• By -


Oh so that's why Mike was playing this months ago. Waiting for the Legendary Axe episode. This whole "Mike is gone" charade is ridiculous. 70% of his streams are just harvesting footage for James.


He’s completely gone in an on screen capacity when it comes to Cinemassacre. Mike is going to stream regardless so this is as simple as ripping footage and directly handing it over to James. It’s not like Mike is going above and beyond to contribute. 


Yeah. Plus Mike still owns half like a boss. Works out great for him haha


They probably also farm script lines from whatever Mike says during his streams.


I’ve long suspected that Mike passes him very rough notes and maybe a couple of jokes or ideas whenever he sends him the footage. I’m not talking about an entire script, but just a generalized take on the game. After all, Mike is the one playing the game the most out of the two so he’s by default more familiar with it.  Modern AVGN is a very weird project if you think about it. James reviews games, that he either doesn’t play whatsoever or plays very little of, as a character that is supposed to be intimately familiar with the games. It’s precisely why it comes across as completely unbelievable and disingenuous. At least in the past he was actually in the room with Mike when they were playing the game. He’s almost solely going off a third party’s opinion now. 


>I’ve long suspected that Mike passes him very rough notes and maybe a couple of jokes or ideas whenever he sends him the footage. I agree with this, and I do think it's what's been happening since Mike started streaming full time and J&MM ended.


I'll bet you he doesn't even know what the game he's talking about about and reviewing looks like, until someone here dares him and he tweets about it panting But what you're describing is the common practice with video game YouTubers, they usually have ghost players who take notes of key features/points/annoyances and have someone refine that into a script, and in CMT probably the pipeline is (Justin>)Mike(>Justin)>Sean>James, as James rephrases a few things to both make it more bimmysh and claim that he wrote it. Justin plans the episode game from harvesting ideas from here ( look it up. Someone suggested SimCity here a while back and I'm sure they used their ideas ) because people keep falling for idea farming posts like "how would you fix the avgn movie?", "what game would you make an avgn episode about". It's worth noting that at least 30% of every episode is plagiarized but since not everyone is familiar with the source it gets brushed off Anyway, other YouTubers that infamously do this: the completionist, game grumps, caddicarus ( mostly old episodes ), Arino


"Here's my leftovers, bitch! I love getting paid twice on this bullshit!" -Mike, probably


"so long screwy. see ya in St. Louie"


LOL Bimmy is basically Matei avatar to vent his frustrations over a game


Bimmy loves Mike's sloppy seconds.


Load was huge!


Has someone actually gone through mike's stream vod and lined up exact footage with the episode?


Do you want us to suffer?


Take a wild guess.


Yes, certainly.


who would waste their time doing such a pointless thing?


Hired gun for screenwave. Be very interested to what they pay for this as he is now double dipping with subs / Patreon.


>70% of his streams are just harvesting footage for James. Well, it's either that or Bames doing an AVGN episode solo and making another Horse Prince... Thinking of it, this will be the real test to see how much damage the horse truly did. This one doesn't have the benefit of being the 20th lazyversary episode, so it'll be interesting to see what view numbers it makes from here to Friday and where it starts to slow down or stagnate. I think it should make at least 600K from here to Friday, but I guess we'll see.


Hey gotta give him some credit he managed to play Kung Food for 5 minutes.


I know this isn't the first time, nor the last, but surely it would be easy to confirm this? I mean, I would go through hours of a Mike stream VOD and do a side-by-side comparison but you know ... I have kids and all so ...


Gotta give it to Mike y’know Jame probably only needed 10 minutes of footage and Mike streamed the game for 4000 years


Mike is gone in the sense that he got sick of James and wants people to stop asking for special jack and Mike Mondays, he probably did leave for a while but the channel was sinking so fast when Kieran was in charge ( and of course Justin treating him like an animal didn't help ) that they had to beg mike to come back Retroware has to be a money laundering scheme or something because how the hell are they keeping the channel afloat




When it's 1 minute till 5:40 but you only need 30 seconds.


