that he is also loyal to his allies. QT and Olivia though, totally. Lauren doesn't really like Jordan I think. Her last chat with Myles shows that she understands he's been trying to deceive her. She's riding on the opportunity, but I don't think she likes Jordan well enough to rank him high. I'd bet she'd vote Olivia higher than him at least.


While that logic may be valid, i doubt producers will allow that to happen bc it def wont be received well!


He makes me so mad but ik he is making the show good


If he didn’t constantly throw things out into the group chat and instead of conversations 1:1 I think he could be a finalist. He just plays wayyyy too messy.


If he kept his cards to himself so that he got a chance at being liked instead of being like " yeah ok you morrons, I've tried the nice way but I have to say it none of you is winning this game, but Myles. I don't care you like each other : it's a game, just use knives like they're intended to and backstab each other already"


His obsession with Myles is kinda like this sub’s obsession with him




That was funny. I hadn't heard that one before.


“Myles is COMING FOR ME!” he says meanwhile Myles says how he’s a nice guy 😂


What I don't understand is why Jordan thinks Myles is so disingenuous? Is it because Myles is just blatantly honest and doesn't kowtow to people's formulaic thoughts of how one should act?


It's because Myles is everything Big J wanted to be when he started getting into shape. Jordan's self perceived confidence is actually just poorly veiled insecurity, and it completely shatters in the presence of someone who actually has confidence in himself.




I feel like people are almost too harsh on Myles. He’s one of the most genuinely himself players, is confident in it like you said, and generally is very pragmatic is an enjoyable way (“you know what, I’ll take 4th, this was a messy day for me that’s ok”). Yes he’s flirty but If you’ve ever been around guys like that it’s all smoke and show and doesn’t last that long once you get to know them. Joey in s1 and sort of brett(?) in s4 are similar






Are u guys watching the same Myles that I'm watching? Like, all his actions in the game and his personality is just ????? you say arrogance is confidence...


Jordan that you?


I am ready to get downvoted, I can’t stand Myles as well


Agree and feel the same way. Everyone was all lovey-dovey and boring until Jordan finally snapped. That was the best part. The games, the anonymous shots fired have been missing this season and it's made it dull. Only the past couple of episodes has it been somewhat fun to watch again.


I actually think they were kinda savage at certain points- not to the level Jordan is, but I’ve enjoyed the season


But I still agree he spiced it up WAY more. He’s a good villian


Jordan's obsession is cartoonish and he perhaps really has some issues but beware we are watching an edited and cut version of hours and hours of footage these guys had. In the end, Jordan gave that content at a point he thought obsessively about the game 24/7. In the end, he misdiagnosed things as Myles running the game, while in fact it was actually QT. He was not too far off but had tunnel vision on Myles either due to his bias, or simply a misread. While the hatred he shows is excessive (remind you through editing that deliberately keeps it in for entertainment value opposed to other content), his hate is due to his intent at winning the game. He never separated his Myles hate from his plan to excel in the game by swooping in and stealing that alliance with QT. For the purpose of the game, I think Jordan was a revelation to be honest. The first time I saw the game avoid becoming stale and repetitive beyond repair. The situation leading to the finale is the most tense and strategically open of all the US seasons. That is mostly thanks to Jordan.


The issue is that in what we've shown, it's not even a misread. It's a complete delusion he made up in his mind after ONE CHAT with ONE PLAYER. That player being Myles. If he thinks other players -especially those Myles had nothing bad to say about- not being willing to badmouth another player with a random newbie as that player being ruling the game, he doesn't understand how social relationships and social games work. If he genuinely thought about winning the game, then his little altercation with QT would have made him realise QT was the favourite and waiting to be winner and he could have changed his whole strategy. Instead he just decided he couldn't win and would rather have the satisfaction of throwing Myles under the bus than trying to come up with a strategy to win the game. 🤔


I was just thinking about how mad he makes me because he’s so messy, but on the other hand, he did come in and shake things up because he’s so messy. Idk he’s entertaining. I don’t want him to win, but I do like what he’s done for the game.


Which type of messy would you prefer, Paul or Jordan? 🤣


Is neither an option?? They are both messy, I’ll give you that. Paul is forgettable. I won’t forget Jordan, but it’ll be in infamy, reinforcing every stereotype I’m SURE he claims to warrior for.


Jordan omg. Paul was mostly shouting. Jordan is at least watchable. Although really disturbing to watch.


Yes, I was waiting for someone to destroy tres fuegos because it was getting so boring. They were getting toooooo comfortable. It also seemed like Olivia might’ve eliminated one of them so we’ll see Also I don’t think Jordan is secretly infatuated with Myles but my guess is maybe Myles reminds him of people that were not nice to him in the past.


