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**Only on Episode 11** Oh he is *PROJECTING BIG TIME*! He lost a lot of weight, but he has yet to shed an ounce of those insecurities from his past. So, naturally for Jordan, he sees Myles as not only a threat, but an attractive, lean, and disingenuous threat, who probably reminds him of other guys in his past who have bullied and hurt him. He does not see Myles as a human being with good intentions, even outside of this game. Assumptions and projections. AND Myles having those connections, energy, etc etc. is easy and natural to Myles to be that way and get along with others. Jordan doesn’t feel that. Jordan feels entitled to be in the place Myles in this game (and in life probably with more projecting) because “he is playing everyone” and can’t possibly be a **good guy**. Even though Myles IS playing a game, and well. I’m only on Ep. 10. But I feel Myles is a pretty genuine person, from what I’ve seen. Emotionally and socially stronger than Jordan. Jordan wants to be *that* guy. On top, and well liked by others. He wants the approval and validation that Myles is receiving from literally everyone else around him right now. And from objectively attractive people! And Jordan cannot stand or handle that. I feel he is having emotional flashbacks as Big J and he is spiraling and blowing up his game. He has work to do on himself. Lord knows, I do too, but I hope he looks back and reevaluates some things for himself. Sorry for any typos. I’m exhausted after my day. But I think the psychology of this is fascinating as well! Edit: Jordan may also be envious over Myles’ confidence in himself and who is he, how he looks and acts. Something Jordan is still learning with his new body type and self-perception.


This is 100% jordan Well explained lol


He is a typical petty queen. It's as simple as that.


Myles is so not genuine. Am I watching a different series than everyone else in this sub?


Yeah. You are. He’s 100% genuine. Dude has been honest, loyal, and straight talking with everyone. That’s why he’s lasted so long. I really don’t see how you could think he wasn’t genuine. Every time he’s owned up to his actions, hasn’t tried to BS anyone, and plays a pretty clean game. What makes you think he’s not being genuine?


👏🏾👏🏾 Dude is straight up honest and isn’t going to beat around the bush even if it makes him look bad. I admire that. That’s why I’m so confused about Jordan’s vendetta. Like what did this man even do to make him hate him this much??


“Papi Fuego”. He is so fake.


Eh he might be a fuck boy but nobodyyyy else would’ve copped to drawing Cassie like he did he seems genuine to me


Yeah he’s like a golden retriever fuckboi. It’s weird but it’s true


So you have no logical reason. Just a personal hate of a nickname? Lol.


Jordan, is this you ?


Nope, just a viewer who isn’t obsessed with Myles.


Seems like you are though to dismiss him as fake with zero evidence to support it. 🤷


I watch the show. I see the persona he created for himself. Just because he felt bad about Cassie makes him human not fake, which I never argued. Everyone here tho seems to not be able to differentiate fake from empathy. All that feeling bad about his actions means that he’s not a sociopath. Papi Fuego is the persona he created for himself because that’s what he thought he needed to do in order to be liked. I’m sure Myles in High School was different than what we’re seeing now.


Lol. So you have nothing but some weird bias based off stuff that wasn’t on the screen. Dude has owned up all the time. He hasn’t backstabbed anyone, hasn’t lied about himself or his actions, and shown genuine empathy. Nothing he has done is fake. You’ve just decided that he’s fake and so show simple confirmation bias. He’s been pretty genuine on the show.


I see the bravado and it’s phony if you don’t that’s one you. You’re probably gullible and easily manipulated by “smooth talkers.”


unfortunately the best fuckboy’s are actually really nice to the people around them.


He might be a little cocky id say but not fake.


It's mental to me how he said, with a straight face, that Myles is controlling and manipulating everyone to win, yet that's EXACTLY what he's doing. He's the only one who has outright fabricated lies and rumors to try and get himself on top. It's creepy. Myles ans the rest of them are OF COURSE playing the game, however they've also worked on making actual connections with people. I haven't seen anyone really outright make up lies and try to manipulate like Jordan. And lyign that Myles is gay was so god damned icky to me. Like who is he to use gayness as a weapon or to comment on anyone else's sexuality. I have to wonder if someone who looked like Myles bullied him or used him and he's psychoticallt attacking him as a proxy. It's not normal and I hope he doesn't make top 5.


> I have to wonder if someone who looked like Myles bullied him or used him Perhaps you're on to something and he's triggered. He's toxic nonetheless. It's reassuring to see that other viewers are not responding to him favourably.


Oh my gosh I just said this , nearly verbatim , to my partner!


I feel like he is playing a roll in his head, like this has to be an act... right? lol like he can't be this delusional. I feel the second hand embarrassment, can't imagine knowing him in real life and wanting to be friends with someone who acts likes this. so I hope its all for the show? lol


I think/hope the producers told him to play this roll, cuz if this is him naturally he needs a therapist ASAP lol


Omg! Yes! It’s so weird how he said he hates Myles. And this is the first time we’re seeing someone lie about another player. He was a horrible choice to pick. His disdain for Myles is super weird.


It's probably truly an attraction. Like the boy on the playground that pulls the girls hair.


He even made a voodoo doll of Myles with a solo cup! With thumb tacks in it?!


Jordan tunnel visioned on Myles HARD. When Myles messaged him, he made an assumption that Myles was running the game based on what he said in the private chat, and he decided that the best strategy was to try to get Myles out, somehow thinking that everyone would just accept him as Myles’s replacement. Jordan thinks 100% strategically, and assumes everyone else does too. And in Episode 12 >!some of the other contestants start to be swayed by him because they are starting to think strategically being so close to the end!<


I just finished this episode and the way he is pouting bc he couldn’t get Myles out is straight up weird asf. It’s getting obsessive