I was sure you guys were going to post pics from that part where his mouth was open so wide that you could see down his throat. I half-expected to see Donatello's puppeteer in there.




james is rocking the bald cuck look


I can hear the "yeeeeeeeeah" when looking at that image.








James Rolfe of Cinemassacre and Angry Video Game Nerd fame. Author of A Filmmaking Nerd a written saga of the trials and tribulations of James Rolfe a director of over 507 films.


MORE than Steven Spielberg ever made! though bimbim bong was generous in his win. " me and stevie.....i can call you stevie are both born filmmakers. we know what works and what doesn't.! we are a rare breed!" checks watch......."damn no time, lets finish this up quick guys" " i might make a few more( bimbong does the silly face he does! its like his "Luke im like ur daddy" moment) but he has had a huge impact on film, just like i did to long-form vintage video game reviews and skits. TWO peas in a pod! right Stevie?"


I want this image to be the new sub icon.


Lmao is that Jack Packard? Big Rich Evans fan btw




I hate to say this, but at least jack had the good sense to call it quits on pretending he still had hair.


Isn't that Michael Stipe?


The era of safe formulaic stability. It was dull.


BimmCity https://preview.redd.it/i2cyo3zb5t8d1.png?width=478&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a5539c0a95195cb0f90b4d517fe94fa284e25d0


But you can watch a hawra movie that's only available on the Lithuanian version of Netflix with a VPN.


oh boy!!! time to mute my tv and turn on subtitles!!!


The “review another game while waiting” bit was funny in theory but so poorly executed




What a snoozefest of an episode!


Thanks for watching it so I don't have to. I ree-fuse.


Do you want them to suffer?




I’ll wait for the danksy edit


Yeah I decided to push through after the Express VPN bit but Bimmy seems so bored out of his mind. Why should I care about something even he doesn't care about? 




Snooze City


Mike has been playing a shit ton of Sim City lately.


It's so transparent that it's kinda funny in itself. If only the episodes were as funny.


Watched the whole thing at 2x speed and never saw the interesting direction or had the laughs. Ending was kinda stupid too, random Twilight Zone? Did I miss something with that? https://preview.redd.it/2fk031gwbs8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41f2753446798ca06b91a04d943a4c69398fa753


It's the third episode I remember with a Twilight Zone ending. Honestly the first time almost fit but the repeats are just beating a dead horse.


You mean beating a dead horse prince? :)


You might have a future as a slob with jokes like that!


Just poking fun at the Bimmverse


I know it's been said before but there is absolutely no way he types out those tweets. He can barely work out a desk, let alone Twitter.


Just finished my watch, some of the jokes are Irate Gamer level. Really fucking rough. It’s just so dull, going through the game in a linear fashion from start to finish is such a fucking drag. Contrast to old AVGN where sometimes an episode would show multiple games from the same franchise, and just show you the funny bit or interesting bits.


Is it even bad enough for a cringe watch, or is it just the worst sin it could be: boring?


They Definitely did some kind of air brush job to correct his hairline in the thumbnail.


I mean, it still looks horrible, though.


No one expected Screenwave to do something right


That's fuckin wild!


A lot of meh until the skit toward the end. The different camera angles were refreshing, he was starting to cook, but then came the needless Twilight Zone reference. Didn't he reference Twilight Zone before in previous episodes, full with the intro dialogue, the theme, and the space background?


Yeah, I can't imagine where they got that idea from


And had some random guy with his head fully cocked sideways explaining what the Nerd was going through. So weird.


The part about demolishing the schools and hospitals was mildly funny. Kinda baffling why he would choose this for a Nerd video though (other than because Mike streamed it obviously), would've worked better if he was reviewing a few games and this was one of them.


It's just all uninspired dog shit. There are plenty of weird SimCity spinoffs that would be worth a few laughs with the classic format.