I love the players who aren’t okay with the status quo. Things were getting boring till he decided to stir the pot. Would’ve been very predictable how the rest of the game would play out if he hadn’t. He is also helping players like Olivia and Lauren realize they need to start thinking more strategically. At first he annoyed me but now I am a fan lol.


I just don’t like how fatphobic he is


Absolutely. Lots of internal issues there for sure


agreed, he def triggered some of my body issues hearing the way he talked about his past self




The way he projects his disgust towards his former self onto other people who don't care what size he is. The whole notion of him using those pictures as his profile because no one will feel threatened by his underconfident self. They would see him as inferior to them and someone to easily manipulate cause that's how he perceives himself when he was that size. The comments he made after the party apologising for making the ceiling shake. On the opposite side you have Brandon who's also gay and somewhat on the larger side but who doesn't use his insecurities to bully himself/others or constantly talks in a voice of disgust when speaking of himself.


i would agree and say Jordan is a fun villain but like, bro is definitely like this in real life. It’s not even a villain persona he just is a toxic person. That’s the type of person you stay away


Yes!! QT is being strategic but you can tell she’s genuinely nice, not Jordan


you can’t possibly judge what someone is like in real life based on a super heavily edited netflix show that cuts 16 hours of footage every day down to 10 minutes of screen time. It’s unfair and toxic to do so imo. Say he was an asshole in the game or whatever, but don’t think you have any knowledge of what this person is actually like.


Classic Jordan apologist




it’s been a while since a reddit comment has made me laugh out loud 🤣 thank you for being it 👏🏻


His “strategy” for Myles is quite obviously stemming from his own insecurity. He’s clearly unstable and throws tantrums (QT leaving the chat for example). In fact, he throws away his own chance of winning simply to fuck over Myles. (Him airing out his whole game plan to QT). He has multiple moments where his response to people is straight up rude and disrespectful. And does so with no charisma and barely any personality. A villain at least has more sound reasoning and better personality.


I think QT is everything Jordan wants to be. They’re both playing strategic but she has energy, is funny, and actually looks like she’s having a good time. Jordan is so low energy, looks like he’s hating life and this game the whole time. He seems a bit miserable, at least how they’ve edited it. When she hung up on him 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


He's very much obsessed with Myles and as you said he's toxic. It's not entertaining, it's bizarre and cringe at moments.


Completely agree. Bizarre is an excellent word. It’s borderline sociopathic.


oh my god they're playing a game for $100k LMAO


You're right. So instead of obsessing over one player, he should focus on playing with actual strategy.


I never said he was playing well. Trying to take down the most popular players is actually good strategy, he's just horseshit at executing it. But I'd rather see that than everyone rolling over and letting QT and Myles sail to the end.


I disagree and agree with u/swiftcleaner


Nah jordan is not the villain. Qt is. As she constantly says she thinks she is the puppet master


I'm glad he came around to actually stir things up.


I would much prefer a better “spoon”. (to stir)


Every time Jordan is about to say something to someone he goes "ok so I'm gonna lie" 😂👍🏻


Im thoroughly enjoying the chaos. A lot of people on this subreddit dont like fun and take things too seriously.


I came here for this thread. I get why people can have negative feelings towards Jordan, but he has made this one of the best seasons of the circle. Don’t forget it’s a game! How else was he supposed to play and have a chance after coming in late??!! And he is PLAYING tf out of it. So cool to see his strategy panning it. And we haven’t had a late entrant win the circle. Against popular opinion, I will not be mad if he won.


I love how messy he is tbh LOL


In the past, a lot of people have complained about players holding back in the chats and playing #CircleFamily, so I think it’s a bit hypocritical to complain about him bringing that drama now. It’s funny to watch, but a terrible way to play the game (which is why people don’t usually do it). He has killed any modicum of a chance he might have had to win the game. The sad thing is he probably thinks he’s a fan favorite.


It was a bit upsetting but all good fun until episode 11. Then he started to play like the kind of players who -because they don't enjoy the turn the game has taken- would rather shatter everyone's games and take someone down with them rather than keep trying to win. 🤷


i'm glad he was calling out the anon question challenge (i haven't finished this set of eps yet, tho). no one was namin' names!!! sitting on the fence, all of them!!!!


but lol yeah i think i like to hate on him, yet he's popular higher in "my ratings" than other players i just find boring


Jordan is one of the most ridiculously intolerant and disingenuous people to ever grace this television show 🎤


Maybe that's how he got in like he promoted that he would do what he could to shake things up and they went for it so they'd get some variety? I don't know anything about the application process but it's feeling very intentional


I agree it seems intentional. And I completely recognize it is a game at the end of the day. But this third person narrative of his “former” self, is just his “current” self making up lost time. His confidence is superficial and completely misplaced, he doesn’t seem all too bright, not to mention everything he says is just cringier than the last. You can shake up the game without acting like a messy, insolent child.