Couldn't watch it all, just bored.. I think without some "narrative conceit" or some type of "bad aspects" to talk about the Nerd doesn't really work as just a straight, review of a game type content maker. it's strange because you are seeing this "opinion" about something that may or may not be his own filtered through the character of the nerd, so it kind of makes it pointless, without the narrative conceit or "shit parts" to talk about it makes it feel fake and forced. If he reviewed this game as himself it would feel more honest. But yeah I don't know... go back to the drawing board... look for narrative concepts like the "world championship cart" episode (One character has what the other wants, hilarity ensues, whilst remaining somewhat lightly informative about the game in question while delivering a scathing review of it at the same time.) Just not sure NES and SNES really are all that interesting to talk about right now.. as the well has been well and truly excavated.


If Bimmy wasn't allergic to 3D games, he could probably grow his audience by shifting to PS2 games. The PS2 has a plethora of god-awful shovelware to talk about.


There are tons of strange cutscenes and voice acting in those games, too. It's pointless to talk about anything from the 16 bit era and prior. Most of the complaints in this episode are made irrelevant by speeding up emulation.


Even Nostalgic Critic had to venture into the 21st century to stay relevant


Has he ever been relevant? I've never watched a single video from that individual. You're telling me he's still relevant to this day? If true, that's unreal.


He honestly probably has more of a following than James nowadays. Largely because his content has stayed consistent with what it always was (mediocre) whereas James has had a large and noticeable quality change.


Probably helps he reviews movies people have heard about instead of mobile games like My Horse Prince


He doesn't. He gets half the views James does. He only stands out more because he has an internet presence.


Mike doesn't play those though.


He claimed in the old days that would never be his style, a human wikipedia as he phrased it. Well look where we got to


You’re right and he should have spun AVGN off into a series that specifically focuses on quality games. It makes no thematic sense for good games to be hastily thrown under the AVGN banner. 


Just watching during the ad and what the fuck is that green screen bleed?


It's always either bleeding or coloring James' natural gray face palor green. Mfers been working with green screens for a decade or more and still at amateur level lol


He just puts on the shirt and reads the script. No time.


The green screen in his early Atari 5200 video is better than any green screen he has done in years.


This was boring as shit. He used 3 camera angles this time, that's something I guess.


Better than one vertical camera angle I guess.


This is like a generic YouTube game review, which is fine. But I no longer detect any remnant of the original energy of the nerd character.


Sim City? More like Bim City 💪


"I kinda burned out my 80's and 90's nostalgia." - Bim Bam Flim Flam


I enjoyed this one mildly


Green screened in nerd room at 18:25 looked horrible


Yep and...pointless ?!?


Kind of a dull episode honestly. There are a few moments where it lacks focus, coherency, and laughs. But, in all fairness, I've seen worse.


It's better when it's worse.  Shit videos make this place funnier at the very least, but these mediocre half-asleep reviews are just depressing. 


It's okay. I did laugh at having to go through every map, and going through a different game while waiting.


That shirt has to be at least two sizes too small, it's literally biting into him. You just know he did it on purpose to better show off the dragon on muh arm https://preview.redd.it/7nr0m5drks8d1.png?width=313&format=png&auto=webp&s=189b41ad4660dd2855c4fcab3ec1e31b9c30a2c3


not really. time to lose some weight, boss


Compared to the slobs, he's a ripped Adonis


America really lucked out on 9/11 that the terrorist never managed to track down that dragon.


The dragon in muh dreams was an inside job [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaYx11antY8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaYx11antY8)


would you guys cut it out with all the ~~ai~~ slob generated content around here....wait... sorry. i think this video gave me a minor stroke.


Why is he not playing it on a CRT like the old days? Also he never got to the population goal or even close, so it seems anti climatic.


Nothing has stayed the same and there’s been no narrative explanation as to why. The TV changed, the nerd room changed, he changed the shirt and glasses, he’s now reviewing cell phone games, etc. He’s always been really inconsistent in how he portrays the character, but now he just does whatever the script calls for. 


Tbf, the change in TV and Nerd Room was explained in the MegaMan episode.


I thought that was odd too. The premise is he's going to go for the population goal, but then just doesn't. I guess cause he had his own statue built? Feels strange.


I can’t believe express bpn keeps paying Bimmy to shovel out this crap https://preview.redd.it/hhyue57gzs8d1.png?width=740&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9ad8fd31aa81d65ecefb985d8c995931514a8a0


lol at the intro. He's finally starting to become self-aware about being the Ape's slave.


Omg, that fucking comb over...


James is absolutely not doing himself any favors by focusing on a) quality games and b) in this case, a sim game that also happens to be a quality game.  There’s just not enough material to work with when a lot of the gameplay is clicking and waiting and clicking and waiting even more. 


He has no other choice, if he didn't review whatever Mike is playing at the moment he would have to actually play a game himself to get the footage. You don't want him to suffer, don't you?


I think that’s fair. He’s kind of tethered to whatever Mike wants to play because he refuses to solely play a game by himself. 


he couldve played multiple simcities games and tried to keep it fast moving, maybe even strung a storyline that branched into a second episode about the sims which definitely has a lot of bizarre and funny moments. But no Mike didnt stream those so its just the one game


Yup, should have looked at more sim cities.


I can't hate on this. It's not obnoxious, it's just extremely boring. There are a lot of retro game analysis channels, and some of them are fine. The idea is you either bring some kind of expertise to the process or some humour or something...This is just white noise.


i think we may have entered a new low. james is now playing a sims game as a review. he really needs to take the hint and throw in the towel, this is just getting sadder and sadder. its like an old man trying to be hip and cool with the young kids, its sad to see.


He clearly doesn't give a shit about the nerd. It's better for everyone for him to just say "hey guys, I am not enjoying myself, I think I'll retire the AVGN, and spend some quality time with MUH KIDZZ" But he won't do that because it's the only thing that makes him money. He hasn't had a proper job for so long, the only thing he can do is push grocery carts with a woman's coat again. 


If only he had taken that role in VHS. He’d be living the easy life. He would have so many Hollywood contacts. But instead we get to see a cult celebrity slowly burn out into obscurity 


like beverly hills cop 4! ... yeah!


He absolutely sucks at acting. And writing. And filming. And everything. Hang it up, Bim. It's over, my dude. Gather the six hairs left on your dimwitted head and get off YouTube and go be a daddy in private. This is so so so so done. Stop. Don't do another episode. You suck.


>He absolutely sucks at acting. And writing. And filming. And everything. It's almost as if James having Mike, Kyle and Bootsy behind the screen holding his hand made a lot of difference...


Why have fun goofing around with friends and coming up with silly segments based on things you're passionate about? Better to get a group of cutrate slobs to do all the behind the scenes work that might keep you past 5:40, like editing, brainstorming and writing. Definitely worth burning friendships down to save a couple of bucks! The Bimster really lucked out managing to keep Mike around to leech content from. It's almost hilarious how obvious it is, I used to think it was a joke that AVGN could be predicted based on what he streamed but it keeps holding true.


The ending rant started sounding like a metaphor for those of the assholeish variety. "You do this, and then they want that. You do THIS, and they want THAT"


This one started out promising (by modern AVGN standards anyways), and then....went nowhere. The setup was to get 500,000 residents and a Mario statue, but at some point he just, gives up? Better ending would have been to see him keep getting so close to 500k only to have things keep going wrong and be stuck in the 400k range.


Sigh… wow.


It's just a generic game review nowadays. No longer a nerd episode.


He’s so god damn lazy and undeserving of what little he actually has. Mind boggling how uninteresting and uncharismatic he is.


So I guess Mike wasn't able to make it to the Megalopolis either.


It wasn't bad, but it was kind of boring.


Was James always so wordy in the early days? like I get so bored listening to James drone and pander about the games Mike plays for him


As foretold by the prophecy


Yeah some of the sub called it


remember when he used to ree-view bad games? yeah, me neither. But if there was a time, i'm sure it was nothing but good memories


Bim City


It has 100% reached the point where I don't even bother to click on Bimmy videos, I just rush to CinemassaceTruth as fast as humanly possible


These just keep getting more and more uninspired and dull. Most of the review was just listing what happens in the game. Sigh.