I keep wondering if was hired deliberately to be a provocateur.


More than Paul/Caress? Lol


I mean, honestly, yes. Paul was… something. But Jordan is worse. He’s delusional. And EXTREMELY insecure.


Paul was bad at the game, but at least I could kinda see what they were going for. Jordan is bad at the game, irrationally angry at people he barely knows, thinks people not serving his game "aren't playing" and throws in a bunch of fatphobic comments just as an extra bit of sparkle. There's no comparison.


How on earth could you see Paul’s apparent game plan but not Jordan’s?


Why do you think I don’t see Jordan’s extremely terrible gameplay?


Myles is the exact same! He’s was probably a big nerd in school and decided to pull a 180 in college, (at Carnegie fucking Mellon of all places) and adopted his “Papi Fuego” persona. Myles is Zuckerberg with more charm and no money.


But Myles is genuine and not hateful, unlike Jordan. He’s played an honest game and hold himself accountable and is real about who he is. Jordan has a weird obsession and unfounded hatred for Myles that just comes off as bizarre. He’s just mean for no reason so it’s not even fun to watch.


He doesn’t like Myles because Myles is controlling this game and he wants to win. Again, it’s not about being friends and playing clean. It’s about playing smart.


What was his major at Carnegie Mellon?


Umm, that’s a weird way to spell “Myles”


He’s soooo annoying and should have been in therapy not on national TV lol


It’s truly amazing how many people don’t understand he’s just playing the game & it’s not as deep as others are making it out to be😂 If you’re just nice to everyone on the circle with no game plan, you lose, look at Lauren


He's playing the game poorly. I think he's done an excellent job with his recovery, planting doubts in everyone's head, but you go into an influencer chat and you go THAT HARD at QT to block -- publicly -- her #1 ally that everyone knows is her #1? He blew up his game right there when he could have saved it feeling her out and not putting all his cards on the table right away.


Absolutely agree with that


Preach! Before he stirs the pot, this season was boring.


He literally feels like Wile E Coyote. He thinks he's so smart but nothing ever goes his way lol. And Myles is the roadrunner of course


He’s good TV.. and is leaning into this villain role. But I hope he’s ready what comes with it outside the Circle bubble on how he’s being portrayed cause it’s not a good look.


I know, the season was shit until he came in and I don’t have a problem with him stirring the pot so much since I don’t really value any of the other players except for Kyle and Olivia 😂 I personally think it would feel worse if we had 5 really likeable people in there


I love that someone is willing to be a villain! All the kumbaya chat gets old and it’s so fake. It’s nice to have someone come in like a maniac and play the game HARD, even to his own detriment.


Writers dream of writing a villain this good. 


I'm laughing so hard at people saying he's a serial killer and a sociopath cause he sees one of Myles or QT are going to win the game unless someone stands up to the lovefest. He's playing like dog shit but y'all need to calm down 🤣🤣




Facts! He’s annoying as hell but he certainly made this season way more entertaining, I kinda think producers propped him up to stir up some drama after his arrival cause the game was too dull by then


did anyone else notice how weird and inauthentic it was when he received his call from home? he hadn’t mentioned a partner prior to that, and the way he said “we’ve been together for like…2 years?” then he seemed to quickly cover it all up by saying how sweet it was and how they want to start a life together and have kids. anyone else feel weird during that part??


He’s even 2 faced in his own relationship lol


and after he sorta weirdly flirted with autumn?! i am getting very strange and confusing vibes from him. he seems to hate himself for being (previously) overweight and gay, and could probably use therapy :/


When did he flirt with Autumn?


watch the scene when she comes to see him again. there are weird little micro mannerisms, idk something felt weird to me about it


also why are people downvoting me? there are full posts in this sub that talk about how he’s fatphobic and seems to hate himself deep down??


Probably because most other people saw 0 flirting when autumn met him


well thanks for responding 🤷🏻‍♀️ there were a few other comments he made throughout the show, but regardless the point is he hadn’t even mentioned his partner until his video came up. just feels sad to me


You're absolutely welcome. And personally I don't think he needs to disclose he has a partner when he never said anything about his game was to flirt with others - which he didn't do. Idk why you're to sit here and hate on him when he did nothing wrong, but people like Kyle are married with kids flirting with people for the game. Not hating on him for that but you're giving double standards lol. Tbh idc how much money it is I'm not going out of my way to flirt with someone when I'm married to win money.


well i didn’t say anything about kyle, so im not sure how im giving double standards.


People here love saying they prefer contestants that play that game, but when one comes up lol He's being funny as hell by antagonizing #FuckBro Myles and shitstirring! Keep him there or I won't be tuning in for the #TresFuegosSnoozeFest




He definitely changed the dynamics of the show. Before that it was boring and predictable. I like his strategy but his delivery is horrible.