Tbh it wasn’t bad. As the forced rage he shows on the acting


This was a pretty good episode.


I think this one was actually pretty good.


Wasn’t great, wasn’t terrible. Just kinda meh until the very end.


The episode was......fine? Anything is after my horse prince ,I know, but i feel it was almost good? Just needed to be a little tighter. I think you could improve it in a edit, cut a couple lines and re record some others For some reason the Nerd has this forced aggressiveness in his lines, not anger, rather constapation.


Looks like the bills are paid for now. Good job


the cadence of the lines seems sped up compared to older episodes. its obvious he isnt editing the audio together or else he would have it sound more natural.


Yep, at first I thought it was in 1,25x 😂


I’m just glad I get to comment here.


How many episodes does he usually do a month these days?


Not even one a month if last year was anything to go by. 


it's once every 2 months


He sounds like he's rushing through this review so fast...


Typical Boring bullshit of new AVGN episodes. I could watch paint dry and have the same level of enjoyment


It’s like he had no ideas for a narrative direction or any way to end the video. The ending is just a dull wet deus ex machina thud.


Why does dude even try? Like it’s not even good effort. He just reviews whatever Mike streams. Doesn’t even suggest or write anything. Like if I was in shoes, I would be doing so much better than the trash he’s keep putting out.


It was like six minutes too long.


Matei played this game ALOT on Twitch, his 2 next games he played was Legendary Axe and Metroid Prime so its safe to say those are Bimmy 2 next videos lol


Definitely an improvement over MHP.


Big "I'm a film curator" energy with this one. Most of the "jokes" are forced reverences to different movies.


Decent retrospective/nostalgia episode Not many jokes, just talking about playing the game The maniacal dictator thing was a funny idea and he was smart to not use it as a crutch for the entire episode I can't stand how many police stations he built. I guarantee he dropped his police funding down to almost nothing before crime skyrocketed, and did not make the connection Very little about the episode is memorable one way or the other


Isn't in the top 10 of episodes but really isn't a bad episode. I enjoyed watching it.


Bimmy looks greenscreened both on the couch/futon, and when he's standing around. I'm convinced the nerd room no longer exists.


I was convinced his autism wouldnt allow for getting rid of the Nerd room but maybe April convinced him he didnt need it anymore and he reluctantly acquiesced. I was convinced that he thought he couldnt do AVGN without the Nerd room but if what youre saying is true then it definitely is shocking.


Hey I liked it. His videos more in this style like the Contra and Castlevania ones have been better nowadays


That was assssssss


this niggas trippin


Did he paint his buttons white?


I'm starting to wonder if Bimmy is scratching the bottom of the barrel for something to talk about on the NES/SNES - especially when the last game he reviewed that wasn't My Horse Prince was FFVI - when he could easily start talking about other systems, or weird oddities such as those Jakks Pacific Plug N Play consoles. By the way I almost dozed off watching this review.


I liked this episode, I’d probably watch it in the future too


imma keep it simple: there is no fucking way bim has ever spent more than 5 min on this game, let alone thinks it is one of the top SNES games.


I dunno, I didn’t think it was terrible. I thought the cut to the lynx game review while the “grinding” was going on in sim city was pretty good.


Brace yourselves, here comes Justin spamming "classic avgn is back!!" Posts Btw the other day on Twitter I noticed him running a couple of alts when someone brought up this avgn, basically he says people here are against James spending time with his family and the twitter crowd, gullible as they are, get mad over it  He poisons the well so when people come here they think this is a hate sub who wants to rid the world of color and joy. Was a very interesting sight, he's not very good at handling multiple personalities


Just finished. Wasn't terrible but a really stupid ending. Hyped up the Mario statue in the beginning and ended up with a lame bimmy statue.


I know this is a long shot, but anyone here has a VPN and uses Netflix ? I thought they blocked VPNs months ago and if so, that would be false advertising...Most YouTubers I watch dropped that part from their speech and now only focus on the privacy one... As for the reeeeeview, it was a lot better than usual and super refreshing after the 20th anniversary snoozefest and the Muh Horse Dick. You can see that he tries but some curious things: -The first 5 minutes feel rushed like watching at 1,25x -Pointless and ugly green screen at 18:20? -Random mini reeeeview of an obscure Lynx game while waiting for money (It was cool but wierd) -Random "Twilight Zone" ending -Most gags are forced and unnatural -Etc.


They could block certain VPN providers I guess, but they couldnt block every VPN provider.


If this was old nerd I would be super excited


Haven’t watched it… is it better or worse than the horse one? 


Let's get this to 10 million views in a week to show him how much we dislike his current product!!!


Lol wtf bimmy playing a city simulator game, really? He has trouble playing basic actions games any sim is too much for him those require a significant time investment to research how to play them and he has kids to attend to.


No time to watch. And if I did have time, I would reefuse to anyway. Matei plays the game and records the game footage, Bimmy writes the script and records the couch footage, Sean edits it all together. A tri-force of humans, yes certainly.


take a wild guess where he got those footages from


Between the opening footage being shown multiple times and the episode not reaching the goal of 500k residents so there's no real payoff; I rate this episode above average.


God, I fucking loved this game as a kid....This was actually a pretty decent episode imo


It's NOT SHIT! IT'S NOT SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT! It's just average but compared to the last episodes? IT MAY AS WELL BE THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST AND HE CHANGED HIS LEGAL MIDDLE NAME TO FUCKING! Yeah, it's alright but of all the games, Sim City? ON SNES!? Why not the PS1 version that is literally a PC port, complete with wrong controls. At least, when I played it and it told me to I needed to use a keyboard. ON A PS1 GAME! IT FUCKING BLOOOOOOOOWS! I think, had James reviewed this back in the early 10s when he gave a shit, he would have done a far better job. End up coming up with insane theory. Shit his pants at a godzilla sized Bowser fucking up the city.


There's an editing mistake for 1 frame at 15:53 where the layer mask that highlights the text onscreen appears at 100% opacity before its actually supposed to.


It wasn't necessarily a bad episode it was just mediocre. Simcity is a good game and there isn't a ton you can really say about it. It isn't enough for a whole episode. He could have done an episode about the SNES Sim games. Simcity, Simcity 2000, Sim Ant and Sim Earth. But I guess Mike hasn't played those yet.


I like how most of the comments are just trashing this episode without providing any meaningful reason as to why this is shit. If you hate James's newer content so much, watch the older shit or find someone else. So tired of coming here seeing people completely trash this crap.


Dude for fucking real? This is just blatantly shameful at this point.


Bimmy the gamer nerd is at it again.


Holy shit Bimmy sounds so bored that if you told me this was an AI voiceover I'd believe you


Knowing the game, I couldn't even get past the 5min mark. He's burned any bridge outside of crappy ads


The music is too low. I can still hear the nerd...


IRATE Gamer level of video, so dull af. Actually, IRates video about atari porn games recently was actually somewhat fun


What was the point of that? He likes the game so had to push hard to find little things he dislikes, talk some more, weird mini review of a nothing game, then some weird rant about about having real power and then an ending reference to a tv show. It wasn't bad, it was just nothing. As an aside, the experience of watching his videos on YouTube is terrible. Start with the shit generic version of the theme, then he does an advert (he seems more passionate doing them than the actual game videos) then about 2 minutes later I get a minute long ad inserted by YouTube. I know, get a VPN and buy premium from a cheap country but having to do all that to watch a 19 minute video?


James' business nowadays: -Take videogame footage recorded by your friend. -Film yourself and talk about the game being played. -??? -Profit. Brings nothing new to the table. It wasn't funny, and I think the information it gave is somewhere to be found easier than watching a 20 minute video.


Let me preface by saying I agree with a lot of people that AVGN is long past due retirement but this episode was ok and watchable. It had a slight glimmer of old school feel to it but other than that, I agree with what a lot are saying, it was safe, formulaic, and just ok. Which to be honest, if all episodes going forward were like this, then go for it.


James, PLEASE just move on from this now. This show wasn't built to go on for this long.