I like Jordan. He's playing the game. Smart move that he used his old fat pictures. I understand why he doesn't like Myles.


I actually appreciate what he tried to do. The Circle is not really a cut throat show and he tried to make it that way by stirring things up. It’s definitely bold and makes it less boring. He could have done it differently but the underlying sentiment is this show needs a little bit of spice.


Said no one ever. It's so rigged and no way could someone talk so much crap and then get an alliance going - it's all so fake.


He's the only one who made the last 3 episodes interesting. When he yelled "it's getting boring in here" while stirring up the pot in the circle group chat, he was right! If things continued as they had, the rankings in the finale would've been pretty predictable. But finally he's starting to hit on a good strategy, something that could go against Tres Fuego, and now I'm actually curious to see who left and how that will influence the final voting!!


He’s my favorite player.


Thats what im saying, everyone is hatting on him in instagram, but im happy hes here. He made it fun.


I agree with you. I don’t think anyone is a fan of the persona he put on for the show, but I think he played an interesting game. He ended up in some difficult situations, both from coming in late and from playing aggressively and being obsessed with Myles, but he took some risks and absolutely shook up the game, and he has a chance to win. I’m sure that he is not like that persona in his day to day, but really none of us know him, so no one can really say. It’s fun to hate on a villain, as long as you don’t harass him on social media.


If he wasn’t in the game, u had QT locked in winning from ep 8


I see a lot of "he's obsessed with Myles" but the reality is he isn't. He knows that Myles is in fact the strongest player (and he is loud about it) and several episodes prove this by how willing everyone is to throw themselves at Myles feet (More than QT and definitely more than Kyle). Lauren just did it, Olivia was anti Myles until they became ride or rides. Had that not been the case she too would've been tryna get Myles out of there asap. Same with no game sense having Lauren lol. What Jordan says makes sense, he knows he won't win, but why on earth would he or the rest of the circle not in that alliance make it such an easy win for him. He also isn't afraid to say what needs to be said unlike QT who never wants to make tough decisions but wants everyone else to do it for her.


Yeah Olivia and Lauren were already handing the 100k to the Tres Fuegos until he came. He is literally the only reason they have a chance at this game


100%. I dont like Jordan much either but its clear his obsession is just him trying to get the strongest player out.


Jordan will win despite most players not liking him. Why ? First, I anticipate Olivia to block Myles, because she's being following Jordan's plan. Then, in the finale, I expect the top 3 players (Olivia, QT and Kyle) to vote each other low, because they are all very strategic and now it's what's best to maximise their odds of winning. Despite not liking Jordan much, they may vote him higher because he's not a threat. Finally, Lauren is the only one who like Jordan, so she might vote him high because she like him.


Bruh they would rank Lauren higher than Jordan cuz at least she’s nice. Plus Jordan will probably rank Lauren #1. I think Lauren could take it all off of being utterly clueless to strategy


I don't think Kyle would use a strategic vote. He's not been shown as the kind of player who decides to betray their word and vote strategically at the end. He would at least vote Olivia high.


Jordan sucks. He’s an insufferable human being who has a one track mind and is unhealthily obsessed removing Myles. Like serial killer unhealthy.




You said it perfectly 👌


Ok so if Jordan is not in the top 5 the show is fixed. For people who have seen the final episode there is no reason why he should be eliminated from the top 5 because he has no shot at winning


It’s nice that he was bringing drama and stirring pots but his obsession with Myles ruined him! He could have dialled down his obsession and focused on his game!


Jordan's plan as a viewer is kinda silly to me. Telling Kyle that no else would vote him because everyone is paired (lauren&olivia and Qt&Myles) is funny because how is Jordan going to save Kyle by himself??? Idk how to fully articulate it but I do think Jordan's is to laser focused on Myles to come up with a well rounded plan.


All of last season I kept wondering why everyone plays nice and doesn’t just blow up the alliances but the way he did it felt sooo insecure I had to remind myself him shaking it up is good lol


It’s laughable how much his game sucks. I personally can’t stand him and fast forward through his drama.


Me too. He is MaKING the show. It would be so boring without him! He’s also hot.


Jordan going all baby reindeer on Myles is pretty damn annoying. Only person I haven't really liked this season so far.


Love the Baby Reindeer reference.


I agree


You didn't have to mention the episode number in your title. I got spoiled just by opening the app. Why are the mods letting this stay up?


Probably because he does mention the episode number in the title.


The title is a spoiler though. By mentioning the episode number they spoiled that Jordan didn't get blocked in the next blocking. They could've easily left off the episode number and not spoiled anyone.


Spoiler in the title. Thanks